HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3054 FILED! . � FOR RECORp > By SEC 17 PIh 3 Il ALMA ` CN COUNTYAR 3054 CIRC JIT CME K. �2D71dAtiCE NOW CLERK MICROFWED AN ORDINANCE DEDICATING PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENTS AT THE FAYETTEVILLE MUNICIPAL AIRPORT . BE TT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DEWTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That the Board of Directors hereby dedicates the real property described in Exhibits "A" through "G" attached hereto and made a part hereof as perpetual easements for the purpose of con- structing , maintaining , and replacing public utility lines . PASSED AND APPROVED this 4th day of December , 1984 . f • t , ^. 1 , `, } APPROVED: ou Mayor ATTEST : By : J- .:::Clerk BOON 1126PACE781 Property Description A part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 33 , Township 16 North , Range 30 West and a part of the West one half of Section 4 , Township 15 North , Range 30 West in Washington County , Arkansas . Easement Description A permanent utility easement , being described as beginning at a point 1289 . 17 feet North and 1268 . 11 feet West of the Southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of Section 33 , Township 16 North , Range 30 West , said point being on the East right-of-way of U . S . Highway #71 , and running thence along said right-of-way S 03 ° 12 ' 00 " W 773 . 57 feet ; thence along said right -of-way N 86° 17 ' 34 " W 20 . 00 feet ; thence along said right-of-way S 03° 09 " 07 " W 2072 . 61 feet ; thence along said right-of-way S 030 03 ' 12 " W 429 . 90 feet ; thence along said Right-of-Way S 86 ° 15 ' 48" E 15 . 00 feet ; thence along said Right- of-Way S 030 03 ' 12 " W 1767 . 30 feet ; thence leaving said right-of-way S 880 36 ' 37 " E 616 . 74 feet ; thence S 500 05 ' 28 " E 295 . 86 feet ; thence S 11 ° 09 ' 10 " E 701 . 00 feet ; thence S 880 00 ' 04 " E 7 . 55 feet ; thence S 11 ° 05 ' 12 " E 739 . 68 feet ; thence S 110 42 ' 52 " E 214 . 34 feet ; thence N 780 17 ' 08 " E 25 . 00 feet ; thence N 110 42 ' 52 " W 214 . 20 feet ; thence N 11 ° 05 ' 12 " W 733 . 89 feet ; thence N 880 00 ' 04 " W 7 . 55 feet ; thence N 11 ° 09 ' 20" W 715 . 53 feet ; thence N 500 05 ' 28 " W 313 . 43 feet ; thence N 88 ° 36 ' 37 " W 599 . 74 feet ; thence N 030 03 ' 12 " E 1741 . 56 feet ; thence N 860 56 ' 48 " W 5 . 00 feet ; thence N 030 03 ' 12 " E 430 . 83 feet ; thence N 030 09 ' 07 " E 2071 . 28 feet ; thence S 86° 17 ' 34 " E 10 . 00 feet ; thence N 03 ° 12 ' 00 " E 722 . 15 feet ; thence N 830 02 ' 02 " W 25 . 06 feet to the point of beginning . Exhibit A 8004126ME782 , l Property Description A part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 33 , Township 16 North , Range 30 West , and a part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 4 , Township 15 North , Range 30 West in Washington County , Arkansas . Easement Description A permanent utility easement 25 feet in width , the centerline of said easement being described as beginning at a point 704 . 88 feet North and 2300 . 78 feet West of the Southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 33 ; thence running N 89 ° 45 ' 32 " E 918 . 80 feet ; thence S 46° 02 ' 02 " E 331 . 34 feet ; thence along a curve to the right with a radius of 262 . 48 feet a distance of 215 . 31 feet ; thence S 00 58 ' 07 " W 298 . 48 ; thence along a curve to the left with a radius of 79 . 5 feet a distance of 123 . 24 ; thence S 87 ° 51 ' 11 " E 985 . 95 feet to a terminating point ; said point being 129 . 88 feet South and 958 . 64 feet East of the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 4 . Exhibit B 80GKII26PI;GE783 Property Description A part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 4 , Township 15 North , Range 30 West in Washington County , Arkansas . Easement Description A permanent utility easement , being described as beginning at the Southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of Section 33 , Township 16 North , Range 30 West and running thence S 88° 30 ' 33 " E 1339 . 25 feet ; thence S 1 ° 19 ' 28 " W 333 . 68 feet ; thence S 88° 30 ' 33 " E 16 . 5 feet ; thence S 1 ° 19 ' 28" W 1003 . 0 feet ; thence N 88 ° 30 ' 33 " W 40 . 0 feet ; thence N 10 19 ' 28 " E 1290 . 75 feet ; thence N 87 ° 51 ' 11 " W 1315 . 97 feet ; thence N 10 29 ' 27 " E 30 . 97 feet to the point of beginning . Exhibit C Bood 26PA ( Q4 Property Description A part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 4 , Township 15 North , Range 30 West in Washington County , Arkansas , Easement Description A permanent utility easement 80 feet in width , the centerline of said easement being described as beginning at a point 108 . 