HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3018 N FOR FSC FO ORDINANChg?o soleMICRO tVBSAPR Zy ��RO AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE 'SE,;' : 9 Z INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS FOR ft, r $Aq, OO(� 1 PURPOSE OF PROVIDING PERMANENT FINANCING F® KOC ' vTy INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES ; AUTHORIZING A TRUSTC(//TC 1EyFR qR INDENTURE SECURING THE BONDS ; AUTHORIZING A � £/�/� LOAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS AND ANDREW ARKANSAS CORPORATION ; AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF THE BONDS ; AUTHORIZING AND PRESCRIBING OTHER MATTERS PERTAINING THERETO ; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY _ WHEREAS , the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ( the " City " ) , is authorized and empowered under the provisions of Act No . 9 of the First Extraordinary Session of the Sixty- Second C\1 General Assembly of the State of Arkansas , approved January 21 , 1960 , as amended ( the "Act " ) , to issue revenue bonds and to expend the proceeds thereof to finance the acquisition , „1 construction and equipment of land , buildings or facilities which can be used in securing or developing industry ; and WHEREAS , it is proposed that the . City provide permanent financing , through the issuance of revenue bonds under the Act , of the costs of acquiring , constructing and equipping certain industrial facilities consisting of lands , buildings , improvements , machinery , equipment and facilities ( the "Project " ) , and that the City loan the proceeds of the bonds to Andrew Arkansas Corporation , a Delaware . corporation ( the " Company " ) to finance the Prdject ; .and WHEREAS , pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of the Act , the City is now prepared to proceed with financing the Project and to issue and sell $ 8 , 000 , 000 in principal amount of its Industrial Development Revenue Bonds ( Andrew Arkansas Corporation Project ) , ( the "Bonds " ) , to provide such financing ; and WHEREAS , copies of the hereinafter described Trust Indenture and Loan Agreement have been presented to and are before this meeting ; NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas : Section 1 . ( a ) The City hereby makes the following findings with respect to the issuance of the Bonds and to the Project : 4 ECO'I, 1v8PrGE102 f ( 1 ) The City has published notice of a public hearing on the issuance of the Bonds . The notice specified : ( A ) The Project to be financed is the acquisition of approximately 48 . 47 acres of land on City Lake Road in the Fayetteville Industrial Park at the City and the construction and equipment of a steel fabrication facility containing approximately 50 , 000 square feet . ( B ) The maximum aggregate face amount of Bonds to be issued with respect to the Project is $ 8 , 000 , 000 . ( C ) The initial owner and operator of the Project will be Andrew Arkansas Corporation , a Delaware corporation . The proceeds of the Bonds will be loaned to the Company to finance the Project , and the Company will be required to repay the loan , with interest , at times and in amounts sufficient to provide for payment of the principal of , premium , if any , and interest on the Bonds , as due . ( 2 ) The hearing was held at the time and place specified in the notice . ( b ) The issuance of the Bonds for the purposes specified in the notice is approved : Section 2 . That the issuance of the Bonds is hereby authorized . The Bonds shall be issued in the forms and denominations , shall be dated , shall be numbered , shall mature . ( over a period not to exceed thirty ( 30 ) years ) , shall bear interest ( at a rate or rates per annum ) and shall be subject to redemption prior to maturity all upon the terms and conditions recommended by the Company and to be set forth in the Trust Indenture ( hereinafter authorized ) securing the Bonds . Section 3 . That the Bonds be sold to First Union National Bank , Charlotte , North Carolina ( the " Purchaser " ) , for the purchase price of $ 8 , 000 , 000 . Section 4 . To prescribe the terms and conditions upon which the Bonds are to be executed , .authenticated , issued , accepted , held and secured , the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute and acknowledge a Trust Indenture by and between the City and First Union National Bank , Charlotte rth 1 I39 '4 Carolina , as Trustee ( the "Trust Indenture " ) , and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to execute and acknowledge the Trust Indenture and to affix the seal of the City thereto , and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to cause the Trust Indenture to be accepted , executed and acknowledged by the Trustee . The Trust Indenture is hereby approved in substantially the form submitted to this meeting , and the Mayor is hereby authorized to confer with the Company , the Trustee and the Purchaser in order to complete the Trust Indenture in substantially the form submitted to this meeting with such changes as shall be approved by