HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3092 .. FOR,R�DORO P� 215 as J11L 3 00•Jldi� AR C ASA�_� `i"012bIKNANCE ND. 1092 MICROFILMED AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING PERMANENT FINANCING FOR INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES ; AUTHORIZING A TRUST INDENTURE SECURING THE BONDS ; AUTHORIZING A LOAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS AND FAYETTEVILLE ASSOCIATES #1 , LTD. ; AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF THE BONUS ; AUTHO- RIZING THE SALE OF THE BONDS ; AUTHORIZING AND PRESCRIBING OTHER MATTERS PERTAINING THERETO ; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY . WHEREAS , the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ( the "City" ) , is authorized and empowered under the provisions of Act No . 9 of the First Extraordinary Session of the Sixty-Second General Assembly of the State of Arkansas , approved January 21 , 1960 , as amended ( the " Act " ) , to issue revenue bonds and to expend the proceeds thereof w to finance the acquisition , construction and equipment of land , buildings , or facilities which can be used in securing or developing industry ; I . and WHEREAS, it is proposed that the Cit provide Y P permanent financing , through the issuance of revenue bonds under the Act , for the costs of expanding , constructing and equipping certain industrial facilities consisting of buildings , improvements , machinery , equipment and facilities ( the " Project " ) , and that the City loan the proceeds of the bonds to Fayetteville Associates #1 , Ltd . , a Tennessee partnership ( the "ConPany " ) to finance the Project ; and WHEREAS, pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of the Act , the City is now prepared to proceed with financing the Project and to issue and sell $6 , 850 , 000 in principal amount of its Industrial Development Revenue Bonds ( Fayetteville Associates #1 , Ltd . Project ) , ( the "Bonds " ) , to provide such financing ; and WHEREAS , copies of the hereinafter described Trust Indenture ( the " Indenture" ) and Loan Agreement have been presented to are before this meeting ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRELM16 OF THE CITY OF FAYE17MLLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . (a ) The City hereby makes the following findings with respect to the issuance of the Bonds and to the Project : r�007 ( 1 ) The City has published notice of a public hearing on the issuance of the Bonds . The notice specified : (A) The Project to be financed is the expansion of industrial facilities , including related equipment , for the bottling , canning and distribution of soft drinks , and the preparation and distribution of food products . ( B ) The maximum aggregate face amount of Bonds to be issued with respect to the Project is $6 , 850 , 000 . (C ) The initial owner and operator of the Project will be Fayetteville Associates #1 , Ltd . , a Tennessee partnership . The proceeds of the Bonds will be loaned to the Company to finance the Project , and the Canpany will be required to repay the loan , with interest , at times and in amounts sufficient to provide for payment of the principal of , premium, if any , and interest on the Bonds , as due . ( D) The location of the proposed Project is 2406 No. Gregg Avenue , Fayetteville , Arkansas/ ( 2 ) The hearing was held at the time and place specified in the notice . ( b ) The issuance of the Bonds for the purposes specified in the notice is approved . Section 2 . That the issuance o9f the Bonds is hereby authorized . The Bonds shall be issued in the forms and denominations , shall be dated , shall be numbered , shall mature (over a period not to extend thirty ( 30 ) years ) , shall bear interest (at a rate or rates per annum ) and shall be subject to redemption prior to maturity all upon the terms and conditions recommended by the Company and to be set forth in the Indenture (hereinafter authorized ) securing the Bonds . Section 3 . That the Bonds be sold to a purchaser recommended by the Company (the "Purchaser" ) , for a purchase price recommended by the Company . To prescribe the terms and conditions upon which the