HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3146 FILED Fp ,85 NOU R RECORD WASHII,'� �2. P/1 39 ALMA KOLLA�UNTYAR aRDnaAN� NO- 3146 CIRCUIT CLERK R M1Grt0FlLp, W AN ORDINANCE VACATING AND ABANDONING A 20 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT ALONG THE WEST SIDE OF THE BARGO ENGINEERING PROPERTY IN THE FAYETTEVILLE INDUSTRIAL PARK , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE HOARD OF D OF THE CITY OF FAYEITEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That the Board of Directors hereby vacates and abandons all of the City ' s right , together with the right of the public generally , in and to the following described utility easement : A tract of land located in Section 23 , T-16-N, R-30-W, said tract being a part of Lot 4 of the Fayetteville Industrial Park Subdivision and being more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point which is N 1 °-03 ' E 1415 . 92 feet and S 89°-56 ' E 705 . 01 feet from the SW corner of Section 23 ; thence N 1°-03 ' E 355 . 0 feet ; thence S 89°-56 ' E 356 . 94 feet to the Westerly right of way of Armstrong Road ; thence along said Westerly right of way S 37° -21 ' E 187 , 81 feet ; thence along said Westerly right of way 235 . 59 feet on a circular curve to the right with a radius of 778 . 51 feet ; thence N 89°-56 ' W 590 . 0 feet to the Point of Beginning , containing 3 . 97 acres and Subject to a 20 foot wide utility easement contiguous and parallel to each side of the above described tract , as per plat on file in the office of the Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder of Washington County , Arkansas , PASSED AND APPROVED this 5th day of November , 1985 . APP RO By : 11 757 ' By . 6' LIBER OPAGE a: Xit# Clerk y �• , 1 �y P 717 «L 1• ii ,lr CERTIFICATE OF RECORD 4 State of Arkansas City of Fayetteville ( SS I. St"ane C. Kennedy, City Clerk and :c-Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- t'?ia ; is of record in my office aid the same ap_ nearsis/ ,O'rdinance Resolution boor vv — at page Y Witness my hand anc seal this nn .•/T� �-------. day of Gy�t 19;x_ -- it. CiN ed E -O i io .�r CERTIFICATE OF ATE OF.ARKANS,4S I Washington County SS. -- - 4 Aima G Ko➢me p v Washin ,t Yot CiraiitClerkandEx- goin �ra n,t e tYp do hereby corifY that the annexed 0., POp .. g •i-nq�s.�_tlrlu7, was fila eXed of d for record in r OC lofts. - __ 19 $3 ( nYn�ffice on tfle ' ft fuly recorded in_�+e�f_�.^� O• 'tli-1+Y' M and '!rtness mY hand and — record= seal thi SdaY of - � ., i, , Circuit Clerk and x-1 ## Jcjo Recorded ev Clerk l' STATE of ARKANSAS as. County of Washington ` ORDINANCE NO. 3166'%7 A M O R D I N A N C E (fit, .: // ,, �_a VACATING , AND ARAN- I, .V �`Y��C hereby certify that I ' DONING A 20 FOOT UTIL- am the publisher fTHE NORTHWEST A ANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper ' 'ITY EASEMENT . ALONG THE WEST SIDE OF THE having a second class mailing privilege, lind being not less than four pages of .. BARGO ENGINEERING five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (dally) , PROPERTY ' FAYETTEVILI LLE INDUS 1 N THE Intervals continuously In the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas . . 1.RIAL PARK. ;rI f0[ more than a period of twelve months. circulated and distributed from an '. .,; BE IT. ORDAINED . BY established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes 1 THE BOARD OF. DIREC- :TORS OF ,TME CITY oF, - In the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per FAYETTEV I L L E annum, which price was fixed at what is Considered the value of the publication, basedU ..ARKANSAS: n thenews valueand service value it contains, thatat least flit sectionNS 1. That the Bovril [p ypercent of Directors hereby vacates of thesubscribers theretohave paidcash for their subscriptions to thenewspaper and abandons all the City's or Its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six right, together with the right of the public generally, in months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty and to the following descrio- percent news matter. ed utility easement: I A tract of land located °,In section 23, T-16-N. Rao W. I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of i avid tract being a part of Lot ; a of the Fayetteville Indus- ,trial, Park subdivision and. =being more , particularly cQ�-Lz� / //) • .J / � �c 'described as follows: Begin-: ning at a point which is N ! 10.03• E 14115.92 feet and S. was published In the regular daily issue of said newspaper for -- � 890-56' E 705.01 feet from the, Consecutive insertions as follows: sw corner of section 23; thence N 10-56 E 355.0 feet; �L ( Xn y thence 5 steel right of feet The first Insertion on the <=J day Of 19 . of the Westerly right of way o/ Armstrong Road; thence 'along said Westerly right of the second insertion on the day of 19 way S 370.21' E 187.81 feet; thence along Said Westerly . right to way 235.59 feet on a the third Insertion On the day Of 19 circular curve to the right with a radius of 778.51 thence N 890-56' W 590.0 leer and the fourth insertion on the _ day of _ 19-- to the Point of Beginning, containing 3.97 acres and _ / •�� _ SubiKt to a 20 foot wide util- ity easement contiguous and parallel to each side of the Sworn Orn to and subscribed before me,�On this � day of above described tract, as per plat on file in the office C2 47 of the Circuit Clerk q /9 cy _ Ex-Officlo Recorder of Washington County. Arkan- . gas. PASSED AND APPROVED _ this Sth day of November, NO ry Public 1985. APPROVED : �i3 My Commission Expires: BY: Paul R. Nolan Mayor ATTEST BY: Suzanne Kennedy -. ------ --- -- ------ , City Clark '. A Fees for Prinling I Cost of Proof Total .___.- S INVOICE MAKE CHECKS FOR CLASSIFIED PAYABLE TO ADVERTISING CLASSCODE INS. MOUNT NORTHWEST 02 0 00 ARKANSAS TIMES IF NOT AMOUNT DUE P.O. DRAWER D PAID BY WILL BE 212 N. EAST AVE. 11 /3a/uz FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701 AGATES LINES WORDS INCHES ZONE 87 0 EDITIONS 2 6 0 . 2 EDITOPER S/V G SKIP SCHEDULE .F TO: AD GIVEN BY PHONE , ity Of Fayettevii , . 5 1 -000-0000 rawer F INDEXING TERMS RDINANCE NO. 3146 •`f03^AN ayetteville AR START DATESTOP DATE- 72'702 11 /21 /85 11 /21 /85 L I RETURN THIS PORTION WITH PAYMENT �Z