HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3180 FO R F W 699 Fp RD gF ' ,' 9� Mq /j y 00 43 ORDINANCE ND. 31SIL C Rod?04C 4 T. S �( ? q9 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0 . 2774 TO OJRRECT FRS R M!(�E3fFL/ {� �. THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR THE 21 . 90 ACRE PARCEL REZONED BY SAID ORDINANCE LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF GREGG AVENUE AND APPLEBY ROAD. l� BE IT ORDAINED BY THE WARD OF DIRECIOR.S OF THE CITY OF FA30MEVIILEr ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That Exhibit "A" to Ordinance No . 2774 is hereby amended to read as set out in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made � apart hereof . PASSED AND APPROVED this 1st day of April 1986 . AP MA. ayor r%OA'Yf rn NCO , CERTIFICATE OF RECORD ice"' • .tats of Arkansas SS of F avettsville C. xen;;e iv, City c(er,I and !7acr)r:':er for t.ac City of Fa vette:iilE. Q'.: . . . .;:FT1 uaEa 1174 PAGE 275 E X H I B I T A " Part of the S2 , NE4 , NE4 ; Part of the SE4 , NE4 ; Part of the NW4 , NE4 and all of that Part of the SW4 , NE4 lying on the East side of the Burlington Northern Railroad , all being in Section 34 , T - 17 -N , R- 30 -W , Washington County , Arkansas , being more particularly described as follows : From the NE corner of said S4 , NE4 NEI, , Section 34 , run thence N 89 ° 28 ' 49 " W 1096 . 18 feet along the north line of said 20 acre tract to the point of beginning ; thence along the East side of a creek the following courses ; S 22 ° 06 ' 17 " E 237 . 39 feet ; thence S 15 ° 32 ' 26" W 227 . 82 feet ; thence S 36026 ' 00 " E 150 . 74 feet ; thence S 20 ° 49 ' 57 " W 183 . 48 feet ; thence S 20 ° 49 ' 57 " W 25 . 12 feet ; thence S 11 ' 35 ' 02 " W 181 . 86 feet ; thence S 04020 ' 58 " E 406 . 60 feet ; thence S 30 ° 21 ' 44" E 186 . 66 feet ; thence S 34 ° 41 ' 37 " W 67 . 68 feet ; thence S 31 ° 28 ' 02 " E 234 . 17 feet ; thence S 76 ° 20 ' 35 " E 95 . 76 feet ; thence S 35 ° 44 ' 41 " E 252 . 43 feet to the Southline of the NE4 of said Section 34 ; thence leaving said creek and running along said South line N4 , NE-,, N 89 ° 22 ' 26 " W 812 . 42 feet to the East right - of -way of the Burlington Northern Railroad ; thence along said East right - of -way N 04 ° 14 ' 49 " W 225 . 27 feet ; thence along said East right - of -way N 00 ° 56 ' 36 " W 314 . 90 feet ; thence along said East right - of -way N 00 ° 52 ' 41 " W 1438 . 60 feet to the North line of the S 'k , NW4 , NE4 ; thence S 89 ° 28 ' 49 " E 399 . 76 feet along said North line of the S2 , NW4 , NE4 , to the point of beginning containing 21 . 90 acres more or less and being subject to the right - of -way of Johnson Road on the West side thereof and to all easements of record . ��BER 1174 PAGE 276 E X H I B I T A " Part of the S4 , NE4 , NE4 ; Part of the SE4 , NE4 ; Part of the NW4 , NE4 and all of that Part of the SW4 , NE4 lying on the East side of the Burlington Northern Railroad , all being in Section 34 , T - 17 -N , R- 30 -W , Washington County , Arkansas , being more particularly described as follows : From the NE corner of said Sk , NE4 NE4 , Section 34 , run thence N 89 ° 28 ' 49 " W 1096 . 18 feet along the north line of said 20 acre tract to the point of beginning ; thence along the East side of a creek the following courses ; S 22 ° 06 ' 17 " E 237 . 39 feet ; thence S 15 ° 32 ' 26" W 227 . 82 feet ; thence S 36 ° 26 ' 00 " E 150 . 74 feet ; thence S 20 ° 49 ' 57 " W 183 . 48 feet ; thence S 20 ° 49 ' 57 " W 25 . 12 feet ; thence S 11 ° 35 ' 02" W 181 . 86 feet ; thence S 04020 ' 58" E 406 . 60 feet ; thence S 30 ° 21 ' 44" E 186 . 66 feet ; thence S 34 ° 41 ' 37 " W 67 . 68 feet ; thence S 31 ° 28 ' 02 " E 234 . 