bonds will be purchased by the Purchaser, the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute and acknowledge a Bond Purchase Agreement by and between the City and the Purchaser ( the "Bond Purchase Agreement " ) , and the City Clerk is hereby authorized to direct , execute and acknowledge the Bond Purchaser Agreement and to affix the seal of the City thereto, and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to cause the Bond Purchase Agreement to be accepted , executed and acknowledged by the City . The Bond Purchase Agreement is hereby approved in substantially the form submitted to this meeting , and the Mayor is hereby authorized to confer with the Company , the Purchaser , and Trustee (as hereinafter described ) , in order to complete the Bond Purchase Agreement in substantially the form submitted to this meeting with such changes as shall be approved by such persons executing the document , their execution , shall constitute conclusive evidence that they are of such approval . Section 4 . To prescribe the terms and conditions upon which the Bonds are to be executed , authenticated , issued , accepted , held and secured , the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute and acknowledge an Indenture by and between the City and McIlroy Bank & Trust , Fayetteville , Arkansas , as Trustee , and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to execute and acknowledge the Indenture and to affix the seal of the City thereto , and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to cause the Indenture to be accepted , executed and acknowledged by the Trustee . The Indenture is hereby approved in substantially the form submitted to this meeting , and the Mayor is hereby authorized to confer with the Company , the Trustee and the Purchaser in order to complete the Indenture in substan- tially the form submitted to this meeting with such changes as shall be approved by such persons executing the document , their execution to constitute conclusive evidence of such approval . Section 5 . That there be , and there is hereby authorized the execution and delivery of a Loan Agreement by and between the City and the Company , and the Mayor and City Clerk be , and they are hereby authorized to execute , acknowledge and deliver the Loan Agreement for and on behalf of the City . The Loan Agreement is hereby approved in substantially the form submitted to this meeting , and the Mayor is hereby authorized to confer with the Company , the Trustee and the Purchaser in order to complete the Loan Agreement in substantially the form submitted to this meeting with such changes as shall be approved by such persons executing the document , their execution to constitute conclusive evidence of such approval . Section 6 . That there be , and there is hereby authorized the acceptance of delivery of the $6 , 850 , 000 Promissory Note ( the "Note " ) by the Company to the City pursuant to the Loan Agreement and it is hereby further authorized the execution and delivery and endorsement of the same in the name and on behalf of the City . The Note is hereby approved in substantially the form submitted to this meeting and the mayor is hereby authorized to confer with the company , the Trustee and the purchaser in order to complete the Note in substan- tially the form to this meeting with such changes as shall be approved by such persons executing the document , their execution to constitute conclusive evidence of such approval . Section 7 . That the Mayor and City Clerk , for and on behalf of the City , be , and they are hereby , authorized and directed to do any and all things necessary to effect the execution and delivery of the Loan Agreement , the performance of the obligations of the City under the Bond Purchase Agreement , the acceptance and endorsement of the Note , and the performance of all obligations of the City pursuant to its acceptance and endorsement of the Note , the performance of all obligations of the City under the Loan Agreement , the execution and delivery of the Indenture , the performance of all obligations of the City under and pursuant to the Indenture , the issuance , execution, sale and delivery