HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3117 B FOR Fid D F RF�o ORDINANCE N0. 3117 lygZI111, `� I y Pnj Ro MICROMED O1*4 M. CO , FIL06 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 18-28 (i ) G(y�jHE 77 '6v EVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO AMEND DRIVEWAY SAFETY ZONEQE IE�7�5 , R�- BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Section 18- 28 ( 1 ) of the Fayetteville Code V of Ordinances is hereby amended by amending the last sentence in said section to read as follows : W J The curb cut for a driveway g y � y (other than for single family resi - dential lot ) shall be located a minimum of twelve and five tenths ( 12 . 5 ) feet from the nearest property line ; curb cuts between 1� driveways on single family residential lots shall be separated v by a minimum of ten ( 10 ) feet . The curb cut for a driveway on a single family residential lot shall be located a minimum of five ( 5 ) feet from the side property line ; provided , this requirement a shall not apply to : (a ) a joint driveway (driveway providing access to two adjoining lots ) or, (b ) residential lots on the turning circle of a cul de sac . PASSED AND APPROVED this 3rd day of September , 1985. —f , APPROVED by Mayor 4m"` 4 f + � m i CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arkansas ( SS By ti, City of Fayetteville t Stt e I, Suzanne C. Kcni:e:ly, City Clerk and Ex-Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- goiag is of : INVOICE MAKE CHECKS �, . 7 7 FOR CLASSIFIED PAYABLE TO -► J �+ 1 ADVERTISING CLASS CODE INS. AMOUNT NORTHWEST 102 D 201 3? . 50 ARKANSAS TIMES P.O. DRAWER D "1Y S AV,0111+ i a:7`•$ 212 N. EAST AVE. FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701 10 / 05 /85 AGATES LINES WORDS INCHES ZONE 102- 079717 09 /25 /85 069 5 188 04 . EDITIONS OPER S/V A 0L ' SKIP SCHEDULE 1 T— TO: Y AD GIVEN BY PHONE ritq of Faye Lteviile 501 -000-0000 Drawer F INDEXING TERMS I "-ORDINANCE NO . 3117'" AN ORDIN ! Fa �letteville AR START DATE STOP DATE 72702 09 /26 / 85 09 /26 /85 L 16295 _ ! RETURN THIS PORTION WITH PAYMENT t IF STATE of ARKANSAS ee. County of Washington ORDINANCENO. 3117 DI ORDINANCE AMEN- 1 ' G) DING SECTION10-2110) 1 THE FAY ORDINANCES I !LC ( C. 2- ( . , �' :�1�' -Ie IL( IS �:. hereby certify that CODE OF ORDINANCES ( , TO AMEND DRIVEWAY I am the publisher otjTHE NORTHWEST ARKA{V AS TIMES, adally newspaper SAFETY ZONE R E - ' having a second class mailing privilege, and Being not less than four pages of pU1REME TS.RD five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (dally) BE IT DD DIRECTINED ORS V I THE BOARD DIRECTORS I Intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville. County of Washington, Arkansas j OF THE CITY OF FAYET- for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an It TEV tion IiARKANSAS: established lace of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes Section 1: That Section 16- P g Y sett) of the Fayettev... In the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per Code of ordinances is , annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, hereby amended by amen ding the last sentence in said based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent section to read as follows: of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper The curb cut for a drive- O[ Its a g g way (other than for a single gents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six family residential lot) shall months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty be located a minimum of percent news matter. twelve.and five tenths ( 13.5) feet from the nearest prop arty line; curb cuts between I I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of driveways on single family . residential lots shall be sap. arated by a minimum of tan (10) feet. The curb cut for a driveway on a single family , ' residential lot shall be locate I / 'ed a minimum of five (5) was published in the regulardaily issue of said newspaperfor feet from the side property line; provided, this re- consecutive Insertions as follows: quirement shall not apply Q to: / ' to: aloins driveway (drive The first Insertion on the day of 4== `L_e , 19 v '5_ way Providing access to two (b )o residlotial l the second Insertion on the day of 19 tur residential lots a the turning circle of a cul de sac. PASSED AND APPROVED the third insertion on the day Of 19 this 3rd day of September, 1985. APPROVED and the fourth insertion OO the of / By : Paul R. Noland Mayor ATTEST By: Suzanne Kennedy 7 City Clerk Sworn to and subscribed before me P this day of it 7 7,-,L GCSE• 79 _ •,.' • I • J %, Notar Pulilic ; My Commission Expires: Fees for Printing Cost of Proof _ . 5 Total ID acC