HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3381 Y • ~ FLED FOR RECORD 88 OGT 19 PIS 2 28 WASHINGTON CO AR ORDINANCE NO . 3381 A. KOLLMEYER AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A LOCAL SALES ( GROSS _ RECEIPTS ) AND USE TAX ; CALLING AND SETTING A DATE FOR A SPECIAL ELECTION TO REFER SAID LEVY MKROF1tR� TO A VOTE OF THE PEOPLE ; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . ( a ) Subject to the limitation prescribed by paragraph ( b ) of this section , there is hereby levied a local sales ( gross receipts ) tax at the rate of one percent ( 1 % ) on the receipts of the sale at retail within the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , of all items which are subject to taxation under the Arkansas Gross Receipts Tax Act of 1941 , Act 386 of the 1941 Acts of Arkansas , as said Act has been heretofore or may be hereinafter amended ; and that there is hereby imposed an excise tax on the storage , use , or other consumption within the City of tangible personal property purchased , leased , or rented from any retailer from outside the state for storage , use , or other consumption in the City at a rate of one percent ( 1 % ) of the sale price of the property or , in the case of leases or rentals , of said lease or rental price , which tax shall be collected according to the terms , procedures and regulations of the Arkansas Compensating Tax Act of 1949 , Act 487 of the 1949 Acts of Arkansas , as said Act has been heretofore or may hereinafter be amended . ( b ) The aforesaid sales and use tax shall be levied and collected only to a maximum tax of $ 25 . 00 on each single trans - action , and vendors shall be responsible for collecting and remitting the tax only to the maximum of $ 25 . 00 for each single transaction . Vendors collecting , reporting , and remitting said taxes shall show said taxes as a separate entry on the tax report form filed with the Commissioner of Revenues . ( c ) The term " single transaction" shall be defined according to the nature of the goods purchased , as follows : ( 1 ) When two or more devices in which , upon which , or by which any person or property is , or may be , transported or drawn , including but not limited to on- road vehicles , off - road vehicles , or farm vehicles , whether required to be licensed or not , airplanes , water vessels , motor vehicles , or non-motorized vehicles , or mobile homes , are sold by a seller , each individual unit , whether part of a " fleet " sale or not , shall be considered a single transaction . ( 2 ) Charges for utility services which are furnished on a continuous service basis , whether paid daily , weekly , monthly or annually , shall be computed in daily increments , and each such daily charge increment shall be considered to be a single transaction . The total amount of the City sales and use tax for each billing cycle may be computed as the lesser of either one percent ( lo ) of the total charge for the billing cycle , or $ 25 . 00 multiplied by the number of days in the billing cycle . ( 3 ) For sales of building materials and supplies to contractors , builders , or other persons , a single transaction shall be considered to be any single sale made on a single day which is reflected on a single invoice or receipt on which an aggregate sales or use tax figure has been reported and remitted to the State . ( 4 ) When two or more items of major household applian- ces , commercial appliances , major equipment or machinery are sold , each individual unit shall be considered to be a single transaction . The total amount of the City sales and use tax LIB[B129IN' GE852 y. - 2 - due may be computed as the lesser of either one percent ( 1 % ) of the total amount of the invoice , or $ 25 . 00 multiplied by the number of individual units listed on the invoice . ( 5 ) For groceries , drugs , dry goods and other tangible personal property and / or services not otherwise expressly covered hereby , a single transaction shall be deemed to be any single sale on a single day which is reflected on a single invoice or receipt on which an aggregate sales tax figure has been reported or remitted to the State . Section 2 . A special election be , and the same is hereby called to be held in the City on the 8th day of November , 1988 , at which election there will be submitted to the electors of the City the questions of ( a ) levying a local sales and use tax at the rate of one percent ( 1 % ) , and ( b ) issuing capital improvement revenue bonds secured by a pledge of a portion of the City ' s 1 % local sales and use tax , if approved , to finance the acquisition , construction , reconstruction and equipping of educational facili - ties for the Fayetteville School District , Section 3 . The questions shall be placed on the ballot for the election in substantially the following form : FOR adoption of a 1 % local sales and use tax within the City to be levied and collected to a maximum of $ 25 . 