HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3271 " 1 'FILED FOR RECORD 187 JUN 5 Ali 9 `i2 AI)CRO ORDINANCE NO . 3271 i Lund WASHI „ ^TUN COUNTY AR ALIAA KOLLMEYER AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING DICKSON CPT . 7+ LERK CENTRAL BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO , 1 , WHEREAS , parties claiming to be the owners of two-thirds in value , as shown by the last County assessment , of the property located in the territory hereinafter described have filed a petition claiming that a Central Business Improvement District be established for the purposes hereinafter set out ; and WHEREAS , after due notice as required by law , the Board of C� Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas has heard all persons desiring to be heard , and has ascertained that said petition was signed by two-thirds in assessed value of the owners of real property within said territory , t / NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF C. THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS = l �3 Section 1 . There is hereby established a Central Business Improvement District embracing the territory described in Exhibit " A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. .for the purpose of v constructing off - street parking lots and other improvements (y authorized by Ark , Stat . Ann . 520 - 1613 ( Supp . 1985 ) which the Board of Improvement deems to be in the best interest of said district . Section 2 . Said district shall be known as Dickson Street Central Business Improvement District No . 1 . Section 3 . Curtis Shipley , Bill Underwood , Tom Pearson , Jr . , Carl Collier and David McClinton are hereby named as commis - sioners who shall compose the Board of Improvement for said district . PASSED AND APPROVED this 2 day of June 1987 , APPROVED � By : Mayor Ayer )rd " ? ATTEST '?a By ' 01 t4ff Clerk • ;ry:;• � . IIBfF� 41 0 ` EXHIBIT "A" - 1 Beginning at a point where the centerline of College Avenue intersects the centerline of Lafayette Street , thence west along the centerline of said Lafayette Street to a point due South of the Vest line of Lot 3 of Block 4 of the County Court Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , thence North to the centerline of Maple Street , thence west along the centerline of Maple Street to the point of intersection with the centerline of Vest Avenue, thence South along the centerline of Vest Avenue to the point of intersection with the centerline of Lafayette Street , thence Vest along the centerline of Lafayette Street to the point of intersection with the centerline of Arkansas Avenue , thence South along the centerline of Arkansas Avenue to the point of intersection with the centerline of Dickson Street , thence Vest to a point which is 688 . 115 feet west of the Northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 16 , Township 16 North , Range 30 west , thence South to the centerline of William Street , thence East along the centerline of William Street to the point of intersection with the centerline of University Avenue , thence South along the centerline of University Avenue to the point of intersection with the centerline of Vest Center Street , thence East along the Centerline of Vest Center Street to the point of intersection with the centerline of Vest Street , thence North along the Centerline of Vest street to the point of intersection with the centerline of Meadow Street , thence East along the centerline of Meadow Street to the point of intersection with the centerline of Locust Avenue , thence North along the Centerline of Locust Avenue to the point of intersection with the centerline of Spring Street , thence East along the centerline of Spring Street to a point 78 feet East of the Southwest corner of Block 2 of the Original Town (now city) of Fayetteville, Arkansas , thence North to a point 97 feet North of the South line of said Block 2 , thence East to a point 90 feet East of the Vest line of said Block 2 , thence North 49 feet , thence East to the centerline of East Avenue , thence North along the Centerline of East Avenue to a point due Vest of the Northwest corner of Lot 3 of Block 1 of the Original Town (now City) of Fayetteville, Arkansas , thence East to the Northeast corner of Lot 3 of said Block 1 , thence South 168 . 