HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3325 ORDINANCE NO . 3325 6>� AN ORDINANCE CALLING AND SETTIN qJA I:r*E A MICROfILME� SPECIAL ELECTION ON THE QUF,F,I�ON � STRUCTING A 150 TON PER DAY MASS '$U$N FI'ICIN ; ow ATOR TO DISPOSE OF SOLID WASTE . •G -D 9 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIREST O THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That a special election be , d the same is hereby , called to be held in the City on the 8th day of March , 1988 at which election there will be submitted to the electors of the City the question of constructing a 150 ton per day mass burn incinerator to dispose of solid waste . Section 2 . That the question shall be placed on the ballot for the election in substantially the following form : The Northwest Arkansas Resource Recovery Authority has contracted for the construction of a 150 ton per day mass burn incinerator to dispose of solid waste and has issued $ 22 , 405 , 000 in revenue bonds to finance the project . If the incinerator is not constructed , residential sanitation rates in the City of Fayetteville will be increased to an estimated $ 7 . 90 per month to pay the principal and interest on the bonds issued by the Authority . If the incinerator is constructed , residential sanitation rates in the City of Fayetteville will be increased to an estimated $ 10 . 58 per month to pay tipping fees to the Authority for the disposal of solid waste . This rate includes original bond payments ( principal and interest ) and an additional $ 3 , 880 , 000 in bonds to be issued for project delays and additional environmental safeguards . FOR Construction of a 150 ton per day mass burn incinerator to dispose of solid waste . AGAINST Construction of a 150 ton per day mass burn incinerator to dispose of solid waste . Section 3 . That the election shall be held and conducted and the vote cast and the results declared under the law and in the manner provided for municipal elections . Only- qualified electors of the City of Fayetteville shall have the right to vote at the election . ( � iim2w478 - 2 - Section 4 . That the results of the election shall be proclaimed by the Mayor . The Mayor ' s proclamation shall be published one ( 1 ) time in a newspaper having general circulation in the City . Section 5 . That a copy of this ordinance shall be furnished to the Washington County Board of Election Commissioners so that the necessary election officials and supplies may be provided . Section 6 . That the Board of Directors hereby determines that the Northwest Arkansas Resource Recovery Authority has pro - posed construction of a 150 ton per day mass burn incinerator to dispose of solid waste and generate electricity ; that the resi - dents of the City should have - input on the question .,of , whether . said facility should be constructed ; and that the immediate pass - age of this ordinance . being _necessary for the public welfare , shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . P. Section 7 . That Ordinance No . 3324 is hereby repealed . BSSED AND APPROVED this 3rd day of February 1988 . I iv APPROVED Mayor V .A*_�cu'! ' _ � 7r. u+i� 1262�sr 479 CERTIFICATE OF RECORD I, Alma Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk end State of Arkansas Ex•officio Rcco'der for \ h!ng;on CountYe City of Fayetteville SS Arkansas, do hereby certify that his in- t, Suzanne C. McWeth strument was bleid for record in m' office Y City Clerk and as indicated hereon and the same s now Ex-Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, duly recorded with the ac!tnowlodgcmont do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- and certificate thereon i^. :accord Book and going is of record in my office and the same ap- page as indicated thereon' pears in Ordinance & Resolution book IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto - -`.�. at a e a 9Lhand and affixed the seat of said p g —2---. Witness my set my ban *seal court on the date indicated hereon. dayofAlma KollmeyuCircuit Clerk and a:?ri Ex-Offici Ex•oNicioRec 0 by e— ROI NANC E NO. 3325 STATE of ARKANSAS OD 'RDINANCE CALLING, IRS. NSETTING A DATE. County of Washington 5 [m SPECIAL ELEC- 1 THE QUESTION pF 'CONSTRUCTING A 150 � TON-- PER DAY ' MASS [, LL ��(', • i ) '1. >Z.i >C 0.