HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3239 ORDINANCE ND. 3239 FILED AN ORDINANCE ORDERING THE RAZING AND REMOVALFSP RECORD MICROFILMED AN UNSAFE STRUCTURE LOCATED AT 1102 South W" AN 29 PM 3 41 WHEREAS, Billy W. and Tina Pitts are the owners VfA §l NTY described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a par �f L AR A KOLLMEYER kUKREAS, the Board of Directors has determined thatlFEN2j -pl2uee located on said property is dilapidated , unsightly , unsafe and detrimental to the public welfare ; and WHEREAS , the owner of said property , after having been given well over thirty days ' notice by certified mail , has neglected and i refused to raze and remove said unsafe structure . v KNr Tom• BE rr BY THE BOAR OF DHWIORS OF THE crrY OF FAYEIImui, ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Billy W. Pitts and Tina Pitts are hereby ordered to raze and remove the dilapidated , unsightly and unsafe structure located on the aforesaid real property . Said work shall be commenced Qj within ten ( 10) days and shall be completed within thirty ( 30) days 0 from the passage of this ordinance . The manner of removing said structure p shall be : dismantle by hand or bulldoze and haul all debris by truck !✓ to a landfill , Section 2 . If the aforesaid work is not commenced within 10 days or completed within 30 days , the City Manager is hereby directed to cause the aforesaid structure to be razed and removed ; and , the City of Fayetteville shall have a lien upon the aforesaid real property for the cost of razing and removing said structure . Section 3 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that the aforesaid unsafe structure constitutes a continuing detriment to the public safety and welfare and determines that unless the provisions of this ordinance are put into effect immediately , the public health , safety and welfare of the people of Fayetteville will be adversely affected . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the public health , safety and welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . 7 • PASSED AND APPROVED this 20 day of January 1986 . APPROVED : By : M2, ;" ) Ma�yor f 'F? y l LIBER1211PAGE 6Z8 , EXHIBIT °A' Int Numbered One ( 1 ) in Block Numbered Two ( 2 ) , Wilson-Dunn Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , as per plat on file in the office of the Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder of Washington County , Arkansas . LIBER 1211 PAGE 629 I, Alma Ko!'mcyor, Circuit Clark and Ex-officio Rcco. dtr for V saington County, CERTIFICATE OF RECORD Arkansas, do hereby certify Ih]l this in- state of Arkansas ' i ` strumcnl was filed for record in my o ridd ( SS as indicated hereon acc the same is now City of Favettcviae Clerk and duly recorded With the acki!owlcd4cmenl I; Suzanne C. Ker ed r City and certificate theieor, ?d lIeEdrd Btidk and Eg-offick) recorder f .]I' t^_e Ci°: `Y pf F,',Yettef Ie- - Page as indidated thoreon: do hereby ce_tify thrlt :l . ap- IN WITNESS f+/hEREOF, I have hereuntd going is of riic:`r(l i^ rly o:• r. e set my hand and if ' if the seal of said CI pears in Uru: ts we Court od flie date ih tated hetti _l 1� X X t ✓ --', t , Ai+Ba' f74irHk4&i eN 44 hand any B Z—, EtkeN(gla RKwd�F City -eri a::d L::Jificio Record ll Notice ORDIegaNANCEE NOs. 3239 AN ORDINANCE ORDER- 1 ING THE RAZING AND1 STATE of ARKANSAS REMOVAL OF AN UN- [ SAFE STRUCTURE LO- County Of R•ashington CATED AT 1102 South Dunn. y WHEREAS, Billy W., and Tina Pitts are the owners of I in e Exhibitreal p "A" dattachea 1, e- i2" hereby cer[I(y Mal I QL ( •fQ . '� hereto and made ar a Dt am thepublisherofT N'ORTflR" FSTARKA\SAS�TIMES. a daily newspaper hereof; and WHEREAS, the Board of having a second class Trailing privilege. and being-not less than four pages of Directors has determined five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed Nally ) that the structure located on Intervals continuously In the City of Fayetteville. County of Washington. Arkansas said property IS dilapidated , unsightly, unsafe and dem- for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an mental to the public wel-I established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes fare; and WHEREAS, the owner of In the City and County for a definite price for each copy, ora fixed price per said property, after having annum, which price was fixed at what Is considered the value of the publication. been given well over thirty days' notice certif ied based upon the news value and service value It contains. that at least fifty percent mall, has neglected and ref-l of the subscribers thereto hate paid cash for theft subscriptions to the newspaper used to raze and remove, or Its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six said unsafe structure. NOW, THEREFORE, BE months: and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty IT ORDAINED BY THE percent news matter. BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYET- 1 TEVILLE. ARKANSAS: I 1 further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of Section 1. That Billy W. I Pitts and Tina Pitts are: l hereby ordered to raze and ' < / remove the dilapidated um : 'l. (` /i ' 0 1 ( sightly and unsafe structure located on the aforesaid real i / property. said work shall be was published In the regular daily issue of said newspaperfor commenced within ten (10) days and shall be completed consecutive Insertions as follows: within thirty (30) days from the passage of this ordi- The first Insertion on the -ILL day of � �` ' 19 Q! nance. The manner of removing said structure shall be: dismantle by hand the second Insertion on the day of 19 , or bulldoze and haul all debris by truck to a landfill. Section 2. If the aforesaid the third insertion on the day of 19 work is not commenced within 10 days or completed within 30 days, the City and the fourth Insertion on thep—oh ,19' Manager is hereby directed to cause the aforesaid strut- ture t0 be razed and remov- ed; and, the City of Fayet- teville shall have a lien upon Sworn to and subscribed before ed 6n •this ' = day of the aforesaid real property for the cost of razing antl ) 77 removing said structure. / ' ���L OL-4-4. 9 Section 3. The Board of (/ Directors hereby deter , mines that the aforesaid un- ^- safe structure constitutes a Nota bile continuing detriment to the , public safety and welfare and determines that unless My Commission Expires: ( , the provisions of this ordi- nance are put Into effect Cl immediately, the public I — / — health, safety and welfare of the people of Fayetteville will be adversely affected. Therefore, aemergency is I hereby declared ed exist and ,! / JVry_t/w•Y■(l♦\ this ordinance being neces- I 8a , 7 sary for the public health, Fees for Priming S safety and welfare shall be I In full force and effect fromvI and after its passage and j Cost of Proof _" Si approval. � , I PASSED AND APPROV- ED this 20 day of January, 1986. APPROVED: By: Marilyn Johnson Mayor ATTEST: By: Suzanne C. Kennedy City Clerk EXHIBIT "A" Lot Numbered One (1) in Block Numbered Two (2), Wilson-Dunn Addition to the City of Fayetteville. Arkan- sas, as per plat on file in the I office of the Circuit Clerk and EX-011160 Recorder of i Washington County, Arkan- 1 sas.