HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3248 FILED FOR RECORD 3 8 ? RPR 7P172 y7 3248 M1CROfn-MEd• Q�� 'i; .' 'C Cv ORDINANCE N06 Ma KCtt � l - NTy4R IRCUIT CLERK R AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED \ IN REZONING PETITION R87-3 FOR A PARCEL CONTAINING v 13 . 61 ACRES LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF GREGG AVENUE NORTH OF ELM STREET . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRWIUR.S OF THE CITY OF FAYErIEVIIiE, ARKANSAS: LSection 1 . That the zone classification of the following j� describe pdibe oropperty is hereby changed as follows : R87-3 described as set out in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . From R-1 Low Density Residential District to I-1 Heavy Commercial and Light Industrial District . Section 2 . That the official zoning map of the City of Fayette- ville , Arkansas , is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above . PASSED AND APPROVED this 17th day of March 1987 . APPROVED: ^ , By : J�NAt�Ar / Mayor i . _ "ar i Clerk : A . �►aEa 1219 PA, 820 EXHIBIT "A" Petition No. R37-3 : The following descrihdd property located in Washington County , Arkansas : A part of the West Half (A ) of the Northeast Fractional Quarter (NE;i ) and a part of the Northwest Quarter (NW;i ) of the Southeast Quarter ( SEAS) all in Section Four (4 ) of Township Sixteen ( 16 ) North , Range Thirty ( 30 ) West , being more particularly described as follows , To -Wit : Beginning at a point N88 *41 ' 56"W 141 . 13 feet from the Southeast corner of said West Half of the Northeast Fractional Quarter (NE'-s ) , thence running Nll* 18 ' 04 " t 144 . 03 feet , thence N89* 50 ' 03 "W 799 . 88 feet to the meandering centerline of a Creek , thence running along said meandering centerline S32 * 26 ' 36 "W 147 . 15 feet , thence leaving said centerline S03 * 13 ' 56 "W 256 . 49 feet to an existing fence line , thence running along said fenceline S00* 39 ' 33 "W 315 . 02 feet to an existing fenceline , thence running along said fenceline S88 *45 ' 19 "E 795 . 00 feet to the Right-of-Way of a railroad , thence running along said Right-of - Way Nll* 18 ' 04 " E 579 . 35 feet , thence leaving said Right-of-Way N88*41 ' 56 "W 39 . 66 feet to the point of beginning , containing 13 . 61 acres more or - less . USER 1219PAGE 8?1 1, Alma Kollmcyar, Circuit Clerk and C'ERTIFIC'ATE OF RECORD 6erofficio Recorder for Washington County, State of Arkansas ( Arkansas, do hereby ccrlify that this in. City of Fayetteville ( SS ttrument was filed for record in r,ry office as indicated hereon and It: tams it now I, Suzanne C. Ken::e:':y, City Clerk and duly recorded ednowledgernent Ex-Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, and eerli icG:e f _ccord Wool and do hereby certify that the ,,: ,i: :; Or fore- sago as iadicxi =a=- going is of record in my office :t- :d t:�e Same ap- N Wil TWX NS=r,. r Piave Aereuntw Pears in Ordinance &/ R;:S�l,ltioI book CAPmy hand andaHl:Nd tha seal of sairi X X� ✓—at page1 _� it:less my 4r4ho on ihn b n rSca ed l,mmnt hand and seal firs--__� clay of IAImaKolln,yer 9mtll Clerk and t bq ClipNO.]]u STATE of .ARKANS,I\ . AN .Oq DINANCE REION ING THAT FgOe al I OESCRIHED IN EON COunIV INON RSOf Wishingl0 G PETITION RESW A PARCEL LFOR 11.61 A CONTAINING The ORES LOCATED ON GREGG Av T SIOE OF I• ✓_. i ' v '/�' �,. OF ELM sip EEETE NORTH am mrpuplispero rllE \pR'r/ltl'ICST .