HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3104 ds FOR F�lro �D �F ORDINANCE NO. 3104 MICROFIL ESD- AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBEP1 � ✓( , �0�,, scI IN REZONING PETITION R85-21 FOR A PARCEL ONTAINING LOCATED33 . 26 ACRES AT THE NORTHEAST FULLBRIGHT EXPRESSWAYAND HIGHWAY12 NORTH * OF F,� �lF9f 4Q JHE IT oRDAIIM BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FA TEVIL E, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That the zone classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows : R85-21 described as set out in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . From A-1 Agricultural District and C-2 Thoroughfare Commercial District . Section 2 . That the official zoning map of the City of Fayette- ville , Arkansas , is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above . PASSED AND APPROVED this 20th day of August , 1985 . APPROVED: By : u ATTEST : '. C ' y Clerk IIBfR115.2 PAGE 012 CERTIFICATE OF RECORD tate of Arkansas ( SS r %ity of Fayetteville Suzanne C. Kennedy, City Clerk anj -Of iicio recorder for the City of Fay6tteville, ;ic:•eby certify that the annexed or forew of record in my office anlcl the same ap, - c us in Ordinance & Resolution book I .at nage 380 Witness my and and sea] this----.L ---clay of --- — S 19- KS' tlbor EXfIIBIT "A' Petition No . R85-21 : The following described property located in Washington County , Arkansas : Part of the NE 1/4 , NE 1/4 , Section 33 and part of the NW 1/4 , NW 1/4 , Section 34 , T-17-N , R-30-W, beginning at the NW corner of Section 34 and running thence N 89° 53 ' 15" E 336 . 70 ' along the North line of said Section 34 to the intersection of the West line of the U . S . Hwy . 71 R-0--W as it now exists ; thence along said U . S . Hwy , 71 R-O-W the following : S 110 06 ' 14" W 150 . 32 ' to R-O-W marker, S 50 09 ' 42" E 194 . 08 to RAW marker, S 16° 45 ' 22" E 150 . 78 ' to RAW marker , S 22° 47 ' 22" E 189 . 75 ' to R-0-1 marker, S 520 00 ' 34" W 155 . 35 ' to R-O-W marker , S 660 45 ' 13" W 103 . 90 ' to R-O-W marker , S 67° 02 ' 08 " W 550 . 59 ' to R--O-W marker , S 630 56 ' 50" W 358 . 56 ' to R-O-W marker , S 680 49 ' 19" W 213 . 55 to R-O-W marker: thence leaving said U . S . Hwy , 71 RAW and running Northerly along the East RAW of Hwy , 112 the following : N 730 08 ' 27" W 97 . 16 ' to R-O-W marker , N 180 02 ' 09" W 408 . 70 ' to R-O-W marker, N 80 33 ' 20" W 449 . 00 ' to R-O-W marker, N 110 37 ' 00" W 159 . 10 ' to iron pin , N 180 54 ' 00" W 19 . 96 ' to iron pin : thence leaving said Hwy . 112 R-0--W and running N 00 10 ' E 220 . 54 ' to the North line of said Section 33 ; thence S 880 27 ' 58" E 1128 . 19 ' along said North line to the Point of Beginning , containing 33 . 26 acres , more or less , subject to a 25 ' utility easement along the West and South line thereof , as per plat on file in the office of the Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder of Washington County , Arkansas , CERTIFICATE OF REM STATE OF ARKANSAS Washington County SS. I, Alma L. Kollmayer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder f v Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore, goin instrument as lded5-ff rr'ecord in my ice on th�, day °f 4�i�yclork_�M, and the same is duly record in ' ecord_ —at page Witness my hand and seal this day of 19 Lim1152, PAGE013 Circuit Clerk qn — Ea•Othclu Recorded BY y r' Deputy r.A :: ,. CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arkansas ( SS City of Fayetteville 1, Suzanne C. McWethy, City Clerk and Ex-Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- going is of record in my office and the same ap- pears in Ordinance & Resolution book at page _ Witness my h MAI,,nA seal this day of , 19 ity erk and Ex-Offici Recorder L i• ' � I 1 I INVOICE MAKE CHECKS FOR CLASSIFIED PAYABLE TO -i � 078634 ADVERTISING CLASS CODE AMOUNT NORTHWEST 102 0 Q1e 75 . Olr ARKANSAS TIMES ' P.O. DRAWER D 212 N. EAST AVE. FAYETTEVILLE. AR 72701 09 / 15 /65 i AGATES LIN WORDS INCHES ZONE 102-076634 09 /05 /65 I 136 10 441 09 . 7 EDITIONS OPER S/V h 0 SKIP SCHEDULE 5 {� TO: AD TNBV PHONE City of Fayetteville 501-000-000 Drawer F INDEXING TERMS " QROINANCE t:Q . 