of the bonds , and the performance of all acts of whatever nature necessary to effect and carry out the authority conferred by this Ordinance . That the Mayor and City Clerk be , and they are hereby , further authorized and directed , for and on behalf of the City , to execute all papers , documents , certificates and other instruments that may be required for the carrying out of such authority or to evidence the exercise thereof . Section 8 . That the City is hereby involved with the acquiring , constructing and equipping of industrial facilities , and pursuant to applicable laws of the State of Arkansas , including particularly the Act , competitive bidding is waived . Section 9 . That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to file in the office of the City Clerk , as part of the minutes of the meeting at which this Ordinance is adopted , for inspection by any interested person a copy of the Indenture and Loan Agreement and such documents shall be on file for inspection by any interested person . Section 10 . That the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby declared to be separable , and if any section, phrase or provision shall for any reason be declared to be invalid , such delcaration shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the sections , phrases and provisions . Section 11 . That all ordinances , resolutions and parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent such conflict . Section 12 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that there is an immediate need for expanding industry and securing additional employment in the City of Fayetteville to promote the public welfare ; ' and hereby determines that the project to be financed by the Bonds authorized by this Ordinance will expand local industry and secure additional employment . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist , and this Ordinance being necessary for the public welfare , shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED this 4_ day of June , 1985 . APr ByZ I 1 ' 116Y fV, 1 A Mayor r C✓ t 4� ` Corat f I OUR • - � Al � 1�l ;� • • ,1 .i , . r t to CERTIFICATE The undersigned , City Clerk of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , hereby certifies that the foregoing pages are true and perfect copy of Ordinance No . gna ? , adopted at a resular session of the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , held at the regular meeting place in the City at o ' clock ?i. . m . , on the 4 day of ,Tune , 1985 , and that the Ordinance is of record in Ordinance Record Book No . , page now in my possession . GIVEN under my hand and seal on this � day of , 1985 : ::'= ?vt47FyOil +� ` N� Oty Clerk �1 loll ,a is . KSed.)16 - ddd 4 Co .4 1 \ CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arkansas ( SS City of Fayetteville 1, Sttzanne C. Kennedy, City Clerk and Ex-OCERTIFICATE OF RECORD do hereby cericio tifyeth�ttt e-C:t nofeayettels or .-..D, STATE OF ARKANSAS ) 8oiah is of record in my office ,t,td the sari • ap- Washington County ) SS' Pearss iin� /Ordinance l:esolntian boni: I, Alma L. Kcllmeyer, Circuit Clerk and EX-Officio Recorder for —XX I —at Page Washington County, do herebycertify P S S , • 3 rily that tho annared r fore hand ands , @:is yew going in rument was ffilleedd for record in myyR' :cc on thcs_day gay of ..1S,'clock�Pd, and the same is 19 C recorded in record at pape207 Ci Clerk and Ex-O.ficio Recor Witness my hand and seal tis day of 19� Circuit Clerk and - Offic' Record d By •� I.- `.F '.?v - Deputy Clert STATEMENT FOR ADVERTISING Nort4wrot Arkansas cUltmtn Leased Wire of DRAWER D Circulation Associated Pre FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS Where h Pars 72701 A6wrtLr 00 9 01� Mor h d Dab- 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 13 1 14 15 16 17 NumMr Inchu AnquN To 8alanca Account 8andand f 18 19 20 21 1 22 23 24125 26 1 27 28 1 29 F30 31 Tont s INCH" ronu 8 IMCN[I TOTAL ALL ACCOUNTS DUE NOT LATER THAN 10TH OF MONTH. YOUR CREDIT IS VALU• ABLE. PROTECT IT AND ACCOMMODATE US BY REMITTING PROMPTLY. if 1 •v. 1 ON 4\ :Yr bs wt •• Ylrl•tPow.•rrmll.Ia r thirma.w LM 01~ W NrIrPWnrn•o e �Yp� aaln \ _.woo u: .