HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3194 }86'dp FOgRFFO 0 C R'0CRC3F}1ME ORDINANCE NO. � , qL ,44�f4 GTO,yloo 04 100 �1p BIDDING FORAN EWAIVING THE THE PURCHASE OFF EXERCISE EQUIPKEbTI'S OF ITIVE C�F�?F�' rgR BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DI WMC S OF THE CITY OF FAYffTwVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That the Board of Directors hereby waives the requirements of competitive bidding for the purchase of exercise equipment for the reason that said requirements are not practical because there are no suppliers of the desired equipment in the area . Section 2 . That the Board of Directors hereby authorizes the purchase of exercise equipment from Heti Exercise Equipment Co . , Inc . of Tulsa , Oklahoma in accordance with the proposal attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof . Section 3 . That the Board of Directors hereby determines that the City is in need of exercise equipment to promote the health and welfare of City employees and that the immediate passage of this ordinance is necessary to enable the purchase of said equipment . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the public health , safety and welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED this 18th day of June , 1986 . APP RO�/ By � Mayor ATTEST j F 110i1 p �pn LIBfR 2 PAGE 589 llfi t B EXERCISE EQUIPMENT CO-. INC. DATE 4 - 09 - 86 4955AB S. MEMORIAL • TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74135 (91 B) 663-2434 TO City of Fayettville PROdeCT LOCATION WE PROPOSE TO FURNISH THE FOLLOWING MATERIAL AND10R LABOR 1 Global 14 Station Sr $ 51895 . 00 • EXERCISE 1 Global Pec Dec 11 695 , 00 EQUIPMENT ' I Global Incline Press 1 , 350 . 00 Global Arm Curl 19175 . 00 1 Global Selectorized Squat 11095 , 00 • GLOBAL Dumbells 3 thru 65 lb . 845 . 00 GVM MACHINES 3 5 Pair Dumbell Racks @285 . 00 855 . 00 2 400 Lb . Olympic sets w / bumper plates 19030 . 00 2 Monark 867 Bikes @425 . 00 850 . 00 • MONARCH 2 Olympic WT . Holders @75 . 00 150 . 00 BIKES 2 Monark Rowers @310 . 00 620 . 00 1 Jogger 175 . 00 • l Tricep Bar 65 . 00 1 Curl Bar 65 , 00 TREADMILLS 100 Sq . Ft . Rubber Flooring 360 . 00 SAUNAS Delivery and Set up 600 , 00 • SELECTORIZED EQUIPMENT Total $ 16 , 825 , 00 --tom • FREE WEIGHTSi TERMS: (1) Terms: Deposit won order. not casn balance snail be paid by buyer upon raceipl OI merchandise. LIBFR 2F>iGE 590(2) This proposal u firm for W days and Sub(ecl to conditions stated hereon. (3) All orders are subject to applicable Slate and Federal laws. No laves are collected Or pard on out of stale orders (a) The above quotation u computed to be performed during regular working nours at straight time. Any overtime request by the customer, necessary to Complete the work will be paid by buyer. Any changes on orders must on made within 10 days shot the order i5 accepted. Any change in shipping dales must be made at least 3 weeks pricer to the original shipping date specified at the time the order is accewas. (5) Contest attars Sutlj•Ct t0 CORaction. AN dices am agreements are Contingent upon strikes, accident aM whet causes una`or able or baygM Our contral. Consignee agrees to we claim lar All goods damaged in transit (6) II is agneea upon between both parties to this Correct that should any litigation, suits, arbitrations or court actions of any character be brought about in Connection with this Contract, that venue for such action of actions shall be In Tulsa COu nly. OK. In the event sun is necessary to Collect the amounts Owl ng nereon, Heal In Equipment Of Te Mas. Shall be paid by buyer its reasonable a l orney a fees and court Cost. (7) Ownership is retained by Health Equipment of Texas.until Health Equipment of Texas is paid in lull ler the merchandise It sled hereon.It buyer pays the seller by Check,the seller retains title until the Check is finally pain. (6) There will be a SO% restocking charge an merchandise Ordered but not accepted. (9) Merchanaisa tecerved must have written aulnwitation before it Can be returned for credit. Credit on merchandise returned will be determined by Health Equipment of Texas Exercise, Inc (10) Health Equipment of Texas makes no warranty or merchantability of fitness tar a particular purpose or a particular use nor any other warranly at any Mind other than the warranties and warnings shlad In Health Equipment of Teves instruction manuals. RESPECTFUULY SUBMITTED ACCEPTED BY: EXERCISE EQUIPMENT ., INC. TITLE: _ _ BY ( "�4' DATE: _. _ HOME OFFICE APPROVAL .