HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3235 FILED FOR RECORD ' 87 AN 29 Pel 3 41 WASHINGTON COUNTY AR MICROFILMED ALMA KOLLMEYER ORDINANCE NO. „ , s C ! r': Q U I T CLERK G AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION R86-20 FOR A PARCEL CONTAINING 9 . 26 ACRES LOCATED SOUTH OF ARKANSAS HIGHWAY 16 WEST APPROXIMATELY 500 FEET EAST OF RUPPLE ROAD. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYEPIEVIELIE, as ARKANSAS : i 3 Cr Section 1 . That the zone classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows : Ute- R86-20 described as set out in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . Fran A-1 Agricultural District to R-0 Residential Office District . Section 2 . That the official zoning map of the City of Fayette- ville , Arkansas, is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above . PASSED AND APPROVED this 6 day of January 1987 APPROVED : By :624ti2 \ < Mayor 1% i•. ?' +ATTEST : '-. k ,, r it Clerk LIBER 1211 PAGE 6?0 Danwr 'A" Petition No. R86-20 : The following described property located in Washington County , Arkansas : The North 550 feet of equal and uniform width of the following described property , to-wit : A part of the Northeast Quarter ( NE 1/4 ) of the Southeast Quarter ( SE 1/4 ) of Section 12 , Township 16 North, Range 31 Wbst of the Fifth Principal Meridian Washington County , Arkansas and being more particularly described as follows : to wit : Beginning at a point 25 . 44 feet South and 485 . 17 feet West of the Northeast Corner of said Northeast Quarter ( NE 1/4 ) of the Southeast Quarter ( SE 1/4 ) of Section 12 and running N 88° 48 ' 23" W, 416 . 00 feet ; thence S 1007106"W, 970 feet ; thence S 88048123 " E , 416 . 00 feet ; thence N 1007106"E , 970 . 00 feet to the point of beginning and containing 9 . 26 acres , more or less and subject to all easements of record , as per plat on file in the office of the Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder of Washington County , Arkansas , LIBER J211 PAGE I, Almn Kcllmnycr, Circuit Clerk and Ex-CERTIFICATE OF RECORD R .ea: .;;r rrr V:ashington county, Arkanmd¢, d5 jjut4h1 fortify that this in. State of Arkansas ( SS :tram-rel was ilic, J4 i, I , fv:Gld In my OffICO City of Fayetteville As indiealpd hvredn and ncc lama is now I, Suzanne C. ;icm airy, City Clcrlc and duty reea,dcd wish iha ackr5wledpement Ex-Officio recorder flir the C:tY ;lf I' : „ettsvllle, And ccrllilaelp thareon in Po6ord Book and do hereby mlly that the :... . ; io: a_ Node a+ it,dicoled fhdr=_am ' p- bF, I have hereunto is of recn:•d in rnY " g pears in Ordiarnce C5 "' set�” Cau°1r' hnr;d and affixed the anal of said N ilia date indnated here#", Alma Kallmeyer hand ands .al tsl.. s -- ----- .... ........ of Circuit Clerk and . UmU1419 Remsdar Cit Cleric and L'::-Offi �io iZecor ORDINANCE N0. 3235 STATE of ARKANSA& AN ORDINANCE REZON- ING THAT PROPERTY County of Washington DESCRIBED IN REZON- ING PETITION R86-20 FOR A PARCEL CONTAINING �7 ✓� , / 9.26 ACRES LOCATED �//� l _9kL hereby certlfp that 1 SOUTH OF ARKANSAS I• 1 "` y f j z -2lgCl A 9. y HIGHWAY 16 WEST AP- am the publisher of TILE NORTf IW ESTARKANS;,#S T ISI ES. a dat ly newspaptr . PROXIMATELY 500 FEET having a second class mailing privilege. and being not less than four pages of EASTOF RUFFLE ROAD. BE IT ORDAINED BY five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed Nally ) THE BOARD OF DIREC- Intervals continuously In the City of Fayetteville. Count}' of Washington. Arkansas TORS OF THE CITY OF for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an F A Y e T T E v I L .L E ' established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes ARKANSAS: In the CIt and Count for a definite rice for each co Section I. Thar . the :one y y p py, or a flied price per classu!cation 0, rhe follow annum, which price was fixed at what Is considered the value of the publication. ; Ing described property is herebyche gedaslollows: based Upon the news value and service value it contains. that a( least fifty percent 80620 described as set buil of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper hExhibit Ma attachedpart or Its agents or through recognized news dealers over a hereto and matle a Dart g g g period of at leas[ six hereof. months: and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty From A-1 Agricultural rcent news matter. District to R.0 Residential pe Office District. Section 2. That the official I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of zoning map of the City of Fayetteville. Arkansas, is hereby amended to reflect �7 t �7 ) the zoning change provided / c -� ( /1 ,t p ; in Section I above. PASSED AND APPROV- / ED this 6 clay of January, waspublishedin the regulardaily Issue of said newspaper for 1997. APPROVED: 1 consecutive insertions as follows: By: Marilyn Johnson Mayor j .1 ATTEST : The first Insertion on the � ` day of L � u-' 19 By : Suzanne C. Kennedy City Clerk the second Insertion on the day of 19 EXHIBIT "A" Petition No. R96-20: The fol- lowing described property the third Insertion on the day of 19 located in Washington Coun. ty, Arkagsa5: The Nbrth 550 feet of equal and the fourth insertion on the __ day of_. 19 and uniform width of the fol- lowing described properly, /�to-wit- d part of the Nor- ( iF- s�/ - .../// 7 theast Quarter (NEI/.) of the Southeast Quarter (SEI/4) of Section 12, Township 16I Sworn to and subscribed before me n (his North, Range 31 West of the ( r% Fifth Principal Meridian U(! C ( L✓_. 2'v' 1- q �- Washington County. Arkan. sas and being more par- . ticularly descri ba as follows: to-wit: Beginning at a point 25.11 feet South andl Nota Public 195.17 feet West of the Nor- ' i theast Corner of sal tl or. theast Quarter (NEVA) w thel My Commission Expires: Southeast Quarter (SE'A) of ' Section 12 an tl running N ! / / - 0/ / B9^19.27" W. 116.00 feet; l ' thence 5 1°07'06"W, 970.00 ' feet thence 5 990/9'23"E. , 176 .00 feet ; thence NI 1007'06"E, 970.00 feet to the point of beginning and con, I /^ J raining 9.26 acres, more or , Fees for Printing . S 4 ' less and subject to all ease- ' marts of record, as par plat ' on file in the office of the t Cost of Proof _ 5 Circuit Clerk and EX'Officio ' Recorder of Washington ' County Arkansas. Total . 34- 'J ' S