•rrr.o. r•. rY.m{:r'b cm'r' M SYNC UW aNr �. rr.t? w- .IN Wom •[tWnnr 1 T"RIZINO TM• •. MrrWrIYO '.Iir[Yil. Y :w•4•blNrma YN•.Ow STATE Of AR1GNSAS JY. • ANCOP NTy fit L N.N{.M I•' •r1Y:n•Irr wyW/W rr MArmnY'r •p Wl•! V•LOIYIrT :•IVFO.nILrYr NtlIOIrYW Oe ry.LNMaAprMwl :b nMr r'CXT I•Yrr _ W W M,• THE Nwrma'Rawi Ra\ .e�dNwn:bl4P r�IAM AwrW.Yr•o COYnIY Of WNNn{bn RMS• W XROVIDIXO &I ASDa1e rt reM1eP \ Ob AMM Wn na r MMn r lY is •RMAN•NT •INANC' N Project&. ltl• hp°LYWrr WYr► MM•'Mrr1•rnlMnr T �N '�O POR INDU{TAIAL •wee'1..\.YOrIr,Wl r•N r.i ew4N n W •r4•IPO p b Cm M Rod AUTMORIt. i1nYI[Yn W..WNW^•NrM Xw i[YIWI. XNI alYr�r.PTPMbb j IVAf - .��JM&t3N/ 11lrlO)' [ertlfY Wtl ' f4 {TRUST I THIS 4YM•R•At wl'A {Ww4' I .rau11M1N IniNulo..IM MUNm. n. I. py�Nw1� N1NwlvnMlrlVe Ther oMN "Mi r w ancme DYLltsnerr TKE NORTHWE ARKANSAS TIMES. adNly newspaper .• M AV RIZIW'A bW11✓e into^IYrrNo"& ^ A W il� I nLvin¢ • delved cities mailing privilege. and nein[ Act kN INTI four pales of AORIRAmMTnR!` rrAIeN110'IMe 4m.IN aMIW Y1• `aAurp'IYIYe Gae•rr me mlYmnf each. puenmN n . nW place ofeu{Meu •Itlntinuala•url I �C/••N TILL CIiV •O�i aewiYNIIMAwweMln � bNn\'•n 11eer rrlNl W <rn.wll lr Inprvaec tWM ly In Ne atY Of Fayetteville. County of WNNnnm. ArtaNas Aye T T S V I L'L ! . Xlallleelllel N 7 •MwoMe•law, w.11vXs aabr•I M Xr • XAIriIR AN "TOT. MON. d•R[IORL \• for More than a peNod Of twelve months. Circulated And distributed franc an rvlLu ZSOCIATSI IT OAWIIED. IV. THIS iraceeo.'w%rwe rr w overview. TM XY rNrw gevm y LTe.r wTMD1I1I1M0 ROARO 'OP -wR•CSOR{ C. n•' Mare!_Y Cm CMtr. •IRAN e{ubBsI pb[eabusM MsuN dr mNdreaden ll ranch ee M! SAL! OF THE OF THE CITY NPAVR- �r �r �F �wWdW W Is the City and CwnlY for a defWte price far each mpy, or a Exed price Per ONDS: AUTHORIZING TMLLS.AllN6Y1 hwwYIN N,YIe•we •r rnyyX-rbCmi\ aOnYnl, which price was fixed n what is considered me value Of ul puMl[atun. • .TALO Di • IOOtn .1, rl ir:mer r wN gw cm r rnrr 'N tem- Meed upon the mews valueand Service value It covnlns.that At West Mile percent I . OND4 AUTCOMWO MNO IMreq melN Xn YNNI{ PrM�. MO PR• {CRIRINO IMMp Nln team rr ablliher I a Treat. InMlo.- Irl ll[•Ya •N atMNer dr nmerel0hall Mldc•dh for their SUMS[riptMas lot"MWApapeT TMIRwTttRl•P•R. �rruneerrRirr rarMP+mw. AIYYwas. oD/ XsnrinMnh our 1Gr AIMING TMIRSTpI AND r MCYN: .TrbIN' ww 4'Cm Cent bb r�t ft ft or III agents or through recognized news defilers wet • period Of at least Six I c L A R ING N 111 TM Cm OYYb1`a YurrN 'MOnUM Me l ft: and EMI Ne mid newspaper publishes An Average of more team IOMY f ROIMCT. !icor eMYkmMMN wrerlMP rlUweV errlry Glenl ieeereh• percent mei matter. : IRIAL b Cm p b MN•IIn r Ir YI► a b W w r �G t" L TMt b CMT h r:rrr 4•Ap IT! TwmMaTrtX4{:'�:" m^'1. MMmpW wr m1 Top PIrW r'Wni cy Mllr•hw111• .WP> 'Yr•m InYMVeY Nell The er. MYMbpas IRlw!lppII amo e4er{1'r <zX'-C(✓trI}� NIMn 'Y ". M t" .r I further dertuY IWt the Iegal notice Lento anAched In IM matter of MMIY.er XY IFr�InI•%trial I•[Illrin. Y. rlarlvtl Wa11St4 w ' NrYYMlrlu lrll. {NrbMAOYIrb tlllGp rM•MO eWDb•L -r.MNMe• Y r OYA MIrWYM r `j� ^ NN soeNe .OM•GI 4rYar1111i Gllor{r •rnPr6 mO0eo Ne er- 'rIGMr I•NMbAr•nr / /0 �Il �� ANNNr to b Zbl• r r•MONYI a MI ones. AMMNMe m OY TNM•. Anysn: 'MIMIM ON. 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Nto e N Nl•Iwrll•II r •IVov p is H ,�89,�G i nmN. rsl .Y YO NINN NotionNotionFe OrrMlea u Y es ing '` lw • pMMMrMINNSNbm4vww PYNlwrrMWy lWFObe a never Mr mnlo rmw ar OSW MINhoI M nh \ Y4Mt Ia • never IM 4M wYwu r wltll ► 0rn•lln NY orJvr•M 1Nal Cosr of Proof _ f IIM�nrii o onswal TMI TI r r. lienal � Italy . 1a \ • Xn• Is herebyTINNv. Nmrewerw Tou �relO 0 •cendllln•r NnISDN meeArNnr N m r[WI Y sed. IreWwlrl N r dl. Mem r r W W h oNnwNa rhw Dow r pr PC lean in PreTlWn (rhe lire WnMMICw (M IMMsh "MY•"I b M CNMwIY� two UW Y M MI 4G The CIh ww�IIeaM11Nl wN•Therm \ i.NeMUII „ Yw.ts Yen AalwmNl M it puNNwt MPevp. "1 rYAmid Ad r RSY ad Pw 4nN Money ShLID AMD APPROV ed • Y Wr[XNer The NerNIN •M Rodney EO zed m r MNMNIrI M b Cwm �eernereanrrin w rIN. _ pNrlr�aluUlwr9.Ier Y b Mlle r to A.PROVIO t 1• PVearr rr4 .MaTo .. N -0 :m. TM1 MM per: PwM A. 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