HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3125 Fj .. F° AFD �'BS �Z'T 1 y RFCORo H/��Tp PO 4( 3 ORDINANCE NO. 3125 °/ �I 21 N 001/ 06 MICRON MED RO&104z y' ✓, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING THAT IT SHALL BE UN LR R FOR ANY PERSON TO PICKET A PRIVATE RESIDENCE . BE IT CIRDAIINED BY THE BOARD OF DMCILOR.S OF THE CITY OF FAMTEVILLEr J ARKANSAS: v Section 1 . That the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby H amended by adding § 13-15 to read as follows : v Sec . 13-15 . Picketing of Private Residences Prohibited . r �¢ It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to engage in demonstrations of any type or to picket before or about the residence or dwelling place of any individual . Any person convicted of violating this section shall be punished by a fine of not more than $500 or by imprisonment of not more than six ( 6 ) months , or by both such fine and imprisonment . Section 2 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that protection and preservation of the home is the keystone of democratic government ; that the public health , safety and welfare requires that members of the community enjoy in their homes a feeling of well-being , tranquility , and privacy , and when absent from their hares carry with them the sense of security inherent in the assurance that they may return to the enjoyment of their homes ; that the practice of picketing or demonstrating before or about residences and dwelling places causes emotional disturbance and distress to the occupants ; that such practice has as its object the harassing of such occupants and without resort to such practice full opportunity exists , and under the terms and provisions of this ordinance will continue to exist , for the exercise of freedom of speech and other constitutional rights ; and the immediate passage of this ordinance is necessary to avoid the detrimental results herein set forth . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the public health , safety and welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED this 17th day of September 1985 . AP Z46 ��tl _ ByT Mayor 7^ \ ATI St e. ( 4 By p } . �{ 1 it Clerk, 03[81156 505 Apr yr.r ; =. f nu_ r. f CERTIFICATE OF RECORD CERTIFICATE% OF. RECORD STATE OF ARIC.^.fl P.l,S ) M;nhinfjf n County J SS State of Arkansas I , Alrna L. Kotlmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Record;r tot City of Fayette•ti!1^ ! SS Washington County, do hereby certify that the ann xCel o'r 'iiifnre I, S;L':^t1�'.0 C. ;{c t)e'r y, City Ct.Crk and going instrument was filed for recor� � ,?on my Doffice on the Zyday .- E�-7f ib ,.,�;. ttr:; Ca -"t of (!� ,e19 'clnrkLM, and the same is d0 hereby: c.,y[+; t11-'t t.'1_• f duly recorded in record at page S goi'rft is of rr;;(ord ia. my 0U;ee a,!A file s r. w vp Witness my hand and seal thisday of O 19lis Mars in Or�!iq;tace Circuit Clerk and OF --- YX-LLQ :)t ?-t =e--3rL8 Witt?^S; my Ex- tficioRecord d hand and soil th . _ 7-- — ¢tiny of BY . o - Deputy Clark ty Clerk and z fficio def s " I ` INVOICE MAKE CHECKS 079713 FOR CLASSIFIED PAYABLE TO --► ADVERTISING CLASS CODE ms. A NT NORTHWEST 102 Gut ARKANSAS TIMES - u.+- ru... u �r . . P.O. DRAWER0 rNt 212 N. EAST AVE. FAYETTEVILLE. AR 72701 10 /05 /85 AGATES LINES WORDS INCHES ZONE 1L1_-079'713 G9 /25 / 85 115 08 335 G8 . : EDITIONS OPER SIV SKIP SCHEDULE 4 F Tp: AD GIVEN BY PHONE city o -F Fayetteville 501 -GGO-GGOG Lramer F INDEXING TERMS (ORDINANCE NO 3125" AN CRL : Fayetteville AR START DATE STOP DATE / `702 09 /26/ 85 09 /26 /85 L 1 I RETURN THIS PORTION WITH PAYMENT 6293 C� r, • I r r ORDINANCE NO. 7145 STATE of ARKANSAS AN ORDINANCE PRO- VIDING THAT IT SHALL Be. BE UNLAWFUL FOR ANY County of Washington PERSON - TO PICKET A PRIVATE RESIDENCE. _ BE ,: IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIREC- I �� �• -., ' -�i - � [ r •-.. 7 hereby certify that I TORS OF THE CITY OF FAY ETTEVI LLE , am the publisher of T,HE NORTHWEST ARKANSAIS TIMES, a daily newspaper ARKANSAS : having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of Section 1. That the Fayet. teville code of Ordinances is five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (dally) hereby amended by adding intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington. Arkansas stSread as follows: sed.ec. 1745. Picketing of an a for more than period of twelve months. circulated and distributed from an Private Residences Pro. established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes hibited. in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to engage I annum, which price was fixed at what Is considered the value of the publication. in demonstrations of any based upon thenews valueand service value it contains, thatat least fiftypercent type or to picket before or of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper about the residence or dwell• Ino Place of any individual. or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six Any person convicted of months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty violating this section shall be punished by a fine of not percent news matter. more than SSW or by im. 1priSix (6) ent mons s. more than I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of alx 161 months, ri by bath , Such fine and Imprisonment. ISettlor Z. The Board of 1 DIf@tiers hereby deter- 1l`mines that protection an_d .^ t preservation of-the home Is the keystone of democratic was ublished in the regular daily issue of said newspaperfor governmeht; that the public p g health, safety and welfare consecutive insertions as follows: requires that- members of i / the community fe ling of The first insertion on thef�? 1_ da of � 19 their nomas community feeling- in l• well-being, tranquility, and privacy, and when absent the second Insertion on the da of 19 • from their homes carry with . y them the sense of security inherent In the assurance the third Insertion on the day of 19 that they may return to the enjoyment of their homes; that the practice of picketing and the fourth insertion on theay o 19 or, demonstrating before or II_ J abovt,rusidences and dwell. ing places causes emotional -� disturbance and distress to the occupants; that such a4 practice has as its object the Sworn to and subscribed before me . on a this � day of harassing of such Occupants q . and without resort to such Practice full opportunity ex- . Isis, and antler the terms 1 " and provisions of this t- nance will continue to exist, N dry Public for the exercise of freedom ', of speech and other constifu •�/ tional rights; and the imme My Commission Expires: diate passage of this oral- nance is necessary to avoid ' the detrimental results herin / / _ !4 /-- ' • set forth. Therefore, an emergency is hereby declared to exist and mis er- dinance being necessary for the public health, safety and welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its Fees for Printing _-._ .. S passageand approval. PASSED AND APPROV- ED this 11th day of I Cost of Proof _ - S ._—._-__— .—_.__ September, 1985. V. APPROVED] Cr" tel `tin By : Paul R. Noland, Total ___. S Mayor; . - ATTEST BY : Suzanne Kennedy City Clerk L/� }� ( EIVED SEP 3 0 19fi5 ACCOU31TS PAYABLE