HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3068 FILED FOR RECORD ' 85 f�flfl 21 PM 3 18 WASHINGTON COUNTY AR ' ORDINANCE ED• 3068 ALMA KOLLMEYER MICROFfLMe CIRCUIT CLERK AN ORDINANCE WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS OF COMPETITIVE BIDDING FOR THE INSTALLATION OF ONE ONE-HOUR FIRE PARTITION IN THE CITY ' S 13 UNIT T-HANGAR ON THE EAST SIDE OF DRAKE FIELD, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYE TEVIL E, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That the Board of Directors hereby waives the requirements of competitive bidding for the installation of a four-hour fire wall in the City ' s 13 unit T-hangar on the east side of Drake Field for the reason that said requirements are not feasible because the installation of said wall is needed immediately to preserve aircraft safety , Section 2 , That the Board of Directors hereby authorizes Brawn ' s Drywall Supply and Construction Company to install the aforesaid one-hair fire partition in accordance with the proposal attached hereto marked Exhibit "A ' and made a part hereof . Section 3 . That the ' Board of Directors hereby determines that the installation of a one-hour fire partition in the City ' s 13 unit T-hangar on the east side of Drake Field is needed immediately to preserve aircraft safety and hereby determines that the passage of this ordinance is necessary to enable such installation . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and thisordinance being necessary for the public safety and welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED this 19th day of February , 1985 . " APPRO illNi10 'SYfJ� BY Mayor Lbwo By: Cotitf p BOONJ,.Lfj GE019 BROWN 'S DRY WALL & SUPPLY CO. P.O. Box M aq? AC 501-751 -9393 Springdale, Arkansas 72764 Date February 26 19 85 To -Mr, Qale y'redrick - Fayetteville Airport - ?ayetteville. :,r . 72701 Bid proposal and contract: New ,iall - Hanger We propose to furnish all materials and perform all labor necessary tacomplefe the following: Furnish 2J" metal studs , screws , 5/8" f. ce sheetrock, tape , compound and will erect studs , install sheetrock and fire tape all sheetrock. At roo£line rock wool in ridges . All scrap sheetrock will be removed from job site. , All the above work to be completed in a substantial and workmanlike manner according to standard practices for the sum of oeventy six nundreu tUrty eiglit 'am 00/100 $ ? , ;iC, . 00 which includes all taxes and insurance. Payment to be made, billing by the first of the month, by the 10th of the same month, as the work progresses to the value of 90 per cent of all materials and labor completed. The entire amount of contract to be paid within 30 days after completion of proposed work. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra cost will only be executed upon written order for same, and will become an extra charge over the sum mentioned in this contract. Brown's Dry Wall & Supply Co. Accepted by : � r EXHIBIT A BOOKHMPAGE820 -� CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arkansas City of Fayetteville SS df, `SfficloT C+ity o" egorecorderfortheCityvF Veek and y certify that the Fayetteville, going is of record in annexed or fore- pears in my office and the same ap- ��( � Ordinance 6r Resolution book �—at pagr lD Witness my hand and seal thi K- f7sy of ' ^ D I Ie an ' x- fficio Rec STATE OF ARKANSAS � Washington County SS. I, Alma L. Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder for Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore. going yin�s�tru�m�e�nt was filed for record in my office on thel—day of —t-t-1W�G. ('I0�,8�.,5at/�� 1.$o'clock. M and the same ii1sAA duly recorded in�W- ao record V,I�_ at page�.11 Witness my hand and seal thio day of _19� Circuit Clerk and Ex-Cfficio Recorded eye QGu CU.v� ' Deputy Clerl •. INVOICE *PAYABLETO - - -- ,� A t S FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING cLAsscoDE Ns. NORTHWEST _ Q? ARKANSAS TIMES 212 N. EAST AVE. FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701 AGATES LINES WORDS INCHES ZONE = `= ...40''S'=' iS �- 5 7t EDITIONS OPER S/V SKIP SCHEDULE TO: , } Via :} >• tt- eville AD GIVEN BY PHONE :, . � - 1 ... rawer c INDEXING TERMS "3RDiNANCE NO . *'fE" N i'. OiI - � y � tc2vili _ AR START DATE STOP DATE 72702 e:: risrss oari4ra� L I _ RETURN THIS PORTION WITH PAYMENT �i . G T. STATF. of ARKANSAS 1 J} 98. _ _ _ NCENO1068 1 County of Washington AN14 ORDINANCE - . ,sA�/�/ INANCE ; MENTS THE REQUIRE I F FOR COMPETITIVE I BIDDINGIN- 1 hereby certify that I STALLATION OF ONE , am the publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper ONE-HOUR FIRE PARTr ! having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of TION- IN THE CITY'S 131UNIT AR ON THE I five columns each, published at a fixed lace of business and at a fixed (daily) EAST TSIfDE GOF DRAKE , intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas FIELD. for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an BE IT ORDAINED BY established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes THE . BOARD OF DIREC� I TORS of TME clry of in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per F A Y E T T E v I L L E . annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the Board based upon the news valueand service value it contains, that at least fifty percent Of Directors hereby waives of thesubscribers thereto have aid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper the requirements of com P P petltlGe bia3iaa- fol the in- 1 or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six . affiliation of a four-hour fire months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty wall in the City's 13 unit T- percent news matter. hangar on the east side of Drake Field for the reason that said requirements are I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of .not feasible because the in- stallation of said wall is needed Immediately .10 preserve aircraft safety. Section 3. That the Board of Directors hereby / authorizes Brown's Drywall was published in the regular daily issue of said new'spaperfor Supply and Construction Company to install the consecutive insertions as follows: aforesaid accordne ance fire par- pb ,t 19 J� 1propsal attached with the The first insertion on the day of l���l(dn,_tL.= y2' OV i marked attached hereto — marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof. the second Insertion on the da o[ 19 section 3. That the Board Y of Directors hereby defer. ' mines that the instal ation of the third Insertion on the day of 19 t a one-hour fire partition in the City's 13 unit T hangar on the east side of Drake and the fourth insertion on the day of 19 Field is needed immediately to preserve aircraft safety hat B ■Vts)il _ _ H and hereby determines that V� s/s.r rJ_J.j ' the passage of this ordi, fiance is necessary to enable Sworn to and subscribed before me on this �/'- day of such installation. Therefore, - an emergency is hereby declared Bing ntand cessars fir. "declare being necessary for the public safety antl wed fare shall be in full force and effect from antl after . ns - passageandapproval. Notar Public PASSED AND APPROV ED this 19th day of Febru- ary. 1.985. APPROVED My Commission Expires: By: Paul R. Noland mayor ATTEST By: Suzanne C. Kennedy City Clerk Exhibit "A" is on file in City ' Clerk's Office, 113 W. Moun-I I 1 fain St., FayettevI lie. AR. Fees lot' Primin S —C._/_C_Q Cost of Proof _. ) ____s, i Tolal i I � 17CE ! !� D AZAR 2 81985 aLoto(J ;VTa PArALL