00 on each single transaction` for a period of 20 years . AGAINST adoption of a 1 % local sales and use tax within the City to be levied and collected to a maximum of $ 25 . 00 on each single transaction for a period of 20 years . Collection of the 1 % local sales and use tax will not commence until collection of the City ' s existing 1 % local sales and use tax shall have ceased . It is proposed that proceeds from the tax be used to finance a capital improvement program and economic development program ( capital facilities ) for the City . FOR the issuance of revenue bonds secured by a pledge of a portion of the City ' s 1 % local sales and use tax , if approved , to finance the acquisition , construction , reconstruction and equipping of $ 10 , 000 , 000 . 00 in educational facilities for the Fayetteville School District . AGAINST the issuance of revenue bonds secured by a pledge of a portion of the City ' s 1 % local sales and use tax , if approved , to finance the acquisition , construction , reconstruction and equipping of $ 10 , 000 , 000 . 00 in educational facilities for the Fayetteville School District . Section 4 . The election shall be held and conducted and the vote cast and the results declared under the law and in the manner provided for municipal elections , so far as the same may be applicable . Only qualified electors of the City shall have the right to vote at the election . Section 5 . The results of the election shall be pro- claimed by the Mayor . The Mayor ' s Proclamation shall be published one ( 1 ) time in a newspaper having general circulation in the City . LIBFR INIPAGE853 - 3 - Section 6 . A copy of this ordinance shall be furnished to the Washington County Board of Election Commissioners so that the necessary election officials and supplies may be provided . Section 7 . In the event a majority of the qualified electors voting on the question vote for the adoption of a one percent ( 1 % ) local sales and use tax within the City , said tax shall become effective , enforceable , and collectible on the date collection of the City ' s existing 1 % local sales and use tax ceases . Section 8 , The Board of Directors hereby determines that the City of Fayetteville is in dire need of additional capital improvements ; that an appropriate way to provide funds for such improvements is by the levying of a sales and use tax on the gross receipts from businesses within the City ; and , that this ordinance needs to be given effect at the earliest possible date so that ; essential capital improvements may be constructed as soon as possible . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the public health , safety and welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED this 4th day of October 1988 APPROVED y By : y ' IQ Mayor ATTEST I L k _. . . IIBER 1291FIGE854 QFrf 'w -1 - e. ro(7 CERTIFICATE OF RECORD i, Alma Kollmoyer, Circuit Clerk and State of Arkansas Ex-officio Recorder for Washington County, SS City of Fayetteville Arkansas, do hereby certify that this in- sbummu was filed for record in my office 4 Suzanne C. McWethy, City Clerk and as indicted hereon and the same is now Ex-Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, cludy recorded with the acknowledgement do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- asid certificate thereon in Record Book and going is of record In my office and the same ap- page as indicated thereon. pears in � � Ordinance & Resolution book IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto in _X X I_Y._ at page 3 f 7� � � Witness my sel my hand and affixed the seal of said Ilan 8 d seal this `1�l� day of Court on the date indicated hereon. jn 15FF Alma Kollmeyer C Circuit Clark and City Clerk and Ex-Officio Re rder Ex-officio Rocoraer• by J UK MIM1N,ssil.G ,•a. ...,, AN . ORDINANCE LEVY- I tion be, and the same is ING A LOCAL SAI hereby called t0 be held in (GROSS RECEIPVW AND! the City on the 8th day Of ,tiSE TAX( ,CALLING AND ' November, - 1988,, at-which _ SE7TiNG ,A DATE• FORA election there' will bd- sub--' STATE OI ARKANSAS 'SPECIAL. ELECTION TO ;miffed to the StationofThe es. REFER SAID LEVY TO A, ,City the, questions of (a) Ir 'VOTE, OF THE PEOPLE : Vying a:local sales and' use: County Of WaShingtOn AND DECLAR I " ' iN' Itax at the rate of one percent , EMERGENCY)rw;ta4i16:`}I x.