HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3109 RN ' � N t� 9Q <-O R�p�Rp G ORDINANCE NO. 3109 4Sll'. , . . MICROMMED ��!I/If . ,; � QO qq�� n -, AN ORDINANCE WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS OF COMPETITIVE'G Li`l:';rr q (y BIDDING FOR THE REHABILITATION OF A HYDRAULIC � ,� ( j� R PV PUMPING UNIT ON THE SEWER DEPARTMENT ' S HIGH PRESSURE R/( �J WASH TRUCK ., BE IT ORDAIINED BY THE BOARD OF DIREMM OF 141E CITY OF FAYRITMLLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That the Board of Directors hereby waives the requirements of competitive bidding for the rehabilitation of a hydraulic pumping unit on the Sewer Department ' s high pressure wash truck for the reason that said requirements are not practical because Dave ' s Sales and Service , Inc . of Jonesboro, AR is the only authorized dealer and a written quotation has been obtained from said firm. section 2. The Board of Directors hereby accepts the proposal of Dave ' s Sales and Service , Inc . to rehabilitate the aforesaid high pressure wash truck at a total price of $16 , 000 . 00 . A copy of the proposal accepted hereby is attached hereto marked "Exhibit A" and made a part hereof . Section 3 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that the high pressure wash truck in the City Sewer Department is in immediate need of rehabilitation ; that the rehabilitation of said truck is necessary for the City to provide essential sewer services ; and that the provision of said services is necessary for the public health , safety , and welfare . Therefore , emergency is hereby declared to exist , and this ordinance be necessary for the public health , safety , and welfare should be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED this 20th day of Aueust 1985 . APPROVED * _f By : Mayor ATTEST N : .�. LeCitvy Clerk r UBERIIVPAGE071 F 26.02 s July 17 , 1985 Dave ' s Sales & Service , Inc . 2401 W . Matthews Jonesboro , AR 72401 501- 935 - 3620 City of Fayetteville Attn : Sewer Dept , Happy Hollow Road & 15th St . Fayetteville , AR 72701 Dear Mr . Jacobs ; We appreciate the opportunity to quote the city of Fayetteville on reconditioning the FMC Sewer Equipment they have and also on replacing l : he unit . The following prices are an estimated cost to recondition the current unit you have . 1- 5257957 Belt 1- 1265319 Shive , Belt drive 1- 1257887 Bushing 1- 5257340 66OF Pump 2 - 1271657 1" Valves 1 - 1285315 Release Valves 1 - stainless steel tank Complete engine overhaul , replacing of all hose , painted and deca ld . $ 1611necec Price of new unit is 526 , 000 . 00 . These prices are good for 60 days . If we can be of any further help to you regarding the FMC equipment , please call us . CERTIFICATE OF RECORD WATE OF AWANSAs ] Wachingtnn County I SS. I, Alma L. Kollmeyor, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder for Best Regards ; Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore av d S and bor n going ' strument was filed for reaMMorr: in my ice on the? day of 19ffiart.o'clorkx), and thr same is duly rec d in Xthiday rd Witnessat paC y hand and seal of 19uit Clerk nd "• o0ffi Recor LIBER 1152 PAGE 022 Stix • `., 7 , . 4 CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arkansas SS City of Fayetteville I Suzanne C. Ke^ e Ct i r.^ „ .ville, Ex-off ,rti:e fo:'e �i,,,o r .. y drat the r ;c;ord in m�ofRe plat cm 1 oaok� a � in Ordinance � �{ 7 Witness my / X X f at Page r 20 . —day of ( and and seal this I9� *y b–e ty Clerk and ' x- fficio Recor • • " 9 I • INVOICE MAKE CHECKS 076696 FOR CLASSIFIED PAYABLE TO -+ ADVERTISING CLASS CODE NORTHWEST 102 D G01 96 . 