47 feet South and 387 . 62 feet East of the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 4 ; thence running S 0° 47 ' 56 " W 1228 . 71 feet to a terminating point , said point being 1337 . 06 feet South and 370 . 49 feet East of the Northwest Corner of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 4 . Exhibit D BGGK11?46PAa 185 Property Description A part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 4 , Township 15 North , Range 30 West in Washington County , Arkansas , Easement Description A permanent utility easement 25 feet in width , the centerline of said easement being described as beginning at a point 747 . 68 feet South and 418 . 71 feet East of the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of aforemention Section 4 ; thence running S 890 12 ' 04 " E 660 feet to a terminating point ; said point being 756 . 88 feet South and 1078 . 65 feet East of Northwest corner of said 160 acre tract . Exhibit E BGGK1126PAGE7 ' Property Description A part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter , and a part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 4 , Township 15 North , Range 30 West in Washington County , Arkansas . Easement Description A permanent utility easement 25 feet in width , the centerline of said easement being described as beginning at a point 1324 . 56 feet South and 370 . 67 feet East of the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 4 ; thence running S 750 02 ' 56 " W 1010 . 00 feet ; thence S 300 32 ' 56 " W 70 . 00 feet to a terminating point , said point being 1645 . 42 feet South and 640 . 72 feet West of the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 4 . Easement Description A permanent utility easement 10 feet in width , the centerline of said easement being described as beginning at a point 1645 . 42 feet South and 640 . 72 feet West of the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 4 ; thence running S 79 ° 47 ' 56 " W 160 . 00 feet ; thence S 560 17 ' 56 " W 310 . 00 feet ; thence S 840 27 ' 56 " W 80 . 00 feet ; thence S 380 42 ' 56 " W 160 . 00 feet ; thence S 10° 32 ' 04 " 330 . 00 feet ; thence S 360 27 ' 56 " W 60 . 00 feet to a terminating point , said point being 2351 . 01 feet South and 1211 . 12 feet West of the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 4 . Exhibit f BOOKR26PA087 8. i3 Property Description A part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 4 , Township 15 North , Range 30 West in Washington County , Arkansas , Easement Description A permanent utility easement 25 feet in width , the centerline of said easement being described as beginning at a point 100 . 32 feet South and 170 . 22 feet East of the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 4 ; thence running S 0° 47 ' 56" W 176 . 33 feet to a terminating point , said point being 276 . 63 feet South and 167 . 76 feet East of the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 4 . CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arkansas City of Fuyet.eN=iile ( SS I, Suzanne C. Kennedy, City Clerk and Ex-Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- going is of record in my office and the same ap- Pears �inn Ordinance fa Resolution book d --- '-`—at page . -L� Witness my hand ani Sea] this s day of Ci Clerk and Ex-O i to Recor / CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS I SS. Washington County I, Alma L. Kollmeyer, circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder for Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- gojjQ instrument was filed for record in mL_M',candl' theTiday of .r X __.—_11�� _�'�a`�.[� 21o'clo the sameeF,iQss��duly re .ore.nd 'n _ _�jAt_`A mcordat page_µt• Witness my hand and Fail this & day ofMCA— 19J -0.D-..-..-- �,t�►`-'� Circuit clerk and x-Ofli Recorded BY� t • ^p . . Deputy Clerk, 1126pAu788 Exhibit G EDI TIONS OPER S/V • fi OC a SKIP SCHEDULE � 6 F- TO: dI AD GIVEN BY PHONE City of Fayetteville If 501 -000-00Q £.p1Pi _F .. , r y v ,. '.'• �;. : i INDEXING TERMS ^'ORDINANCE NO 3054^' AN ORD Fayetteville AR START DATESTOP DATE 72702 12/2? /84 12/22/84 L RETURN THIS PORTION WITH PAYMENT I 1 INVOICE MAKE CHECKS ■■ FOR CLASSIFIED PAYABLE TO —► 059059 ADVERTISING CLASS CODE INS. AMOUNT I NORTHWEST 102 001 51 . 101 ARKANSAS TIMES P.O. DRAWER D . , . . .,. . . - . 212 N. EAST AVE. FAYETTEVILLE. AR 72701 12 /31 /84 =tr=� AGATESLINES WORDS INCHES ZONE 102-059059 12 /21 /84 099 07 354 07 . 1 EDITIONS OPERS/V A 0 t SKIP SCHEDULE 6 IF TO: AD GIVEN BY PHONE City Of Fayetteville ., 0l -0C;0-00C;Ci Drawer F INDEXING TERMS Part 2 d "IIExhibit F " "Property Descri ; Fayetteville AR t START DATE STOP DATE 72702 12 /22 /84 12120.71/84 L t I { I RETURN THIS PORTION WITH PAYMENT L 6111110i. +�I Legal Notices ' _ - QJNANCEN0. 