HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3035 FILED FOR RECORD ' 84 DCi I I P19 I Z2 WASHMUTO ;,; COi1 ,'ITY AR A L M It K0LL ' iEYER CIRCUIT CLERK ORDINANCE N0 , 3035 MICROFILMED AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING A LIEN FOR COSTS INCURRED BY THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE IN ABATING UNSIGHTLY CONDITIONS ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF WASHING'T'ON AVENUE AND SIXTH STREET . WHEREAS , the City has cleared unsitely conditions existing on property located at the northwest corner of Washington Avenue and Sixth Street pursuant to authority conferred by Ark . Stats . Ann . ` §§ 19-2325 - 19-2328 and §§ 11-1 - 11-3 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances ; and WHEREAS , the costs incurred by the City in abating said unsitely conditions were $ 118 . 50 ; and WHEREAS , the owner of the aforesaid property has failed to pay the City said costs ; and WHEREAS , said owner has been given notice in the manner prescribed by Ark . Stat . Ann . § 19-2328 ( sub . 1983 ) that the amount of the lien granted the City by the aforesaid statutes and City Code provisions will be determined at a hearing by the Fayetteville Board of Directors on October 2 , 1984 . NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the Board of Directors shall have a lien in the amount of $118 . 50 on the real property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . Said lien shall be for the costs incurred by the City in abating unsitely conditions existing on the aforesaid property . Section 2 . Pursuant to Ark . Stat . Ann . § 19-2328 ( sub . 1983 ) the sum of $118 . 50 , plus ten per centum ( 108 ) penalty for collection , is hereby certified to the Tax Collector of Washington County , Arkansas , to be placed on the tax books as delinquent taxes , and collected accord- ingly , with said amount , less three per centum ( 38 ) thereof , when so collected to be paid to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , by the Washington County Tax Collector . Section 3 . A certified copy of this ordinance shall be provided to the Washington County Tax Collector by the City Clerk , PASSED AND APPROVED this 2nd day of October r 1984 . APPROVED: if g „ By: 94e,��elj '.a ' . �.. C pp.. ,.-p, ATTEST: w By : u. w ty Clerk EXHIBIT "A" The following described property located in Washington County , Arkansas : Blocks 1 and 2 of Deahl ' s Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas as per plat of said addition recorded in the office of the Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder of Washington County Arkansas , CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arkansas SS City of Fayetteville I, Suzanne C. Kennedy, City Clerk and Es-Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore, Foing is of record in my office and the same ape pears inOrdinance Fa Resolution book rsn �a .,tt.—at page y 8 Witness my hand and seal th' i — Any of 19 i Clerk and E7-Ol7n Recor er Hialo ,gnda0 A y . 1J � � •vUQ 9 99pJooia 0101IJ �i3 pue HJaio 8n3110 ftjeo R �1siya leas pue puey /w ssau;rM — a.'rd ;e1" —p:o:,aj -ul papjooaj Alnp si awas eyl pue 'W w�i_o14�Z� I R: . i- — RepTl ay1 uo a3;110 Fw ulpiooa) Jc.3 paj:_ s:;n� • a;un�lsui �uioP -ago; Jo paxauu�: a4+ ;e4; �C;!11aa nge:ay :': :,`,• ur1o0 uo;�ulyseM Jo; JaPiouaa 01r;40.X3 pue ;paO }in�jl� t:a:.;;'.;9ic)I .I ewIV ,I F:;u^o0 u013utyseM SS ( TV-PVWV ,10 31VIS Q8003b 30 31VOIA'JiM ORDINANCE NO. 3035 STATE of ARKANSAS AN ORDINANCE IMPOS- as. ING A LIEN FOR COSTS IN- County Of Washington CURRED BY THE CITY OF FAV ET TE V- I LL E -JNIr- ABATING UNSf ROPER- CONDITIONS ON PROPER- 'd hereby certify-that TV LOCATED AT THE NOR- . I, y }' di I THWEST CORNER OF ' am the publisher of THE NORTHWESY ARKANSAS TIMES, a dally newspaper WASHINGTON- AV EliuE ANDSIXTH STREET4. having a second class mailing privilege, and beingnot less than four pageses of WHEREAS, me • City heal five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (dailY) cleared