HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3078 r ' FILED FOR RECORD '8S APR 10 flM 9 17 WASHINGTON COUNTyAR OROMMCE NO, 3078 ALMA KOLLMEYER MICROFWEW - CIRCUIT CLERK AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION R85-3 FOR A PARCEL CONTAINING 5 . 00 ACRES LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF JOYCE STREET, ABOUT 1 , 500 FEET WEST OF OLD MISSOURI ROAD, BE IT ORDMM BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FA)MTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That the zone classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows : R85-3 described as set out in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . From R- 2 Medium Density Residential District to R-O Residential- Office District . Section 2 . That the official zoning map of the City of Fayette- ville , Arkansas , is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above . PASSED AND APPROVED this 2nd day of April 1985 , APPROVED: By : 6 u" Mayor ATTEST : By : (ddCiVy Clerk . .� BOOKII36PAGE716 ' �COUNf1 i 2 � a EXHIBIT "A" Pletition No. R85-3: The following described property located in Washington County , Arkansas : TRACT A A part of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 25 , T-17-N , R-30-9 in Washington County , Arkansas , described as beginning at a point which is N 890 21 ' 48" E 100 , 66 feet and N 10 14 ' 12" W 50 . 12 feet from the SW corner of said 40 acre tract , said point of beginning on the Northerly Right-of-Way of Joyce Street ; Thence N 1° 14 ' 12" W 662 . 60 feet to an iron pin ; Thence N 891 21 ' 48" E 360 . 02 feet ; Thence S 10 14 ' 12" E 660 . 00 feet ; Thence along said Northerly Right-of-Way of Joyce Street S 880 57 ' 05" W 360 . 00 feet to the point of beginning , containing 5 . 5 acres , more or less , as per plat on file in the office of the Circuit Clerk and Ex-Cifficio Recorder of Washington County , Arkansas . LESS + EXCEPT TRACT B LffiCRIPED AS FOLLOWS: A part of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 25 , T-17-N, R-30-W in Washington County , Arkansas , described as beginning at a point which is N 89 ° 21 ' 48" E 100 . 66 feet and N P 14 ' 12" W 50 . 12 feet and N 880 57 ' 05" E 130 . 00 feet from the SW corner of said 40 acre tract , said point of beginning on the Northerly Right-of-Way of Joyce Street ; Thence N 1 14 ' 12" W 200 . 00 feet ; Thence N 880 57 ' 05" E 95 , 00 feet ; Thence S 1° 14 ' 12"E 200 . 00 feet ; Thence along the Northerly Right -of-Way of Joyce Street S 880 57 ' 05" W 95 , 00 feet to the point of beginning , containing 0 . 44 acres more or less , as per plat on file in the office of the Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder of Washington County , Arkansas . CERTIFICATE OF Rc.;UnU iTa �r OF ARKANSAS I SS. V1.1311ington County I I, Alma L. Kollmoyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder lot Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed oIr,fore. goinglnstrumen' was filed for record in m' y office on the Jday e�[+ of 1963' .��'clock M, and thesamee 'iis,, g00k11c1UPA0M7 duly re orded in record record_! aLe4U0 witness my hand and seal tUs day of � Circuit Clerk and Ex-9f io Recor By Deputy Clerk r Rtate oCERTIFICA7 OF "CORDCity of FArkansas yetterille SS 1 Suzanne Ex Officio recC Kennedy, do hereby cerorderfortheCitCity Clerk and Leoingisofi�cot'fy that the yofrayaftevan in d "' rnyofficear��A� Q Or fore- Pears Ordinance Resol d the sane a �} tion z,00k P- hand and at Pa.4 seal thi � Fitness my 19 ca of it Clerk , r - - -- - - - l INVOICE MAKE CHECKS • - ' * FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING pgyggLE TO --► CODE u JUL: NORTHWEST 3 • Sa ARKANSAS TIMES • . P.O. DRAWER D 04/23/85 :rte 212 N. EAST AVE. i FAYETTEVILLE. AR 72701 102- 067351 04 / 13 /85 AS H ZONE N EDITIONS O S/ SKIP SCHEDULE i�g0ty of Fayetteville AD GIVEN BY :e - E- — ' Drawer F Fayetteville AR Rrna�,e b sr 7'2702 RETURN THIS PORTION WITH PAYMENT L �s Legal Notices ORDINANCE No. 7078 