75 feet , thence Vest to a point 95 feet East of the Vest line of said Block 1 , thence South to the centerline of Spring Street , thence East to the centerline of College .. Avenue, thence North along the centerline of College Avenue to a point due Vest of a point which is South 00 degrees 09 minutes 04 seconds Vest , 251 . 00 feet from the Northwest corner of Lot 4 of Block 2 of Van Hoose-Van Winkle Addition to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas , thence East to the West line of'-Lot 5 of 'Block 2 of said Van Hoose-Van winkle Addition, .-thence -South 89 degrees 45 minutes 09 seconds East, 182 . 00 feet , thence South 00 _ degrees 09 minutes 04 seconds East , 23 . 30 feet , thence South 89 degrees 45 minutes 09 seconds East , 248 . 00, thence North 00 degrees 09 minutes 04 seconds East to the centerline of Dickson Stieet , thence West along the centerline of Dickson Street to a point Ila feet East of the Southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 15 , Township 16 North of Range 30 West , thence North 200 . 15 feet , thence Vest 2 feet , thence North 62 feel , thence Vest to the centerline of college Avenue , thence North along said centerline of Collage Avenue to the point of beginning . BEING FURTHER DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS , TO-WIT : All of Blocks 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 90 10 and 21 of the Original Town lnow city) of Fayetteville, Arkansas . Lim 1227 PAGE 915 EXHIBIT -A- : 2 All of Block 2 of the Original Town (now city) of Fayetteville , Arkansas . LESS and EXCEPT the following parcel , to-wit : Beginning at a point 78 feet East of the Southwest corner of said Block 2 , thence North 91 feet , thence East to a point 90 feet. East of the Vest line of said Block 2 , thence North i9 feet , thence. East: to the East line of said Block 2, thence South to the Southeast corner of said Block 2 , thence West to the point of beginning . All= of Block 1 of the. Original Town (now city) of Fayetteville , Arkansas . LESS and EXCEPT the following parcel , to-wit : Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Block 1 thence North to the Northwest corner of Lot 3 of said Block 1 , thence East to the Northeast corner of said Lot 3 , thence South 168 . 75 feet , thence West to a point 95 feet East of the West line of said Block 1 , thence . South to the South line of said Block 1 , thence West to the point of beginning . . All of Blocks 6 , -68 , - 7 , 7A , .9 , and 10 , Lots 1 , lA and 1B of Block 4 , Lot 2 of Block 5 , Lots 1 through 7 of Block 8 and Lots 8 through 13 of Block 8A of the County Court Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . All -of Watson' s- Subdiwision of Lot 14 of Block 8 of County Court Addition 'to ` the -City �of =Fayet teville ; , Arkansas . . :!All:'of Watson Place Addition, to . the- City of Fayetteville , : Arkansas . . spar[.,cf..'Block .l8:,of Masonic Addition ro the City of Fayetteville; Arkansas , ;more "particularly: described is follows , 2o-wit :' Beginning at a point Ten ' (30) feet North and_ Thirty (3O) feet East of the Southwest' corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 15 , Township 16 North , Range 30 west , thence North 252 . 15 feet , thence East 146 feet , thence South 62 feet , thence East 2 feet , thence South 190 . 15 feet , thence West to the point of beginning . :.Lots ] , 2 , 3 , 4 , 7 and S . and part of Lots 5 and 9 , Block 2 of Van Noose- : Yan . Winkle Addition to the_ .City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , more particularly described as follows , to-wit : Beginning at the NW Corner of . said Lot 4 , thence S . 89 degrees 45 minutes 42 seconds E. 430 . 00 feet ; thence S . 00 degrees 09 minutes 04 seconds W . 214 . 31 feet ; thence H . 89 " t degrees 45 minutes 09 seconds W. 248 . 00 feet ; thence H . 00 degrees 09 minutes 04 seconds E. 23 . 30 feet ; thence N . 89 degrees 45 minutes 09 ... .seconds W . 182 . 00 -feet ; thence N . 00 degrees 09 minutes 04 seconds E. 251 . 00 feet to the point of beginning . Lots 11 , 12, 17 , 14 . 