HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3040 FILED FOR RECORD '84 OCT 22 P11 ORDIMNCE 1 48 �rnALMAcrch' c ;; ur� rrAR �• 3040 KOLLbICypa MICROFILMED CIRCUIT cLERK AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION R84-16 FOR A PARCEL CONTAINING 13 . 5 ACRES LOCATED ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF ZION ROAD AND OLD ZION ROAD, BE IT ORDUMM BY THE BOARD OF DIRNJC1LM OF THE CITY OF FAYETTWILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That the zone classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows : R84-16 described as set out in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . From A-1 Agricultural District to R-O Residential Office District . Section 2 . That the official zoning map of the City of Fayette- ville , Arkansas , is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above . PASSED AND APPROVED this 16th day of October , 1984 . APPROVED: A. Ir , f = , By : (ZAi/ ri ao� 4� Mayor ATTESTS By: Cp�y Clerk e00e 1122er,GE537 E IMIT 'A• APPEAL NO. R84-16: The following described parcel located in Washington County , Arkansas : Part of the NE 1/4 , SE 1/4 , Sec . 24 , T-17-N, R-30-W, more particularly described as follows : Beginning at the NW Corner of said 40 acre tract and running thence south 89 degrees 53 ' E 1 , 257 . 99 ' to the west right of way fence of the Zion Road , said point also being north 89 degrees , 53 ' West , 42 . 14 feet frau the NE corner of said 40 acre tract ; thence S 1 degree 25 ' west along existing west right of way 383 ' ; thence south 57 degrees 18 ' west along existing right of way 72 . 521 ; thence south 87 degrees 39 ' west along existing right of way 506 ' ; thence south 67 degrees 42 ' west along existing right of way 246 . 5 ' , to an existing fence corner ; thence north 06 degrees 43 ' W along existing fence 42 . 951 ; thence south 86 degrees 59 ' W along existing fence 456 . 87 ' to the west line of said 40 acre tract ; thence north 00 degrees 24 ' E along said west 40 line 520 . 431 , to the point of beginning containing 13 . 55 acres more or less . vERT i' ICATE OF RECORD CERTIFICATE OF RECORD SfAI"E OF AI?rCAf� AS ss. State of Arkansas Cit of Fayetteville ( SS , '.n ' ;. Gfficio R ,^crdlrfor Y Washita_ton Co. ;; ' :. . .. - 11z---,Ly -c,-t;f ,, " ,af she .annex�r or fore. I, Suzanne C. Kennedy, City Clerk and going instrument %v s ; ;,d for re ;0(din n,7 oft:;,"e u:, th,3=day Ex-Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, °f--sOct�-19 _atJ_ygocloc!<Qid, and the same is do hereby certify that the aunece,t ar fore- duty recorded inrecord 11aa at Page-,%I going is of record in my office and t'"te same ap+ Witness my hand and seat this L day of_A9t__19Jk4 pears in Ordinance & Resolution book _ALMA Kett roffier Circuit Clerk and ---�at page--2 . Witness mr //��Ex-Officio Record,,e�d� ��� hand and seal this, �Y /.—`._ _day 9f BY-�C�O�► oepN`t y�S r'k?— -- - 19LL L. fes, ..... lerk and 60 ,.., ;4 6' �Ft,GE5�0 l I I % INVOICE MAKE CHECKS !_ r FOR CLASSIFIED PAYABLE TO ---10 ADVERTISING CLASS CODE INS. AMOUNT NORTHWEST ` c` �oZ • eSD ARKANSAS TIMES P.O. DRAWER D i 212 N. EAST AVE. FAYETTEVILLE. AR 72701 AGATES LINES WORDS INCHES ZONE - EDITIONS OPER S/V SKIP SCHEDULE ; - To: AD GIVEN BY PHONE i CLt14 OT INDEXING TERMS :�MDIN."iNt ti NO . �? 01413 ' AN ORDIIN =agetteville AR START DATE STOP DATE 7.=.702 84 I y RETURN THIS PORTION WITH PAYMENT L�� STATE of ARKANSAS as. ORDINANCE NO. 3048 I County of Washington AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPE RTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING C�jpy�r PETITION R64-16 FOR A 1, H ^� rr hereby certify that I PARCEL CONTAINING 13.5 ' ' ACRES LOCATED ON THE am the publisher of THE NORTHWES ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper , NORTHWEST CORNER OF having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of ZION ROAD AND OLD ZION ROAD. five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed ( daily) BE IT ORDAINED BY rHE - intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas BOARD OF olREcroaS. oF i THE CITY IROF FAYET-, I for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an TEV ILLE, ARKANSAS: established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes Section 1. That The zone In the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per classification of the following ' described property is hereby annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, changed as follows: based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent RBbit de" attached setoutto of the subscribers thereto have aid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper Exhibit As abed as hereto p p and made a part hereof. or Its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six FrW A- 1 Agricultural months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty District to R-O Residential Of Tice District. percent news matter. Section 2. That the official zoningFayetteville, map or the city is I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of Fayetteville, Ark roses, ie hereby hangsamended t0 reflect the zoning change Provided In Sec- I r tion la PASSED AND APPROVED this 16th day of October, 1984. APPROVED: / ' By: Paul R. Noland was published In the regular daily issue of said newspaper for ATTEST: Me yor consecutive Insertions as follows: By: Suzanne C. Kennedy ,��.� D City Clerk The first insertion on the C day of (LC'6d &te- 19 d EXHIBIT "A" APPEAL NO. R84.16: The fol- lowing described parcel the second Insertion on the day of 19 located In Washington County, Arkansas: Pert of the NEI/, SEV4, Sec. the third insertion on the day of 19 24, T-17-N, R-30-W, more par. ticulaBeginning atthN as follows: and the fourth insertion on the _ day of 19 Beginning the described a corner Of /�/s said 40 acre tract and running thence south 89 degrees s3' E 1,257.99' to the west right of way fence Of the Zion Road, saitl point also being north 89 Sworn to and subscribed before me on this a day of degrees, 53' West, 42.14 feet from the NE corner of saitl 40 acre tract; Thence 5 1 degree e/"o-flat4/ 14 /IFV 25' west along existing west right of way 383'; thence south 57 degrees 18' west along ex- isting right of way 72.52'; ary Publi thence south 87 degrees 39' west along existing right of way 506'; thence south 67 My Commission Expires: degrees 42' west along existing right Of way 246.5', to an ex. isting fence corner; thence _9 north 06 degrees 4T W along - - -' existing fence 42.95'; thence south 86 oegrees 59' W along . existing fence 456.87' to the west line of said 40 acre tract; ' thence north 00 degrees 24' E along said West 40 line 520.43', Fees lot Printing __— _ -S to the point of beginning con , taining 13.55 acres more or less. Cost of Proof Total -- C/ �l