HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3284 •- Z FILED FOR RECORD '87 DEC 3 PM 1 29 WASFfi . . : � � F� KOL bf, "' WYAR ALMA LMEYER \ ORDINANCE NO . 3284 CIRC UIT CLERK MICROFILMED AN ORDINANCE ORDERING THE RAZING AND REMOVAL OF AN UNSAFE STRUCTURE LOCATED AT 1405 N GREGG AVENUE . WHEREAS , Harold S . Bemis is the owner of the real property described in Exhibit " A" attached hereto and made a part hereof ; and WHEREAS , the Board of Directors has determined that the structure located on said property is dilapidated , unsightly , unsafe and detrimental to the public welfare ; and WHEREAS , the owner of said property , after having been given well over thirty days ' notice by certified mail , has neglected and refused to raze and remove said unsafe structure . V NOW , THERT7TmRE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Harold S . Bemis is hereby ordered to raze and remove the dilapidated , unsightly and unsafe structure located on the aforesaid real property . Said work shall be commenced within ten ( 10 ) days and shall be completed within thirty ( 30 ) days from the passage of this ordinance . The manner of removing said structure shall be : dismantle by hand or bulldoze and haul all debris by truck to a landfill . Section 2 . If the aforesaid work is not commenced within 10 days or completed within 30 days , the City Manager is hereby directed to cause the aforesaid structure to be razed and removed ; and , the City of Fayetteville shall have a lien upon the aforesaid real property for the cost of razing and removing said structure . Section 3 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that the aforesaid unsafe structure constitutes a continuing detriment to the public safety and welfare and determines that unless the provisions of this ordinance are put into effect immediately , the public health , safety and welfare of the people of Fayetteville will be adversely affected . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the public health , safety and welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . LIBER1251 PAA54 . 2 - PASSED AND APPROVED this 4th day of August , 1987 . APPROVED `;�� By : Mayor SININ SATTEST ' r'77ripl tCl Yk x s• LIBER1251PnE055 E X H I B I T "A" A part of the NE 1 / 4 of. the - NW 1 / 4 of Section 9 , Township 16 North , Range 30 West , Washington County , Arkansas , described as beginning at the southeast corner of said 40 acre tract and runnirig .thence • North with the East line of said 40 acre tract for a distance of 120 feet ; thence West to the Easterly--. line of the right of way of the St . Louis and. San Francisco Railroad ; thence in a Southwesterly direction with 'thd' ' Easterly line of said right of way . to the Sout'h , 'line of said 40 acre tract ; thence East with said South . line_ . 196 . 5 feet more or less to the point of beginning ; subject to existing street easements , as per plat on file in the office of the Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder of Washington County , Arkansas . LIBER 1251Pa,c056 d Anna K jlmeYer, Circuit Clerk and CERTIFICATE OF RECORD Ex-arras, Raco, der for Washinq!cn County, Arkansas, do here State of Arkansas Ssa by ccrtity ,ha ;his in. City of Fayetteville ument was Wed for record in my office � 1, Suzanne C. McWethyr City Clerk and at indicated hereon and he same is new duly recorded with the acknowledgement Ex-Officio recorder for the City Fayetteville, and certificate thereon in S.ecord Book and do hereby certify that the annea xed or fore- page ac indicated thereon. going is of record in my office and the same ap- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto pears in Ordinance & �R�es�olution book set my hand and affixed the seat of said at pager Witness my Court on the date indicated hereon. (� day Of Alma Kollme hand a seat this y rer CircuitClerk and / Exrofficio Recorder City ark and Ex!-Offs o Recorder ty t . }; „t_ . / ." O DI NANCE NA- N j E A DE R I WA- N C E • OR DERINIG THE RAZING , . AND REMOVAL OF AN STATE Of ARKANSAS UNSAFE STRUCTURE Sea. LOCATED AT; 1405 - N . J GREGGAVENUE. County Of Washington WHEREAS, Harold S. • Bemis is the Owner Of the .real property described in //II '� /,J �} ' Exhibit""A" attached hereto l t,t4-C . r iLlC- � i - d .o,, hereby certify that I and made a part hereof; and I' WHEREAS, the Board of am thepubllsherofT NORTHWEST ARKAN S TIMES, a daily newspaper Directors has determined having a second class mailing privilege. and being not less than four pages of that the structure located on sato property Is duaPideted; five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily ) ,unsightly, unsafe and dem- Intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville. County of Washington. Arkansas mental to the Public wel- fare; and for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an WHEREAS, the owner of established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes said property, after having been given well over thirty In the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per days' notice I by certified annum, which price was fixed at what Is considered the value of the publication, mail, has neglected and ref- based upon the news valueand service value it contains, that at least fifty percent used to raze and , remove said unsafe structure. of the subscribers thereto have paid cash tar their subscriptions to the newspaper NOW, THEREFORE, � BE or Its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty OF THE CITY OF FAYET- percent news matter. 'TEVILLE, ARKANSAS: SectBemis t Is hereby tHarold o sI further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of raze and remove the client. Qated, unsightly and unsafe ' structure ' located on the ,cam/ aforesaid real property. �L.,L�4L t_ ALyC. 0 ' L' h , t� /1�j / Said work shall be com. ,menand shall c within be ecompleted was published in the regula r daily issue of said newspaperfor :within thirty (30) days from the passage of this.. ortli- Consecutive insertions as follows: .nance. The manner of removing said structure The first Insertion on the - day of tet-:f Zt� 19 .shall be: dismantle by hand .or bulldoze and haul all I debrisbytrucktoa landfill. the second Insertion on the day of 19 I. Section 7. If the aforesaid • work . is . not commenced i:Wtrhm 10 days or completed 1 the third insertion on the day of 19 within 30 days, me City I Manager is hereby directed 10 cause the aforesaid strut- and the fourth insertion on the day nf 19 Lure.to be razed and remov. . ed;iend, .the City of Fayef- I _ te4ille shall Havea lien upon ////��ll Me aforesaid real property t/L day Of for the cost of razing and Sworn to and subscribed before me o this ;. removing said structure. Semon 3. The Boae of �'- .CL 9 d 1L").' •�, '•, 4`Directors hereby deter- Q� )� ''•., minces that the aforesaid `unsafe structure constitutes L 1 , . a continuing detriment to d26.4 s- .the public safety and Wel- :Nota 11blic `fare and determines that unless the Provisions of this � � (• II ; j ordinance are Put into effect My Commission Expires: i ;p •, / ! l� Immediately, the public ' health, safety and welfare of // Me People r ly affected. le Will of adversely aenc, is Therefore, an emergency Is • I hereby mans etl eideclato exist all- this ordinance being nests- Gary for the public health, safety and welfare snailall D _� In full force and effect from Fees for Printing . and liter Its passage and approval. ' I PASSED AND APPROV- Cosi Of Proof ( ED this On tlaY off August, 1987. _ ie .! / — APPROVED Total .__.- ) BY: Marilyn Johnson I ATTEST Mayor By: Suzanne MCWethy ' I City Clerk EXH I BIT "A" , A Part of the NEI/. of me NWIA of Section 9, Township . 16 North, Range 30 West, ! Washington County, Arkan. Sas, described as beginning at the southeast corner of Said 40 acre tract and runn- Ing thence North with the l East line o/ saltl IO acre tract for , tlistance Of 170 feet; thence West to the ' Easterly line of the right of way Of the St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad; thence In a Southwesterly direction with the Easterly line of slid right of way to the South line Of said 40 acre trxrt- chane•