HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3285 ORDINANCE NO . 3285 FpIR FlIEDpRp MICROFILMED ,A 1 S9 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 'Tg Ej@F HE FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO RESTRTCTCOUTAI AR THE USE OF REVENUES FROM SEWER Ui 'CHARG ' SLLEYER AND TO PROVIDE FOR A REVIEW OF SUCH CH ESy`" CIRCU11 CLERK BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section I. That Section 21 - 26 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances be amended by adding paragraph ( d ) to read as follows : ( d ) ( 1 ) Definitions . Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise , the meaning of terms used in this Ordinance shall be : ( a ) " Operation and Maintenance " shall mean those functions that result in expenditures during the useful life of the treatment works for materials , labor , utilities , and other items which are necessary for managing and which such works were designed and constructed . The term " operation and maintenance " includes replacement as defined in j " Replacement" . �y ( b ) " Replacement" shall mean expenditures for obtaining and installing equipment , accessories or appur - tenances which are necessary during the useful life of the treatment works to maintain the capacity and performance for which such works were designed and constructed . ( c ) " Domestic Customer or User " shall mean any con- tributor of wastewater to the City ' s treatment works whose lot , parcel or real estate , or building is used for domestic dwelling purposes only . ( d ) " Commercial , Industrial Customer or User " shall mean all retail stores , restaurants , office buildings , laundries , and other private business and service establishments which contributes wastewater to the City ' s wastewater treatment plant . It shall include any non-governmental , non- residential user of publicly owned treatment works which is identified in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual , 1972 , Office of Management and Budget , as amended and supplemented , under the following divisions ; Division A - Agriculture , Forestry , and Fishing ; Division B - Mining ; Division D - Manufacturing ; Division E - Transpor- tation , Communications , Electric , Gas and Sanitary ; and Division I - Services . It also includes social , charitable , religions , and educational activities such as schools , churches , hospitals , nursing homes , penal institutions and similar institutional users ; Legislative , judicial , administrative and regulatory activities of Federal , State and local governments . ( e ) " Treatment Works " shall mean any devices and systems for the storage , treatment , recycling and reclamation of municipal sewage , domestic sewage or liquid industrial wastes . These include intercep- ting sewers , outfall sewers , sewage collection systems , pumping , power and other equipment and their appurtenances ; extensions improvement , remodeling , additions and alterations thereof ; elements essential to provide a reliable recycled supply such as standby treatment units and clear well facilities ; and any works , including site acquisition of the land that will be an integral part of the treatment process or is used for ultimate disposal of residues resulting from such treatment ( including land for composting sludge , temporary storage of such compost and land used for the storage of treated wastewater in land treatment systems before land application ) ; or any other method or system for preventing , abating , reducing , storing , treating , separating or disposing of municipal waste or industrial waste , including waste in combined store water and sanitary sewer systems . ( f ) " Useful Life " shall mean the estimated period during which a treatment works will be operated . ( g ) " User Charge " shall mean that portion of the total wastewater service charge which is levied in a proportional and adequate manner for the cost of operation , maintenance and replacement of the wastewater treatment works . ( h ) "Water Meter " shall mean a water volume measuring and recording device , furnished and installed by the water department of the City of Fayetteville . ( i ) " Infiltration/ Inflow" shall mean the total quantity of water other than wastewater from both infiltra- tion and inflow without distinguishing the source from defective pipes , pipe joints , connections , manholes , roof leaders , cellar drains , yard drains , area drains , foundation drains , drainsr from springs - 3 - and swampy area , cross connections , catch basins , cooling towers , storm waters , surface runoffs , street wash water , or drainage . ( j ) "Municipality" shall mean a city , town , county , parish , district , association or other public body ( including an intermunicipal agency of two or more of the foregoing entities ) crated under state law having jurisdiction over disposal of sewage , industrial waste or other waste . The definition includes special districts such as water , sewer , sanitary , utility , drainage , transport , or disposal of liquid waste of the general public in a par- ticular geographic area . ( 2 ) The revenues from user charges collected by the City shall be deposited in a separate non- lapsing fund known as the Operation , Maintenance , and Replacement Fund . Fiscal year-end balances in the operation , main- tenance and replacement fund shall be used for no other purpose than those designated . Monies which may be transferred from other sources to meet temporary shortages in the operations , maintenance , and replace - ment fund shall be returned to their respective accounts upon appropriate adjustment of the user charge rates . The user large rate ( s ) shall be adjusted so that the transferred monies will be returned to their respective accounts within six ( 6 ) months of the fiscal year in which monies were borrowed . ( 3 ) Any user who feels his user charge is unjust and inequitable may make written application to the Director of Public Works requesting a review of his user charge . Said written request shall , where necessary , show actual or estimated flows and/ or strength of his wastewater , including how the measurements were made . A review of the request shall be made by the Public Works Director and if substantiated , the user charges for that user shall be recomputed based on the revised flow and/ or strength characteristics . In no case , however , shall allowances or adjustments be made for claims of sewage strengths less than 300 mg/ l suspended solids and 300 mg/ l of BODS . Any adjustments will be applicable to the next billing period . ILJBkR � Pqa ' '43 - 4 - ( 4 ) The City shall review the user charges at least annually and revise the rates as necessary to ensure that adequate revenues are generated to pay the cost of operation , maintenance , and replacement , and that the system continues to provide for the proportional distribution of operation , maintenance , and replacement costs among users and user classes . The City shall notify each user at least annually , in conjunction with a regular bill , of the rates being charged for operation , maintenance and replacement of the treatment works . Section 2 . This ordinance shall incorporate by reference , the latest sewer rate study officially adopted by the City containing detailed information on the distribution of costs to the various class of users . Section 3 . This ordinance shall be severable . Should any provision hereof be declared invalid by a Court of competent jurisdiction , such invalidity shall not affect any other provision hereof . Section 4 . Should there be a conflict between this ordinance and any agreement or contract between the City and any user , the provisions of this ordinance shall govern . Section 5 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that regulating and reviewing sewer user charges is essential to efficient administration of City Government ; that efficient administration of City government is necessary for the public welfare ; and , that the passage of this ordinance is necessary to regulate and provide for the review of sewer user charges . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance , being necessary for the public welfare , shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED this 4th day of August 1987 , APPROVED By : � MA( ill�irxJC/�L� yor g$T . LIBFR �(�JO mar 444 CERTIFICATE OF RECORD I, Alma KollmcyeF, EirfNll eWb Rflfl State of Arkansas ( Ex-officio Recorder (of Washinglon CoMVA City Of Fayetteville ( SS Arkars:.s, 2u heresy c:.rflfy Iho! rhfi i11= I, .Suzanne C. Kennedy, 1 Orumcn' w.rs 1 3C ' r r-cord in ; . ,.lice City Clerk and os indrtc!cc ,- Ex Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, r ,. ='d '.o :r. 