HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3333 co n co y co \` l mrn o 0 r rn o X rn c o 7L M Z W gym -{ ORDINANCE NO . 3333 D ccoo \ AN ORDINANCE WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS OF COMPETITIVE BIDDING FOR THE PURCHASE OF ROAD SALT FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT IN CALENDAR YEAR 1988 . N BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the Board of Directors hereby waives the requirements of competitive bidding for the purchase of road salt for the Public Works Department in calendar year 1988 for the reason that said requirements are not feasible because road salt is a spot market commodity with fluctuating prices . Section 2 . That the Board of Directors hereby determines that the Public Works Department is in immediate need of road salt to make City streets passsable in the winter months and hereby determines that the immediate passage of this ordinance is necessary for said purchase . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the public welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED this 16th day of February , 1988 . APPROO� VED,�, ' � �� "" By : p 2�i�( G�c y�tJtwid,tiJ Mafyor r • 1 }t ST Clerk uu� 1�4racc 461 n - � R M ni CJ O— C� E F Tl V CAD i— Q w r k a� a i. A;ma Kclimeyer, Cirwit Clerk and Ex-officio Recorder for Washington C Arkansas, do hereby certify that this imp, h+ CERTIFICATE OF RECOR)1 slrumant was filed for record in my ofBca as indicated hereon and the same is now State of Arkansas SS dulyrecorded with the acknowledgement Ind c City of Fayetteville Fa a tificalo thereon ie•Record Book an I, Suzanne C. McWethy, City Clerk and as 9 indicated thereon. d Ex-Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, IN WI7NEss WHEREOF I tiaye do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- 3ef my hand and affixed the sea] of said going is of record in my office and the sameap- Courl on tho date indicated h er eot& pears ����in Ordinance & Resolution book Alma Kollmayec [� at page O .S � Wftnee8 IIn Circuit Clerk ani] Exvl£ici0 Re - , hand and seal this �f day of aY419 b'r` City Gterk and Ex-Officio Rdbrder 6 g4'bR61NANCENo':33ss'"' STATE of ARKANSAS tee. AN ORDINANCE WAIVINd J yTHE REQUtREMENTS.OF County of Washington ,COMPETITIVE BIDDING , ''FOR 'T E 'PURCHASE OF 'ROAD' SAL'T FOR THE T U B L VCQW O R K S I i hereby certify that I DEPARTMENT IN CAL= +ENDAR YEAR 19ee Kiatam the publisher of T ENORTHWEST ARKA '- AS TIMES, a dally newspaper {{,,,, BE _ IT ORDAINED' BY having a second claps mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of �JtOR : BOARD o-C TYR OF five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed ldailyt OR.Y E- .T EiV,,I L V E.0 iA. .`L:.E-T-:T �,E;V-,IiL"l:, E_.. intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas - kRKANsas::<tAs;r;er-arca:' ttie;.9for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an $p`coon. l�:Tnbt. oard +Directors,hereby, waives established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes '#Ile regwremenis : of ..com- Ih the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per yetj(lve bidding for the put chase of-road .sett for the annum, which price was fixed at what Is considered the value of the publication, IFdbllc Works Department to based upon the newsyalueand service value it contains, that at least fifty percent calendar year„)vee for the of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper feason,�,tnat,,mid; 'require-' j lents;, are, 'not-feasible Or Its agents 0[ through recognized news dealers Over a period Of at least 51X ))ecauae load 'mn" Is a spot months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty .Ydarket CoMMOdltY.- WIT - -fluctoatinoprices:_': •,;:' :4 percent news matter. � Sectlon 2.,,That the Board ZU , o ln.as that th. hereby .deter Ammei that me Pubuc world I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of !`Department Is in Immediate 1teed of road salt tO make CI- ' 77 i ty:;streets passable' In 'the ./�.` .�-� [ nL P a i � JQ3.� ;wlnter, !months and hereby aeter mines:that,'rne Imme / ;dlgts`.;pasmge or, this oral- was ublishedtnthere alar daily issueotsoldnews a rfor j nonce- i; necessary ror said P g P Pe ppurchase:,;:Tnerefore,"an consecutive insertions as follows: emergency" Ii` hereby ,tl ' lar ro exist and this or- 'dlndnce aeIng neaesmry fdr - The first insertion on the e�- day of` f./i , 19 �a i the public welfare shall be In ' fullvforce 'and -eHecf from ;and+"after ifs.=passage and the second Insertion on the day of 19 I:PASSEDfAND APPROV- the third insertion On the dayof 19 ', ED.this 76th day, of=Febru. ary 1989 t'. PPRED. ..:r f t pe L24C ", pAOVED and the fourth insertion on the day 19 y.rtuy;;,aY:,Marilyn Johnson yor Suzanne MCWefhY)i. ^ worn to and subscribed before me op this l day of Q ^u 9 t}yl r) .n�2A CJf1 N ry Public y My Commission Expires: Fees for Printing — S - mowCost of Proof — 5 nr�opDp r IVB — $ ICOtJ I! � I: Total ___. S i MAR