(1%), and (b) Issuing capital , 'BE IT ORDAINED ' Sy Improvement revenue bondsi hereby certify that I THE BOARD OF . DIREC-. ,tSekd a the City's pludgelof a por- I' � L C t- I-- TORS OF THE CITY OF; am the publisher of E NORTHWEST ARKU NS1 AS TIMES, a daily newspaper :I F A Y. E T T E' V 'L LE, sales and use tax,.if approv- Y news P P ARKANSAS: . ' % ': ed, �to finance the acquisl- having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of SKflon 1. (a) Soacl ro tion , construction ; five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (dally) the limitation prescribed by .reconstruction_ and equipp- I Intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas paragraph )ti) a cols. sac- ',Ing of educational Fayetle School for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an ies tion, there is hereby Ievietl a for the Fayetteville School , local sales (gross receipts) . District. - . ' ",I ' • established lace of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes tax at the rate of one percent Section 3. The questions . P g y (1%) ,on the receipts or The shall be placed on the ballot . In the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per sale at retail within me City, for the election In subtler- annum, which price was fixed at what Is considered the value of the publication, of Fayetteville; Arkansas,,Of ' liallY the following form: , ., y:; all Items which are subjects FOR ^° 1 --: based upon the news Value and service value It contains, thatatleast flftypercent to taxation under the Arkan: - adoption of b '1% ' local of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper 'sat Gross Receipts Tax Act, Sales and use tax wlMin the of 196t Act 386 of,rhe 1961 City to be levied and; col- . or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six Acts of Arkansas, as sold jetted to a maximum Of months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty Act has been heretofore or !f25'o on each single trans percent news matter. maybe, hereinafter amen-: rrctlon for a perh0,of ' c0 ed: and that there.ts hereby lyean. ' ' imposed an excise tax on me AGA7NST'�"' storage, use, or other can. adoption - e I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached to the matter of of `'1% • local . sumption wMhfn the C)ty of ?ales and use tax within the - tangible personal Drolx-•rtY City t0 be levied and ! col- , purchased, leased, or rented Oected to a� maximum of, from, any retailer from out. actio of each single trans- side me'state for storage, ,action ford a Perin of 20 use. or other consumption in 'Years: 1�CIC t.,. was published In the renewspaper the City-at a. rate of one.per- Collection of the 1% . local P regular daily Issue of said for ' cent (1%);of the sale price of sales and use tax will not consecutive Insertions as follows: '/� the property or, in the case commence unit collection of /r�.l! ) yl of leases or rentals, of said the City's existing 1% heal Q/// C' 'lease or rental price, which ceased. itu Is Pro0osed fiat The first insertion On the Lday OI jg ' tax shall be collected actor-• proceeds from the tax be us- 'regulations terms,, .pro- D ' cetlures. and Of ed to finance a capital im- the second insertion on the day of 19 ire Arkansas Compensating Ttroiremant program .end ' economic development pro- Tax Act Of 1969, act /87 of the 1919. Acts ;of- Arkansas, as gram (capital facilities) for the third insertion On the day Of 19 said Act has been heretofore the City. - OR or may - herelnaftarheel tock, ill ince of ' revenue and the fourth insertion on the day of— , 1$ Antencid(b) The' aforesaid solesbonds secured by a pledge of and use tax shall be levied, a- portionof the City's 196 ./. - - and'collected only to a'mak- 'local teles and use tax, if ' inlum tax of. $25.00.on each approved, to finance the ac- ' single transaction,,and van quisitionsk construction, Sworn to and subscribed before me Ihls��^�' dors shall be responsible for reconstruction and equlpP- (', day Of collecting and remitting the :Ing of $10,000,000.00 In e- '/ . t� 1q a tax only to The maximum Of' educational facilities for the k L $25.00 for each single trans ' Fayetteville School . action. Vendors collecting, District.. . .•{,a Syi,..tn ) reporting, and remitting AGAINST said taxes shall show Mid the Issuance of - revenue C;lt' taxes as a separate entry on. bonds secured by a Pledge Of N0 ry Public , the tax report form filed a portion of the City's 1% , With the Commission, of local sales and use- tax, if My Commission Expires: Revenues ,�.j:5 "; :•" -9 'approved6 to finance the ac- ,. P f ( , Yi(U ,The *°,term ".'single quisltlon, construction, i_ / • . transacttod" shall 'be�denn. reconstruction and equiPP- � adaccordingtothenatureof 'Ing of $70,000,000.00 ink . the , goods ;purchased, ' as educational facilities for the . follows: �� "' - "` Fayettevillecschoot (1) ,, Whentwo orimore District. deviCes,'. 