-. hereby certify that I BURN ' INCINERATOR TO S'posE or SOLID amthepubllsherofl�ENORTHWEST AR AS TIMES, adaily newspaper ��p,,rjc` k,j oq•,�,Il+i'�l'c. having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than tour pages of ..g�1T RD O ED :sY five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (dally) THE: HOARD OF': 'JI BEC' Rg•-pP•:Tk1E:_ :1 .. . . ;v Intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville. County of Washington, Arkansas circulation In the CItY• 'F;A Y E T T. Ct v I. L L E , Section S That a COPY Of for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an ARKANSAS: - '" this ordinance shall. M fur- Py(apfi3hed place Of bUSIne3S t0 subscribers and readers generally Of all Classes N,,g«tIonrl. .;mat a special mshetl to .the Washington etdctidtt be, an the Same is Cbuaty , Boars of 'Election In the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per :hereby;celled to be held in Commissioners m that the annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, 'the city "en the em day Of elec- necessary ejectlon official based u ntitenewsvalueandservicevalueItcontains, thatatleastfiftypercent March, 1988 at which itted " thsh there will be submlxed an Supplies may he proyle . of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper !,'to"1he elaOOrsOf the C11y the"ed��on 6. That the Board Or Its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six pmxstlat Of constructing a or Directors hereby deter•. 150 'ton_ per day- mam burn .-mines that the Northwest . Itnnoths, and that the said newspaper publishes an average Of more than forty ` incinerator to,, dispose of Arkahsas Rasee' RtxoV= percent news Blotter. �solidwasta. -•.• . ° • erY Authority has proposed Secilon:2 ]TMt �tlte',QUes-,>constrvctlon of a 150 ton per 'non-Imau. be placedtOn.tM • I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of 'ballot Dior -thd ,election ' In + day mass bum inclnerafor substantially; MW following 1 to d13POse of mlld waste and forT-.,,a,.N,,.�.,�„: h, ��l . ,generate eleclrlcHY� - "that The riortllwest. Arkensaa' me rosldents 07 the' CItY CC LCL- ��w,4 : /(' • 9��•-1 . Resource Recovery AuthOrl- should have input on that =J _ ' ty ihas contracted for the Question of wfinether saitl fa- consiructiOn of a 150 Ton Per ' Cllity, shoultl M conatruCtetl: ass• eurn Incinerator, and that the Immediate' was published In the regular daily Issue of said newspaper for eav •m asagemrnuoramenclbe-1 coutivelnserUonsastoltows: to dispose Of wild waste and Ing necessary for the public has Issued $22,45,000 in rev- welfare, shall M In full force, enue eons t0 finance the and effect from and after its The first Insertion on the LS�L day Of f 1 19 lL� project. J.• , - sage and aDOr al - If the Incinerator it not P 5«tlon 7. That Ordinance constructed, In the Citl Of al No 3324 Is hereby repealed. the second Insertion on the day Of 19 + aa yettiville will T the rass PASSED AND APPROV- " ed to a est wilt ee Inc.% per ED this 3rd day of February, . e8 ro - estimated azno Per . 1988 the third Insertion on the day of 19 month:ro PeY the principal APPROVED.. and Interest- on, the Oonds ” • : By- Marilyn 70hnwn'. issued by the AuthoriV.ty. , . ;, •Mayer. and the fourth Insertion on the day 19 _ It;t. Incinerator is con ATTEST . n- • sin rat residential sancta By: Suzanne McWethy + C tion rates In the City of Clerk Fayetteville will be Increas- Cit y ed to an estimated $10-SO Pae, Sworn to and subscribed before me on 1 f da menth to Pay tipping fees ro� Y of the ;Authority. _for ih^ fL51— dlspi s l'of sone waste. ThmsC 'L . CL k. payments (principal and h' - 4 '•:) j rate Includes original b0n_'ll tereat) ' 'antl an additiono: ' 33,890,000 in bons to b,* . luued forprolact delays and. Public `. 'additional env lronmenial I •' � t ) safeguards. " ..,, t 'fF3': .; ".Il —FOR' . - MY Commission Expires: , 1,' ;• , . Construction of a 150 ton Per IdaY mass burn Incineratcr ItodlspOse Of mild waste. ! ( "^Ib• i ,+' `+' AGAINST " Iconstruction of a 150 ton per day mass burn incinerator Ito dispose Of mild waste. , Section 3. That the election . , - jl 'l shall be held an conducted : Fees for Printing _ S / o 1 C f and the vote cast and fie results declared undermanner tie : law Ided -f r Ina manner pro- r COSI Of Proof _ S A vgns. •rot municipal iede else- O'S G tions. Cit Qualifiedelecrors .'s the 'City or Fayfight to vil;OO'v Total _. S ' shall have iM rlgM to vote ' at the election. Section A. That the resul's O of the election shall be pro- O claimed by the Mayor. The Mayor's proclamation shall I sr DI • be published one (1 ) time in ; 5 ' a newspaper having general .. lay