't F .v do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- duly ra«rr :_ ow; and c<r if - :c f going is of record in my office and the same a - P Pave a. I. - . pears in Ordinance & Resolution ':;oIN V/ iu f 3 at page - 1o7 Witness my ::f my f_ x hand and sea] this-- ,7 cl!d clay of 192. AfR r Urc .d (.4_r9 nml City Clerk and Ex-off:,(,ci. Zecorder +`ttx Id ^•o d-- R Legal rigidus i UPI Notice: LeW Neum systems for the storage, transferred monistIII M ED MIs MI WY of August, treatment. recycling and returnee to Moir respective 1nL N reclamation As municigl accounts within $11 (6) nMn' `APPROVED saw•q, eemn+Ic Mwepe Or ton a ion final Year In ByzM llYnJMni liquid Industrial wastes. which monln wore Whole- . .1 Mayo! The" Include Intercepting M. - ATTEST _ sewers. Oullall sewers. (3) My VNr won Inde his BY: SuunMMCWa11Y saxage Collection systems. user charge is unjust ane In. CIry Clark Pumping. Dower • e anew "unable MY make wllNM "Wpmem ane Moir ap- appliCalsort ft the Director pultmanc": extensions Public Works r"Vntl" • Improvement, remodeling, review a his user charge. cha . additions and alterations Said written r"nw Man, Maria: elements essential Where necessary, MOW a' to Provide a reliable recycl- fuel or" timated flows M supply such es stambY and/ostrength Of his tnatmnt Mlfi eon clear wniws»r. Including haw WBII faCillllep And •nY . the measurements woe works. Including alta do. me". • quiflllon a len lane that will A Mlew a ion request CNSAS OIMAMCIA NO. 3Sal ge an integral part a the hall q made by the Public ee, ORDINANCE AMEN- treatment process or Is Vs" Works DtreCtel and It -DING CHAPTER St OF m Ultimate disposal a real. substantiated, the user ng10n -DIN FAT VILLE Wtl rtlVlllng from such Charges lw that user Mall )TH1'COOE OF ORDINANCES Ma1mM1 (Including lam W rK mWt" De me TO RESTRICT INA USE m compnting Sludge. lam' rovlsm flow eM/w wrMODI OF REVENUES FROM, Wary alwage a such Wm Chalaaellslltf. In Me Calls, hereby Certify that SEWER USER CHARGES beatand land used for the howeveL Mall aIN»'arcn AND TO PROVIDE FORA storage of treated or adjustments gemodem rot HENORTHWESTARK SAS TIMES• a dally newspaper REVIEW OF SUCH wastewater In lend treat- Claims 41 SAMW s»MDM$ class mailing privilege, and Ing not less than four pages Of .ml Systems lam IeY Man SW mp/t Suspend CXwg lication): w any Other ant noun eon 340 ml✓1 a THE BOARD OF DIREG ppMch. publlshetl at a fixed place o[ business ane at a fixed Idallyl ITs. BE T ORDAINED BY method or system ler BODS. W1sly 1n Me City of FayetteAlle. County of Washington. Arkansas TORO OF THE CITY OF Ing, star dig, treating, reeve' Any applicable WthMfi will M cerlOtl of IWQIVe m0on15. ClrCulalpd and dISVIDUIetl from an P A Y E T TE V IL L E , Ing, toning. hating. Wide Dla tO Me M#Dllllnp .ARKANSAS: , seDaranng or dispoflnp a 'prion. - QOt business to WO4CrIber4 and readers generally Of allclasses SMIon 1 That sewlde 4t, munlcipeI Waste Of Induml. (n The City M•fi MIw County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per cLa s FoYen a ilea Codes al Was». Including w stn» In IM lly add rvn at leaIna rate - rice was CISCO al what is Considered Me value of the publication, .OlelnaWM M smeMee by - sit ilwe stem ane asallY antl revin 1M rata p •boor" gregreW (it) » nitssystems.Lift n quame ryto MWre M1 beds VBIYednd SerVlCe Value it COnIaIOS, 111al at least fitly percent "roed asrolwwr Saln Daful ulv Mau ermw» revs teaCast W s thereto have paid Cash for thelrsubscriptlons to the newspaper Id) (1) Dahu11Ms. Unlea m IM ntlmatn' Corrnt a »d » pay IM i a ma cpntaa w.clncally In- during which a treatment Operation, memfingae, ane through recognized news clearers over a period of at least six el of f olMrwI the n. workawnl °iopirated. system emo and Mat ton I the mid newspaper publishes an average of more than forty • 1ng a twos asst In rola Or (9) '•User Chaq•' Man system Continues ro prwlge d�elMngw11 Mr ':••.fl. •mean MOt grll" a' tM Iw Ow pgptlMNeIMrIW. atter. la "Ogr•IIM aIW M•IM1'rolot wastes sten service flon: a Operation, malntr n '.a (a) all an i 1 charge which IS levied In a nonce: d replacement II( that the legal Met at nwu m aK , mropw I at and adequate cgfi among Ova ane User Y g notice hereto attached In the matter of p1et during ton In ex • for Ina t Of Olawf Ilfe a IM,» ing I u ut OWCation, malnlenrce and The City shall notify seen ,� for maHr t IaDOr. ' eD lsCemenl Of the