HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3120 FO F14eD 88 s fP R 8FOORO �0 F ORDINANCE NTD. . 3120j I 0 � �� . Zs MICROFILNIE� q4A�1 kO , _%G, AN ORDINANCE VACATING AND ABANDONING Q1/JEN� Four. qR NORTH-SOUTH ALLEY RUNNING BETWEEN 6TH ANDTc7,TH yER STREETS EAST OF SOUTH COLLEGE AVENUE , CRS WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has the authority under Ark . Stat . §19-2304 to vacate portions of alleys which are not required for corporate purposes ; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has determined that the following described alley located between 6th and 7th Streets east of South College Avenue is a platted but unopened alley which is not required for corporate purposes . NOW, THEREFORE, HE IT ORDX[NED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE \ QTY OF FA] ETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: �J1 Section 1 . That the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas hereby vacates and abandons all of its rights together with the rights of the public generally , in and to the following described property located in Washington County , Arkansas : Ten feet of equal and uniform width the eastern boundary of which is described as follows : Beginning at the Southwest ( SW ) corner in Lot 1 , Block 1 of Lions Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas as per plat of said- addition recorded in the office of the Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder of Washington County , Arkansas ; thence along the western boundary of said Lot 1 , and Lots 2 , 31 4 and 5 in said block to the Northwest ( NW) corner of said Lot 5 . Section 2 . A copy of this Ordinance duly certified by the City Clerk shall be filed in the office of the Recorder of the County and recorded in the Deed Records of the County . + P!$iSfil) AND APPROVED this 3rd day of September , 1985 . All APP-p//y - - -- `) BY. ( i � 1i:�� ty.i Illvvv���///��YYY(((///��/i`• � � ' - � Mayor ATTEST , By , 6s T"CliFy Clerk PAGE LIBER s15 `y Vot to , „i _. i , • r ; 14 if `r."t •rr � ' Irv • CER� fFICi�TE OF RECORD STATE OF AR.I'.Af:SAS SS. Washin[;ton County j officio Recorder f0� ,, a Circuit Geek an„E"the an or fore 1, Alma L. K_;ImeY ' cert y �j\day pn Count Y, do Irreby ptliae on the WeshinEt lr, ,ar i ecord in my gain trwnznt va> „ d the Fame is • 19_a o'ctoa, t6, a record at pa>;a - - - - r0 19 duty recorded in-. ay .of W'liness MY hand and seal t circuit Clerk and Ex.Othcio Recor , , 1 . ev ._— Deouty Cterlr kd CORD — -- — CERTICICATE' OF State of Arkans'-13 S5 l! City of Fayetteytz f brl: and city C ' ^n`te C. Kenn � • I. S fr;i i : rec:.h;er It fo : 2*,i V nn•, .:c•; � t aP- : vr, do �t rc_ w;•_ti Y1 jr ok Pexra in Ordinanr e 9 `;ditncss my ,XX_ I l it Page - clay Of hand and seal tis order Clerk an x-Offici 1 ..• . City F � a 0 INVOICE MAKE CHECKS FOR CLASSIFIED pgyggLE TO I 079.324 ADVERTISING i CLASS CODE INS. T i NORTHWEST 102 061 54 . 00 i ARKANSAS TIMES P.O. DRAWER D 7AY i HIS A- :0 Qw b:T ,v I R 212 N. EAST AVE. FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701 09/27/8_.5 AGATES LINES WORDS INCHES ZONE 102-079314 09 / 17 /85 098 277 07 . O i EDITIONS OPER S/V A 00 Vi SKIP SCHEDULE ' I 3 1� TO: AD GIVEN BY PHONE ; City of Fayetteville 501 -c,00-0000 ' Drawer F INDEXING TERMS 4 ' ORDINANCE NO 3120' AN OR"; Fayetteville AR START DATE STOP GATE j 72702 09 / 18 /85 09 / 18 /85 -� I. ^ Q G i RETURN THIS PORTION WITH PAYMENT Y' r STATE of AMANSACj 1 1} 98. County of Washington ORDINANCE NO. 3120 1 A N O R D I N A N C E j VACATING AND ABAN- ` . DONING A TEN FOOT ; j� ,A:9Vt.. Qii't/it-L�(. /.r hereby certify that I NORTH - SOUTH ALLEY1 am the publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKASAS TIMES, adailY newspaper P RUNNING BETWEEN 6TH • Hi4 AND 7TH STREETS EAST I having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of Or AVENUE.SOUTH COLLEGE ! five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (dally) WHEREAS, the Board of intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington. Arkansas Directors has the authority l for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an under Ark. stay Sof ail to ! established lace of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes . vacate portions of aueys . P g Y which are not required for In the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per corporate purposes; and WHEREAS, the Board of annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, Directors has determined I based upon the news value and service value It contains, that at least [Iffy percent that the following described of thesubscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions tothe newspaper alley located between 6th or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a and 7th Streets east a south B g g period of at least six College Avenue Is a platted months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty but unopened alley which is percent news matter. not required for corporate purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYET- TEVILLE, ARKANSAS : Sec!Inn 1. 'rtl_a: the c— Y O: Fayettev0i ,! , Arkan Sasl / .hereby vacates and aban- I was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for dons all of its rights together consecutive insertions as follows: with the rights of the public I generally, in and to the fol- lowing described property ` The first insertion on the f day of , ' ' - - - 19 _ located in Washington COun ty, Arkansas: Ten tear of equal and the second Insertion on the day of 19 uniform width the eastern i boundary of which is , the third insertion on the da described as follows : Begin- y of 19 , ping at the Southwest (SW): : corner in Lot 1, Block 1 of and the fourth insertion on the day of — 19 Lions evitle, to the City of i Fayetteville, Arkansas asi / �— per plat 01 said office f re- ' corded it the office of the ' Circuit Clerk and asking ori / 1) f Recorder of Arkansas; Thence Sworn to and subscribed before me on this day o[ . County, Arkansas: tndary 7 along the western boundary „� „ 7 ;•�� N ��� t (j of said Lot ai and Lois and 5 in said block ro the Northwest (NW) COfd¢f Of L saSe tion 2. A copy Of IN-' NO ry Public Ordinance duly cert:fietl by the City Clerk snail be tiled My Commission Expires: in the office of the Recortler of the County and reccrtletl /] , in the Deed Records — ' County. PASSED AND APPROVI ED this 3rd day Ot September, 1981. APPROVED ! ' s 9y : Paul R. Noland ! t.” mayor Fens for Printing ___ S c3'J'�. ATTEST ' By : Suzanne K�nneey Cit Jerk COSI Of Proof __ 5 Total __—_- -S ��j---- a �IJ)iL V �• t sip 27 106 Accounp a11ML r