HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3237 FILED FOR RECORD ' 87 AN 29 PSI 3 41 - - - WASHINGTON COUNTY AR ��� �• 3237 MICROFILMED ALMA KOLLMFYER CIRCUIT ('; a FR K AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRI6ED' IN REZONING PETITION R86-21 FOR A PARCEL CONTAINING . `f 1 ACRE LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF ARKANSAS HIGHWAY 16 WEST AND DOUBLE SPRINGS ROAD, 3 U BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRWTOPS OF THE CITY OF FAYSIILVILIE, J�) AR UMM : X U Section 1 . That the zone classification of the following COO described property is hereby changed as follows : %} R86-21 described as set out in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and y made a part hereof . l From A- 1 Agricultural District to C-2 Thoroughfare Commercial District , Section 2 . That the official zoning map of the City of Fayette- ville , Arkansas , is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above . PASSED AND APPROVED this 20 day of January 1987 . APPROVED : (� By : 144 A AL}6ytAtAA►�i MAyor : Vt j.rIIY.aK ry�1 (::' 10 �� /*7 10001 sgy : /Clerk LIBER1211 PAGE 6?,4 EXHIBIT 'A' Petition No . R86-21 : The following described property located in Washington County, Arkansas : Part of the Southeast quarter ( Se 1/4 ) of the Northeast quarter ( NE 1/4 ) of Section Ten ( 10 ) in Township Sixteen ( 16 ) North of Range Thirty-one ( 31 ) West , and being more particularly described as follows , to-wit : Beginning at the Southwest corner of said 40-acre tract , and running thence North 169 feet to a fence running East , thence East 257 . 8 feet , thence South 169 feet , thence West to a point of beginning , containing one ( 1 ) acre , more or less , Less and except that portion embraced in U . S . Highway No . 16 on the South side hereof , and also less and except that portion embraced in Wheeler Road on the West side hereof , as per plat on file in the office of the Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder of Washington County , Arkansas , USER 1211 PAGE 625 ,a I, Alma Rollmeyep Circuli CleA and RECORD Ex-olficia Rdfdidcr 'tor Woshingtdh Godhlyl CERTIFICATE OF Arkansas, dd horelly ferlily that this It strurnont weh 640 far riscord id rhy ohic1 State of Arkansas SS as indidalod "bred" and 16salla b how Cit}' Of Fayetteville duly retarded wills the ackdowlcdpamenl I . Suzanne C. Kenne ly. City Clerk and and fartilleala lhcraod 'd Record 6004 and f "r:,yea: tile, I;y.-Officio recorder for the City ^- r ' r Papa as indicated rhdra6d, do hc: ehy CCrtif) that fisc IN WIYhi@b! WWYRiOFI 11184 karWNY .: goin is of record in my efiicc :r. .ct' . •� :ir::` a!)j tar my heed and ahlydd 16 goal & uld pears in Ordinance Cis J)^� . CoYrl on Ihd dalf indikaldll flMaahr ACX 1 V—at P:~f�e .-Lu— . . .. ^' Alma Kellmepr ' '. :'- of Clrcull Clark Go hand and seal this- ---- - - p47 goordu sty C'crit ar.d EJ.':�-io r.ero er � . ��� STATE of ARKANS,IS l { sa. ' ORDINANCE NO-. 3237 County of Washington J AN ORDINANCE REZON- I ING THAT PROPERTY (� DESCRIBED IN REZON- ING PETITION CONTAINING FOR YCT LC f r/p/s hereby cenlly tEat I A PARCEL CONTAINING 1 am the publisher of HE NOR THtS' FST ARI<,1(.}5:\S TISIES, a dally newspaper ACRE LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF having a second class mailing priv❑ege. and being not less than four pages of ARKANSAS HIGHWAY 16 five columns each, published at a fixed lace of business and at a fixed Idall WEST AND DOUBLE SPR-- I D y' INGS ROAD. Intervals conttnuously In the City of Favettes'Ille, Count, of Washington. .Arkansas BE IT ORDAINED BY for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an THE BOARD OF established place of business to subscribers and readers generally' of all classes TORS OF THE CITYTY OOF F F A Y E T T E V 1 L L E , in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per ARKANSAS: 1. annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication. Section 1. That the zone classification of the follow- based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent Ing described property is of the subscribers thereto ha ve paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper hereby changed as follows: R&6-71 described asset out or Its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six to Exhibit ••A•• attached months: and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty hereto and made a part hereof. percent news matter. From' A-1 ' Agricultural District to Cd Thoroughfare I I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of Commercial District Section 7. Thad the official zoning map of the City of I •y- / Fayetteville, Arkansas, is L-CLL 9 ! /!-y( P ,� �C • �� hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided In Section t above. PASSED AND APPROV- was published In the regulardw' aily issue of said nespaperfor ED this 70 day of January, consecutive insertions as follows: 1987. a APPROVED: lLIIfr, Q By: Marilyn Johnwn The first insertion on the day oft r� 19 'J Mayor +. ATTEST: the second Insertion on the da By: Suzanne C. Kennedy Y of 19 City Clerk ENo- BITRU- 1 : the third Insertion on the day of 19 Petition No.described : The fol- IowinB dewriDetl property and, the fourth Insertion on the located In Washington Court- � locateansas: Part of the Southeast ] l Quarter (SETA) of the Nor- 1 theast quarter (NEI/4) of i Sworn to and subscribed before on n this day of Section Ten (10) in Township I Sixteen (16) North of Range 1 �� . Thirty-one (71 ) West, and l 'f-�-L't 'l<' - 9 O / ' , 1 being more particularly J ! , tlescribetl as follows, to-wit: �' Beginning at The Southwest corner of said 40-acre tract, N la PubIIC and running thence North 169 feet to a fence running East, thence East 757.11 feet, My Commission Expires: thence South 169 feet, thence ) West to a point of beginning, containing one (1 ) acre, I LL L more or less, Less and ex. I cept that portion embraced In U.S. Highway No. 16 on the South side hereof, and also less and except that , portion embraced In ' Fees for Printing , S n `;2 I' Wheeler Road on me west side hereof, as per plat ori file in Tee Dance of the Cir' - cult Clerk and Ex-Officio I Cost Of Proof _ S Recorder of Washington 1 / County, ArkansaS. Total __ $ `-'• �' ='