HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3127 FILED FOR RECORD 85 OCT 25 Fin 3 20 WASH NCTX, COUNTY AR ALMA KOLLMEYER CIRCUIT CLERK CRDINANCE ND. 3127 MICROFILMED AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 4 OF ORDINANCE N0 . 2829 TO AMEND THE NUMBER OF DIRECTORS OF THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS RESOURCE RECOVERY AUTHORITY AND TO AMEND THE VOTING RIGHTS OF EACH DIRECTOR , / BE TT =WINED BY THE BOARD OF DUaXa HiS OF THE CITY OF FAM7EVME. v ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That Section 4 of Ordinance No . 2829 is hereby amended to read as follows : Section 4 . The number of directors of said Authority shall be nine . Seven directors shall be those individuals comprising the Fayetteville Board of Directors or individuals appointed by said Board of Directors . One director shall be appointed by the governing body of Washington County , Arkansas and one director shall be appointed by the governing body of West Fork , Arkansas . In voting to take any action or to pass any resolution, each director shall be entitled to cast one vote . Five affirmative votes shall be required to approve a motion or to pass a resolution . PASSED AND APPROVED this 15th day of n r her 1985 . 5 A C 1 / C/�2��a�i02Tif/ Mayor CERTIFICATE OF RECORD s rATTST •H STATE OF ARKANSAS Washtn;ton County I SS. ' ' I, Afma L. Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex- ` V ' ` f Otticia Recorder for t r Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed or tors• goi•G • 4� C1eYk of ng instrument was filed for re�61 in my ice on thaw day I�%t3fVclock4M, and the same is duty recorded in recordS7 s- Witness my hand and seal this2 at wg8� �deY of lg� Circuit Clerk and Ex.Ofti io Recorded � DY / / 119ER115�°Pa�C "78 : , P �EitT1FICA'1'E Oi RECORIT ;.tate of Arkansas ( SS i'ity of Fayetteville 1. Suzanne C. Kennedy, City Clerk and !s :-Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- rf''i ', ^ is of record in my office nnrl t'- -, "mn_ ap_ -,curs in Ordinance & Resolution b ,hjl- -XX I I at page YOO — . Nitness my hand and seal of y Clerk u h ti/ INVOICE CI15Og7 FOR CLASSIFIED MAKE CHECKS ADVERTISING PAYABLE TO -+ CLASS CODE s NORTHWEST i 42 D 001 - 27 . 50 ARKANSAS TIMES IF NOT AMOUNT DUE P.O. DRAWER D PAID BY WILL BE 212 N- EAST AVE. 11 FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701 AGATES LINES WORDS INCHES ZONE 102-0850137 1 ^� 06 � 05 179 04 0 /�5 /8J EDITIONS OPER S/V A SKIP SCHEDULE b TO: AD GIVEN BY PHONE 1� lty Of Fayetteville 01 -0:'t-GOC: r . C . Drawer F INDEXING TERMS 'CRDINANCE NO . 3127 Ava CRDSi :'ayett = villa AR START DATE STOP DATE 10/26/ 85 7x'02 - 10126/ 5 RETURN THIS PORTION WITH PAYMENT �Z .. _ :,:mow STATE of ARKANSAS 1 County of Washington I, `ra Zr_V2- "✓7-- r= hereby certify that I am the publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of ORDINANCE NO. 7127 five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) AN ORDINANCE_ AMEN- DING SECTION OF OR- intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville. County of Washington, Arkansas DI ' DINANCE NO. 1089 TOI for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an AMEND THE NUMBER OF established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes DIRECTORS OF THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS In the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per RESOURCE RECOVERY annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, AUTHORITY D ANTOS based n e news value value contains, at at east fife AMEND THE AND bd NGS p0 the lue and serilit tithat l fifty percent RIGHTS OF EACH DIREC- ; of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper . TOR. or Its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIREC, months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty ' TORS OF THE CITY OF percent news matter. F A Y E T T E V I L L E . � .ARKANSAS: , section 1. That Section 4 of I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of 'Ordinance No. 28291s hereby amended to read as follows: Section s. The number of directors of said Authority ) /y,/ � i�Ll��/�C� !i r. C7 A ( O, shall be nine. Seven direcci tors shall be idose Indlvidu- ' / als comprising the Fayehs was published in the regulardaily issue of said newspaperfor tevllle Board of Directors ori consecutive insertions as follows: individuals appointed by , said Board of Directors. Ones ,1 'director shall be appointed �a The first Insertion on the d day of l7 n��`Cuz. 19 AS by the governing body of — Washington County, Arkan-i sas and one director shall bel the second Insertion on the day of 19 appointed by the governingi body of West Fork. Arkan- , sas. in voting to take any ac- , the third Insertion on the day of 19 tion or to pass any resaiu- , tion, each director shall be —� entitled to cast one vote. and the fourth insertion on the day'" of Five affirmative votes shall / be required to approve a me- tion or to pass a resolution. - PASSED AND APPROVEDI this 15th day of October, ) Sworn to and subscribed before me pn tIll s '311 day of 1905. APPROVED / By: Paul R. Noland .�2d-/(_+,I , 19 Mayor ATTEST �i _ By : Susanne Kennedy 1�f!—x _ city Clerk N� ry Public My Commission Expires: �•� , , Fees for Printing ".._. .. S Cl_�C. Cost of Proof Total