1 . AN ORDINANCE REZON- ING THAT PROPERTYI DESCRIBED fN REZON- ' STATE of ARKANSAS ING PETITION R85-3 FOR , A PARCEL CONTAINING Bs. 5.00 ACRES LOCATED ON I County of Washington THE NORTH SIDE OF , JOYCE STREET, ABOUT 1,500 FEET WEST OF OLD MISSOURI ROAD. hereby Certify. DE 1T ORDAINED BY >� y y that I THE BOARD OF DIREC- am the publisher of THE NORTHWtkT ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper !TORS OF THE CITY of having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of . F. A Y T T E V I L L E , ARKANSAS: five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) Section 1 . That the zone intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas - Ina of ro toy is for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an . ing tlescribed property is ' hereby changed as follows: established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes R85-3 described as set Out i In the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per in Exhibit ' A" attached hereto and made a part annum, which price was fixed at what Is considered the value of the publication, hereof. based upon thenews valueand service value itcontains, that at least fifty percent From RR Medium Density of the subscribers thereto have aidcash for their subscriptions to the newspaper Residential odium a R-0 P P Residential-Office District. or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six . Section 2. That the officialzoni ett map of the City Of i months: and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty Fayetteville, Arkansas, is 1 percent news matter. hereby amended to reflect the zoning mange provided i I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of in Section 1 above. I g PASSED AND APPROV- ED this 2nd da) of April,' n APPROVED: d By : PaululR. Noland / Mayor ATTEST: was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for BY : Suzanne C. Kennedy consecutive insertions as follows: City Clerk EXHIBIT "All Petltlon No. R85.3: The fol- The first Insertion on the 4SS (� d day of 19 Q r� lowing described property located in Washington Coun- ty, Arkansas: the second Insertion on the day of 19 TRACT A Apart of the NEC. of the the third insertion on the da of 19 R 3 noun,/� of Section 25, , y OW in Washington oun.. ty, Arkansas, described as and the fourth insertion On t e day of 19 oeginning at a point which is N 89 degrees 21' 48" E 100.66 -- feet and N 1 degree 14' 12" W 50.12 feet from the SW car- nerof said 40 acre tract, said point of beginning on the Sworn to and subscribed before me on this day of Northerly Right of-Way of JOYi:e Street; Thence N 1 degree W 662. feel 9 to Ironon pin; Thencee 89 degrees 21' 48" E 360.02 feet; et: . Thence 5 1 degree 14' 12" E 660.00 feet; Thence along Not Public said Northerly Right-of-Way of Joyce Street S 88 degrees 57. 05" W 360.00 feet to the . My Commission Expires: point of beginning. contain. ing 5.5 acres, more or less, as Per plat on file in the of- i fice of the Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder of Washington County, Arkan. I sear I LESS } EXCEPT TRACT B 1 : D 'E SCRIBED ASI z FOLLOWS: Fees tot' Prinline -__ _ - -.K_.. �_. It A part of the NE /4 of the NW'/. of Section 25, T-17-N, R:30 W in Washington Coun- Cost of Prtwf tv, Arkansas, described as beginning at a point which is ' N 89 degrees 21. 48" E 100.66 . rofal feet and N 1 degree 14' 12" W 50,12 feet and N BB degrees . 57' 05" E 130.00 feet from the SW corner. of said 40 acre I tract, Said point of beginning I T On, the Northerly Right Of- Way of Joyce Street; Thence I 'N-'1 14' 12" W 200.00 feet; I Thence N 88 degrees 57' 05"-' W 95.00 feet; . Thence S 1 ;J degree 14' lY' E 200.00 leer: vChence along the Northerly ACCO, Rightof-Way of Joyce Street 9.88 degrees 57' 05" W 95.001 � frl'� �: feet to the point of be0inm - ing, containing 0.4 acres OWre or less, as per plat On me in the office of the Cir- cuit Clerk :and'-Ex-�iel0 Recorder Of Washington County. Arkansas.