HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3118 F OR e0 Wd sFF ReCORp 2 0 Fj� 3 ORDINANCE NO. 3118 qZ Q�� Tt ' % n . �cS MICROFILMED CIRC 0' / . 6-t , rY ��� r ,., e eR QR AN ORDINANCE WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS OF CDMPETITIVEf'� CRk,, BIDDING FOR THE PURCHASE OF A FULL DUPLEX RADIO FREQUENCY LINK BETWEEN THE MT . ROBINSON RADIO TOWER AND THE FAYETIEVILLE POLICE STATION . ffi IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETT VILIE. ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the Board of Directors hereby waives the requirements of competitive bidding for the purchase of a full duplex V radio frequency link between the radio tower at Mt . Robinson and the Fayetteville Police Station for the reason that said requirements are not practical because of the necessity to insure compatibility within the City ' s entire communications system. Section 2 . That the Board of Directors hereby authorizes the purchase of a full duplex radio frequency link between the Mt . Robinson tcxwer and the Fayetteville Police Station from Motorola Communications and Electronics , Inc . , in accordance with the proposal attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof . Section 3 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that the immediate installation of a full duplex radio frequency link between the Mt . Robinson radio tower and the Fayetteville Police Station is necessary for the adequate provision of public safety services ; that adequate provision of public safety services is essential to the public welfare ; and that the immediate passage of this ordinance is necessary for the adequate provision of public safety services . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the public safety and welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . AND APPROVED this 3rd day of Seotenhar 19859 v r ♦i . APIPRO By : i '''� ,� • . o . . �' ,� '' , Mayor ATTEST ., By i y Clerk PAGE312 I tV'1i ^:H'T '7 ' ' S'L•J Cl L 'T! ) C' : XI.Mu. ill J �711si1t! 7Y Ytl '1'1r tiLL`i' IJ :`wt t'J ' GtRTIFICATE OF `RECURU .> ; A'(E OF ARKANSAS . >. . .' . ... 1 -Was' hington(CountYll irt,i .l_' : '•' I, Alma L. Kollmeyar, Circuit Clerk and-Ex-Officio Recorder for ' ' l Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore -gotstru ant was filed fo�rre-coorrd.in fice on the Mda) of r I9W t,�;o'clock M an the same is d,4y recorded in record�at pag winwss my hand and seal t ' day of 19 Circuit Clerk and Ex-:;i:��io ac :de By )r ) Oenuty Clerk tbD . . . . . 2_ f7:f IVY. I%ler !.b CERTIFICATE Or RECORD — — ' - - ' '.,�,:. State of Arkansas SS City of Fayett:.viile f Clerk and I, Suzanne C. I ennel.y, •- rtY for file Cty of Fayetteville, E:{-Of ;cio recur - do hereby certfy r1 fat tho n2)cea or fore- going is of record in my of--rice to the sauna ap- pears in Ordinance . f2 Resofuiion book 390 — V;itness MY pale - „ Sday of h.,- . . •rd seal this I 5 _0 7111' (1 - -, C' cr:•: and E: ` fiCIO 3e T j F OMOTOROLA t Communications and Electronics Inc. COST AND EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS PREPARED FOR: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE RF Link Purchasing Radio Equipment P. O. Box F Fayetteville, AR 72702 QTY. DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICES 2 K2YLCF 1103-P Full Duplex R. F. Link UHF PL Coded Squelch 27400 00 4,800 00 2 TDE6630 7 . 5dB Gain Ya i Antenna 78 25 156 50 * 1 TDN6597 3 "LDF Coax; 200' 472 00 * " LDF Coax; 100' 287 00 EXTENDED TOTAL 5 715 50 INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE Installation 400 00 REMARKS; EXTENDED * Lengths of coax are estimates only; exact lengths will be quoted TOTAL after engineering path studies are completed. SALES/USE TAX 6% -343 TERMS: Net 30 PRICES QUOTED ARE F.O.B. LFNIIXIC. QUOTATION GOOD FOR 30 DAYS. +� DELIVERY: SHIPMENT FROM CHICAGO IN APPROX. 