`%^ /1 .._ n y State of ER 'Arl`as;rC nsj RR CORD Cit s Y of Fayetteville SS I. anise CERTIFICATE OF REI;Unv L .`-Ofr: .: io rer-C-,j r for YclY, CitSt C.'e_.,� `. rE OF ARKANSAS '' b ee**1: : he City of "rd SS. t-rat the P.rl'etYe ✓ille Washington County I pe ; i , my (ic IF or fore I, Alma L. Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder lot of e anti vr t/ ' I' ' '" e ;; I the same ap, Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore n _ . f. a n book goingi rument was filed record"inm office on the.26day `� of-if19 D,4tioek�M and the same is hand and z _. �Oy.� Ita.ss m. ly dulyrcordedin record libtpage , o S //IrrY of Witness my hand and seal thi ey of � 1 A KOLLM�EYEM = City Clerk and rr - Circuit Clerk and rdet 07TI orde By _ Deouty Clerk STATE of ARKANSAS Be. County of Washington Legal Notices IOR DINA NCE NO. 7194 AN ORDINANCE WAIVING I, �'k-t-" f- �"' 'r"c�-" - hereby certify that I i THE REQUIREMENTS OF am the publisher of TIRE NORTHWEST ARKA , � ASTIMES, a dally newspaper COMPETITIVE BIDDING FOR THE PURCHASE OF having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages Of EXERCISE EQUIPMENT. five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (dally ) BE IT ORDAINED BYTHE BOARD OF DIRECTORS' intervals continuously in the City Of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas OF THE CITY OF FAYET- for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an TEV ARKANSAS: Sectiontion 1 1. That the Board established place of business t0 subscribers and readers generally of all classes of Directors hereby waives in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per the requirements of com- annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, pensee bidding forme pur. chase of exercise equipmeentnc based upon the news valueand servlcevalue ltcontains, that at least fifty percent for the reason that said re- of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper quirements are not practical or Its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six because there are no sup pliers of me desired equip months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty mem in the area. . percent news matter. Section 2. That the Board . of Direcrbrs ,hereby -authorizes the purchase of I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of exercise equipment from :Heti Exercise Equipment % Co.. Inc. of Tulsa, Oklahoman In accordance with the pre. J /z posal attached hereto mark- ad Exhibit "A" and made a parr hereof. was published in the regula r daily issue of sa id newspaper for Section a. That the Board consecutive Insertions as follows: of Directors hereby deter. mines that the City Is in need of exercise equipment to The first insertion on the day of 19 promote the nealth and wel- fare of City employees and that the immediate passage the second insertion On the day Of 19 of this ordinance is neces- sary to enable the purchase of said equipment . , the third Insertion on the day of 19 1 Therefore, an emergency Is herthis ormala declared being exist and and the fourth insertion on the this ordinance Deiny neces- y-e 19 sary for 'ine public health, safety and welfare shall be in fun force and effect from and after its passage and I approval. worn to and subscribed before me It this `_� * da of PASSED AND APPROVED I n this lsthdayof June, 19sa. , � q APPROVED - /I By : Paul R. Noland ; Mayor ATTEST BY : Suzanne Kennedy N. a y "Public C 1 t Y C I e r k 1 Exhibit A" is on file In the \ f City Clerks Office, 113 W. My Commission Expires: Mountain Street, Faye,. teville, Arkansas L I /,0 Fees for PrinlinC Cost of Proof Total __._ . 5 INVOICE MAKE CHECKS U [ O J 4 7 _- 104065 FOR CLASSIFIED PAYABLE TO -► ADVERTISING CLASS I CODE INS. T NORTHWEST 102 D 001 47 . 4 ARKANSAS TIMES IF NOT AMO E P.O. DRAWER D PAID BY WILL BE 212 N. EAST AVE. FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701 AGATES . LINES WORDS INCHES ZONE 102- 104065 06 /25/86 081 060 225105. 8 EDITIONS OPER S/V A 00 V SKIP SCHEDULE 4 F TO: AD GIVEN BY PHONE City Of Fayetteville 1501 -000- 1 Drawer F INDEXING TERMS ^ CIRDINANCE NO. 3144^ ^f O3"AN Fayetteville AR START DATE STOP DATE 72702 06/26 /86 06 /26 /B6 L 1 RETURN PHIS PORTION 411TH PAYMENT I �s CSL c_