HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3157 p? FILED FOR RECORD ' 86 FEB 24 Pfd 3 10 ORDINANCE NO. WIZ71i . i:TphJ COUfJTY AR flll � ALMA KOLLGJEYER Mi�RQ AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PR gWYC MIGRIBED IN REZONING PETITION R85-32 FOR A PARCEL CONTAINING 5 . 00 ACRES , MORE OR LESS , LOCATED WEST OF GARLAND AVENUE AND MT . COMFORT ROAD BETWEEN WEDINGTON DRIVE AND JAMES STREET . J V BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECIUFS OF THE CITY OF FAYETIEVILLE• ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That the zone classification of the following cl describe pdibe roperty is hereby changed as follows : R85-32 described as set out in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . From C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District and R-2 Medium Density Residential District to C-2 Thoroughfare Commercial District . Section 2 . That the official zoning map of the City of Fayette- ville , Arkansas , is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above . PASSED AND APPROVED this 7th day of January , 198;6 . APPROVED: By : Q � ``•„u . . : r n ,, Mayor f o• �•. '" "nuppNN• r;Soak`. LIBER 1169PaGE608 EXBIBTT W Petition No . R85-32 : The following described property located in Washington County , Arkansas : A part of the Southeast Quarter ( SE 1/4 ) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4 ) of Section Eight ( 8 ) , Township Sixteen ( 16 ) North , Range Thirty ( 30 ) West , being more particularly described as follows , to-wit : Beginning at a point 30 feet West and 190 feet North of the Southeast corner of said 40 acre tract , and running thence West 311 . 46 feet , thence S 0° 39 ' W 147 . 47 feet to the North Right- of-way of Wedington Drive , thence S 890 48 ' W along said right -of -way 83 . 04 feet , thence N 0° 39 ' E 525 . 67 feet , thence S 89° 21 ' E 2 . 84 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 10 of McCormick Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , thence N 0° 39 ' E 160 . 39 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot 10 , thence S 89 ° 21 ' E along the South right-of-way of James Street 310 . 29 feet to the West right-of-way of Mt . Comfort Road , thence S 190 39 ' E along said right-of-way 198 . 96 feet , thence S 170 40 ' E along said right-of-way 68 . 88 feet to the West right-of-way of Garland Avenue , thence South along said right-of-way 282 . 45 feet to the point of beginning . Subject to an additional 8 . 8 foot road right-of-way adjoining Garland Avenue and Subject to a 10 foot sewer line easement along the West side of said Lot 10 , McCormick Addition , as per plat on file in the office of the Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder of Washington County , Arkansas . LIBER1169PAGE609 c> R;n Icarl OF RECORD CEP, TIRCATE OF RECORD STATE or ARKA%SAS to of Arlansas ( SS lv�s.hlnjton Coanty SS• city of Fayetteville Clcrk and V,'ashi,•r- Circ'-"t Clerk and Ex -officio ICCnnedy, City ,fon Conn;, r,e i„reh officio Recorder for I . Sa^anne ', vettceille, Coil in,. yccrti: r;. ,.. C trup7�.nt �y `Ytf the annexed .n to re:order for the City of r i. f11 fore as ,.l for reccr or tore. ! '-,c-�L' y certify that the a',!!1�`e ! din my office on thy_ t"� ` yd Y ecordcd in - .e _- a i^�— f record in my office ar,cl t'te sante ap- du1 r � c ao,;:QP.t and the sa y Resnitttiott l;oolt Witness record � a mo is pears in UrdinnnCC E my hand ytd soal thia=pS dayo " Lor FJitnCSs MY x x It page -��_� - day pf Circuit Clerk and hand and seal this l9_ �j / C fiicio pec riled —__ (..11Y C - r'<♦ !lil ,.i?, -� _:r:;:>f Deputy Clerk�W✓l'� coy; a - v ORDINANCE NO. 21S7 � ' IN ORDINANCE RE.ZON- Nd THAT PROPERLY DESCRIBED IN REZON- ING PETITION Ras-22FOR A PARCEL - CONTAIWIIf((O 5.00 ACRES, MOR%; GA STATE'of ARKANSAS LESS, LOCATED WEST OF ee. 'GARLAND AVENUE^ IND ' MT. COMPORT ROA6 BE- County of Washington TWEEN WEDINGLON .DRIVE AND JA-me-S STREET. / BE IT 6ROAINE4;'BT I, Lai , 1 . r � �.I-L , I . .I I -.,1 4 hereby certify that THE BOARD OF D"tgt- am the publisher of;X•HE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper TORS OP THE CITY.