HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3101 �Z Y vN G o co p T ORDINANCE NO, 3101 MICROFILMED C AN ORDINANCE WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS OF COMPETITIVE n A G a BIDDING FOR THE REPAIR OF A STREET AT THE NORTHWEST r ARKANSAS MALL . 4 `� O n O BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIREC1nRS OF THE CITY OF FA nLLE� ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That the Board of Directors hereby waives the requirements of competitive bidding for the repair of a street at the Northwest Arkansas Mall for the reason that said requirements are not practical because there are only two area firms with job capability and written quotations have been obtained from said firms . Section 2 . That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract with Tomlinson Asphalt Company for the repair of a street at Northwest Arkansas Mall . A copy of the contract authorized for execution hereby is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof . Section 3 . That the Board of Directors hereby determines that a street at Northwest Arkansas Mall is in immediate need of repair to protect the public safety and hereby determines that the immediate passage of this ordinance is necessary for said repair . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the public safety and welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED this 1Sth day of July 1985 . APPROVED By : (ioO Mayor . yam � ti'1 1 erk . .. rMH, Nrr.. . • �} ` em 1148PA443 •: ' - TomHnson Asphalt Company Rt. 2, Fox 105,A Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Phone 14501 ) 521-3179 9roposal DATE, PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO: June 12 , 1985 RADEa JOS NAME, Sid Norbash Sears Parking /TREETt STREETa City Water Dept . N .W . Arkansas Mall afTY1 Fayetteville , CITY ' Fayetteville , Arkans13 ATE' erATEa Arkansas 72701 ARCtlITECra DATE OF FLAFIs We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: Area 411 - We will clean and tack an area of 220 SY then place a 2" thick Asphalt Concrete Hot Mix overlay . Area 02 - We will remove the existing material 7 " deep on this area of 750 SY then replace with 5 " Black Base and 2 " Asphalt Concrete Hot Mix . Area 413 - We will remove the surface Asphalt 2" deep and replace it with 2 " Asphalt Concrete Hot Mix on this area of 433 SY . All materials and labor in Areas 1 , 2 & 3 furnished complete in place . for the LUMP SUM OF . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . 11 . . . . . . . . . . . $ 16 , 225 . 00 i We hereby propose to furnish materials and labor — complete In accordance with the above spcelDeatleas, for the antis of sixteen thouIt 0sand two ,hundred twenty five --------------- ---------------------------- _ _00 __________________________ dollars (!_____—___i225___ _______) wltk payment to M made an follewn uAQn_f<OmpJ.vtiop_ of --the- work-, _______________ ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- ---------------------------------------------------- All material Is "aranleed to be as specified. All work to be completed In a workmanlike manner accordant to smadayd proetlem. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involvnu extra costs, will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary Insurance. Our workers are frlly Covered by workmenve compensation Insurance. ttD//�f�9 / ( 8 ) T�toJm/^lf�inson Authorized Signature\�-_ J_Y__l1KlCS_^v!__________ If proposal is acceptable , please sin and return the�� original so that the work may be scheduled . cce�iiance of C1ro¢osat The above prices; specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby ascgpted. You are a uthorized to do the work as specified. Signature D/ /jt // ----L^^�Sl---- ---- -------- ------- .l'7lccepled.. Cusl mer Date ___ Jules_ ---------- --- - --- - -- Signature _ _ ._ _ aW1148Pho 64 Southwest Printers — Fayetteville, Ark. CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKAN�0l,S I CERTIFICATE OF RECORD Wachinmon county 1 SS- nia L, Arkansas 1* county, do hereby Clerk and Ex.WjQO RoCorder fpr City e offFyetteville SS qo��;; i trument was filed y certify that the annexed or fore. I, Suzanne C. Kennedy, City Clerk. and �t for record ' my office on the L day Ex-Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, �- record e re-. xd , In AM, and the Same is do hereby certify that the annexed or f„re- .van�. � ,y hand and seal this recortl `` —�-C.