HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3335 (2) 00 n c() n N car = —v ORDINANCE NO , 33360 0 � r m r M \ AN ORDINANCE WAIVING THE REQUIREME4T & EOF COMPETITIVE BIDDING FOR THE PURCHASPR r_r� F' A W MICROF��ME� SUBSCRIPTION TO THE LOGIN INFORMATION SERVIe-E . cz n cD BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Of THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the Board of Directors hereby waives the �1 requirements of competitive bidding for the purchase of a sub- scription to the Local Government Information Network ( LOGIN ) for J the reason that said requirements are not practical as Control Data Corporation is the only supplier . Section 2 . That the Board of Directors hereby authorizes the purchase of the LOGIN information service from Control Data Corporation at a total cost of $ 2 , 975 . 00 . Section 3 . That the Board of Directors hereby determines that the immediate purchase of the LOGIN information service is necessary for the City to provide efficient administrative services and that the provision of efficient administrative services is essential to the public health , safety and welfare . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the public health , safety and welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED this - 1st day of March 1988 , APPROVED By : � �- Mayor 11 AT!PESTv . F� ti CA it Y m B ✓+ r ^ %WClerk _ �u 111E11(..U4PRGE 463 r. L3 I and b Flm� RoUmeyer• Circuit Clerk CERTIFICATE OF RECORD �otfiiclo Recorder forte N itiat § in!County, Ihlc In= � • do hereby bffke State of Arkansas ( hi ser record to my City of Fayetteville ( SS wi In harem Zrd 'h0 wing 1§ 1, Suzanne C. McWethy, City Clerk and �ry rocardad dti t`4 , d e66k and Ex-Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- vase as :'-`° `cc t r1 f6 f e een+o going is of record in my office and the same ap- .N vsT"'s ' 0 � 64 said pears in Ordinance & Resolution book t ' A ` W.W60• XX / V at page 3L O , Witness my Geoff+ � :re a� hand 4pd seal this day of 8 C.J c' it LIe Y. srdl 197;7- � gym:is r� Cit Clerk and Ex-Offio Recorder by STATE of ARKANSAS 1 Jy ea. County of Washington Legal Notices ORDINANCE NO. 3336 I, it - � t ' ( t hereby certify that I ANO RDINANCNG THE REQUIREMENTSMENTS OF am the publisher o / HE NORTHWEST ARIf�NSAS TIMES. a daily newspaper COMPETITIVE BIDDING having a second class mailing privilege. an being not less than tour pages of , FOR THE PURCHASE OF five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed Idaily) A SUBSCRIPTION TO THE Intervals continuously In the City of Fayetteville. County of Washington. Arkansas ALOGINSUBS INFORMATION Y g ' SERVICE. for more than a period of twelve months, Circulated and distributed from an . BEE IT ORDAINED BY established lace of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes THE BOARD OF ED BY p g y TORS OF THE CITY OF in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per F A Y E T T E-V I L L E , annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the Board based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of Directors hereby waives of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper the requirements of com- petitive bidding for the pur- or Its agents or through recognized news dealers Over a period of at least six chase of a subscription to the months: and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty Local Government Informa- t atter. tion Network (LOGIN) for percent news m - the reason that said re- quirements are not practical I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of as Control Data Corporation Is the only supplier. Section 2. That the Board of Directors hereby authorizes the purchase of the LOGIN Information ser- / vice from Control Data Cor- waspublished In the regular daily Issue of said newspaperfor poration at a total cost of p S2,97S.00. consecutive Insertions as follows: Section 3. That the Board " of Directors hereby deter. - '-'�' Y �� �/ f mines that the immediate The first Insertion on the i. )f•. day of t1 / t, ' , 19 U purchase of the LOGIN in. formation service Is noes. sary for the City to provide the second insertion on the day of 19 efficient administrative ser. vices and that the provision of efficient administrative the Third insertion on the day of 19 services Is essential to the public health, safety and and the fourth Insertion on the . day— welfare.. Therefore,safety, an emergency Is . hereby / declared to exist and this or- dinance being necessary for / the public health, safety and p{( --`>" day Of welfare shall be in full force Sworn to and subscribed before me this <- J and effect from and after its /� i Passage and approval- B �l lq PASSED AND APPROV- ED ED this 1st day of March, , ) less. APPROVED By:M arriilyn Johnson N ary Public It ATTEST By : SuzanneMcwethy My Commission Expires: City Clerk 5/ • Fees for Printing —_ S - IL Cost of Proof _ S Total __._. S :�/ , .. t L] J - L__.