15 , 160 17 , 18 , 19 and 20 of Frisco Addition to the City of Fayetteville ; Arkansas . - All of Blocks I * 2 , . 3 and 4 of" Reed"s" Subdivisionto the City of si Fayetteville , Arkansas . _ .:; Also a. part of the West Half of the Northeast Quarter and the East Half of = the Northwest Quarter of Section 16 , Township 16 North , Range 30 West , = being more particularly described as follows , to-wit : Beginning at the point of intersection of the centerline of West Avenue and . the centerline of Lafayette Street thence West along the centerline of Lafayette Street to the point of intersection with the centerline of Gregg Avenue , thence South along the centerline of Gregg Avenue to the point of intersection with the centerline of Dickson Street , Chance West along the centerline of Dickson Street to a point which is 688 . 115 feet West of the Northeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 16 , thence South to the centerline of William Street , thence East along the centerline of William Street to the point of intersection with the centerline of University Avenue , thence South along the centerline of University Avenue to the point of intersection with the centerline of vest Center street , thence East along the centerline of West Center Street to the point of intersection with West Avenue , thence North along the centerline of West Avenue to the point of beginning . LESS and EXCEPT Blocks 7 , 8 and 21 of the Original Town ( now city) of Fayetteville , )fid 2-27 Farr 91 CERTIFICATE OF RLCO1ZD State of Arkansas ( I, Alma Kollmeyer, Circuit Clark and City of Fayetteville ( $$ Exwfficio Recorder for Washington County, Arkansas, do hereby certify that this in- I, Suzanne C. Kennedy, City Clerk and strument was filed for record in my office Lx-Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, as indicated hereon and the same is now do hereby certify that the annexed or fore. duly recorded with the ackrowledgemenl going is of record in my office and the same a - P and certificate (hereon fn Record Book and Pears in Ordinance & Resolution book page as indicated thereon. X A i l/ at Page- 17_1 —. Witness my IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto hand and seal this set my hand and affixed the seal of said --3 Q�—day of Court on the date indicated hereon. _ 9 'Z; Alma Kollmeyer nn<1 Lv_n�fc.•�., 2ecorde Circuit Clark and Ex-officio Recarde,r.� byi, , .II " ) l e On BIOi v, s, 3. C, 1, , Y. jamming ala point where IJte and PI of e Original . «neriine at College lown now city) At FayeL ITAvenue N intersects the tevllle. Arkaas. r ntorllne Of Lafayette Ex MISIT "A" = ] + Street. 'home Ser along Allot fu"II } OI Me OCIgiNIThe i Of Said Town (now city) of Fayet- La/ayea9e Street to a paint teville• Arkansas LESS and STATE Of ARKANSAS due South Of theN teem of EXCEPT me Allowing ) lea. Lof3of Blacks INIMCMMy 'vercee. lewH: Beaconing ate J Cwn Addition to met Cony a1 a M:rl M feet East of the I County of Washington Fayatlevllle, .Arkansas. $oulnwest corner of said t ? hence North to Ina Black 3, then(a North 97 aMap nforlow of le Street feet thence East :e a point !. Them Weer along me W Feet East O1 the West line I. f ' r-' hereby certlp' Incll entemne a Maple $rent10 or said Black}. menta North , am the publisher ofH E NORTHfi, ESTARI' NSASTIMES, a dail news a er Me palm To )brackets on with 49 feet ?hence East to ma Y p p the centerOelM of was? East line IN avid Black ], having a second class mailing privilege, an belnR not less than tour pages of ' Avenue. Mlyma spurn a'M0 teen" & south to the flvecelumns each. published at afixed placeotbusiness and at a fixed (dally) in Avenue nre.nne 0l west Southeast teener t Sam Intervale continuously In Vie Clty of Faveneville. County of Washington. Arkansas Avenue ro me In?Of IN Ion Black z mance wear re to to raactlon with fee point of lNglmmng. for more than a period of Twelve months, Circulated and distributed from an eneOrtmet. .the of est along All of Touch ( ow ceonob established place Of business to subscribers and readers generally Of allclasses them WIF" T ar Ieno nal Town (now I 1 the l wMike IN mint of in Fayetteville, Arkansas, In a City and Countrice was for definite wha price for each