HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3107 ds9G F0 Fv ORDINANCE ND. 3107 /r5S AN ORDINANCE ORDERINGROFILMED THE ABATEMENT OF UNSIGHTLYC( �i ; /r ' ^ 1 Sg CONDITIONS AND THE RAZING AND REMOVAL OF AN UNSAFE /04.1 ( r�,; J STRUCTURE LOCATED AT 920 BERRY. <F�, Fi� Yg9 WHEREAS, J .W. Eoff is the owner of the real property described r 1 in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof ; and �J WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has determined that the structure located on said property is dilapidated , unsightly , unsafe and detrimental to the public welfare ; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has determined that said property is littered with trash and debris ; and WHEREAS , the owner of said property , after having been given well over thirty days ' notice by certified mail has neglected and refused to abate said unsightly conditions and raze and remove said unsafe structure . NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT ORDAIM) BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That J .W . Eoff is hereby ordered to remove the trash and debris and raze and remove the dilapidated , unsightly and unsafe structure located on the aforesaid real property . Said work shall be commenced within ten ( 10 ) days and shall be completed within thirty ( 30 ) days from the passage of this ordinance . The manner of removing said structure shall be : dismantle by hand or bulldoze and haul all trash and debris by truck to a landfill . Section 2 . If the aforesaid work is not commenced within 10 days or completed within 30 days , the City Manager is hereby directed to abate the aforesaid unsightly conditions and to cause the aforesaid structure to be razed and removed ; and , the City of Fayetteville shall have a lien upon the aforesaid real property for the cost of abating said conditions and razing and removing said structure . Section 3 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that the aforesaid unsightly conditions and unsafe structure constitute a continuing detriment to the public safety and welfare and determines that unless the provisions of this ordinance are put into effect imme- diately , the public health, safety and welfare of the people of Fayette- ville will be adversely affected . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the public , health , safety and welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval , PASSED AND APPROVED this 20th day of August 1985 . r APPROVED, , \ , e By : j Mayor s ATTEST : ; titYy~ Clerk IIBfR115% pAGE 018 EIHIIM 'A7 The following described property located in Washington County , Arkansas : Lot Five ( 5 ) and Six ( 6 ) in Block Seven ( 7 ) Rose Hill Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , as per plat of said Addition on file in the office of the Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder of Washington County , Arkansas . CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arkansas ( SS &#N ot_;F,tyetteeiue e CERTIFICATE OF RECORI] If. 1:'uu anne C. Kennedy, City Clerk and STATE OF ARKANSAS ISS. CY:Officiorecorder for the City ofFayetteville, Washington county ) do certify that the anncsed or fore- I, Aima L. Kollmeyer, CircuitClerkand Ex-Of&ioRacotderlbl goim{is.4record in my office and the same ap• Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed or. tones neai'3 . .it1 Ordinance fdift §olation hook going instrument was filed for record in mypffice on thQj day —PAXLLL-at page L O�� Witness myhis of 1 at �6'crock�_ M, and theseme leo hand and seal to day of duly recorded i record sZ at page d i l s' 9 Witness my hand and seal thib) Zday of 19_ C'.erk and fficio Rec r Circuit Clerk and Ex.Otficio Recorded Deputy. CJ" IIaER115� P��� 019 r j ' f INVOICE MAKE CHECKS 1 078669 FOR CLASSIFIED PAYABLE TO —+ ADVERTISING CLASS CODE INb AmQUIUL NORTHWEST I 102 D 001 6 . 