HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3131 ORDINANCE NO, 3131 MICROf(WIM AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE 7 , SECTION 1 OF APPENDIX A TO THE FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO REGULATE THE USE OF ACCESSORY STRUCTURES , ` BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 -, That Article 7 , Section 1 (a ) of Appendix A to the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows : No accessory building shall be erected on any property prior -3}- to the construction of the principal building , unless such accessory building shall have been approved by the Planning Commission as a conditional use . An approved accessory building erected prior to the principal building shall not be inhabited . ----------- - Section 2 . That Article 7 , Section 1 of Appendix A to the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by adding Paragraph (c ) to read as follows : ( c ) No accessory building shall be erected in any required yard . Section 3 , That Article 7 , Section 1 of Appendix A to the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by adding Paragraph (d ) to read as follows : (d ) "Lo-Dal " type trash containers located in any required yard shall be screened along the side (s ) of the container which encroach into the required yard , except that screening shall not be required on the access side of the container . Where a trash container encroaches totally within a required yard , either the front or the back of the container shall not be screened . Section 4 . That Article 7 , Section 1 of Appendix A to the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by adding Paragraph (e ) to read as follows : (e ) Swimming pools shall not be located in any required front yard . o0 a crn n N o cars CD 3 T C) M r r- m C'> r- —o coo r 3Z0 3 0 M m M -4 N c� O LIBfRI157PAGE372 .o ±t ro + Section 5 . That Article 8 , Section 3 of Appendix A to the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby deleted . _ PASSED AND APPROVED this 1st_ day of October 1985 . APPROVED By : _(Ze� 4�00A44�tw \• Mayor ep I rn n" couNtt • � CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arkansas ( SS CERTIFICATE OF RECORD City of F:ayettevi','s: I I, Suzanne C. Kea :e:'y, City Clerk and STATE OF ARKANSAS I SS E':-Officio recnrI'er for the City of Fayetteville, Washington County ) do her�,by certify that the nnn^sed or fore. r Circuit Clnrk and Ex-Officio Record ore- I, Alma 4 Kollmey= . 1 !`i '1^, i€ of r.^- cord i:1 my officeand t'te same ap- 'ton County, cehi•, :ha: � h; dn�r_' : '.oaY Washin,• do hereby ice on al pears in OrHlince � Resohttion book goini; i iru ent was filed for rej,04 IN MY41, Ind ,n "I, e � 1 oT.aot �+/' �_�_�•r.t Page - !YQA Witness my of racer d at pap �a f � hand and se 1 his d td—ay of duly recorded in a , 19—.0.�. 1rVit I my hand and seal this Circuit Clerk and Ex- ici ecordeq City Jerk and Es-Os'fi io Rec der BY T Deputy 01erM LIM 1157 PAGE 373 ! INVOICE MAKE CHECKS G86S8 FOR CLASSIFIED PAYABLE TO ADVERTISING CLASS CODE NORTHWEST 102 00 <60 . 75 ARKANSAS TIMES IF NOTAMOUNT D'JE P O. DRAWER D PAID BY WILL BE 212 N. EAST AVE. 10 /26 / 85 FAYETTEVILLE. AR 72701 AGATES LI WORDS INCHES ZONE 1 0 2-08 4688 10 / 16 / 85 111 317 07 . 9 EDITIONS OPER S/V A 0 < SKIP SCHEDULE TO: AD GIVEN BV PHONE City of Fayetteville 501 — 00 Drawer F INDEXING TERMS '"ORDINANCE NO . 3131 ^ AN ORDI Fayetteville AR START DATE STOP DATE 72702 10/ 17 /85 10/ 17/85 L 1 RETURN THIS PORTION WITH PAYMENT ORDINANCE NO. 7131STATE of ARKANSAS AN ORDINANCE AMEN- 68. DING ARTICLE 7, SEC- 1 CountOf WBShIn t TION- 1 OF APPENDIX A I Y g On TO THE FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES , TO REGULATE THE USE j 7� ^ n (/ L//;�rt.�7 Gey y OF ACCESSORY STRUC- I, t hereby certify that 1 TURES. am the publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANJSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper BE IT ORDAINED BY having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of THE BOARD OF DIREC- TORS OF THE CITY OF five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily ) F A Y E T r E V I L L E , ARKANSAS: intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas Section 1. That Article 7, for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an Section I (a) of Appendix A established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes to the Fayetteville Code of in the Cit and Count for a definite rice for each Ordinances ell nide of Y Y P copy, ora fixed price per amended to read as follows: annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, No accessory building based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty shall be erected on any ype[Cenl Property prior to the con- of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper struction of the principal or Its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six building, unless such acces- months; and that the said newspaper ublishes an average of more than forty sory building shall haveP g been approved by the Plana- percent news matter. Ing Commission as a condi- tional use. An approved ac- cessory building erected I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of prior to the principal build- ing shall not be Inhabited. Section 1. That Article 7, il� fi /�� \ % J Section 1 of Appendix A to - " t--�+`� /e rt .! ' . __fs� / the Fayetteville Code of or- tlinances is hereby amended I / by adding Paragraph (c) to was published in the regulardaily issueof said newspaperfor read as lot ows: consecutive insertions as follows: (c) No accessory building shall as erected In any re- r quired yard. I The first insertion on the t day of C>' cf eU19 !L2— section ]. That Article 7, — section 1 of Appendix A to the Fayetteville Code of Or- the second Insertion on the day of 19 tlinances is hereby amended I by adding Paragraph (d) to read as follows: the third insertion on the day of 19 (d) "Lb-Dal" type trash containers located in any �f required yard Shea bel an ) od the fourth insertion on the —oda 19 screened along the f hich Ori the container n- croach Into the raqulrotlf yard, except thattscreening 1 ) shall not be required on the Sworn to and subscribed before me this '( - day of access side of the container. where a trash container en- f croaches totally within a re. � -L 9 qyard, either the front drr the the back of the container shall not be screened. section 4. That Article 7, No y Public / section 1 of Appendix A to . the Fayetteville Code of Or. I I tlinances is hereby amended I My Commission Expires: by adding Paragraph (e) read as fol lows: (e) Swimming pools shall not ae located In any re- i — — quiredfrontyard. Section S. That Article 8, Section 7 01 Appendix A to the Fayetteville Code of Or. dlnances Is hereby deleted. i Fir`s f01' Printing PASSED AND APPROVED I g ---this 1st clay of October, 1965. APPROVED Cost of Pronf By: Paul R. Noland Mayor FATTEST Total __- . $ By : Suzanne C. Kennedy City Clerk