HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3368 FLED FOR RECORD 88 OCT 19 P(l 2 26 WASHINGTON 00 AR ORDINANCE NO . 3368 A. KOLLIAEYER AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE VALUE OF BENEFITS MICR0F1WtD TO BE RECEIVED BY EACH LOT , BLOCK , AND PARCEL OF LAND WITHIN WEDINGTON DRIVE SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT N0 , 1 OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS . WHEREAS , more than a majority in value of the property owners to be effected by and situated in Wedington Drive Sewer Improvement District No . 1 of Fayetteville , Arkansas , organized for the purpose of designing and constructing a sewer collection system , and all necessary appurtenances thereto , and to perform all necessary or desirable legal , equitable , and other matters in connection therewith , as determined to be appropriate by the Board of Improvement of said sewer district , to be part of the system of this city , have petitioned the governing body of this city for the construction of said improvement , and that the cost thereof be assessed upon the real property of said district according to the benefits received ; and WHEREAS , the Fayetteville Board of Directors established the district by passing the Ordinance No . 3272 on June 2 , 1987 ; and WHEREAS , the Commissioners of the district have made and filed plans for the improvements with the City Clerk and have reported to the Board of Directors the estimated cost of the improvements ; and WHEREAS , the assessments have been duly made by the Board of Assessors of the District , who were appointed by the Board of Directors of this city , and said assessments have been filed in the office of the City Clerk pursuant to law , and notice of such filing was duly published in the Northwest Arkansas Times , a newspaper published in and of general circulation in the city of Fayetteville , Arkansas , on the 11th day of July , 1988 ; and WHEREAS , the benefits received by each and every block , lot and parcel of real property situated in the District equal or exceed the local assessment thereon ; and WHEREAS , the estimated cost of the improvements to the District is $ 1 , 200 , 000 . 00 ; and WHEREAS , the assessed benefits amount to $ 1 , 693 , 089 . 00 . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : LIBFR1291P A33 - 2 - Section 1 . That said several blocks , lots and parcels of real property in said district be assessed according to the assessment list for said improvement district as the same now remains in the office of the City Clerk , and that four and one- half percent ( 4 . 58 ) of the assessment of each block , lot and par - cel shall be collected by the County Collector with the first installment of general taxes becoming due in the year 1989 and annually thereafter with the first installment of general taxes until the whole of the local assessments shall be paid . Section 2 . That all ordinances and resolutions and parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict . PASSED AND APPROVED this 16th day of August , 1988 . APPROVED _ BY � yAJ Mayy r EIBER ����P1GEC7�'} r , CERTIFICATE OF RECORD 1, Alma Kollmeyer, Circuit Clark and State of Arkansas Ex-officio Recorder for Washington County, SS Arkansas, do hereby certify that this ir- City of Fayetteville strument was filed for record in my office I, Suzanne C. MCWethy, City Clerk and as indicated hereon and the same is now Ex-Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, duly recorded with the acknowledgement do hereby certify that the annexed Or fore- and certificate thereon in Record Book and going is Of record in my office and the same ap- page as indicated thereon. pears in Ordinance & Resolution book IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto X )( / at page36 -2 Witness my set my hand and affixed the seal of said 2 Court on the date indicated hereon. hand and seal this day of Alma Kollmeyer n 1/ Circuit Clark and Exofficio Recorder City erk a; d Ex Gf:irio R, e* by Ln 4 . -- 4 ORDINANCE NO. 7368 I AN ORDINANCE ASSESS-1 • ING THE VALUE OF BENEFITS TO BE [ STATE of ARKANSAS RECEIVED BY EACH LOT, ' t' BLOCK, AND PARCEL OF as. L' A 'N D W I T H I N WEDINGTON DRIVE County of Washington SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO . 1 OF F A Y E T T E V I L L E , .1_I(„ Q-�(�.