25 ARKANSAS TIMES rPAT TWS AMOUNT AFM 2P12 N. EAST AVE. ! FAYETTEVILLE. AR 72701 i 09 / 16 /85 I AGATES 7RS7INCHES ZONE 102- 078669 09/06 /85 157 lt EDITIONS OPER 5/V A 00 V SKIP SCHEDULE !E--ORIDINANCE 6NENBV PHGNE �Clty of Fayetteville 501 -000-0000 Drawer F r ING TERMS f!O 3107^' AN ORDIN Fayetteville AR Ri DATE SFOP DATE 72702 /07 /85 09/07 /85 L 15395 RETURN THIS PORTION WITH PAYMENT a1f1AMCt1NO7f11/j� ' GINKNCE[dACER•, • � �O Q(A'Q`ATE(i4ElifjOlt: 6 T,LY CONpIT O1v0 R�A21N„ /117 yf7,guclT,uR E'yC0•• STATE of ARKANSAS CAT',EQAYAf90 ttiRRY County of Washington K .. olid MaW • , pirfMnof-"'an0_ �h4 /� - 1tINtR +tile [ioaro ot° 1, -�h Q OgLa i.J �.( J-� -d hereby certify that I DlieeloistitijgAftirmlhae- 6iat"tlrshvctunllo'catae 0n am the publisher ofT NORTHWEST ARKA ASTIMES, adallynewspaper wWj-Fropirty'6'atl'ayleitUa, having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than tour pages of IY. IMu+ta10 tlitF• tnafltit tM�pu0lkywel: flue columns each, published at a foxed place of business and at a flied (daily) hhrno «i..,��iP*+1S94�J'9,+ Intervals continuously In the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas TrNBRflwf. tM Qwro W for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an ud said aas._ASNrintnid RlaBp'aPartY b tittered established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes tvlm}rae11'ad0.0e0rbr{aeon In the Cityand County for a definite rice for each M1NttQAs;''tM tse+rr a 3 P copy, or a fixed price per YIC,praperlY. ager Mvinp annum, which price was fixed at what Is considered the value of the publication. gfvatt "it Days Thirty based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent ' fWRce by tMITT" mai na£,„trpleefee std ref. of the subscribers thereto ha ve paid ca sh for their subscriptions to the newspaper orad t loty ns saw rate atngmlr or Its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six eondM _and ane months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty samov'� :41Cp-assts atntc- "Nie..:,'Y�?{1IIIIII+r,r percent news matter.•Now, �ntttatwRQ, to IT .�ORDAINQD BY THE QOARD lop DistacTORs I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of OPT CITY OF FAYQT- . n TQVILCt,ARKANfAfr �' fi`cfian l NTbit. _EON f Is Mriby o and- acu l a + fM'hasg'-,aid- Asbrts 'and I raze,ae0 RIIIOVe flys dilapl- dated, atf 7yldty, ind,ultufe was published in the regular dally issue of said newspaper for �n, au" Ioca1M on „lM aforasal'dY'raCl _ propfrir. consecutive Insertions as follows: #.fsld w_o�s ;shah, -be ean- '"Twrc�d LMliln fan ttdl.eays The first Insertion on the day of 19 255—_ land Mall be doMPloted land thlftr taol dor tram IBM -passage at this ardl- the second insertion on the day of 19 Li anr.o.'f1•TRe^+minner of nmovinp�;;said- structure I shall a: dlstlwitfe by hand the third Insertion on the day of 19 rat, '1ba ICIOUt'ane "hoUl ill •fr+sn'anA eaerlsby truck to and the fourth insertion on the da 9 • feclldin 2: If`it* aTare"id _ wiark 'Is'•'idt commence twifhln 10 days or completed Within 30 Valls, '1M . CIM MWWGW Is Is dlrettW worn to and subscribed before m on this day of Fto +beta .tor. of rossd uw falghtlY condition +'andto p � cause if* -ahrafate strut- 19 flare to a razed ad ramov. b1 *M* the CITY OVFlyn- 1,1oville shall have alion toot UN ataesad heal Ory NoUry Public for the c0611,611 abaffhg'eafd ccn fano razing and •rsmormg UW structure. My Commission Expires: -4action a. The Board of Directors hereby defer- ' .Intro that tor. eforeseld un- 9 — L-- slghtlY cordlNons and ur- 'ene ETIIICMe constitute a •eon lnatng Owl M to The Public safety and wlfare . end-de/ernnMs Met unless ' ,f* WOV1al011S Of this -ordi- }t /_ • � � nance are put Imo effect Fees for Printing - , finmee4tely. the public 111041M.'safety ard wNfan of the pwpb ,a FayetfevlUe Cost of Proof —_ -S -- 'Will.The tfo e, an ny gencro0. (.LSO Therefore,declared ent "Ist N Total —_.. hereby Welared being g n aM tSarYide Oforthe e b lic earts. h, 4500 for TM flare hall be 'safety ertd sreMare shell W , In full force and e1feaMrn tot T Wol to }AOJas AI .7m'00-1 it e , -alebpluteOtWldel Jels'An, i J -OWId4%9JV o� -"I PaAO, vt'teotot aAOJQ .- l+ FhikaL= wew sOWVIeQaro Qs �:'..,� . Tivigluld flet NVIBV v oane �� �'uaf10M 'NtsO> =Jeorir'Y _ luau c'f--Sll7P