HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3218 Fp FRED 0MDW4CE NO. 3218 MICROFILMED ✓/�jy IZ RECORD AN ORDINANCE ORDERING THE ABATEMENT OF UNSIGHTLY P� 2 Z2 CONDITIONS AND THE RAZING AND REMOVAL OF AN UNSAFE Q(�J,� 1O/V CU STRUCTURE LOCATED AT 1220 S . WEST AVENUE . C�Rp( O( ( IfE�rYgR r R WHEREAS , Hank Mahler is the owner of the real property located at 1220 S . West Avenue and more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof ; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has determined that the aforesaid ,J property is overgrown with grass and weeds and . is littered with trash i and debris ; and U WHEREFS , the Board of Directors has determined that the structure v on the aforesaid property is dilapidated, unsightly , unsafe and detrimental V to the public welfare ; and - WHEREAS, the aforesaid owner of said property , after having been given well over 30 days ' notice by certified mail , has neglected and refused to abate the unsightly and unsanitary conditions thereon and T have refused to raze and remove the unsafe structure thereon . OF NOW, THMWORE, BE IT ORMIM) BY THE BOARD OF DIRWI1ORS OF THE CITY OF FAYE TEVHIE, ARSAK'&AS: Section 1 . That the aforesaid owner is hereby ordered to abate th�ghtly , unsafe and unsanitary conditions on the aforesaid property and is hereby ordered to raze and remove the dilapidated , unsightly , unsafe structure located on the aforesaid real property . Said work shall be commenced within ten ( 10 ) days and shall be colleted within thirty ( 30 ) days from the passage of this ordinance . That the manner of removing said structure shall be : dismantle by hand or bulldoze and haul all debris by truck to a landfill . Section 2 . If the aforesaid work is not commenced within ten ( 10 ) days or colleted within thirty ( 30 ) days , the City Manager is hereby directed to cause the aforesaid unsightly and unsanitary conditions to be abated and is hereby directed to raze and remove the aforesaid unsafe structure; and , the City of Fayetteville shall have a lien upon the aforesaid real property for the costs incurred in abating the unsightly conditions and razing and removing the unsafe structur@ Section 3 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that the aforesaid unsightly property and unsafe structure constitute a continuing detriment to the public safety and welfare and determines that unless the provisions of this ordinance are put intoeffect UBER120(, PAGE 290 -2- irrmediately , the public health , safety and welfare of the people of Fayetteville will be adversely affected . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the public health , safety and welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APP%7VID this 21st day of October , 1986 . ROVE ROVE APPS Mayor a ' r r'1 . . LIBER 12®9 PAGE le71 EXHIBIT wA " Lot eight ( 8 ) . Block one ( 1 ) , Wilson-Dunn Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , as per plat in the office of the Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder of Washington County , Arkansas , LIBER 1209 PAGE 292 t t and CERTIFICATE OF RECORD Ex-oftCilo y,Ko"deyefor eV sh;ngtoo County, State of Arkansas ( Arkensas, do mraby corlify the this in- City of Fayetteville ( SS slrum::rl was Oled for racord in my office as indicated hereon and tfic same is now I, Suzanne C. Kenne:ly, City Clerk and duly recorded with the acknowledgement E Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, and certificate thereon i d0 hereby certify that file a , � .� n Record Book and "`"^ r - Pa ed thereon. . . . - —fore- 9e as indica! £:nine is of record in my office ar. d t ' �e same a . IN HtrNess WHEREOF,HEREOF, I have hereunto Pears in Oh:li;ltin Ce �= [ ;:;,;' ;j.l;l -roI set my hand and affixed the seal of said t h,, ,r , 7 to Court on Ito data indicated hereon. . ,..c �it.. �ss my hemi :rid ?;7f- f . '.. e . 4iay Of Alma Koilmeyer a AtYlerk 9Circuit Clark and Ex-officio Recorder and Ex-Officio Recorde - by OftO ] N THE ABATE ORDER "SIGHTLY THE LCONDITI OF DTHECONDITIONS / AND THE R AND F A/ REMOVAL N DN, SAFE STRUCTURE AN LOT FATE of ARKANSAS / CATED I]M S. WEST AVENUE..'