HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3264 FILED FOR RECORD 187 MY 13 AM 10 48 WASNIi4GTON COUNTY AR ORD h} bK0 �WYER MICROFILMED CIRCUI77CEF{K AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3249 TO CORRECT THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY REZONED THEREBY. BE IT ORDAIIQD BY THE BOARD OF DIRBCIURS OF THE CM OF FAYEITEVIL[E, ARKANSAS: 56 Section 1 . That Ordinance No. 3249 is hereby amended by amending nJ the legal description in Exhibit "A" attached thereto to read as follows : The West 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 4 , T-15-N, R- 30-W. and Lots 15 , 16 and 17 of Greenland Acres Subdivision, Less .v and Except the following described property : v Part of the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 and part of the NW 1/4 of the SW i 1/4 , all in Section 4 , T-15-N, R-30-W, and being described as follows , to wit : more particularly . S W Beginning at a point on the South line of said NE 1/4 SW 1/4 879 . 27 ' West of the SE corner thereof , thence North along the present City limits line 208 . 7 ' , thence West 752 . 1 ' to a point on the West right-of-way line of U. S . Highway Number 71 , thence South 20 00 ' West along said right-of-way line , 208 . 9 ' thence East 759 . 39 ' to the point of beginning , containing 3 . 3 acres , more or less . PASSED AND APPROVED this 5_ day of May 1987 . APPROVED ByQ ( ( QCiY � �en Mayor � 4 l l 1 lerk LIBIR1224 PAGE 898 1• Alma K°ilmever, Circuit Clerk an n1Y. iZL' OiZL Ex-ot•'.cio P.cco, dur fo; V;cshin9tpOs in. do hcrcb4 ccrtitY Ih:` L iL'l 11 i :A'1 OF oihee Ark':'aas, d In ir.V nSES ( 55 . t v:a; hied for recur is now *atC Of F�7n'. it ( strum.... „r.d )hc same as inGlccicd hcr¢or. Hilh the xk'• °`cicdScmenl i i-1 pi C`.,.t,ri t. (; Ct ' t �,�E dulY mcordrd v Boot. and S:._anne C. Ke^.;lel :, C1tY n 1 of 1':YJC' -�11Cand Wd';ifculc thereon ,icor re_orc.er for the City r fur^- Page as indlc cd '.hereon. m¢unto certify that the aun ^:e.: y �•! rNE55 '/HEi.EOE, 1 have h •' �l'�'"h �• he seal of said i; of record in mY office lat; t'.lc Sime aP hand and a111xed 2 RCSOi;ltton hc06' set mV hereon. ,,1•s in Orclinance F , dme ind;c>+¢a / �Ts� itnesS ,x 'it page� L� . CChINT 01 Aim, Kollmayer Cal t}lls - ]y / - d and ands x'o E A x-ot;ico P.acorder CIIV Qter ..;d t:"(l. s ., by .. .._ . r - STATE ul AR1::1� SA.ti es. Counl% of tCa.ahfnKton _ _ OROINANCEN0, 326C 1 AN ORDINANCE AMEN DING ORDINANCE NO. � , ,(,,. herehy' ceilify that I 32A9DIN TO CORRECT THE . I, - .y=S --Y- •. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF 7 THE PROPERTY REZON- amthr puhlisher ofT iF: �UR"f Hl[ EST :\RKl V5,1STI�1 ES, a dais% newspaper EDTHEREBY. having a second class mailing; pncilrge, and being not less than four pages of BE. IT ORDAINED BV (I1p columns each. published al a fixed place of business and at a fixed Idailvi d THE BOARD OF DIREC- STORS OF THE CITY OF intervals cominuousiv in the City of Fayolteyilie, Count} of Washinglon. Arkansas F A V E T,T E V I L L E , for more than a period of Iwelt'P months. circulated and distributed from an ARKANSAS: „ ' ` `: established lace of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes Section 1.hereby amended p � No. 3219 Is hereby amentletl in the City and County for a definite price for each copy. or a Ilxed price per . by amending , the legal _ annum, which price was fixed at what Is considered the value of the publication. description in Exhibit "A" ( attached thereto to read as based upon the news value and service value it contains. that at least fifty percent '• follows: ' 1 . - of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper � . The West 1/2 of the NEI. of the sww of section /, T-15- or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six N, R-30-W, and'.Lots 15, 16 months: and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty . and 17 of Greenland Acres rcent news matter. Subdivision, Less and . Ex- pe cept the following described ' property-. - . ' - ' I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of . Part of the NEI. of the ' SWI• and part of the NWI• of the SW'/, all in Section , , and beang more particularly — described as follows, to Wit: Beginning at a point on the - SouthlineofsaidNEI S.WI•::: was published in the regular daily' issue of said newspaper for — 879.27' west of the SE cornea, consecutive insertions as follows: thereof, thence North along �f the present City limits line / 208.7', thence West 752.1"9 a '. The first Insertion on the �'n[ day of � Q.od 19 — point on the West right Jf-` way line of U.S. Highway i Number 71, thence South 2'• the second Insertion on the day of 19 . 00' West along said right _ ' of-way line, 208.9' thence East 759.39' to the point of the third Insertion on the day of 19 , beginning, containing ' 3.3 ' acres, more or less. and the fourth insertion on the ar'-oto 19_ PASSED AND APPROVED this 5 day of May, 1987. APPROVED By : Marilyn Johnson Mayor ATTEST - 10 Sworn to and subscribed before melon Ihis r72 day of By : Suzanne C. Fennepy City Clerk - Seal Not Public , My Commission Expires: Fees for Printing Cost of PI not .__ S . -__—_ ---...-- Total S