25 ARKANSAS TIMES P.O. DRAWER D PAT THIS AMOUNT AFTER 212 N. EAST AVE. FAYETTEVILLE. AR 72701 09 / 16 ;89 AGATES U WORDS INCHES ZONE 102-'0786`'6 OSIO6 /SS 7102 07 280 07 . 3 EDITIONS OPER S/V A 0 V SKIP SCHEDULE I- 6 I TO: AD GIVEN BYPHONE City of Fayetteville 901 -000-0000= Drawer F INDEXING TERMS `OP.D1N^.NCE Nt7 . 3105^' AN ORD ! Fayetteville AR START DATE STOP DATE 7271?2 05 /07 /89 05/07 /89 15391 RETURN THIS PORTION WITH PAYMENT STATE of'ARKANSAS 1 F ae. ORDRNANCEJNO.�O 3V1M County of Washington NCJ C11NNAErVl1 fNtO LHEgEGU.1 EME Ts QF� eowPFi?iv,EfTe71r �Q� !? hereby certify that I ,ORE REM%CBILiTAyi j N am thepubllsherofT NORTHWEST ARI NSASTIMES. adailynewspaper .UMP_ING UNI ON TNE.j halting a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of _ iGH,,=PRESSUgEgWASH - five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (dally) Rut Ki '• ?yq-•` !.,i:'� M intervals continuously In the City of Fayetteville. County of Washington, Arkansas lEy1T,tORDAtNED ��Y + THE BOARDd�OF OIRRC- ! for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an ���rrTOR9 OR 1:TNB !CITY 'OP : established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes `P A Y E'T 'T E'V�IlL L �_r . p copy, or a fixed price per SwRKANSAS- In the City and County for a definite rice fore ✓ Section 1. T rd j annum, which price was fixed at what Is considered the value of the publication, ,pf Dlrsctors t1i.Yeby wales .. at r uiremenri ofYcom- � based upon the news value and service value it contains, thatatleast flttypercent pMllive- bldding "tor llpp'a; of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper ran Intati - of a,nydrburfc) or Its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six pumping unit o 'It M 'S I oepartment•S fMgn;pieij}urp months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty I,wash truck' for glieyread. percent news matter. Mbt -sala 'reyulramenls are as, Snot .prct.ical jbeYause . ADAve(a: Sates arM'Servt2e: I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of .Inc. O1 Jonesboro. AR is the (mtYauthortrad:dea(er ane a I written' quotation has!beanm , . obtainedfroaeld.firrn:V j /�.. Q�� Q • J109 y 'Sactl6n'2. Thi -Voaro`of f, Directors :hereby ..accept , I he proposalbf D'ave's'sates a _ was published In the regular dally Issue of said newspaper for :neservics,'tnc._ao rehabiit- F tilt e '.fha` 'aforesaid higha consecutive Insertions as follows: kpreuurc warn truck at ;a 1 , total prlc,o1 s16A00. A COPY The first Insertion on the day of 19 Ds2_ yof rhe proposal accepted- hereby Is srtachetl here to . Cmerkad "EXHIBIT •'A'•'arld the second insertion on the day of 19 lirrlade apart h`ereal. .� $ Section 3. -The Board of-,, Directors hereby ydater." the third Insertion on the day of 19 mines that the.high pressure _ wash timKin the city SeY`fer - 4Bepartmantfsinlmmediate . and the fourth insertion on the day of 19 ,need"of rehabilitation;that. f' rthe rehabilitation of said. mtruck Is necessary for the Ci. ty to Provide essential sewer ,ssion of d steal as is- ovi-, S orn to and subscribed before me this [ /LIi day of lot o1 ford services Ivalth_ est e t y ,r tbetpu W* Ifsalrh..: safety , and welfare q �_ Therefore; .emergency tec hereby declared -to exist. and this ordinance be necee ,Afry for the public health• N • Public ,fairy, r and "Ilam should': 5 ' ;blain-evil force and effect IMM and 'after -lt passage- and approval. . - My Commission Expires: t 'PASSED AND M b APPROV- • 9 ED this 10day Auqust,' UJ 1185. - APPROYED By: Paul R. Noland ! Mayor r'ATTEST.;. qr. �'. By: Suzanne C.,Kennedy Crfyererk . . . • Fees for Printing vExhiblt A is On file In�Cityr. Clerk's office at 113 - W, Founta In, .Fayetteville,? \ft Cost of Proof _ S Total —_ $ dlO S