unsitely ctx dlHonsex- i Intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington. Arkansas Isting on property _locatedat 1 the northwest gonna#-, of i for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an Washington Avenue71md .5t$h established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes street edbyA . S authorfty confn. in the Cit and Count for a definite rice for each co p street pursuant Ark. Slats- Alin. I Y Y P py, or a fixed rice per SSW-eau - 19-2320 affd�SSnp} annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, mane ; and v_I. cede of based upon the news value and service value it contains. that at least fifty percent Ordinances; and In. ' WHEREAS, me ce}» Irlfur- of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper red by the City in abating said or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six unsitely conditiODsWare re •- —• months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average.of more than forty WHEREAS, the 6iYaac.o/3ae percent news matter. aforesaid property tout fa aMo pay the City said Oosb! arxs� WHEREAS. said ff mee-14 I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of been given notice In-[rho -ntatt- her prescribed by Ark. • Sl t. ' /J /.•tt n Ann. cunt o (Sub. .3993)gr that / /. ULNA lJ �1.Ai � �n • �� (l�� An amount 0 the lien granted the City by the aforesaid ` statutes and City Code provi- / slons will be determined at a. was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for nearing by the Fayetteville consecutive insertions as follows: Board of Directors on October 2, 1994. ..• • NOW, THEREFORE, BEAT The ❑i5t insertion On the ldct0tet, 19 ORDAINED BY THE BOARD ay of . OF DIRECTORS OF THE;'C)- TY OF FAYETTEVILL'E' . ARKANSAS: : � the Second Insertion On the day of 19 Section 1. -That the Bmrd,bf Directors shall have alien in the third insertion on the day of 19 the amount of taie.so on )he real property described In',ITX- hiblt "A" attached hereto and and the fourth insertion on the -- day of 19 made a part hereof. Sald. BeA shall be for the costs-incurr},d by the City in abating Uositefy. conditions existing on -Irte aforesaidproperty. ­ -dk S orn to and subscribed before me c this day of . . Section a. Pursuant,to.Ar. Stat. Ann. S19-232sais.so, iusttsube pop c e sum I Sl lB.Sg, pwe temper centum (ti percent) penA1(Y for collectlen. Is hereby cer- tifled to the Tax Cdllecto@:bf r`} (�"1 Washington County; Arkafttt0l, L " to be placed on the tax books as i``Vt ry Publi delinquent taxes, and collected accordingly, with said amount, less three per centum ' (a pig- My Commission Fxpires: cent) thereof, when lected to be paid to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, bv.JK* / Washington Cdunty Tax C011q{- for: . . Section a. A certified'cepV& this ordinance shall bo, provi.- ad to the Washington COWtY / [' �Q Tax Collector by' JM ,.gtY Fits for Print inq _ _ _ � /Jo7 '_. _._ Clerk. PASSED AND APPROVED thisand day of October. 1994.-- Cost of PrMf —_ J _ APPROVED : ' ATTEST : By. Paul P. Noland i 'notal ___._. J (� _ By: Susanne C. KennitlY Clty Clerk ' EXRI SIT "A" The' following described property located in Washington County, Arkansas: I Blocks 1 and-2 of Deahl's Addi. I Sion to the CityFayetteville, I Arkansas as per plat of said . addition recorded In the office of the Circuit Clerk antl Ex- Of- ficio Recorder of Washington County Aeka_n_sas. __, INVOICE FOR CLASSIFIED MAKE CHECKS ADVERTISING PAYABLE TO --o- - , CLASS CODE INS. AMOUNT ^_ NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES P.O. DRAWER D 212 N. EAST AVE. { 7 .; j FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701 AGATES LINES1 - VJORDS INCHES ZONE I EDITIONS OPER S/V SKIP SCHEDULE 1 F AD GIVEN BY ,1 TO: _ PHONE L i Fd1� 8 ' .� �; 1 t c f$ ._ . % -Qlj(�-L'fl•:•l. j c' P alder INDEXING TERMS - =�- L? hdAivL' c !'Jn . 3L''::g.•, ' r'�t� 1.1RLI � r3 :' " "; � . _ = R START DATE STOP DATE L r I I "' URN THIS PONiIOPo VVITH ;V".1F .T L_�L