3104"' AN ORDI Fayetteville AP. START DATE STOP DATE 72703 09 /06 /65 09 !06 !65 L 347 RETURN THIS PORTION WITH PAYMENT . r r33.26WRESilOCATMAT, Mfa ►►pp' it 4IN.KNCEflits N.A;T�PIt0P6 Rb_ED .INa7REiSTATE of ARKANSAS'ITICN'R1S21jFCREICONTOCounty O1 W85h1 T_MEILNORTNBASTtyCOR•' ' 70511QF�U,LLBRLONT EK P,WE S,S,WWy_ AND hereby certify that ( M IW"X;i Ili ORTN?i .'0' - I, Y Y se afT xORDAINEDS by am the publisher o E NORTHWEST ARKA ASTIMES, a dally newspaper THIS IfsOAR"OP.,,D!REC•' having a secon lass mailing privilege a bein not less than four pages of TORS yDFRT,ME:.CI,T11IB B P B B P B A r' E.,T,�:T`6 ,ygl �l r,R , flue columns a ch, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (dally) ARKANSAS! "" .� . �, intervals continuously In the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington. Arkansas Seaton 1. That- me tons Ie III ation of.tle"l011OW- for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an ing " d=11led'=DroOerty :M established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes fierebycheneedas as Sit o ' in the Cit and Count for a definite rice for each co p 8-5.21 aescNletl as Sit out y Y p copy, or a fixed rice per km Exhlblt `''A" attached annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, rtlarato -and :made a Part based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fiftypercent 1�harem. ' P From 'An AorlelilWal of thesubscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions tothenewspaper Dietrich and C-2 .T=ftv.an. or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six ter- Coe.....—e1 DIAArlt_t_ ' secttori(t.'Tha� tb df ciaf months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty zoning me; orRAe•CNy rof percent news matter. Fayetteville, >:Arkani as:r"Is thereby jamended yto}rtllKl �tn.'senlii9 dienp- .prar!aea I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of tln SectlonlaboyeP. __ ___ — - -. • PASSEDJ'AND ARPROV- ED.1his 20M day df August. [/ / 0 ,(f ,•' • . APPROVED: ;By - Paul R. Moland ` ,Qe ';• - - - - 'Mayor was published in the regulardaily issue of said newspaperfor t'ATTEST: _ - consecutive insertions as follows: FFFFFall: Suzanne C. Kennedyn City Clerk I G x ' 9 EXHIBIT "At:. - The first Insertion on the 1.K�� day of 19 Q lowing described Property rdperty -ty, Arkad !nasVt ton Coon• the second Insertion on the day of 19 }} Part of the NE V., NE.Vi, tNW -IA mwut,Dan of-the the third Insertion on the dap of 19 �N-17.4, .N -Wi Sa lint f ithemL Rao-Wi.peq1tctltg� N the mw corBer W�3atalM 26 and the fourth Insertion on the ay of 9 ata running themCN $90, 53' �is" E 336.70t Along the Norm f Ire oFsald_Section 34 to the sinterseclianOf the West line tot theU:S. Hwy. 71,R-O-W as Sworn to and subscribed before me n this �0 day of It,now exists; .tlletteelioeg 'said U.S. MWe. 11 R40-W the � CC 4oliocing: .S -110. 06'..U" W 9t2d 'lsa.22"te R-O;W maraer, 'S Se or 4Y' E. Mt to R-C-W (Marker, $1:140 + 45: 22" 'E 150.78' to .RtO-W MOrker,;5 me 47' 22"E,1Q9.75' to R-O-w Not y Public marker, -S :520' 0S' y" W `15825' to Row IKlIMOr, S hty Commission Expires: Es 660 45' 13"',W 91r. t0 A. P iO'W,Morker;S 67e - rAll" W SM.S9' to , R4W':Rjarker, S b3e Sr Sty' W .158.S6:_to R- OW marker:S 600 49_.19" W IMSS to 'R-O-W 'marker: nc thee leaving said. =U.i. tMyry. 71 R-O-)W alio r Northerly - along -the East ��yy qq R-OoW .oI Mvey. _112 the fol Fees for Printing -- .S _/ d_t. L O ;lowing - N 73e01r 2r' W 97:16' fill R-O-W marker,'N ISO 02' •, 09" W 403.70" to . R-O-W • Cost of Proof —_ 5 marker, N 60 33; 20" W + 749.00' to R- -W marker, 'NI 4 OU :110 37' 00" W 1s9.lty to iron Total Din, N 1Sr' 00" W Ito-) troll Din:: thetCe leavingvang ng mid,Hwy. 112.R-O-W and running (� N go lo' E.220.s4• to the North • line of said Section 33: A thence 5 aa? 27' 5111-1- E ., 1129.19' along said Normsle li , The Point of Beginning, c containing 33.26 acres, more less, subject to a 25' utility Base ment along the West end South .line thereof, as C�✓U/t/� ppeerr DlaT on file In the Office ate' Circuit Clerk and - y F- t x-Officio Recorder of . 4 Pasnilglon County Arkan- sas.