such persons executing the document , their execution to constitute conclusive evidence of such approval . Section 5 . That there be , and there is hereby authorized the execution and delivery of a Loan Agreement by and between the City and the Company , and the Mayor and City Clerk be , and they are hereby , authorized to execute , acknowledge and deliver the Loan Agreement for and on behalf of the City . The Loan Agreement is hereby approved in substantially the . form submitted to this meeting , and the Mayor is hereby authorized to confer with the Company , the Trustee and the Purchaser in order to complete the Loan Agreement in substantially the form submitted to this meeting with such changes as shall be approved by such persons executing the document , their execution to constitute conclusive evidence of such approval . Section 6 . That the Mayor and City Clerk , for and on behalf of the City , be , and they are hereby , authorized and directed to do any and all things necessary to effect the execution and delivery of the Loan Agreement , the performance of all obligations of the City under the Loan Agreement , the execution and delivery of the Trust Indenture , the performance of all obligations of the City under and pursuant to the Trust Indenture , the issuance , execution , sale and delivery of the • Bonds , and the performance of all acts of whatever nature necessary to effect and carry out the authority conferred by this Ordinance . That the Mayor and City Clerk be , and they are hereby , further authorized and directed , for and on behalf of the City , to execute all papers , documents , certificates and other instruments that may be required for the carrying out of such authority or to evidence the exercise thereof . Section 7 . That the City is hereby involved with the acquiring , constructing and equipping of industrial facilities , and pursuant to applicable laws of the State of Arkansas , including particularly the Act , competitive bidding is waived . Section 8 . That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to file in the office of the City Clerk , as a part ecor 112, SerA04 • r of the minutes of the meeting at which this Ordinance is adopted , for inspection by any interested person a copy of the Trust Indenture and Loan Agreement and such documents shall be on file for inspection by any interested person . Section 9 . That the law firm of Friday , Eldredge & Clark , Little Rock , Arkansas , be appointed to act as Bond Counsel on behalf of the City in connection with the issuance and sale of the Bonds _ Section 10 . That the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby declared to be separable , and if any section , phrase or provision shall for any reason be declared to be invalid , such declaration shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the sections , phrases and provisions . Section 11 . That all ordinances , resolutions and parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict . Section 12 . That there is hereby found and declared to be an immediate need for the securing and developing of industry in order to provide employment and payrolls , alleviate unemployment and otherwise benefit the public health , safety and welfare of the City and the inhabitants thereof , and the issuance of the Bonds authorized hereby and the taking of the other action authorized hereby are immediately necessary for the accomplishing of these public benefits and purposes . It is , therefore , declared that an emergency exists and this Ordinance being necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace , health and safety shall be in force and effect immediately upon and after its passage . PASSED : July 17 , 1984 . APP, ( VED : ATTEST :(Z� ( " zl� Mayor ity Cler ( SEAL ) .- CERTIFICATE The undersigned , City Clerk of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , hereby certifies that the foregoing pages are a true and perfect copy of Ordinance No . 3018 adopted at a regular session of the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , held at the regular meeting place in the City at 7 : 30 0 ' clock _ . m . , on the 17th day of July 1 1984 , and that the Ordinance is of record in Ordinance Record Book No . at page now in my possession . GIVEN under my hand and seal on this 17th day of July 1984 . 42Y Clerk 17 ( SEAL ) y � f CERTIFICATE OF )214CORIJ �ta'te of Arkansas City of Fayetteville ( SS IL Suzanne C. Kennedy, City Clerk and '8x-Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, CERTIFICATE OF kLCORD 'do hereby certify that the annexe! or fore_ going is of record inMY office and the same ap_ STATE OF ARKANSAS tPeurs in Ordinance Washington County � SS• � st Resolution i)oott I, Alma L. Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Record3r for rr��—� ^� r+�•---at p9geo N�ritness my Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- `RHHQ a iL ,Q goin - turner. was filed for record in myAA�ffice on thaLk-day ay of of 9�t 4—''clockAM, and the same is 19 duly recor ed in �l record_ -� $ at page ���`Z '�•� ;gAd �•g,�, t i���� