HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3023 � 1 ORDINANCE NOv=19J3 MICROF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO . 2345 TO CORRECCTL' HE L'£CAL DESCRIPTION OF THAT PORTION OF BIRCH AVENUE VACATED BV[ 9*Ig0RDIIkV.MCE AND RETAINED AS A UTILITY EASEMENT . y' = all n _ cz G BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY 6R --Y.ETTEVITIE ,m r ARKANSAS : C-3 n M 3 C3 M m C- M Section 1 . That Section 1 of Ordinance No . �;Z3;tz!'.s hd"byc; amended by amending the legal description in said sectl'on" to &wiad as follows : ev 20' either side of the following described centerline : Beginning at a point 5' South of the intersection of the centerlines of Birch Avenue and Ash Avenue ; thence south along the centerline of Birch Avenue to a point 20' from the railroad right of way ; thence southeasterly parallel with and 20' from the railroad right of way to a point 30' north of the centerline of Sycamore Street . Section 2 . That Section 2 of Ordinance No . 2345 is hereby amended to read as follows : Section 2 . The City of Fayetteville Arkansas hereby reserves a utility easement on , over , across and under the following described property for the benefit of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , electric power companies , telephone companies , gas companies , and cable television companies : 10' either side of the following described centerline : Beginning at a point 25' south of the intersection of the centerlines of Birch Avenue and Ash Street ; thence south along the line between Block 7 and Block 11 of Parker 's plat of Valley View Acres to a point 10' from the railroad right of way ; thence southeasterly parallel with and 10' from said railroad right of way to a point 30' north of the centerline of Sycamore Street . PASSED AND APPROVED this 7th day of August 91984 .r I,Ar APBy OVED • � I F rt '' : m � Mayor . By 1z C y"Clerk EOOK1116PACE441 4 CERTIFICATE+ OF :RECORD E, : 1 r i 1 State of Arkansas ( 'SS CERTIFICATE OF RECORD City of Fayetteville ( STATE OF ARKANSAS I zanne C. Kennedy, City Clerk and Washington county I SS.. Ex-Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, I, Alma L. KD!!;-najer, Circuit CI1r4 and Fx-Officio Recorder for do hereby certify that the annexed or fe.e- Washington coun'Y, 90 heraby certify that the annexed 11o11rr�fore. going is of record in my office and the same ap- going instrument was fil>d for re:: rdin my office on May pears in Ordinance & Resolution book of bt� Aa '-loclIPIA and the same f 1 1 ' --)UX—at page—. Vitness my -duly rec&ded i Witness my hand and seal t g record at pag� hand and seal his day of 1 day of 19� 19 ` ' ' " " - = Circuit Clerk and ty lerk and E--:_,. . i: :Y) ac�or.:� . n • i ,: r r. . o- ia ? •y . . : =a _Ir MA By t1 rded r n : . . j j � ePuty Clerk 1 .1 - . • . ' ll ' fiD lf . . . rf ° t. ri j✓ 1 tr0 JL . ...j f, ,, •/ 3 . f _ bt . -1i r :- 7 . . Ra n0 . ( , .. .. . . ,' . MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: c.a9S`<% _ No . J495Gr INVOICE FOR 27513 NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES LINES TTIMEs CLASSIFIAMOUNTR, 31NG} P. O. DRAWER D FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72701 I-'SEL 01 ?-047 . oG T 212 NORTH EAST AVENUE PHONE (501 ) 442-6242 YOUR CLASSIFIED INVOICE IS NOW DUE. IF NOT PAID WITHIN 10 DAYS AMOUNT DUE WILL BE PHONE CLERK GG INDEXING TERMS: ORDiP.:A:; CE City, of Fayetteville AD GIVEN BY CLASSIFICATION \ 1G� 1 Drawer F rr WOESOLICITEOBY OPERATOR Fayetteville k- AR -Y`_ 0 , STAPi OATE STOP DATE SKIP SCHEDULE O^n :� l /a GB/21 : 4 R2 PLEASE PAY PROMPTLY .:RDI `'ANCE i-Q . 202rill .�itlI1V. iidCL rt1ENDit•4-..; ORDINANCE NIC . 2„ 45 TO CORRECT T44-'E LFVAL DF-GCRIPTIOf+ OF THAT PORTION OF BIRCH AV EN'iE VAC. ATL-n v- Y SAID CRUINANCE AFdD REfAIT:=D AS A UTILITY EASE HENT . 2E IT ORDAINEEI : Y TI :E CODARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYE f TEV I LI E , v L . STATE of ARKANSAS 99. County of Washington ORDINANCE NO. 7027 I y, pyLyy/y�/" AN ORDINANCE AMENDING hereby Certify that I ORDINANCE NO. 2745 TO ; am the publisherof THE NORTHWES1�1 RKANSAS TIMES, adaily newspaper CORRECT THE LEGAL DE- ! having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of SCRIPTION OF THAT FOR. P g 'TION OF BIRCH AVENUE five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) VACATED BY SAID ORDI- intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville. County of Washington. Arkansas NANCE AND RETAINED ASTY EASEMENT. ' for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an NANCE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE I established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF I in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed per THE CITY OF FAYET - i Price TEVILLE, ARKANSAS: annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, Section 1. That Section 1 of ! based upon the news valueand service value itcontains, that at least fifty percent ordiamended y a hereby of the subscribers thereto have aid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper amended by amending3" 1$ the P p legal descrlptim In said section or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six to read as follows: months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty ,±! 20' either fide of the following described centerline: Blpinm percent news matter. Ing at a point S' South of the I of Birch genu centd Ash I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of in Birch Avenue end Ashl g Avenue; thence south along the • centerline of Birch Avenue t0 a , int 20' from the railroad right J of way; thence southeasterly parallel with and 20' from the / railroad right of way to a point 30' north of the centerline Of was published in the regulardaily issue of said newspaper for Sycamorestreei. consecutive insertions as follows: _ Section 2. That Section 2 of Ordirrance No. 2345 is hereby / ; , n 6D4„i' '' // . . amended to read as follows: The first insertion on the day of : 19 Y' Section 2. The City Of Fayet- teville, Arkansas hereby re- serves a utility easement on, the second insertion on the day of 19 over, across and under the following described property the third insertion on the da of 19 for the benefit of the City of y Fayetteville, Arkansas, electric power companias, and the fourth insertion on the da of 19 telephone companies, gas Y companies, and cable televi- sion companies; elevl-sidncompanies: ,tg N j �y-Ug1,_�rpww.t= SlA/ 10' either Sfdoofine: I owing lJ , described centerline: Beginn � �} � � Ing at a point 2S' south of the Sworn to and subscribed before me on this c,221e day of Intersection of the centerlines Of Birch Avenue and Ash I C Street;- thence south along the i V linbe ,dsa 19 line "mean Bock 7 and Block (� 11 Of Parker's p181 Of Valley View Acres 10 a point 10' 1 the railroad right Of way; thence Southeasterly parallel I Nota 6public with and 10' from Said railroad right of way to a point 30' north My Commission F_xpires: Of the centerline of Sycamore i Street- PASSED AND APPROVEDI this7th day of August, Im. ' APPROVED: ' By : Paul R. Noland Mayor ATTEST: By : Suzanne C. Kennedy . . Cityeterk Fees for Printing 3 ' Cost of Proof 5 Total S " 7 • c 'TS,FJ 9�Q