HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3351 FILED FOR RECORD ' 88 JUN 10 PM 3 45 WASHINGTON CO AR A . KOLLMEYER �O ORDINANCE NO , 3 � 5� AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE VALUE OF BENEFITS TO BE RECEIVED BY EACH LOT , BLOCK , AND PARCEL OF LAND WITHIN THE DICKSON STREET CENTRAL BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO , 1 OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS . WHEREAS , more than two- thirds in value of the property holders owning property adjoining the locality to be affected and situated in Dickson Street Central Business Improvement District No . 1 of Fayetteville , Arkansas , organized for the purposes of constructing within the District off - street parking lots , land- scaping , shelters , street lighting , benches , traffic lights , information booths and other improvements which may promote 1 industrial or economic development , have petitioned the governing body of the City of Fayetteville for the construction of said improvements , and that the cost thereof to be assessed upon the real property of said district according to the benefits received ; and WHEREAS , the Fayetteville Board of Directors has established the district by passing Ordinance No . 3271 on June 2 , 1987 ; and WHEREAS , the Commissioners of the district have made and filed plans for the improvements with the City Clerk and have reported to the Board of Directors the estimated cost of the improvements ; and WHEREAS , the assessments have been duly made by the Board of Assessors of the District , who were appointed by the Board of Directors , and filed in the office of the City Clerk pursuant to law , and notice of such filing was duly published in the Northwest Arkansas Times , a newspaper published in and of general circula- tion in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , on the 10th day of April , 1988 ; and WHEREAS , forty- six notices of appeal from the assessments were filed with the City Clerk ; and WHEREAS , on May 3 , 1988 , the Fayetteville Board of Directors heard appeals and reduced the assessment of benefits against property owned by Claiborne Bass from $ 11 , 870 . 00 to $ 8 , 000 . 00 ; and uw 1273PAGE595 . 2 - WHEREAS , on the following appeals , the Board of Assessors suggested , and the Fayetteville Board of Directors hereby ap- proves , reductions in the assessments of benefits as follows : Benefits as Adjusted by Original Assessors Parcel Assessment of and City Number Property Owner Benefits Board 1665 Hill , Jimmy Duane & Jeanie J . $ 5 , 058 $ 1 , 932 1671 DMC & W , Inc . 9 , 889 61889 1681 DMC & W , Inc . 61085 2 , 285 1708 Letsh , David 16 , 157 10 , 157 1709 Choffel , Donald 37 , 388 27 , 000 4435 Watson Street Apartments 61392 3 , 196 4436 Watson Street Apartments ( Included above . ) 4437 Watson Street Apartments ( Included above . ) . WHEREAS , the benefits received by each and every block , lot and parcel of real property situated in the District equal or exceed the local assessment thereon ; and WHEREAS , the estimated cost of the improvements to the District is $ 1 , 800 , 000 . 00 ; and WHEREAS , the assessed benefits as reduced by the Fayetteville Board of Directors amount to $ 1 , 956 , 781 . 00 . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That each block , lot and parcel of real property in the district be assessed according to the assessment list of the district , as revised by the Board of Directors , as the same now remains in the office of the City Clerk , and that eight percent ( 8 $ ) of the assessment of each block , lot and parcel shall be collected by the County Collector with the first installment of general taxes becoming due in the year 1989 and annually there - after with the first installment of general taxes until the whole of the local assessment shall be paid . MR 127NG696 - 3 - Section 2 . That all ordinances and resolutions and parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict . PASSED AND APPROVED this 7th day of June 1988 . APPROVED t It .WI ) By i F '� .•, MayorO C `•._ %ATTEST "/• ` ; ;- Clerk LIBER1273PAGM7 l• Alma Kollmoyor, Circuit Clerk and CERTIFICATE OF RECORD Ex-officio Recorder for Washington County, State of Arkansas SS Arkansas, do hereby certify that this in• City of Fayetteville strument was filed for record in my offices 1, Suzanne C. McWethy, City Clerk and as indicated hereon and the Mme is now Ex-Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, duty recorded with tha ackndwledgement do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- and certificate Ihcroon in Record Book and going is of record in my office and the same ap- page as indicated fharedn, pears in Ordinance & Resolution book IN WITNESS WIMUCIF, I6V. hereunto 1 - 00 my hand drld cifixed the seal of said �V at page `z 3 3� Witness my Cesar on the date rdiiat.d wanaoo, hand and seal this day of ea,e K.1knera 19 6 Cret8f Clark and C 8accrdar City Cl rk and Ex-Offirio Re <d..9r �^n — I/ ORpi N'AIPCENO. 