HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3254 ORDINANCE NO• 39SL MICROFILMED AN ORDINANCE AMENDING § 2-54 OF THE FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO PROVIDE THAT THE PENALTY FOR A CHECK OR DRAFT RETURNED DUE TO INSUFFICIENT FUNDS SHALL BE $ 10 . 00 FOR EACH SUCH CHECK OR DRAFT. / BE TT ORIhD= BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ✓THE CITY OF FAYEIILVIISE, ARiWSAS: Section 1 . That §2-54 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows : Sec . 2-54 . Penalty for Check or Draft Returned Due to Insufficient Funds . If any person makes payment to the City of Fayetteville for any utility bill , license , fee , tax , fine or bond by means of a check or draft and payment is refused by the drawee for lack of funds , the maker or drawer shall pay to the holder thereof the amount due thereon , together with a service charge of $10 . 00 within ten ( 10 ) days after receiving written notice that payment was refused upon such check or draft . Notice shall be sent by certified or registered mail , evidenced by return receipt , to the address printed on the instrument or given at the time of issuance , or current residence . The form of the notice shall be substantially as follows : You are hereby notified that a check or instrument , numbered issued by you on ( date ) , drawn upon ( name ) , in the amount of and payable to has been dishonored . Pursuant to Arkansas law, you have ten ( 10 ) days from receipt of this notdre to tender payment of the full amount of such check or cjnsf�ument , a service charge of $ 10 .00 , the total amount due ,Pel+pg � Y oS� AND OV® this 7 day of APx+ � 1987 . J Z Cr J _ F � O O o Nc APPROVED C= L J U Q /� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q By :co !.Vl.f.l"i Mayo ATTEST YMW �•• UBIR1221PAGM4 r ;t 1, Alma Kollmeyer, Circuit Clark ail CERTIFICATE OF RECORD @x-officio Recorder for Washington Ceuntyr. _ Arkansas, do hereby. certify thu' this in- . ( SS strumcrt was tiled far rccerd in cy cllico tate Of ATlal!lsas City Of I' aYette'J"le ( as indicated herecn :nd ho sama !s now I{ l eayGt>- Clerk and duly recorded with tho ac.`.roW!,c!gcment I, guznnue � , le C't Of FAYCttcville, and certificate Ihercor. :^ [occrd Book and E> Ofiiciorecordcrforft . Y i r Yll:,t f�'-C � , . �='.:6 Or iOTE- Paga as indicated thereon. do herc!by CEi't1r ; ' .. •; y IN WITNESS W.,EBEOF, I have hereunto, going is of i Cor? i:1 my of" ;"e a' ci Y. e Ss:-1^ aP- �'� ='i ')OOiC set my hand end affixed Ilia seal of said pears in OTdLPd:1Ce - S Court on the dale indicated hereon. 'I% itn EBS MY t n�`�e '/-" .. l 'Alma Kollmeyer day of circuit Clerh and hand and seal this--------- 9 917_ Ea-officic Recorder rlc e '�"fic 0 Recor r City .E ...::i i :: by —_- • c STATE of ARKANSAS as. •, OROMANCEN0. 2251 . h AN ORDINANCE AMEN- . County O( S1'ashinelon DING 52 . 54 OF- THE FAYETTEVILLE CODE J' OF ORDINANCES.,-TO PROVIDE •. THAT THE 1, _ _ �1�-L_ '( C hereby' certlft ?Pat I I PENALTY FOR A CHECK am the publishero( 1F: NOR EST ARKANt'ASTI\SES. a daily' newspaper OR DRAFT RETURNED DUE TO ' INSUFFICIENT hating a second class marline prl yllege. and nR AAI less than four pages Of FUNDS SHALL, BE .510.00 - five columns each. published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed Idallyl FOR EACH SUCH CHECK ' OR DRAFT:• -: - -= - - _ intervals contlnunush' in the Cily' of Fayltllm ille. Countv of Washington. Arkansas BE IT ORDAINED BY for more than a period of twelt'e months. Circulated and distributed from an THE BO - established lace of business to subsr ribers and readers generally' of all classes THE:LITY TORS OFF O . OF TY 'OF p F A Y T T E V I L L E , In the City and County for a definite price for each copy. Or a fixed price per ARKANSAS: : a Section 1. That S2-Ss of mea- •- • ' . annum. which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, 5 Fayettevtne ' eode of Drab based upon the news value and service value it contains. that at least fifty percent nances is hereby amended to of the su bsc ribers thereto ha ye pa id cash for l heir subscriptions to t he newspaper readasfollgws: • •• Sec. 2-54. Penalty t for or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six Check - Or Draft Returned months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty Due to Insufficient Funds: percent news matter. If any person makes pay- ment to the City of Fayet- teville for any ottlity.,bill, 1 further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of license, fee, tax, fine or bond by means of a check or draft and paymerit 'Is refused by the drawee for lack Of fundi, iY ---A f per/ the-. maker Or drawer Shall pay to the holder thereof the / amount ' due thereon-, was published in the regular dailc issue of said newspaperfor — together with a , service charge of $10.00 within ten consecutive insertions as follows: (10) days after receiving written nonce that payment Q? Z'/ was refused upon such check The first Insertion on the day OL 19 (y,L— or draft. Notice shall be sent, by certified or registered mail, evidenced by reruru the second insertion on the day of 19 receipt, to the -address printed on the Instrument or the third Insertion on the day of 19 given at the time of Is- suance, or Current resi- dence. The form of the and the fourth insertion on the da19 " notice shall be substantially asfollows: . .i.n.:.. .. : ..•, ( , You : are . hereby�;notlfied that a check or instrument, t numbered—=--q-,— Issued by 404 on S rn to and subscribed before me o Ihts ti- da, of the mount of 5 and Payable to name), in . . . a has been C dishonored. Pursuant to \ try Public t Arkansas law, you have ten (10) days from receipt of this notice to tender pay. My Commission Expires: ' ment of the full amount o/ ' such check or instrument,-a service charge of $10.00, the totar ._.amount due .being LLLL 1 LLL..LLL $ in I ASSED AND APPROVED ' this] day of April, 1987. ,, - - "APPROVED By: Marilyn Johnson / 1 ATTEST ' Mayor : Fees for Printing . . S 9v: Suzanne Kennedy Cityclerk .. . - ('Osl of Prod .— . 5 'Intal