HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3244 FILED FOR RECORD '87 nRH 10 firs 8 51 ORDINANxE NO, 3244" WAQLhi.9 , TOv COUNTY AR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 14 OF THE FAYEI`WI RK R MICROFILMED CODE OF ORDINANCES TO LEVY AN ADDITIONAL MUNICIPAL COURT COST OF $ 3 . 00 IN MISDEMEANOR AND TRAFFIC VIOLATION CASES TO BE USED ONLY FOR ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE PURPOSES , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, c� � ARRPIESAS: Section 1 . That Chapter 14 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby anended by adding S14-8 to read as follows : V Sec . 14-8 . Additional Court Costs To Be Used For Administration Of Justice . Upon each plea of guilty , nolle contendere , forfeiture of bond , or determination of guilt for misdemeanors or traffic violations , the Municipal Court shall levy and collect from each defendant additional court costs of 53 . 00 which shall be used only for administration of justice purposes . Costs collected under this section shall be paid into a special fund and shall be expended only for administration of justice purposes . Section 2 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that additional revenues are needed for the effective administration of justice and that the effective administration of justice is essential to the public safety and welfare . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the public safety and welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPRUVED this 17th day of February , 1987 . APPROVED By : Mayor ATPEST By : � L*t y Clerk LIBER 1216 PACE 081 C I, Alma Ke L'meyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-officio Recorder for Washington County, CERTIFICATE OF RECORD Arkanras, do hereby certify that this in- Stat O{ Arkansas ( strumcni was filed for record in my office SS as indicated hereon and the same is now City of Fayetteville duly recorded with the acknowledgement I, Suzanne C. 1{ennedy, Cit'✓ Ciel-k and and certificate thereon in Record Book and EX-O{11070 t'eCOr(reY {::r t!: e Cii' )r `%f Page as indicated thereon. .. f.-. _r _ d0 hereby cel'11F}' that {ail 1 . . . . . _ t . _ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto goin,r; is of Yef;OPd in My OfriCo :".•=l saln3 up- set my hand and affixed the seal of said pears 1n OY 1nali(:0 i� i1' ) I ' .(l i Court on the date indicated hereon. X XIV at t- ,gg _JjC --_ )'•r ltne55 MY Alma Kolimeyer till - ay or Circua Cieik and hand and mal - - -- _ -.y _ Ex-officio Recorder by ._... City C.e111 EX-Officio R cordef � . R � y c v STATE of ARKANSAS l ORDINANCE No. 3244 } Bs. AN ORDINANCE AMEN Count of Washington J ' DING CHAPTER 14 OF �' THE FAYETTEVI-LLE , THE OF ORDINANCES ,1 TO LEVMUNICIPAL AN COUADDITIONAL L=Q_,�L [.l. hereby certify that MUNICIPAL COURT COST I. OF $3 . 00 IN MISDE - am the publisher o( " Ii: NOR'rim f:ST .xRF. SASTTMES. a daily' newspaper MEANOR AND TRAFFIC VIOLATION CASES TO BE haling a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of USED ONLY FOR AD- five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed ( dally ) MINISTRATION OF JUSTICE PURPOSES. intervals ContinooU5ly in the Citv of Fa Pineville. Countyof Washington, Arkansas BE IT ORDAINED BY for more than a period of Twelve months. Circulated and distributed from an THE BOARD OF DIREC- established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of allc•lasses TORS OF THE CITY OF F A Y E T T E V I L L E , in the City and County' for a definite price for each copy', or a ❑xPd price per ARKANSAS: annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication. Section L That Chapter 14 of the Fayetteville Code of based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent Ordinances Is hereby of the subscribers thereto have pa id cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper amended by adding S14-8 to .read as follows: or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six Sec. 14.8. Additional Court months: and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty Costs To Be Used For Ad- percent news matter. ministration of Justice. , Upon each _plea of guilty, nolle contendere, forfeiture I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of N bond, or determination of� gullt for misdemeanors or traffic violations, the Municipal Court shall 'levy' and collect from each defen- dant additional court cosh' ' of $3.00 which shall be used' was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaperfor only for administration of justice purposes. Costs col- consecutive insertions as follows: lected under this section_ �J p shall be paid Into a special_ The first insertion on the _( � day of Q't� - 19 fund and shall be expended only for administration -of, lustice purposes. the second Insertion on the day of 19 Section 2. The Board of.. Directors hereby deter- mines that additional reve- the third insertion on the day of 19 ' nues are needed for the ef- fective atlministratlon of - justiceandthattheeHective and the fourth insertion on the 19 administration of justice Is essential to the public safety c and welfare. Therefore, an emergency Is hereby declared to exist and this or- dinance being necessary for Sworn to and subscribed before me o this t day of the public safety and wel- fare shall be In full force and ,L L, 9 Y 7 effect from and after Its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROV- Yr. ED this lith day of Febru- � EDaryhis tart' Public APPROVED rel ' By: Marilyn Johnson Mayor Sty Commission Expires: ATTEST By: Suzanne C. Kennedy City Clerk Fees for Printing _ .. J r5-d 'SC'. Cosi of Prcxlt Total