30Ss 1 • : �A N ORDI N A N CE DEDICATING PUBLIC UTIL- ITY EASEMENTS AT. THE F .A. Y E T E V I L L ' E', MUNICIPAL AIRPORT. "t BE IT ORDAINED BY:THEJSTATE of ARKANSAS BOARD OF DIRECTORS.OF' las. THE 'CITY OF FAVET-' 1 TEVILLE, ARKANSAS: ' - 1. CountyO WdShingi0n . Section 1. That the Board of' Directors hereby dedicates the f real property described in Ex- . hibus "A" through "G" at- I, - J hereby certify that I tached hereto and made a part am the publisher of THE NORTHWE ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper hereof as perpetual easements for the purpose of constructing, having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of maintaining, and replacing five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) public Shitty lines. Intervals continuous) In the Cit of Fayetteville, Count of Washington. Arkansas P/1.SSED AND APPROVED Y } Y g, thI34thd_ay of December, t964. for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an APPROVED: Byi PeuIR. Nolaoland established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes ul .= Mayor ,. in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per ATJEST: annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, By; Suzelme Kennedy - basedu n the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty Cfysuze 1 Po ypercen[ Exn;bhA "- of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper Property Description $': part, of the Southwest or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six Qyarfer of ' Section 33, months: and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty Township- 16 North, Range 30 percent news matter. West and,a part of.the West we half of Section 4, Township 15 North, Range 30 West In I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of Washington County, Arkansas. Easement Oescriptlon n A permanent utility ease- ment, being described as baglnnino at a point 1269.17 feet North and 1268.11 feet West of The southeast corner of the was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for Southwest Quarter of Section 33, Township 16 North, Range consecutive insertions as follows: 30 West, said point being on the Y /// East right-of-way of U .S. The first insertion on the '��'� 1 da of ✓/4ee ' 19 �_ Highway No. 71, and running thence along said right-of-way S 03 degrees 12. 00" W 773.n feet; thence along said right- the second insertion on the day of 19 of-way N-86 degrees 17' 34" W 20.00 feet; thence along said the third Insertion on the day of 19 right-of-way S 03 degrees 09" 07" W 207261 feet; thence along said right-of-war S 03 and the fourth insertiono e da of 19 degrees 03' 12" W 429.90 feet; 'thence along said Right-of-Way 5 86 degrees 15' 48'; E 15.00 --u'> feet; thence along said Right- "of-Way S 03 degrees 03' 12" W ✓ 1767.30 feet; thence leaving' Sworn t0 and subscribed before me on this �� `l: day of said riohi-of way S 88 degrees 36'„ 37" E 616.74 feet; thence S 1 q SO degrees OS' 28" E 295.06 feet; •, thence S'11 degrees 09' 10" E 701.00 feet; thence S 88 degrees 00' OP' E 7.55 feet; thence S 11 S•i'�� degrees 05' 12" E 739.68 feet; Notal' Public , thence S 11 degrees 42' 52" E 217.34 feet; thence N 78 degrees 17,08" E 25.00 feet; thence N 11 My Commission Expires: ! I ) 1 degrees 42' S2" W 214.20 feet; thence N I1 degrees OS' 12" W 733.89 feet; thence N 88 degrees 00' 04" W 7.55 feet; thence N 11 degrees 09' 20" W 715.53 feet; thence N 50 degrees 05' 28" W 315.43 feet; thence N 88 degrees 36' 37" W 599.74 feet; thence W 03-degrees 03' 17" E 1741.56 Fors fol' Prinlinc teet; ihence - N 86 degrees 56' - 48" W 5.00 feet; thence N 03 degrees 03' 12" E 430.63 feet; Cost of Prof thence N 03 degrees 09' 07" E2071 .28 feet-, degrees 17thence 34" E 10.00 teeth 'rota ) thence N 03 degrees 12' 00" E 722.15 feet; thence N 03 degrees 02' 02" W.2S.06 feet to the point of beginning. Exhibit B Property Description A part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 33 , �I I Township 16 North, Range 30 I � West, and a part of the Nor- I theast Quarter of Section A, ; (jU Township 15 North. Range 30 West In Washington County, "V1.11 Arkansas. 