�(-L- ARKANSAS. I• �(- (_ hereby certify that I WHEREAS, more than a am the publisher of Vf E NORTHWEST ARKAN AS TIMES, adaily newspaper majority In value of The I having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of property owners to tie ef- Pg fected by and situated In five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) Wedington Drive Sewer Im- Intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas proverFayetteville, District No.sas 1 of r- for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an Fayetteville, Arkansas, or- gan(zed for the purpose of established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes Sewer igning ercollantl collection constructing d in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed sewer collection system, and price per all necessary appurtenances annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, thereto, and to perform all based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent necessary or desirable legal, equitable, and other matters of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper In connection therewith, as or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six 'determined to be ap- propriate of months; and that the said newspaper ublishes an avers a of more than forty determi a the Board ofP g Improvement of said sewer percent news matter. district, to be part of the - system of this city, have petitioned the governing I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of body of This city for the con- struction of said improve- ment, and that the Cost CA ��//� ' thereof be assessed upon the (J� L2LA , e e� �Q � � (g 'real property of said district according to the benefits rece(veREAS h e t.F y was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for WHEREAS, 'The i Faget- consecutive Insertions as follows: btabl Board of Directors • eslaDllahetl the district by Panlny the-Ordinance No. i The first insertion on the day of 19 3172 on June 2, 19117; antl WHEREAS, the Commis- stoners of the district have the second Insertion on the day of 19 madfile Improvements and encs plans for the Improvements with the City the third Insertion on the day Of 19 Clerk and have reported to the Bof rectors the estimatedated cast of the im- and the fourth insertion on the __.dav—o� Orovemave and � ` WHEREAS, the assess- ' mems have been dulyAssessors rs of 'by th the Board of Assessors pf the District, Who were eD- a0 'pointed by. the Boars of Sworn to and subscribed betore me n this day of / Diret cl o/ this city, and ;Said assessments have been 5 p' ';filed in the office of the City lq tLp__ ;Clerk pursuant to law, and notice of sura filing was duly .published in the Northwest 'Arkansas Times, a newapa- Public .per Published in and of gen- N a }• eral circulation In the city of :Fayetteville, Arkansas, on My Commission Expires: :me 11th day of July, 1968; and WHEREAS, h benefits recelvblock, to a each and every block, lot and parcel real situated Inn the I • ,l, ' ,\ ,District equall a or exceed the ,local . cel assessment thereon; / and Q p� • WHEREAS, eed Fees tot' Printing 'cost of the improvements to the District Is $1,268,00.00;0; 'and -• - • u . , , Cost of Proof _ S WHEREAS, the a �benaflis amouunntt at S1,692, .1 'total NOW,, TH THEREFORE, BE • IT ORDAINED BY THE -, BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYET- TEVILLE,1. That Mid S: Section 1. That se(tl sever- i blplots and parcels low- <els of re real proper In said district I ( a(JI�(i vie to the rt be-assessed accordingV~I , ! I-r T assessment list for said Im- provement mains as the OrT• same now remains Clerk, the and OCT fiat of The d o Clerk, and I G.`/ )i iI that four end one-half per. 1 J I I I cent of the asse - M of ' Io1 IV LJ I � meof Bac each ss block, tot and t Parcel shall be Collected by a county Collector sours � m ... the first Installment of gen- �J eral taxes becoming due in the year 1969 and annually thereafter with The first In- stallment Of general taxes 'until the 'Whole of the local assessments shall be paid. Section 2. That all oral- nances and resolutions and parts thereofI . conflict r� I Ids Ia onme I e parva. Section 2. That all ordi- nances and resolutions and Parts hereof in conflict herewltn are hereby repeal- ad To the extent of such con- f1104 PASSED AND APPROV. ED this 16th day of August, .1988. • . .• APPROVED '. z �' % "i"' ' By : Marilyn Johnson Mayor - ATTEST BY: Suzanne McWethy ' City Clerk i �