60 DAYS FROM RECEIPT OF ORDER. TOTAL 43- QUOTATION PREPARED BY: Tom Wright ACCE PT EO BV: DATE: 8-20-85 664-6464 STIC•2B CUSTOMER COPY 9 a Q 0 Fs INVOICEMAKE CHECKS 337 DVERTISINGED PAYABLE TO �S CODE AMOUNT NORTHWEST 2 UG1' ( 6 07\ ARKANSAS TIMES ARAf atJ �_:c',I J.I . ;v^ :T-_ P.O. DRAWER 212 N. EAST AVE. • ! FAYETTEVILLE. AR 72701 09 /28 /65 AGATES LINES WORDS INCHES ZONE 1.02-079337 0�7 / 18 /85 112 06 294 EDITIONS UPER S/V H Ga vi SKIP SCHEDULE 4 if—TO AD GIVEN BY PHONE I City of Fayetteville v01 -000-00001 Drawer F INDEXING TERMS � I GRD _T NANCE LO . "' A'3 1 1 6 ad ORDIPS , Fayetteville AR START DATE STOP DATE I 72702 09 / 19 /85 G9J19 /as L r I RETURN THIS PORTION WITH PAYMENT T 'h Y S cz ORDINANCE NO. 3118 STATE of ARKANSAS AN ORDINANCE WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS OF I BB. COMPETITIVE BIDDING ' County of Washington J FOR THE PURCHASE OF , A FULL DUPLEX RADIOI FREQUENCY LINK BE- , TWEEN THE MT. ROBIN- I ) tY� .(/1 .0. r /VX�:1G /4 hereby certify that I SON RADIO TOWER AND . THE FAYETTEVILLE am the publisher of TliE NORTHWEST ARI(ANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper POLICE STATION. having a second class mailing privilege. and being not less than four pages of BE ORDAINED I D R O IT Afive columns each, published aa fixed lace of business and at a fixed (daily ) THE IT OR ADI C- hblihdt fid )BY P Y TORS OF THE CITY OF Intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville. Count), of Washington. Arkansas F A Y E T T E V I L L E for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the Board ; established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes a of Directors hereby waives in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per _ the requirements of cam- j petilive bidding for the pur. I annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, chase of a full duplex radio l� based upon thenews valueand service value it contains, that at least fifty percent treouedcv linK 'be(ween in, 1 of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper radio tower a Mf. 1 or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a and the tower at t. RobinsonR Police i g g K period of at least six Station for the reason that months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty said requirements are .not percent news matter. practicael because of the necessity to insure com- patibility within the City's j I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of entire communications M system. Section 2. That the Board Directors hereby au authorizes the purchase a full duplex radio frequency I so towered the Robin- I was published In the regulardaily issue of said newspaper for son on tower and the Fayei- r teviue Ponce Stenon from consecutive Insertions as follows: Motorola Communications ���;�ta�) QQ and Electronics, Inc., in ac- i The first insertion on the L._ L day of ' 19 J� cordance with the proposal — attached hereto marked Ex- hibit ••A^ and made a parr ; the second Insertion on the day of 19 hereof. Section 3. The Board of Directors hereby deter. . the third insertion on the day of 19 mines that the immediate i installation of a full duplex _ radio frequency link be- and the fourth insertion on the _._ day of 19 tween the Mt. Robinson radio tower and the Fayet- teville Police Station is nec- essary for the adequate pro- � ��t 1�,VV vision of public safety ser. Sworn to and subscribed before me'on this !2_fLb.2i day of vices; that adequate provi- sion of public safety services• QQ isessential to the public wel. ! U �, ,fu-JLGI•� iqu � _ _ fere; and that i ! ate passage off tthiss ordi ortli ; 4 � nance is necessary for the adequate provision of public i safety services. Therefore, ' N r}' Public an emergency is hereby\ declared to exist and this or. dinance being necessary for i My Commission Expires: the public safety an we - , fare shall be in full force and t effect from and after Itsl --� - -- ---- -- passage and approval. 1 PASSED AND APPROV- 1 ED this 3rd day of September, 1985. APPROVEDIui �. By : Paul R. Noland Fees for Printing -.._ . S Mayor ATTEST By : Suzanne Kennedy i Cost of ProofCity Clerk. Exhibit, A is on file in thel City ClerMs office, 113 W. Total Mountain Street, Fayehl teville. AR_.�..._ ctlVC SrP 27 198j �:G:OU:IfTS FAYN6Lr