17 feet ; thence S 76 ° 20 ' 35 " E 95 . 76 feet ; thence S 35 ° 44 ' 41 " E 252 . 43 feet to the Southline of the NE4 of said Section 34 ; thence leaving said creek and running along said South line N4 , NE4 N 89 ° 22 ' 26 " W 812 . 42 feet to the East right - of -way of the Burlington Northern Railroad ; thence along said East right - of -way N 04 ° 14 ' 49 " W 225 . 27 feet ; thence along said East right - of -way N 00 ° 56 ' 36" W 314 . 90 feet ; thence along said East right - of-way N 00 ° 52 ' 41 " W 1438 . 60 feet to the North line of the S4 , NW4 , NE4 ; thence S 89 ° 28 ' 49 " E 399 . 76 feet along said North line of the S4 , NW4 , NE-14v to the point of beginning containing 21 . 90 acres more or less and being subject to the right - of -way of Johnson Road on the West side thereof and to all easements of record . �. 2 LiB M PArn 27$ t . CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS ISS• Washington County I I, Alma L. Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officlo Recorder for Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore, going instrurnen was filed for recoJd in my office on the Y- da) of / at �:c!ockll-M, and the same� i`s1 recordA7 at Pa//ge,17J- duly recorded in "O day Of�¢,:� 19-4L Witness my hand and seal t is !/ Circuit Clerk e Ex-Officio Recorded pWuty perk uianx.. � . 4 } I 11 ORDINANCE NO. 3180 1 AN ORDINANCE AMEN- 1 STATE of ARKANSAS . DING ORDINANCE I 188. DIN TO CORRECT THE HEJ ' LEGAL DESCRIPTION . County Of Washington IFOR THE 21 .90 ACRE. ' PARCEL REZONED BYI ' SAID ORDINANCE LO ' C A T E D A T T H E I (,Q--�( _ .; /:� �L .L< - rC-O._ hereby Certify that I , SOUTHEAST CORNER OF am the publisher of HE NORTHWEST ARKA §ASTIMES, a daily newspaper ' GREGG AVENUE AND APPLEBY ROAD. -' having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of BE ITORDAINED BY five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (dally) THE BOARD OF i intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas ' TORS OF THE CITY orOF F A Y E T T E V I L L E. , for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an ARKANSAS: - :Section established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes 1. ThatExhibit "A" to Ordinance No. 2774 is in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per hereby in Exhibit to read as annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, set out in Exhibit read at- taches hereto and made a based upon thenews valueand service value it contains, that at least fifty percent Part hereof. of the subscribers thereto have paidcashfor their subscriptions tothe newspaper PASSED AND APPROV, ED this 1st day of April, Or Its agents Or through recognized news dealers over a period Of at least six 1986. months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty APPROVED Paul R. Noland percent news matter. :`'•4 ��•�' By .. �. .0 t 'a;: 7day ATTEST tt '11 ^'1or:r I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of . By: Suzanne Kennedy City Clerk EXHIBIT "A Part of ..the ST/2, °'( Q "'c 0 , NEVA, , . NE!.; Part of , the SEI/4 �' / rl (• NEVA; Part of the ' NWVA, / - NEw and all of that Part of the SW - was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaperfor dl:, NEVA lying thee East sitle of the Burlington consecutive insertions as follows: Northern Railroad, all being , in section 34, T-17 N, RJO W, Washington county, The first insertion on the /�O day o[ `'�-� 19 �> _ Arkansas, being more par titularly described as follows: From the NE cor- the second insertion on the day Of 19 ner of said SIA, NE'/A NEVA, . Section 24, run thence N nseron on e day of degrees 28'49" W fence feeett the third Insertion th 19 along the north line of