copy, ora the plicae per SfrM• c ton point m Ion LE53and arcel, the fol gODpm, which price Wasfixed at Vliet I5 COn51dP3Ptl the value of the publlCatlOn. cenarline Of un ? tie lowinBesum parcel, to wit basedu n the news valucand service value It contains. thalat least tilt to . theme I Arkanfu Order f t me SSI men+ p0 YpPrcper ent Awtw. mesa. Ar ansas North 10 thea Blacwest tae of rhesubmribers theremhaye paid cash for their subscriptions tothe newspaper ren cmroruna IN Arkansas nor o M 1M Northwest k 1, or Its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six Avanw ro me poen+ el Ion f Ea ] IN sem Bleck t " to i " nf n .inn the +eamr Of to the Northeast months: and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than tarty Morocco of STo a Min sneer. South 1 um Lot fee , thence percent news matter. IMM . 73 f to Wool which South Ist Whin reef )hence IVM.173 Int Wesf f the Wes? Ip I pelt 95 fear East Northeast corner e1 me 1, ma wesnmh mu le Bleck I further certify that the ICRaI notice hereto attached In the matter of too ��� ,SkYmeasl Quarter T e e 1, a "W Sown rd me hSouth ence ao[+I hush 16, Township hip1 pl Ste linWe IN Nle mint 1. Mance OROI Nle— NC!NA TIC ISI,Pan IS. West. thence la North. outh Wear f0 the point OI Mpinm / ) ] ANORDINANCE to in* co Westin of wSpurt Ing. (L/.L [� 1_ sln -A al . ✓ 2tl . ESTABLISHING RA J imN +o the Chime N of long ne All a. B RS 1, IA a" 9, s STREETPCENTRA 11MT Stmt ?ne 0 William hit Sl Me and Stock LSM L IA art IB elPROV / NO. 1. VENT pl RICT tothemi t Of Intmsnbt Lotst LO? } IN Block S. w25 published inthe sasfrdally l$$ae of said newspaperfor NO. /] , lip h t palm W Ins, Of U10n LOM 1 t$ 8 t ] o/ Black B WHEREAS.the D !M1S Veto Ma Avenue. th Unb and Lpt3 B rMwgh ll q COBSKUclaiIIVe InlPrtl0n5 a5 IOlI0M'S: y two Chir s MeEi"ve pf SWUMVetatY gto*co rt" Ofani BbtkaA Oto Ce City of two thirds va$ Boum elMO me comfort" Of Addition to me cue of The first Insertion on the ll day of '+-<-d '_ 19 w* by Iden Iaty University Avenue t0 Me Fayetteville,Arkansas. ayaArllMb er "Y peon/Of InterNCtlM with ?M All of Watson's SOdi ivllocared In me rY enteMle Of West CMMr Bien DI Lel la O/ Bleck e M UIe second Insertion on the day of 19 hereinafter Setae inwttheme East along the County Cwt? Addition m the Olen a wnnM clalPmq that Catherine of West Center CITY Of Fayetteville, Arkan Cem.al Bval as Ion street, ?o me point IN In oaf. the third IDtertlon on the day of 39 Wovemen? Dhd was+aD fersection with the ARM Walton Place AM4 Nahed for /Mf orcO3ef cemelllne Of West Street. non ro the City Of FaYeL nerelnanerwt em and thence Norm along the tevule.Arkamas. . . and the fourth insertion on the — tla 19 WHEREASSifMr duh center line Of Waft Street t0 Parr Of Stock IB of , notice as regulrad by law, the Point M safer ectiM with Ma IC Addition to Me City / Iv the Bwrd of Ml WS of the ow center TIM W Meadow el Fayetteville, Arkansas, Cory Of FbVa nee, Arkao- Slreel, theme East along the more particularly described ��/1 SAS has "Mil, Il persona cenlerllne of Meadow Street as f011ews, to wit: Beginning lin 10 end Subscribed before mP 0 IhIS , day O( eMlrinpm" e, aM nn !O MI palm OI IntlrxctlM elapOln? Ten lig) /Set Norih uerlalMd• T retia pelt with the temAlMe d Liscuff and Thirty 1301 fact East AT a 113 was sly by Iwo. Avenue' theme Mann along Me Swlmvnt corrNr IN the Mies m IBX value q the Cenforllne Of Locust Northwest Quarter AT the I The owlet As Intel pnperrl Avenue t0 the Mint IN Io- Northwest Quarter of Sm- wllbln"WMrltery. " rsection with the that 13. To chip Id North,' xO ORDAIN REFORE, He Thieme@ East allifut of ongreIn* 35}.IwteeSo t, thence East Iss N d Public B ORDAINED By OMB BOARD+CIF CITY OR FAYET a Win? 78 f fact ingEa Street e feet. Inane South S] encs TE TNEC TTY OF FAYET] a peen? Ta lee? Eaal la the ?Mon 90.1 } feet mnce r Societe 1ARKANSAS: S sa the Original final IN nm o e South 1the Me+. /name My COmR1ISSI0n Expires: I SMNi 1. There C teal Ci the ON01MI Towlov, (Ipw West b the pOlOr IN "pinm 'established Improvement a GnVt $ITy) MFaY North 110 a cker.mint toL �B Ysmesa rachy; Baa fact No th W to a point LOM L t ], 6 r and B. eon I OlSlrit+ emYaCMn Ind lett line In+ To Stock OI ?tie Sffuln per a LH 5 and 9, BI nk e jrA"ryt eullbed er to al tine m aW ?Sof }, 1MtOf Addition Van Mtofeme Winkle "A'.',.. anPCMd hbefp Ill thearroa line Of "to lackEast Ol FaYtle le ?M City Of heave a Pact nstruc for rbc the West emof tam BIMn a FayNMv ale. ydriArkansas. apurpwa ofconstructingand9WQ thence No rte a9mmi mance men " ,tWeNY detrimug street vement lots thartzN East v /M thence IN as the N a, Mewl); f "to enq Fees for Printing ;Improvements Ark. Mail n. 520.1613 East the Cenenue. 