�at Page�� going is of record in my office and the wine sp- ay °f 19 S pears in Ordinance & Resolution book AIM,, KO L �� at page Cirr' lit Clerk—� --XW ' and - -c& Witness my E' -'• IcrA Record w" q„ r^ hand and e:l this ,—.�� day of sT�^! 195 Oeouty Clerk Gity Clerk and x-Officio i c rler INVOICE MAKE CHECKS ' D769061 FOR CLASSIFIED PAYABLE TO —i► ADVERTISING i CLASS CODE NORTHWEST top 107 51 . d0 ! ARKANSAS TIMES • MAXUN ANOURT .yam,— P.O. DRAWER D A[►84 212 N. EAST AVE. • FAYETTEVILLE• AR 72701 08 / 15 /85 AGATES I ONES I WORDS I INCHES I ZONE 102-076906 08 /05 /85 092 68 253 P6 . 6 EDITIONS OPER S/V A 00 V SKIP SCHEDULE 2 ,FTO: AD GIVEN BY PHONE City of Fayetteville 501 -000-0000 '' Drawer F INDEXING TERMS ORDINANCE NO . 3101 ^' AN ORDIN Fayetteville AR START DATE STOP DATE-T72702 08 /06 /85 08 /06 /85 L 113510 1351O RETURN THIS PORTION WITH PAYMENT : 1 4 1 i 1 STATE of ARKANSAS as. County of Washington Law bum ., ORDINANCE 140. 7101 0 Awl 4AN ORDINANCE WAIVING I. � , 901 ft- hereby certify that 1 tTHE REQUIREMENTS OF am the�blishero�RTRKANSASTIMES, adally newspaper 4COMPETITIVE ,BIOOING . having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of FOR TME REPAIR OF A �SrREET , AT - THE NOR. five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (dally) LL. rt H W E ST A R K A N S A S intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington. Arkansas MA �- BE 'IT ORDAINED by ' for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an THE ' BOARD OF DIREC' established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes '* A OF THE CITY ' OF In the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per tARKAN TTEVILl E , � ARKAMSAS: . - annum, which price was fixed at what Is considered the value of the publication. Section., That. the Board based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent 'Of Directors hereby Waives !the requirement& -of Com. of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper 4Pa13Nve bidding for the or Its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six repair of rMau for street at the Nor. repeal Arkansas months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty , . , . the reason that said re., percent news matter. -quirements are not practical because there am only two Lana firmswlth lObcapabili. I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of (:ry and . written quotations :have bean obtained from MIS CIIW 2. That the Mayory/Vt�� )�-(,(�.L1� /�70 %3101 and City Clark are hereby authori2ee and directed to !'execute . a contract with was published In the regular daily issue of said newspaper for IJ+- I,Tomunson- Asphalt Com. consecutive Insertions as follows: Pony for -the repair of a street at N0rthW*St Arkan- ees Mail. A copy of the coo- The first insertion on the U d day of 19 I tract aufhorlied for execu. -tion hereby Is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A^ the second insertion on the day of 19 .and made a Pori hareot. Section 2. That the Board tot Director hereby deter the third Insertion on the day of 19 mines that a street at Nor- itmvest Arkansas Man is in , y and the fourth insertion on the daof 19 Immediate need m rePotr'to / .� Immediate Protect the public ey determieethat ane nes loft the ; j Immediate peerage of this i { ordinance Is necessary for ISaid repair. Therefore, an , Sworn to and subscribed before me on this day of emergency Is hereby ' declared to exist and this or ' dinance being necessary for Q '1 i the public Safety and webs I care snap ba In fuit forcF3rid effect from and after Its Passage and approval: N t ry Public PASSED AND APPROV ED this lath `day at July, Commission Expires: w, - APPROVED T By: Paul R. Noland i- ATTEST Mayor By; Suzanne Kennedy P' City Clerk I Exhibit "A" Is on file In the Fayetteville City Clerk's of. 1 Ilse at 112 W. Mountain, }'Eayetlgvlilq, AR. Fees for Printing Cost of Proof —_ -S QTotal ___ SV5 /' 0�_ mac , r( 7 EIVED ASG ? :. l n5 ACCOUNTS pHrp .r