\ '.1Sti.1S TI11 E.SrJ dailc nPrebv ly`a IIa11 HE IT ORDAINED HY pd\'IOQ a 51•Mnd C ]S( mJIIIn ` pJpr! TNR BOARD OF DIREC. 4 P!I\'Ilrg.•, and being not (PSS than four p]Res of TORS OF THE CITY OF flyr columns tach, published JI J fixtd pIJ(POf busmrss and al a fixrd Id]Il\'1 ' F 1 Y E t T H V 1 L L E , InMICdV Mnllnupufh' jn 111e ('11v 01 Fa%PIlmlllr. (IIYnM pI 11']SIIjnQlnn, AfkAncas ARI(.ANSAf: for more than a Carlen 1. T^at the roM eslab)ishedplaceolbu9m•ssmsumunl s rtITand 111,11141 and dislribul"Of from a CIaYHkalion in the follow class mg aescneed prOlxrly is In the City and County for a definite price for each copl., Or a fixed gree per R87-3 8 YCMIIp•y as lot Apr a: armory. which price 4']s fixed al4' ] OetCr"A" AttaA pr hal is Considered the %alae of the publlca tion. fe ifitexhibit and A•• smarmed OaSHl upon lhP rev's caluNnd SeM1'icP value 11 contains. that at least fifty Mrero and a wn OI the subscribers lhPIVin hate DeMenj mac• or its agents or through rCCO Wltl rash fonhelrsubxnpdonsmThe newspaper From flap LW ppslly g ed Oeits dealers deer Heavy I DlavArl. ID 1.1 months: and that the Said nvWSPapCr publishes an seers period Of al leas) sex Light IMuairlso Dlstorciricl. pPrCenl news matter. Re Of mOIP than (ore)' I SKIIM a. T at the olllCla] santnv may a them Felb, ry.a 1 further Certify that the legal notice hereto attached eYenvl MreDy ampap MkaIo rellKln S la Pd In [he mdffer 0( it z1p Chenva Provlap InF.,SfHD AND AIPHOM � HD this Illn day OI March, ') Irl' Was published in the regular dJll)' issue of said ne4's a APPROVED: cons p pPrfor BY: NNril Yn Joh^son Mutjve IOSeftlOns a5 follo65: ( ATTEST: Mayor f� 1 HY: Sur]nn•C. Kennedy The first Insertion on Inc �( �' �NIInCity Clerk day of�7//� 19 2-L_ ENO. RIT••A•• -s the Second Insertion on the g hda eked Tfo r,r rowing MK.IDed pr•a.nr day of 19 located In Washington Court the third Insertion' on the N.Arkansas: day of 1B — A u n DI the wear Nen and the fourth insertion (WWI 1 In! er Northeast on the -- dd�y p(_ I Fed a PartOMW Quarter (NEVJ ]9 Qu a par/ 01 v ) of ? al / Owner (NWWI of the ; spmpal Quarter (SEW) All In Four (4)s o f SW grn_10 ,a/rt sulbJ{q/Ls1<meq� r//ib_etlohip Sixteen ( 16) before /me this ? D OId IVNorth. RenoY (M)sells?, Thirty ( C 9tic ly .ase rrem as lolbANS. Tecall: owinning at 0Poral N841,11-56"W56"W 4I13 fast from oScorner "t est Hal ill in* Nardispent SOlPupllcFraconal DK (NEV,). \1y (OmmIS510r EypjlCS:trancerunnln0 144 . 03 leaf . thence l e N'•W feel h, the Mng e ing Ad Crftk, Manro running aliO $AiaiienOerAne • nfrle526'16"W , 147-15 NMIn- thanked leavl^OtocrmirletSM AITSI ^ 1 lo fifast to an eeNnn Fees for Priming _ . . .> i.["Sill S id le rurunningDeenang um la'nr•une (SYLgtyl9W 315 on Cozl Of Prml __. s . _.._ .__. eaannq lencelme, in".. "AnIng 411009 mid finil Trial Right Of-WAY of a railroad, 11MrNa running along kelp • dNl lala'W'•E . RIOhI II SIy.13 eap WaY(hence leaving spa I R g n t . Of . W ay NSS^al'U"w as Ad fl to girl Of Deginuthe "I alaAI acres in