3351 I AN ORDINANCE ASSESS- I . INO THE : VAC'UE OF - � BENE' F IT ;?ATO BE RECEIVED BY EACH LOT, BLOCK, AND PARCEL OF STATE of ARKANSAS , LAND WITHIN THE as. ' DICKSON STREET CEN- J , ' TRAL BUSINESS IM- County of Washington PROVEMENT DISTRICT. NO. 1 OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS. n WHEREAS, more than I, L` 'It- C J ! /�'") 'Z 1- t 4, hereby certify that I -_ two-thirds In value of the am the publisher of TIDE NORTHWEST ARKANSCIS TIMES, a daily newspaper property holders owning _ property adjoining the local- having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of Ity to be affected and 51tuat- five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) ed In Dickson Street Central intervals continuous) In y y g Business Improvement y the City o[ Fa Fayetteville. Count of Washington, Arkansas District No: 1 of Fayet- for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an tevfor t e, Arkansas, const uc. established lace of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes for the purposes Of organized P g y ting within the District off- In the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per street parking lots, land- annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, scaping, shelters, street lighting, benches, traffic ; based upon the newsvalueand service value it contains, that at least fifty percent lights, information booths of thesubscribers thereto have paideash for their subscriptions to thenewspaper and other ,Improvements . recognized news dealers over a period of at least six or its agents or through reco which may promote Indus- g g trial or economic develop- months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty menr, have petitioned the percent news matter. governing body of the City of Fayetteville for the con- struction of said Improve- I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of mens, and that the cost thereof to be assessed upon the real property of said & J district according to the ,� benefits received; and 't L C:�( Q -1( n ,:2 o 20 • �'�:3=� / WHEREAS, the Fayet- teville Board Of Directors was published in the regular p p has established the district P g ar daily issue of said news a erfor by pawing ordinance No. consecutive Insertions as follows: 3271on June2, 1987; antl 1 r WHEREAS, the Commis- ) jp7 stoners of the district have The first insertion on the day of19 O G made and filed plans for the improvements with the City Clerk and have reported to the second Insertion on the day of 19 the Board of Directors the- red cosy of the im- prove the third insertion on the da of 19 prHEREA and Y WHEREAS, The assess- ments have been duly made and the fourth insertion on the __ day 1g by the Board of Assessors of the District, who were ap- pointed by the Board of Directors, and filed in the of- fice of the City Clerk pur- suant to law, and notice of / such filing was duly publish- Sworn to and subscribed before me o this =1r�d� da, of ed in the Northwest Arkan. d sas Times, a newspaper — Lc... — L4. 9 �_ published in and of general circulation in the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, on the 10th day of :April, 1988; and Not r • Public WHEREAS, forty-six notices of appeal from the M}' Commission Expires: assessments were. filed with 1 the HEity Clerk; and WHEREAS, ev May 31 7988, the Fayetteville Board of Directors heard smelt and reduced the assessment i bf benefits against property owned . by Claiborne Bass ' from SlIA70.00 to 1111,000.00;. and Fees for Printing _ S . WHEREAS, on the follow. ' Ing - appeals, the Board of I Assessors suggested, and " Cost of Proof _ 5 me fors hereby Board s, Directors hereby approves, reductions the assess- 'focal mentaoftubs follows: Parcell '* Number 1665, Property Owner - Hill, Jim- my Duane 6 Jeanie J., Orig- f� 7�7 inal Assessment of Benefits I0 M 55,058, Benefits as Adjusted by Assessors and City Board I - 7,932. Parcel Number 1671 , 1988 Ij tj Property Owner DMC & W, �� �� — -� Inc., Original Assessment of I I � ' l Benefits 9,889, Benefits as it Adjusted by Assessors and City Board 6A89. i� Parcel Number 1681 , Property Owner DMC & W. - ---_._ Inc., Original Assessment of. - - - --- Benefits 6,085, Benefits as Adjusted by Assessors and City Board 2285. ; .Parcel Number 1708, Property Owner Letsh, David, Original Assessment of Benefits 16,157, Benefits : as Adjusted by Assessors .nn City BnnM 10.157. David, Original Assessment of Benefits 16057, Benelits as Adjusted by Asse;sora ' and City Board 10,157. Parcel Number 1709, Property Owner Choffel, Donald, Original Assess- men! of Benefits 37,388, ,Benefits as Adjusted by Assassors and City Board 27,000. Parcel Number 4435, Property Owner Watson Street Apartments, Original Assessment of Benefits, 6,392, Benefits as Adjusted by Assessors and City Board 3,196. Parcel Number 4436, Property Owner Watson Street Apartments (Includ- ed above.) Parcel Number 4437, Property -Owner Watson Street Apartments (Includ- ed above.) WHEREAS, the benefits received by each and every block, lot and parcel of real' property situated In the District equal or exceed the local assessment thereon; and WHEREAS, the estimated Cost of the Improvements to the District is 51,800.000.00; and WHEREAS, the assessed benefits as reduced by the Fayetteville Board of Direc- tors amount to 51,956,761.01). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYET- TEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That each block, lot and parcel of real proper- ty In the district be assessed according to the assessment list of the district, as revised by the Board of Directors, as the same now remains in the office of the City Clerk, and that eight percent (8%) of the assessment of. each block, lot and parcel shall be collected by the County Col- lector with the first Install- ment of general taxes becomingdue In the year 1989 and annually thereafter with the first installment of general taxes until the whole of the local assessment shall be paid. Section 2. That all ordi- nances and resolutions and parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby re(mal- ad to the extent of such con- flict. PASSED AND APPROV- ED tills 7th day of Jutta, 1988. APPROVED By: Marilyn Johnson Mayor ATTEST By: Suzanne C. Mc Wethy CIi Clerk 79, �c 9- o ri