* ISS. Ia lrlf Eowne•S, Hank el ctrl NalNpmdp County of Washington My located W la]° 5. West Avenue and more par titularlyd rlD In EZMtr /�E. L ' i . It A" aNM ¢ d hereto am [. hereby Cerlifv that 1 I Midge a part hereof; am am the pub fisher of '(H ENO RTI I%% EST AR "' NSASTI%I ES. a da l ly' newspa per WHEREAS," mg Burda having a second class malting prlvlle e. an beth no." ot less than tout page a( ! m.nt» M> determined g R g that tM alOmgsald property five mlumns each, published at a timed place of business and at a fixed (daily I I N Over.mewn with gram and Intervals MnInuously In the City of Fayetteville. COUM) of Washington. Arkansas weeds M 1• 'I en ed with and d debrl ; d for more than a period 0f Iwel ye mon t IT S. circulated and dist rlbu ted from an WH E R EAS. THE Beard of established place of bu smess m 5 ubscrlbe rs and readers Ren era:ly of a 11 c la sses Dtrnler> has cle4rmined ' In the CII and Count for a definite rice for each that Ino Structure me Y Y P copy, or a fixed price per StOrnald propfr!y is arrest. annum, which price was fixed at what is Considered the Value of the publication. dated, Unsightly, unsafe and based uponthe news valueand 5erV1Cevalue llcontalns. that at least fiflypercent detrimental to Ina public of thesubscrlbers thereto hate aid cash for lheirsubscrl dons to lhenewspaper aero: end P P WHEREAS, tM aforesaid or Its agents or through recrimired news dealers over a period of at least six offanor of Sold property, alter months: and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty having been °Ivn well over ao days' notice by certified percent news matter. mall. has MRlected and TO Used oeunalf mg uhslghens ns 1 further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of "W uaey refitc4hon iff I mo.en au nave lir Writers ro end remove tM unaan n pea� N. THERE 4Jt ,.[ a .. f .l : %?n . .3.2 / s NOW. THEREFORE. BE BOARDIT ORDAINED BY THE OF DIRECTORS OF TNEE,CTY OF FAYET was published In Ne reRuUrdaily Issue of said newspaperfor / TEVI LLARKANSAS: commutive Insertions as follows- Section s. That ib /\ npNY a ewer IS Mredy lLf l(./jS•l� y"l aa // onfrn ft am lir unuvnr. The first insertion pro the day of L_(47_ 19 iP6 N, uN an nlbry mMlnn• m Me.imwly the Second Insertion an the day Ot Property and N remove 19 onern to ran and remove ' the °uapbtatn, unsightly, the third Insertion on the day of 19 rM ator.uie real prateedAs. Sold n Work man M tom' and the fourth insertion on the _ da o 19 cwithin to (fol ear• within thirty fad)flays frrom l the pi W this Wal. name. That the manner or removing gold structure Sworn to and subscribed before me o this �Sf day of en a: w•mmnf by Rend aDminru and naw 1. 1C 1,& i. if far s by IIM2. It the landfill. Sectlon ]. a the amended wort Is nor commenced orcam. 1 •-����`� within un t in day or dem days.Plot" Within Manu (ad) Nota ub11C. ' I U 1` nmDrtC directed Manager m a ea aforesaid unsightly and uo- My Commission Expires: sanitary tOMlam• to M I duetted id and Is one hereby 9r* alweule unsafe strut. —!—� — _ -- •lure: and. me City Of FayfL t"the mel$ nava nn upon ,Ina afwwld rte$ piapiny for mu . te Incurred co Ih u ��, 3 ➢_ limaaaa r zing andnlytae$' Freumv. ees term Printing -- - a IinglM unpN arructmf. SeatlAn S. The Board Or Cost of Proof _. S Dlnctcf* honDV dfln- mIM• that the atWf ld On t Stonily pnMny aM unsafe Total _. .. $ I structure con•Iltwg a ton6 numg detriment to the Pv°pec safety and welter* ane daomlMs that union I the Provl•NM or this Ordi name are Out Into flint Immediately, the public health, ulfty and welfare el ' the prole Of Ffymtivllle Will M adversely elfwall Therefore, an emergency IS hereby dMon N exist andINb mnaMa Wino nnn. TV h. MNN armhwo[fam Mail fM In Iw] force and Wear from am after its w>nge aM approval. PASSED AND APPROV. ED this Srsr Lr °I On r, less. APPROVED By: Paul R. Noland ATTEST Mayor By: Suzan" Kennedy City Clerk Ex HI•IT "A" Let •lent (a). Block enc (D, W iWmMan Addition to the City W Fayetteville. Arson n per plat In the office el 'mf Circuit Clerk and Ex-OfficiO Recorder Washington CWnIY. Ark n,