1MnM North at the NW S. as de tee Lot i(S Ark. Stat Ann. ch the elven the Ca mint IN Eeaf 4.m mance S. O ft S. 41 a5 I card 1985)li white en Avenue fpapelt we West minimncsa . did S. 410,00 1 s of lIn the I it r" Con of Proof M the Northwest carrier q IM: thence S. M tleprees W mf ro w M rest Val IT Lot ] o n (have 1 theCit O"m f fa t; th W e N. 0 deg Da]) ego risks 2. SaidL Fa Ttev e, CIM) Of min mance N. B9Pae•eesa _ Tocol _..-. STS ply_ 'Bhaaacdon }. Said OMr11a Fence Cotte, aArkansas,t min u?n maecvetla W. ]aa.00 eall " kMwp a3 Dick thence Ehaf to the Northeast /eery MMM! N. Oo depran W Stmt Central Bust I commerce Lo+ 3 e141d Black minuL5 F. AS p s E }].3T "Mwament District NO. t 1' thence South )NAS feet, Ieet reaMe N. e9 depmet5 Sac11M ]. Curtis ShIDM thence Weal to a point 9S feet menurn op secpnOf W. 161.00 1810.Grleerw'oee, Tem pea East IN the West Ilne Of said to mance N. D] aortas W ipnrN(Jr0. Carl Collier a Black 1, Miami South to ma minNn d iKMOa E. ]xl.o0 CeVId A4Clause are bar CM1arI1M Of Spring SITML feet ro the ward IN beglnm InamNP n commissions theme East to the center11M Ing lWho deepen compos 'tn Of Cellew Avenue, menu Lo+anJt u;u. lS. ls, v, o"Mfa ImpmOmn? f North along the CenterleM W la. N and TO Of Frisco Addl- ,�aaaamefanl(1. '11 Collage Avenue to a Mini few to the City IN Fayet A DASSED AND APPRO dee West IN a Mlnl which is ravine.Arkansas. E Is2daYO/June. 1 7..^ South W degrees 09 minutes All OF Blacks 1. }, l and "d' APPROVE sasaCOn03 West, 251,00 fon RVN•s Subdlvlfive to len CL B^: Marlin J from the Northwesformerelle. + Cr ty W F8VOIN Arkansas, May 01 lot a Of Black } IN Van Alfa a part of the Was ? 'ATTEST Mm" Van Winkle Addition Half of the Northeast -ay: l usan"C. MCWethy to the city of Fayetteville; Quarter art he East Half o/ 'CITYClefle Arkansas. thence East to the the Northwest Quarter 0 •••e, IWn11ine 01 "t 5 OI Bleck } Section Is. Township M Of elid Van MM'*-Van North,.Range 31 West, Thing c (Winkle Addition, thence mon wrticularlY OeurlO South W O"re AS minVlp as follows, spell: 09 seconds East, I0200 feel Beginning at MM Mint IN thence south W degrees be Inran«nMer the cenMrline % minules w seconds East, or West Avenue and the 25.30 Feel, thence South e9 Contadina Of Lafayette 1 �. degrees es minutes 09 ee. Street finance Wnt along the / Cella East 24IM, theme cen+vune of Largaftee f North M degrees % minutes Stmt t0 IM Mint IN 0m Ila $*Conde East to the (ersecllo0 with the r � nlerllne of Dickson Street tiM m CenrllGf"g Avenue.Ienance Weft along the thence Sount allog. the r MMrll" IN Dickson Street CanM$ine Of Gregg Avenue TO 0 Them 178 fact East 0 on Southwest tar ei AT the IOT with theto the mnrcIN b " rlletl of tnVeT QYaner OF the NOT Dickson Street. Waar novel Quarter Ad Section 13, along the Can+erune of Township N North W Range Dickson Street To a Ment 30 West 1 on NOrtn ppo.IS Whln 1116811.175 Mr Wei/ Of 1NM. thence West } feet the Northeast CMMr be now Inert[! Norm a31Nt, in Mn SpYtnwnl Qlarlar q in! West to the Centering W COL Northwest Quarter Of said Iepa Avenue, conte Nerun Shinn Ie. thence south to Siong tam ten+e.n" 01 COI. the centerline OI wunam lege Avnue to ren went At Street,len * Ent along the begenn no Smell" M William Street B E I N G F U R T M E R TO the Mint Of InleruCtlon D E $ C R 1 B E O A 5 with the centerline of Unl. FOLLOWS. TOWIT; 1 jTotally Avenue, fnance South along me cenrernne of Unroerli Avenue to the helm Of Intersection with The Clinforlme of West center Stint, theme East along the enlerllne M Weft Center Street ?o the Mont o1 In. ?arsettlOn with Wool Avenue, theme North along Me cenlerlina Of West Avenue to the Mint of bege:r Trial. LESS and EXCEPT Blacks r• 1 ug}I M the Orhg� Incl Town Inmw cBvl