10 ' Which, upon Section . 6. - The election which; or by which any per, shall be held and conducted sod or.'property ,is„or' may and the vote cast and the Fees for Printing _ J ' tie; transported or drawn,, results declared under the Including but hot If Mited to , " law and in the manner pro- on-road ' vehicles, off-road vided for municipal Slack Cost of Proof _ 5 vehicles, or farm vehiCles. l tions, So for as the same whether required to be [ may be applicable. Only licensed .or , not, airplanes, . qualified electors of the CItY Total —. water . vessels, motor vehl- shall have the right to vote . cies, or non-motor @etl vehi- attheelectlon. .. ' cies, or mobile homes, ere' Section 5. The results Of sold by a seller, each intll- the election shall be pro- vidual unit, whether pert of claimed by the Mayor. The a,-fleet” sale or not, shall be Mayor's Proclamation shall considered a., single trans be published one (1) time in ; action. `w : Yt'3 •c. a newspaper having general (2) Charges for utlnt ser' circulation in the City. vices Which are furnished on Section 6. A copy, Of this a continuous seryice. basis, ordinance Washington oe County rnished whether paid dally,'weekly,' I monthly or annually, shall Board Of Election Commis- ' Sbe computed In,daily Incre- stoners so that the necessary mens, and each wah'da)IY electlan officials and SUP, • charge .increment'.3halt .,be - plleSmaybeprovided. ; considered to be a single section 7. In the event a' , transaction . The- total malorlty of -the ' qualified i amount of the City sales and, elector voting all the quer. fuse tax foreach billing cycle- lion vote for the adoption of maybe - computetl ,as. thf • a one percent (1%) local lesser of either One percent sales and use tax within the 5(1%) OI the total charge for City, acid tax shall become me billing cycle,''o/' $25.Oe' effective, enforceable, and multiplied by the number of collectible on the data col- daysinthebillingcycle. – )action of the City's existing (3) For, sales of buildih0 1% local sales an use tax .. 1 . . an ` �anollM 'b-� reaflt. +. •.A ..S. a ' use tax for earn mumu cviceV • III,., •• -- - - may be computed as the aone percent 0%) local lesser of either one Percent sales and use tax Within the (1%) of the total charge for City. Said tax Shall become r -the--JbIlling cycle;=Of $25.00effective, enforceable, and ' multiplied by the number of collectible on the date col- - " days In rhebmm9 cycle. ..n lection of Me City's existing *p);For wales of IS lid Ing 1% lace, sales and use tax materials end Suppllea 'to. ceares:'.}> di. .`aT P-+"" ( contractors, '.bullders, ` br Section 8. The Board of - : i other persons; a single Directors hereby deter. transaction shall be 'conSid- mines that the City of Fayet- . ered' to be any single sale tevlllelslndireneedofaddi- made on a single day which Clonal capital Improve- - Is reflectedMa single In- Improve- ments; that an appropriate In- voice or receipt on which an way to provide funs for aggregate sales Or Seee . tax Such levying of eaments Is saes and the use figure has been repdrtedan tax on the gross receipts remitted to the State. ' (4) When two or more from buainesses' within the items Of major household nen ce and, athat this given Of- equipment Commerce, ep-' fact at the earliest Possible pllances, major egulpment or machinery are Said, each date so that is may capital individual unit shall be con°' structed as sc as be C011- 51dered to be a single trans- strutted as soon as possible.. action. The total amount Of Therefore, an emergency Is the CITY Sales and use tax hereby declared to exist and - due maybe computed as.the this ordinance being nacos- .: ' lesser of either o_na percent SarY for the Public health, ,. (1%) of the total amount of Safety an Welfare shall be the invoice, or-•335.00 in full force and effect from multiplied by the number Of and aftell Passage an .( intlivitlual units (fated on the, approval. ' ' "' ' Invoice. ' :'3i�x )�:'. PASSED AND APPROVE (5) For groceries; drutD, -EO this Ola deY of O[tnDer.'% dry goods and other TangiblO, 1998- - "APPROVED,a, personal property •.end/or By: Marilyn Johnson-. Services not otherwiSe ex= Mayor " pressly cover ad hereby, e' ATTEST. - "Gq single transatlion shall be By Suzanne MCWethy� - �.fx'�' deemed to be any single sale J'• '1'" on a single day wbich•db CItY Clerk "+r,:a"` reflected on a single invoice 'or receipt on Which an ag- gregate Sales tax figure hes been reported or remitted to the State. r. •�.+avl t C C _f _ tC IN ��