said 20 acre tract to the point of and the fourth insertion on the ay of 19 �- beginning; thence along the East side of a creek the fol- ��-- lowing courses; S 22 degrees 06.17" E 237.39 feet; thence S 15 degrees 32'26" W 227.82 _ feet; thence S 36 degrees Sworn to and subscribed before me n this day of 26'00" E 150.74 feet; thence S 20 degrees 49'577 W 183.48 C �'- 9g6 _ . feet; thence ' degrees 49'57" W 25.12 feet; thence S it degrees 35'0T W 101-86 green - 1 1 feet; thence S 04 tlerees — 20'56" E 406.60 feet; thence S N I ry Poblle, 30 degrees 21'44" E 186.66 f feet; thence S 34 degrees f/ .41.37" W 67.68 feet; thence S My Commission Expires: 31 degrees 28'02" E 234.17 / f • I feet; thence . 5.. 76 tlegrees 20'35" E 95.76 feet; thence 5 35 degrees 44'47" E .252.43. — - --- - feet to the Southline of the NEI/. Of said Section 34' thence leaving said creek and running along said </ South line N1/2, NEVA N 69Feos for Printing _.._. . S degrees 22'26" W 812.42 feet to the East right-of-way of the Burlington Northern Cost of Proof __ . 5 Railroad; thence along said East right '49" way N 04 77J - ' /� degrees 14'49" W 225.27 feel Total -__- 1 - 4 "� ithence along said Fast right of way N 00 degrees 56136" W 314.90 feet; thence along said East right Of way N 00 degrees 52'41" . W 1438.60 feet to the North line of the S`.h, NWt/. NE!'A; thence S 89 degrees 28'49" E - 399.76 feet along said North L . , • line l to the Pnint of beginning con- taining 71 .90 acres less and being subject to the rigntofway of Johnson ^, Rea on the West side ther¢ot and to au easements �t � I tt I ••'t INVOICE MAKE CHECKS f]S`6:3E--;v FOR CLASSIFIED PAYABLE TO � �' ADVERTISING CLASS CODE I A� NORTHWEST Q. 1= F7D ARKANSAS TIMES IF NOT AMOUNT DUE P.O. DRAWER D PAID BY WILL BE 212 N. EAST AVE. FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701 AGATES LINES WORDS INCHES ZONE T (_t_--0.'76360 ;,':d. / i $/Fb 1 ice: 7 '. 1 EDITIONS OPER S/V ii _ SKIP SCHEDULE F TO: AD GIVEN BY PHONE 1. i y' } FaU ? tL ? 'JL1 i INDEXING TERMS _ :: :: t ":-" _ • ':J . c'r-, ,,,.3:._,=.0 :2i;13t e v i1B (.R START DATE• ` STOP DATE j OG n24 . 07 2 / 1y07 RETURN THIS PORTION WITH PAYMENT FiL F- tl FOR RECORC, (991 ORDINANCE NO . NOV 16AN II: OS KASfi1Nv"• TO1J Cot IMTY. u p ALMA KOLLME YEF ,h AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN RhbWd(CI. EF. . PETITION R- 81 - 16 FOR A PARCEL CONTAINING 21 . 90 ACRES LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF GREGG AVENUE AND APPLEBY ROAD , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the zone classification of the following descr . e�property is hereby changed as follows : R- 81 - 16 described as set out in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . J From A- 1 Agricultural District to R- 2 Medium Density Residential District . a Section 2 . That the official zoning map of the City `- of Fayette I le , Arkansas , is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above . ^ PASSED AND APPROVED this da � _ y of 7c� �7rjcof.l , 1981 . U APPROVED - MAYOR : c / State C KT'1411CATE Of, ATTEST. • 4 : r City off Arkansas R�CURD t :, l ; 1 1 ayett,•.iile ( Ss rsr•Z"S viii"<. J' .. ITY ELER n L'ry Cier , II $ Nears :n�: nr CiRnj KATE OF RECORD in 0"'1 .. `' oiac is 7e a e of Ar ;cn:as ( SS 1u�8= ¢. ( Bund Of :+ayet:e9iva -d seal _ t; - ress m I , 9i::anne C. ?ie^•ne•.'•Y City C r': ^n Y I3..clfiiciorecorne: :crtheCicYofs :_'nett.:iilel 19 day of do hereby cervi foal th u:,;`^ e'.1 :.r foreL City CI & er and E f is of rzard i:: my o n..e arc the san-.e aD $'Officio I2ec r nears in Ordinance ci Rezo'ution book r d� DarWRII033 A 2 1 1 _dav o: LIBER 117 `� PdGE :n(1 and seal :his 9 City C'erk auii E : .:i:; MlC.ROFILMED