HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3356 FILED FOR RECORD 88 JUN 10 Pfd 3 45 �YASHING7pN CO AR A. KOLLMEYER ORDINANCE NO . 3356 0%0101 of AN ORDINANCE WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS OF COMPETITIVE BIDDING FOR THE PURCHASE OF READY- MIX CONCRETE . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the Board of Directors hereby waives the requirements of competitive bidding for the purchase of ready-mix concrete for one year because said requirements are not feasible as the previous purchase contract has expired and the City is in immediate need of ready-mix concrete to properly maintain streets . Section 2 . That the Board of Directors hereby determines that the City needs to immediately purchase ready-mix concrete to properly maintain City streets , that proper maintenance of City streets is essential to the public safety and welfare , and that the immediate passage of this ordinance is necessary for proper maintenance of City streets . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the public safety and welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED this 7th day of June , 1988 . APPROVED__ pp By : N( Mayor ATTVST �� It h, It V� X ' lerk »µp. LIBER 1273PAGE603 CERTIFICATE State of Arkansas OF RECORD 1• Alma Kollm City of Fayetteville Ex-officio Oyer, Circuit Clerk a5C yetteville SS Recordar for Washington C 1, Suzanne Arkansas, do harebY cervi{Y Iha1 this oun;Y, do rEx-ofn. �ebo recorde�of th C7 CItY Clerk andrsr indicated k iument was lcd for record in nsY cffice Y certif y Of Fd a du( recp a^d the samo is noir g ng is of r y that the annexedy rte, i : Y reacr,cd w,lh 7h. aahnowfedgem._.7 of pears in record in my office a °r Fore-'"d cnnd,_,I, Ph,, ,: - Ordinance & Resol and the same ap_r'aae as indicaf,d r ne:nrd Rook and ution book N hereon, hand and S at pa$e Witness , i7 ""' nd and WHEREOF, f h re hereunt , sea] this /rJ SS my, i I affixed tF.o sosl Of said n day of . daly my�°d F.cra:sy 19 < .::� City erkkM _ _ and Ex-Officio Rer l , STATE of ARKANSAS 1 . JS ee. County of Washi.. 'Cl i' . . i! 1 � I, � '�' j X- � /V J I i 1't1 et s„ hereby certify that I am the publisher of tHE NORTHWEST ARKAN&kS TIMES, a dally newspaper r-owwwarcliff Ra--trace . having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of AN OR61NANCS WAIV- five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (dal)y) 11N G.TH E-;R EOU�II E - intervals continuous) In the City of Fayetteville, Count of Washington. Arkansas MENTS OF COMPETITIVE y- y gt rB ioDmo FOR THE PUV for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an CHASE OV READY-MIX CONCRETE.' rte" ' 'r established Place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes . BE IT ORDAINED BY In the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per ' THE BOARD OF DIREC- annum, which price was fixed at what Is considered the value of the publication. 'TORS OF THE CITY OF tF AY -ET_T. EV ILLE , based upon the news valueand service value it contains. that at least fifty percent ARKANSAS--s% .--,I -- u - of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper of Dirac 1. Thatahe awes or Its agents or through recognized news dealers over a a olrecron nervy wolves 6 g g period of at least six 'the requlremeros Of. com, months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty rpeTltive Dtadmg fpr" put% percent news matter. [for of ready,mlx concrpb for one 'Year: because Sg11 requirements' are not 'fee- I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of State as the previous Pur- Phase ,cotlOaCt has expir"' i . and the city lain iTmeelaa3le k7reen of reeeh?mix _concreteC -r� Gc ->< to pprrooperly mefmalnstreet$. Seetion-f:'Tnettne -Bees / o1 -DUectbrs °h*r*by .dster was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaperfor .mlrles that iM City_needs-to P g fmmedlately Pbrcfiese consecutive insertions as follows: y-mlkrGpfeCrets tP`pI0 r. petlycmandain CIA -streets, (Q} ' that:V00e>• ,meintenant:e P1 The first Insertion on the day' of - eta 19 fL_ ..city streets is essential to the Public .safety' and wel- fare,'and thatttmImmediate the second Insertion on the day of 19 ;passegeof.dhis Prdlnence is rgeeessarY..for.propermato- tenance_Mb tlry"Sireats. the third Insertion on the day of 19 Thera4pros an emergency. Is hereby declared to ex)stand and the fourth insertion on the day nf 19 lois ordlnencdDsing;news' reery. fcr;Imi pUb1iC safetY � vrelfim%shalt 1xs: tri .full , force lmd ,eNecf .,fiem and, ' after Its Passage and a6 n fprP ". :. + '- .< - Sworn to and subscribed before me/iithis day of J, -PASSED-AND APPROV -: 1 , ED this 7th day Of' ]u11e, �/ (/ f19M — — i (.C. —ki � -u.0 S cS '+- - T APPROVED •' _ 1/// -BY: Marilyn JMnson By. M ATT.EST�— , -^4G• _M1--� eU Br= Souens Cxtw .Q Not v Public itY.Cleral -= My Commission Expires: � _ Fees for Printing _ -S ' % V Cost of Proof S Total S � � c� IS0W