1 Easement Description A permanent utility ease- ment 25 . feet In Width, the centerline of said easement be- Ing described as beginning at a point - 70A.88 feet North and 2300.78 -•leet West . . of . the Southeast corner of the southwest Qua~ of said Sec. w ea Ji=6�e.. i:.i, thence b tlthres! Dal o g E 'SL curve 331.34 - feet;the ihence along e curve to feet a with a radius , of 31fge feet a ' S 0 anceder of 215.31 flet; thence 5 0 tlegrees .curve" W 39e. e: thence as , curve fthe left r ett with a radius of79.5feet a distance 1111" E thence 5 87 to a t 51'terminating E point; feed t0 a terminating feet sola point being 129.98 East feet South and st corner feet East of the Northwest corner of The Northeast Quarter of said Sec- lion 6. ExhlbltC Property Description : A part Of the Northeast Quarter.of Section 6, Township 15, . North, Range 30 West In Washington County, Arkansas. Easement Description A permanent utility easy fent, .being described as beginning at the Southeast torr. nor M The Southwest Quarter of Section 33, Township 16 North, Range 30 West and running .thenceS 88 degrees 30' 33" E 1339.25 feet; thence S 1 degree -19' 28" W,333.60 feet; Thence S IM 'degrees 30' 33" E 16.5 feet; thence S 1 degree 19' 28" W .1003.0 feet: thence N 8e degrees 30'.33" W 60.0 feat; thence N 1 degree 19' 28" E 1290.75 feet; thence N 87 degrees 51' 11" W f-� 1315.97 feet; thence N 1 degree 29•.27" E30.97 feet to the point of beginning. Exhibit D yProperty Description A part of the Northeast Quarter of SeCTIon 6, Township 15. North, Range 30 West In Wfishington County, Arkansas. Easement Description A- permanent utility eam- ment 80 feet In width, the centerline of said easement be Ing described as beginning at a point 108.47 feet South and 387.62 feet East of the Nor thwest cor"r of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 6; thence running 5 0 tlegrees 67' 56'.' W 1228.71 feet t0 a ter. Tninafing point, seitl point be. Ing 1337.06 feet South and 370.49 feet East of the Northwest Cor net of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 1. Exhibit E Property Description A part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 4, Township 15 North, Range 30 West In , Washington County, Arkansas. Easement Description A permanent utility ease. 'ment 25- feet In width, the centerline of seitl easement be- Ing described as beginning at a point 747.68 feet South and 619.71 feet East of the Nor thwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of afoiamentlM Sec- tion 6; thence running S 89 degrees 12' 06" E 660 feet to a Terminaling point; said point being 756.811 feet South and 1078.65 feet rest of Northwest corner of said 160 acre tract. -. ExhibitF Property Description A pert of the Southeast Quarter Of the Northwest Quarter, and a part of the Southwest Quarter of the Nor. thwest Quarter of Section A. Township 15 North, Range 30 West in , Washington county, Arkansas. \`\ Easement Description utility me permanent u111idt ea he trent 25 feed d width, the \ Ing described Of S61a easement t a Ing t 1324..56 es beginning at a point 1 feet 1st South and \ 370.67 feet East of MNor- thwastQuarte corner of the Northeast4; thence n said degree 6; Hence running S 75 degrees 30 56" e s 22' 50 feet; thence to a , tl terminating in S6" W point, sad of t being 16 5. eet said point - "0.72 feet fest South antl ' 610.72 feet WesT of the Nor- thwest orthwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of sald Section a. Easement Description A permanent utility ease. ment 10 feet In width, The centerline.of said easement be- ing described as beginning at a point 1665.62 feet South and 660.72 feet West of the Nor• thwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 6; thence running 5 79 degrees 67' 56" W 160.00 feet; thence S 56 degrees 17' 56" W 310.00 feet; thence S 86 degrees 27' 56" W 80.00 feet; thence 5 38 degrees 42' S6'• W 160.00 feet: thence 5 10 degrees 32' 06" 330,00 feet; thence S 36 degrees 27. 56" W 60.00 feet to a terminating point, said point being 2351.01 feet South and 1211.12 feet West of the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of said Sec- tlon 4. Exhibit G Property Description A part of the Northeast Quarter Of Section 6, Township 15 North, Range 30 West In Washington County. Arkansas. Easement Description A permanent Utility ease- ment 25 feet In width, the Ali 5-57 TAICROFILMED •cET;b�< FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS •r `" OFFICE OF CITY ENGINEER P. 0. DRAWER F M02 (501) 521.7700 y� ION November 26 , 1984 Mr . David McWethy Assistant City Manager Fayetteville , AR 72701 Re : Airport Easements Dear Mr . McWethy : At the request of the Airport Manager and McClelland Consulting Engineering Company , we are submitting to the Board of Directors a request to declare the attached property on which sewer lines run to be public utility easements . The above Ordinance was prepared by City Attorney , James McCord . We would appreciate you placing this Ordinance on the Agenda of the next Board of Directors meeting . SP cerely yours , n Ed N . Conne 1 Right of Way Agent City of Fayetteville ENC/ skb