- Op PA Y E TT E v 1 LAC , having a second class mailing privilege, and voeing not less than four pages of 1 .ARKANSAtt - five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) Section-Classification That efollo`w- Intervals continuous) In the Cit of Fa etteville, Count of Washin ton. Arkansas Section1, of the op'boo Y Y Y Y g Ing described property -is for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an j hereby ehenged as edrollsFf 4Q established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes RExh bit "A" enact ed in the Cit and Count for a definite rice for each co p In Exhibit A'• attached Y Y P PY. or a fixed rice per •nerato and made &'.pbtt annum, which price was fixed at what Is considered the value of the publication, nareo/, - basedu n the news value and service value It contains, that at least fifty percent = - Prom C•1 ' Nelghbahood Ib ' Commertiel ' bistridt"- dad of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper R-1 . Medium Density -ties[- or Its agents or through recognized news dealers over ariod of at least six dentist District to C•2 Th69- Pe oughfore , Comme [clal months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty . District. 'I - P 6 . • "' - percent news matter. ' Section 2: That the official stoning map of the city ;of Payertevllle;- Arkansas, 1s I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of hereby amended to rifted • the toning change provided % , In Section 1 above. y PASSED AND APPRDV- -2/-S) I ED this 7111 day of January, ,11- .l> —;ttAPPROVED6 was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaperfor r r t Bn Paul R, Noland consecutive insertions as follows: M6Y�r ,.ATTEST - 13V: Suzanne Kennedy The first Insertion on the _/ ! R- day of / 19 I City Clerk ' EXHIBIT "A'• + Petition No, ROS-32: Thi fol- the second insertion On the day Of 19 lowing described proollty located In Washington Comm- ty. Afkehsaa: the third insertion on the day of 19 A part of me Southeast - Gual-fer (SE 'A) of the Nor- theast Ouart6f (NE 11A) .6f and the fourth Insertion on the __ aY-pf� 19 Setion Eight (a), T6wnshlfl sixteen (16) North,. Range / Thirty (70) West;; boitlg more particularly described r - as follows, to-wit: Begmmhg Sworn to and subscribed before m on this: d of at a Point 30 teat West and i 190 feat North of •'the \ _ I L � • Southeast corner Of sale ' 9 _ acre tract, and runnI6u, , ' :th6nte West '211.x6 1461, , ) I „ .)hence S g0 29' W 141.41 f"t _ to the North Rlght•Of-weybf Y N t r Public We dingtoh brive, thoncs`S 094 46' W along sold tight- ' of-wa 62,06 foot, fhento N00 .W p 520.67 loath manta B OrMy Commission Expires: . IP - E 1,84 feet to the 'SOUlnwoot COfn6r 6f L019C•BI '• ' , i; •." . , , . . . ;. . � McCormick Addition to the - City of Payettevlllo, Afkdn- t see, thence N 00 W E 160,19 ;loot to the Northwest co r ' of sold 161110, mance a W E along the South right-tif Jr L ' L _ way of James Street 210,1199 Fees for Printing _.._. _ S ,feet to the West right-oFw6v of Mt. Comfort Road, theme, t5 190 W- E along said 09AW Cost of Proof —. $ of-way 191.96 feet, theQlce-S , y G/- 170 air B along said PloWI Total .-__.. . 5 1C_I_/L_.._ 'of-way 68.6et 3 foe to the West ' right-of-way of Garladd j Avenue, thence South elofigi said right-Of-Way 201.45 feet ! 10 the Point of beginning. subject to an additional 6,a , . foot road right-of-way SO- I Joining Garland Avenue akd Subject to 6. 10 foot sewer ! line easement along thol West aide Of sate Lot 10, hit- I Cormick Addition, as part plat on file In in* office of the ' Circuit CIefR end Ea OffiSld ' .. Retarder "o -Wattlingfoh • Counly, Afk6nS 31 INVOICE MAKE CHECKS 0834261 FOR CLASSIFIED PAYABLE TO ADVERTISING CLASS I CODE Ns. I vo NORTHWEST 102 D 001 X79 . 79 ARKANSAS TIMES IF NOT AMOUNT DUE P.O. DRAWER D PAID BY WILL BE i. 212 N. EAST AVE. FAYETTEVILLE. AR 72701 AGATES I LINES WORDS INCHES ZONE 102-088426 01 / 161 ts6 137 f61 401 09 . 8 EDITIONS OPER S/V A O V SKIP SCHEDULE 5 � T0: AD GIVEN BY PHONE City Of Fayetteville 501 -000-0000 : Drawer F INDEXING TERMS ^'ORDINANCE NO. 3157^ AN ORDI : Fayetteville AR START DATE STOP DATE 72702 01 / 17 /86 01 / 17 /86 L RETURN THIS PORTION WITH PAYMENT moor