HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3214 F F/4fp "86 DEC OReo% WAS&11V 8jq/� 16 SO �V ORDINANCE ND. 3214 C�RCU j 04 xt e Cot/ V fRK MICROFILMED AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING CONNECTION FEES FOR PROPERTY 1� OWNERS AND DEVELOPERS TIEING ONTO NEW SEWER LINES IN SHERWOOD FOREST ESTATES , NORTH OF ARKANSAS HIGHWAY 16 WEST , AND ALONG 46TH STREET . WHEREAS, local residents have requested the City of Fayetteville to construct new water and sewer lines in Sherwood Forest Estates , north of Arkansas Highway 16 West, and along 46th Street ; and WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville has agreed to construct said , water and sewer lines provided property owners and developers pay a connection fee to raise money . for expanding the City ' s water or sewer system; and WHEREAS, the proposed water and sewer line extensions are reflected on Exhibits "A" , "B" , and "C" attached hereto and made a part hereof . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIFWTQRS OF THE CITY OF FAYET EVILE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That Chapter 21 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by adding § 21-2 . 1 to read as follows : Sec . 21-2 . 1 . Extension fees . In addition to the water and sewer tap connection fees imposed by the City the following extension fees shall be paid to defray the cost of expanding the City ' s water and sewer system: ( a ) Sherwood Forest Estates . If a property owner connects to the new on-site line within four ( 4 ) months after the line has been approved for service , the property owner shall pay an extension fee of $1 , 500 . 00 . If connection is made after said four ( 4 ) month period , the extension fee shall be $3 , 000 . 00 . Any developer connecting to a new off-site line in Sherwood Forest Estates shall pay an extension fee equivalent to the cost of said off-site line up to the point of connection times the number of acres in the development divided by the total acreage that can be served by said off-site line at the point of connection . Any single family property owner connecting to a new off-site sewer line shall pay the same connection fee as a developer but not to exceed $1 , 500 . 00 . §21-5 . 1 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances shall not apply to property owners within Sherwood Estates . pct LIBER 12®5 FADE 783 -2- ( b ) Arkansas Highway 16 West . Ozarks Electric Cooperative Corporation shall pay an extension fee equivalent to 6 . 48 of the total cost of constructing the new sewer line . Any developer who connects to the new sewer line shall pay an extension fee equivalent to the pro rata share of the cost of said line based upon the acreage in the development compared to the total acres which can be served by said line . The owner of a single family residence located outside of a subdivision or planned unit development shall pay an extension fee on the same basis as a developer but not to exceed $500 . 00 . (c ) 46th Street . Any developer connecting to the new eight ( 8 ) inch water line along 46th Street , or any extension to said line , shall pay a pro rated connection fee computed using the total acreage in the development cured to the total acreage which can be served by said water line , using the actual cost of construction . Each property owner connecting to said water line shall pay a connection fee equivalent to $7 , 000 . 00 divided by the actual number of property owners who pledge to tie on prior to construction . If any additional property owners connect to said water line during the seven ( 7 ) year period following construction , the connection fee shall be refigured based upon the total number of customers ; each new customer shall pay the refigured connection fee , and existing customers shall receive a pro rated rebate . ( d ) All moneys received from the connection fees imposed by Paragraphs ( a ) , ( b ) and ( c ) above plus interest , if any , shall be deposited in a capital reserve fund and shall be expended from that fund only for the purpose of making emergency repairs and extending , oversizing or constructing new additions to the City ' s water and sewerage collection system. PASSED AND APPROVED this 7th day of October , 1986 . APP By Mayor l rk :. PAGE 78 4 ( - c , V 1 ; • N . Yq lO I W IIQI I YA l . . j z /NEA On ?trc , W I � I / LOVE i45 LANE O ❑ . 