HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3322 n CO cn =, o m � m ORDINANCE NO . 3322 m m o C o m y o ::0 N AN ORDINANCE WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS OF COMPETITIVE BIDDING FOR AN ADVERTISIRb MICROFILMED SERVICES CONTRACT WITH BLACKWOOD MARTIN & ASSOCIATES . / BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE./ CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the Board of Directors hereby waives the requirements of competitive bidding for an advertising services contract with Blackwood Martin & Associates for the reason that said requirements are not feasible because selection of an advertising consultant involves subjective decision making . Section 2 . That the Board of Directors hereby authorizes and ratifies an advertising services contract with Blackwood Martin & Associates in accordance with the proposal approved by the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission which proposal is attached hereto marked Exhibit " A" and made a part hereof . PASSED AND APPROVED this �� day of , 1987 . APPROVED 7SMa An `r Clerk 8un ,� , (MI 1262,,t M85 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 1987 PROPOSED BUDGET I . TOURISM SIZE $ADS COST AR Tour Guide 4 -c full page 1 $ 2 , 250 NWAR Tour Guide 4 -c full page 1 1 , 640 Southern Living 4 " directory 1 11551 AR Newspaper Insert 1/4 page 4 -c 1 7 , 000 AR Times 1/2 page 4 -c 5 * 5 , 700 AR Gazette 30 inch 4 * 3 , 964 AR Democrat 30 inch 4 * 31112 Tulsa World 30 inch 4 * 4 , 832 OK City Oklahoman* * 30 inch 2 4 , 368 KC Star * * 30 inch 2 51077 Joplin Globe * * 30 inch 2 877 Witchita Eagle Beacon * * 30 inch 2 2 , 929 Topeka Capital- Journal 30 inch 2 1 , 255 $ 44 , 555 # 10 Brochure-update and reprint 10 , 000 copies $ 3 , 500 Things to Do-update and reprint 10 , 000 copies 3 , 000 Ad Production-two new ads in the current series 3 , 000 $ 9 , 500 TOTAL ( 54 % ) $ 54 , 055 * additional insertions pp * * additional publications 11116IM2PAGE486 Page Two 1987 Proposed Budget II . ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SIZE #ADS COST Plants , Sites and Parks 1/2 page 3 4 , 965 Area% Development 1/2 page 3 41980 Business Facilities 1/2 page 3 4 , 950 Site Selection * 1/2 page 2 4 , 030 $ 18 , 925 Video - 200 copies @ 10 . 25 each 2 , 050 Specialties ( lures , etc . ) 11000 Quality of Life # 10 -development printing 10 , 000 9 , 000 Industrial Development Ad ' 1 , 200 $ 13 , 250 TOTAL ( 328 ) $ 32 , 175 * This is an additional publication . We have also increased the size and frequency in the other publications . III . SEMINAR/MEETING SIZE #ADS COST Training Marketplace Directory 1/3 page 1 11680 AR Business * 1/4 page 6 2 , 290 AR Times 1/2 page 2 11605 Training * * 1/3 page 2 3 , 450 Training and Development 1/3 page 2 21020 ASTD Zip pack card ++c� 1 875 $ 11 , 920 iLIM12%21AGE487 Page Three 1987 Proposed Budget Seminar Ad ( 2 sizes ) $ 1 , 300 Contingency 550 TOTAL 14 % 13 , 770 * additional insertions * * additional publication GRAND TOTAL 1008 $ 100 , 000 UIR.. 126GPAGE 488 CERTIFICATE OF SS CORD Ex- d L Alma Kollmoyer, Circuit Clerk and officio Rccocr for Washington County, State of Arkansas Arkansas, do hereby certify that this in- City of Fayetteville slrument was filed for record in my office as indicated hereon and she same is now I, Suzanne C. McWethy, City Clerk and Ex-Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, duly recorded with the acknowledgement do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- and certificate the rcon +c Aecard Book and Page as indicated thereon. going is of record in my office and the same ap. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto p��eeavrrs, in/ Ordinance & Resolution book set my hand and affixed the seal of said �1= at page dL Witness my Court on the data indicated heroop, ban and seal this day of Alma Kollmeye[ 190? Circuit Clerk and Ali id Ex-offlci oCdgp - City erk and Ex-Officio R orderlof OL by It / STATE of ARKANSAS 1 Jy B9. County of Washington ORDINANCE No. 7727 AN ORDINANCE WAIVING ' ,(� � ' THE REQUIREMENTS OF COMPETITIVEI NGADVERTISING / �+" � hereby certify that I FOR ANADVERTIISING am the publishe fTHE NORTHWEST &AKANSAS TIMES. a dally newspaper SERVICES CONTRACT having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of & SSOCIA Doo MAR- TIN five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) HASSOCIATES. BE IT ORDAINED BY Intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville. County of Washington, Arkansas THE BOARD OF DIREC- TORS IR`_G _ for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an TORS OF THE CITY OF reprint 10,000 copies 53,500 established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes FAYETTEVILLE , Things to Do-uptlate antl ARKANSAS: reprint 10,000 copies 7a In the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per Section 1. That me Board A•tl Production-two new atl5 annum, which price was fixed at what Is considered the value of the publication, Of Directors hereby waives in the current series 3,000 the requirements of com. f9 based upon the news value and service value It contains, thatat least flftypercent petitive bidding for an of thesubscribers thereto have.paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper advertising services can. TOTAL (54%) s.iZMSS or Its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six trlac Witch Blackwood rM r. • additional Insertions publishes an average of more than tort '• additional publications months; and that the said newspaperg y reason that said require. 11. ECONOMIC percent news matter. ' ments are not feasible DEVELOPMENT because selection of an SIZE MADS COST advertising consultant in- Plants, Sires and Parks I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of volves subjective decision Ph page 3 4,965 making, Area Development Section 2. That the Board 1page 7 ' 4098033 �z- , af Directors hereby Business Facilities' authorizes sin and rices g a - 1h a Selection 7 4,950adve tract with services con. Site Selection • ' tract Ass Blackwood Mar- 1h page '2 ' 4,030 was published In the regular daily issue of said newspaper for tin 8 Associates th fes p al p. dance sotto the proposal ap- 578,925 consac>}tive-insertions as follows: pr"ve0 by the Fayetteville Vitleo - ea copies ' Qn Advertising and Promotion ® ecial each x,oso The first insertion on the _3 day of � 19 Commi nian which proposal Specialties Is attached hereto marketl (lures, etc.) EXhib7,g"p lo- pa" h f '•q•' and matle a Quallopm nt print g the second insertion on the da 0f 19 pari here"}, tlevlity of if #lotto Y PASSED AND APPROV. 10,000 9.000 ED this 75thday of Adustrial Development the third Insertion on the day of 19 December, 1987. 1,200 APPROVED $13,250 _ By: Ronald E. Bumpass . and the fourth Insertion on the d f— 19 Mayor TOTAL 132%1 additional ATTEST . *This is an atltlitional By: Suzanne MCWetey publicatlon. We have also a �City Clerk increased the size and fre. I CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE quenty in the Diner Publics- 1997 PROPOSED BUDGET tionSworn to and subscribed before me o his S.Z/= day of s. (. TOURISM 11I. SEMINAR/MEETING I 512E JFADS COST SIZE #ADS COST ; AR Tour Guide Training Marketplace • " - 4-cfull Page 1 $2,250 Directory ))) NWAR Tour Guide page 1 . 1,680 AR South)) Page 1 1,6'0 AR Business SouthernLiving y Page _ 6 3490 ! Nota Pu lie 4" directctory 1 1,551 AR Times ! f , AR Newspaper Insert 1h page 2 1,dO5I t 114 Page 4-c 1 7,000 Training •• My Commission Expire((s:: � 1 ` 'A Times 1/3 page 2 7,4501 l 1 �� A Page4-C5• 5,700 1/3 age and Development `•7l AR Gazette ASpage 2 20201 A ince 4• 3,96.1 card 2iP Pack AR Democrat card 1 875 ' 30irlce 4• 7112 Tulse World Seminar Atl, 511,920 70inch 0 4,832 12sizes) 51,7001 OK City Oklahoman;* Contingency 550 Fees for Printing -- J 30inch 2 4,768 -- KC Star*, TOTAL 14% 17,770 30 Inch / 2 3,077 additional insertions Cost of Proof — 5 Joplin Globe•• •• atltlitional publication 3D inch 2 877 GRANOTOTAL Wichita Eagle - Beacon•• Total _-_. J - Minch 2 2,929 100% $100.000 Topeka Capital - Journal =� 30loco 155 41'5 _ 5 I M10 Broandceure-update ' antl 3Ole e5