user' w bast mmmiy. In �_ Millis._and♦ ls,, Is em, wastewater treatment Conlu+alM with • negro •.viilt a-Ong'. sealY-. Iw V.glkf. 1011. Of Me rates ' Ming Whic,managing and which ns+l ^ ml 'ya, water levolume charged for rMoal relpx., Me regulardally issue of said newspaper for lvOfb wNPO T h*'itsM_Imeawring and recording moot of the treatment 'opse eration : - Tna`hrmIn- rtlODs as follows: p"apwatlon Add mainM, , ,,,ice, lYby the ane Witter wwb. + scan , 1 Mnce' IOCIWH ' r"ISCF %lolled DY the Wile! S"}IM S. TnI$ orelMMo' , menu •s defined In •depe"MM a Me CC" a Mall IKOIWr•» by lelsr- rtIon on Me Lad day of 19 (L� Replacement .. • . ':•-v1N.rx-Pnetlo•/ule. mce IM la»at sewer raft _ M "R"1•cemMlY"M•II R' IO INlnretlon%IaIOW' udy aflclany edapbd by I (DI(b) eapenel»ra lw oP'.Madmean ONrO»Iquanllry ion City containing MNled rlion on the day of 19 talnln9 d Installing of water other than IIHGrmatln on the dls»IDP eitwmr from both In. thin a costa » IM various l ;a"UurtMs"n Which Oro rf»a' ecce..ow . lu»atim and Mflw Without Claaausero. tion on the day of 19 elatingulMlng the source $acting S. This O IMMO :lift ce h storing ion vsaa from a t" plpn, pipe Man M saverabb. S ld JoIlife a IIW ins+m.a wgrb Insertion on the �ro matmaln ON capKltyaM manole connections, anr90rovbIM brant M by Ca m welch Such .manna.., reg leaders, e"CM Inverse by a Con wpks erne ealgM and, Cellar drain, rare drama s Competent jurisdiction, alMin � . e tr . • - wu dalna. foundationsprings seen Ian olth r p "1 a (CI D tic Customer :am s drainsampy boar MHnq I•Ci airy other provision �/(/�-/-//, Iw U»r" WII mean any',•M swampy arab Orion helm. \ SYb4CriDPd be(Ore me O Ih14t t / day 0( Mb wweitw•afwf coolies C C•Kh storm Swilictmish A. Ib IMIOM IM CIWS treatment Wvb Cooling rowan.rfterm notice tl myag MIS wOr p�7 wens Up, peMl or roar waters, surface VnalS, nWoWmY •gMmMiw . Mats,w Wlldinglsusedm Street wash water, or CM»M' Mlwnn ttu City Ali ewelllng W ..1 (1) eq. V s. al and any VgL IM allied GO - (11 MunlclDall. 11 shall a MY distance Mall IOCZ on1Y.i' diel\.:" , ' al f 4 lel "C6b Clai, IM US, man a clay, IPYIn, county, std. - trial cuMeme! w U er": AC dish Public ababy (in- S"tlon S. The Bard AS Nol Public, dear- Shall mean all !wall Morn. CC ahw�Ilc COdv Ilm Directors herebyrat ' Ir restaurants.. afore balm-• cludhp Imwmunlagl mines Hui rpulanng •M Expires: Inge. tsW ries, ane Other .egXf:Ya M'Ow moreatM "viewing ewe user p lit l ) �I .•' Private WM Service rvice fOCCWIM enflllM titled Charges Is asentlel m all. ' atabllMmMfi �whlCh cam Under state IOW having clot edmints radon a City »Igllei w•s»wam ro IM IVHedlwllndu trial) lOf Or Governments Chat W+ efficient City ON Clry'swn stwi fm"t nth waste.Industrial Mlnlibn ammma if neceaary M len Mary. It rnir I ol. any such a .water dsewer, Ilcwaferot •M. MitM 1 non . It 0 11 nChi non- , pub _I{UTr1pS1,B` hila tai user a Publicly such a• , tor, $error, �age a thb egulate a N owned treatment works iem»rY. cer of. draineq. ry to regulate •M '1 :'/ .I ild which I$' leentlned m the Uld wast. wdithe caIto' SProvideower for IM error s. �'_(- standard Industrial public waste a +pa widerntrol Sower Van Charges.Is Classification Manuel, 1911, DlnDue M . pale. . declareemergencyd Hereby dales" »nb+ eM _ s Owned, a am ane (S) TM revenues from user- His wapeKw points Mai wppfememad, lingrmerol chargesa itwI me Cit . vry m ine for Wa 0. Iptlng dlvlsbnM Division A shall a depmHed In a sepen fact M In 1 a Iwcf eon IN - Agriculture, Fwntry, ane rale Man sending lune known pas redo and atter IM FIMIm; Division B - Mlm O ion Operation. Melnre- pen Sgene ND AP Ing: DWWH D - Manaac' none' and Replacement PASSED AND APPROV Nring: Divltlon E - Trans. Pines. .J ' pMatbn. COmmunlcaMM. Final yeaf,efM bmleaaas q Electric, GAS meSanitary: in 1M Operation. Intl •M Division l SIMICn. It nami a repinmisidNM also Includes social , ipnert fofor no what a- charitable, rellolons, and WIPOOo eeucat» al Mlvitln Such ". averfles se organoay Mui U Otis, nu churches, transferrsp iro msec rempwary handl la nursing Mmes. »Cos In the cgratlMb (for Inoltu IOnal and maintenance, and replace- L"Hbtivb IUdICbI• •d mann fund M•II M rammed minlwrative and MOUlaldry to their respective accounts MlvHln a Federal, 911 V awn a Spar Mager r adjust Charge aMIOCaI WVofnmMW art The user large ra»(w lel any Ar Works,," ll M•II (Man arty gYICa ane "all M edlnlad a Mat the