33 LJ 35 ; 32 � O O r� on S7`e27 - - - - I O a � 41 42 O 25 LIBER1205PAGE 7175 Sherwood Forest Addition Proposed Sewer Extensions u u_ � O ILII II , 1232 • ll1 t Come =L • • ? ; n 'M ' ... 1 _..._: NN IN -� '•. �.,, ��.{ I` : 1! / /✓ // / / r7 / / / '^� I •\�., " fir/ 1� o /254 ti . u N :.. . . . . . . ... . .. , , 1 , ,, , /, , , , . . it ' \ NNN py t r C !I. ' m � a ,e 112 11 3 "N'i t ( I-der Constructior %IN8 jil u \�I•. �. 4t II SCALE: s I 8. 6 ACRES \73 \ /: � I� I "= 1000 I `OZARKS ELECTRICI . � : .. ... . 111 l� .. . ...,. ,..... i' t to 1\0 ; V + V r I /243 •�p�+ J '� , L1BfR ���5 PAGE 1 t7U PROPOSED OZARKS ELECTRIC SEWER EXTENSION 1IN r _ - � r J79 i e ro 6 1 . W �. szoowLJI —11 ADD. {600 w si. a`( e• 6. GRED EE _ — -- _ . 16 .._ EST - COLE o I o W Peat ED EY'CE 51 o a -- } ' � : y - � -' 65o 650 ; —T.rLi •. n :.i2 :' ,' .'. -- - - - , �— 0 os • of ^t. � . .. I . re I _ jr j rj yJ— _-_- i —:�_.j — 1--_ — I — 42 W 5600 W I _ •j �i r N I I I 640 V 57 _ r 1 I, Alma Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk an? CERTIFICATE OF RECORD Ex-officio RCCOider Icr Washington Countye State Of Arkansas, do it, cetlily that this in- f4rka ryas City of I^a SS sfi umi nt was f1<d for record in my oflicfl yetteVille ( as indicctod hweon and the same is now I. S ..-an.;e C, duly recorded with iho ackrrowladgemenl I'ent2ed)'• City Clerk and � '=-Of,.l. i:i 1'eCOT;ler f and certificate thm con h; Record Book and c10 hcreb or theC_.'y f ?:yettel'ille, Fag Y Cerilf)' Clot the g o as indicated Iharaon. .•.i ,rr ; of record in m ` " f'>re- IN Wiih�255 WIi`RFOF, I have hereun sol my hand and affixed the seal of said "lirs in Ordinance aP- X X t V 1'i1 )n i:a!t!i Court on the daie indicated hereon, 41 ---at Page G G r -4 Alma Kollmeyer land ,i* F� I :nes my and sees this � _— n 7 Circuit Clark and aY Of Ex-officio Recorder City Clerk nd );c;Oficio Re of-der hr � � ,. RC AR D I N AL :a A'PRESCRIBING D R D I N A N C ' plena a Corporation she❑ �\ TIONFESFOP.ONNE^_` ' Pay, an extension lee TION FEES FOP. , PROP equivalent to 6.4% Of c ERTY OWNERS AND DE' total cost of constructing the ERS TIEING ONTO new sewer line. Any N NEWW SEWER LINES IN neer who connects too the the 5 H E R W 0D FORE 5 T '• new sewer line shall pay an STATE of ARKANSASl ESTATES,, NORTH OF extension fee equivalent cost } as. ARKANSAS HIGHWAY 16 of sproaid lana snare of the cost J WEST, AND ALONG 46TH Of said line based upon the County Of Washington STREET. acreage in the development WHEREAS .requested l da l whichcompared to the total acres (� 'City of hay¢ eville the which can be served by said / 4 ,I City t Fayetteville to con. line. The owner of a single ! IEA �/ n/r�Z�[_7.0 t.-.( A-- hereby Certify that 1 strUct new water and sewer family residence located ra Subdivision .lines in Sherwood Forest outside of a subtlivision or am the publisher of T4 NORTHWEST ARKAS TIMES, a dally newspaper 'Estates, north Of Arkansas planned unit development having a second class mailing privilege. and Deng not less than four pages of '-,Highway 16 West, and along shall pay an extension fee on five columns each, published at a fixed lace of business and at a fixed ) 46th street; and the same basis as a devel- P ( daily ) WHEREAS, the City of oper but not to exceed intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville. County of Washington. Arkansas Fayetteville has agreed to S5oo.00. for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an construct said water and (C) 46th Street Any devel- sewer lines provided proper;, oper connecting to the new established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes ty- owners and . developers eight (8) inch water line , in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per pay a for connection fee to raise along 46In skeet, or any ex- annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, money for expanding them; tension aced tl line, shall pay ty'i water or sewer system; a pro rated connection tee based upon the news value and service value It contains, that atieast fifty percent and computed using the total of thesubscrlbers theretohave paidcash for their subscriptions to th WHEREAS, the proposed acreage in the development e newspaper water and sewer line extern compared to the total or Its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six Sion are reflected on Exhib. I acreagewhich can be Served I months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty its "A", "B", and "C" ofby said water line, using the tached hereto and made a ! I actual cost of construction. i percent news matter. parthereof. I Each property owner con NOW, THEREFORE, BEI netting to said water line IT ORDAINED BY THEshall pay a connection fee I further cattily' that the legal notice hereto attached In [Lie matter of ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS equivalent to $7,000.00 divid 7 OF THE CITY OF FAVET- ad by the actual number of 1 TEVILLE. ARKANSAS: property owners who pledge t_ Lv-C� �CQ Section 1. That Chapter 21 to tie on prior to construe of the Fayetteville Code of tion. If any additional prop Ordinances is herebyarty owners connect to said was ubllshedinthere alar dailylssueofsaidnewspaperfor amended by adding 521-2.1 water line during the seven P g / a to read as follows: (2) year period following consecutive insertions as follows: Sec. 212.1. Extension fees. construction, the connection �. In addition to the water fee shall be refigured based f �1� and sewer tap connection ) upon the total number of The first Insertion on the day of / 19 (1 3 lees imposed by theCity the customers; each new cus. following extension fees ] tomer shall pay the - t shall be paid to defray the refigured connection fee, the second Insertion on the day of 19 cost of expanding the City's and existing customers shall water and sewer system : receive a pro rated rebate. th ti eron on the third Insertion da ( a ) Sherwood Forest (d) All moneys received y Of 19 Estates. If a property owner from the connection fees connects to the new on-site imposed by Paragraphs (a), and the fourth Insertion on the da of line within four months (b) and (c) halve plus inter. y � after the line has been op. est if any, shall be fund and erty o for service. the prop- in a capital reserve fund antl arty owner Shalt pay an ex- shall beexpended the frompurpose a at tension tea of 51,500.00. If fund only for the purpose of connection is made after making emergency repairs Sworn to and subscribed before me On this' ! _/� day Of said four (4) month period, and extending, oversizing or $Jnnr / the extension fee shall be constructing new additions ) 1 53,000.00. Any developer to the City's water and connecting to a new off-site sewerage collection system. line In Sherwood Forest PASSED AND APPROVED Estates Shall pay an exten- this 7th day of October., 1986. Sion fee equivalent to the APPROVED Notary alio - cost of said off-s;te line up to By : Paul R. Noland ( ( I the point Of connection times Mayor the number of acres in the ATTEST My Commission Expires: . . development divided by the By : Suzanne C. Kennedy total acreage that can be City Clerk - ` -/] / served by said offsite line at Exhibits "A", "B" and "C" _( _ � ( the point Of connection. Any are on file in the City Clerk's single family property ) Office, 113 W. Mountain owner connecting to a new Street, Fayetteville, Arkan- off site sewer line shall pay Sas. the same ct fee a but not developer but not g exceed FfPrinting L 51 .500.00. 'S2 LFees r 5. 1 0l ine ---- � -' Fayetteville Cede of Ordi- nances shall nit apply to Property ownors withinI Cost of Proof —. S Sherwood Estatet'�. , (b) Arkansas 1-!;ghway 161 Total __.. . S IQL...J.j _ West. Ozarks Electric Coop.