HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3228 oRDINAaxC9 NO* 3228_MICROFILM�; FDR RCF�D ��// RD AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 15 OF THE FAYEIT ILLS �CbG� fi OF ORDINANCES TO INCREASE PLUMBING AND GAS FITTINGG{(1SPFX'lION P� 1 2 11 FEES AND TO DELETE THE PROVISION FOR CITY INSPERIJJN' QByy 23 SEPTIC TANKS . 1 4 KO DDUNT DIR . � rygR BE TT ORDARM BY THE HOARD OF DIRHCPORS OF TBB CITY FAYEIIEV [. ,�< < MFyFR AIWJ94SM: ,✓ Section 1 . That Section 15-4 ( 2) ( b ) of the Fayetteville Code gym' of Ordinan es its hereby amended by increasing the fee prescribed thereby LJ from $8 . 00 to $10 . 00 . Section 2 . That Section 15-4 ( 2 ) ( c ) of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by increasing the fee prescribed thereby from $2 : 00 to $10 . 00 . i Section 3 . That Section 15-4 ( 2 ) (d ) of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by amending the first sentence to n increase the fee prescribed thereby from $3 . 00 to $10 . 00 . Q L� Section 4 . That Section 15- 4 ( f ) of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby repealed . Section 5 . That Section 15-64 ( 4 ) of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by increasing the fee prescribed thereby from $5 . 00 to $10 . 00 . Section 6 . That Section 15-64 ( 5 ) of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by increasing the fee prescribed thereby from $5 . 00 to $10 . 00 . Section 7 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that effective administration of the Plumbing Code requires an increase in inspection fees and hereby determines that adequate administration of the Plumbing Code is essential to the public health , safety and welfare . Therefore an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance be necessary for the public health , safety and welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication . PASSED AMID APPROV® this 18 day of November , 1986 . APP7 U / By : N\ \ Mayor VP\1 tf��8-\, �. I Ci yi Clrk LIBER1209PAGE312 �•i • 1, Alma Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-officio f, co. der Fur Y.'a.shin9'on CountYt '1 Ark:.nms, <lo h, : ;b ,, r-riily thal this in- sirur,::;m was h-F,d for record in my olfico "R as indicated hereon and the same is now CERTIFICATE OF RECORD du!y reco, ded % ith the ackrrowled9ement and cerldeale thereon in Record Book and state of - Arkansas ., , A : Ss t Page e% indicaled Ihoicon. City of Fayetteville IN WITNESS WHEREOF,:1 have hereunto I, Suzanne C. Keno.eay. City Clerk and set my hand and affixed the seal of said Ex-Officio recorder- f> t^c C;'cy cf.F!:vll tevillet Courl on the dale indicated hereon. do hereby ccr tT..t t'.v'. a: ±, -:o :'. >r fore Alma Kollmeyer going is of record in my of.`ce :' . it l'�e same aP= pears In Ovdin: lilZe r:' :i;30 i'.ltl :)t l7: <Ji Circuit Clerk and Ex-officio Recorder ,Lt FJ�L—at P f:e .__-L __ VV;tn':fss my hand and seal this -- day stay of br _ L! i9_�. . . City CI •k and Ex-Officio I:ecorder tW, : . ` tt 1 , . . a 1 STATE of ARKANSAS u. ORDINANCE NO. County of t5ashin Mgton AN ORDINANCE 15 OF DING CHAPTER 15 OF THE FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES ��•Le I� /�4l P�-rf oC � .�[ etr TO INCREASE PLUMBING f, hereby certify that ) AND GAS FITTING IN am the publisher of HE NORTH%% EST ARRj NSAS TIMES. a dally newspaper SPECTION FEES AND TO having a second class mailing privilege. and being not less than four pages of DELETE THE PROVISION FOR CITY INSPECTION five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed ( dally ) OF SEPTICTANKS. Intervals Continuously In the City Of f aveltel'llle. County of Washington. Arkansas BE IT Y THE BOARD AI DD BY twelve B ORDAINED for more than a period of twee months, circulated and distributed from an TORS OF THE CITY OF established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes F A Y E T T E V 1 L L E , In the City and County for a definite price for each copy, Or a fixed rice per ARKANSAS: P Section 1. That Section Is. annum, which price was fixed at what Is considered the value of the publication. Q2) (b) .of the Fayetteville based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent COde of Ordinances is hereby amended by increas- I of thesubscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper Ing the fee prescribed there- or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six ' by fromThat Section ct n l5 months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty 2. Thai Sectionon . 4(2) (c) of the Fayetteville percent news matter. Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by increas- ing the fee Prescribed there- I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of by from $2.00 to 510.00. Section 3. That Section 1S. ffJW� 4(2) (d) of the Fayetteville code of Ordinances Is - 4_ «. '- ( =) '' ,' / / �" {t- hereby amended by amen- ding the first sentence to in- / crease the fee prescribed was published In the regular daily Issue of said newspaper for thereby from 0.00to Slo.00. consecutive insertions as follows: Section 4. That Section 1S- 4(f) of the Fayetteville Codet!� A � Ordinances is'- hereby The first insertion on the 1, day o[ 19 re f ' repealed. Section S. That Section 15. "(A) of the Fayetteville the second Insertion on the day o1 19 Code of* Ordinances is hereby amended by increas- Ihg the fee prescribed there- the third insertion on the day of 19 by from SS.00 to S10.00. Section a. roar Fayetteville lle and the fourth Insertion on the .— day of- .— 19 6�Se of the t Section I S. Y Code Of .amended b ices ISI hereby amentletl increas ' Ing the fee Prescribed there- by Rom 55.0010510.00. �i( � 1� Section 7. The eoertl of J / • ! day of Directors hereby deter- $ Orn 10 and subscribed before me n this �— -1 mines that effective ad- 0' j ministration Of the Plumb- ' e- f ^ 'Ke�P 9 tl �! y1 . � Ing code requ!res an In- crease in Inspection fees and hereby determines that ade- _ quate administration of the pAlktary Pubii t I Plumbing Code is essential , to the public health, safety and welfare. Therefore an emergency is hereby My COmm15510n Expires: declared to exist and this or- dinance be necessary for the L7 , public health, safety and :welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after Its Passage and publication PASSED AND AJ ED this le day of Noveve mROV.ber, Fees for Printing __ $ 1986. - APPROVED Cosi OI PCOOI _ S By : Paul R. Noland OVER ATTEST Mayor Total S .�' BY : Susanne C. Kennedy Ci _ City Clerk I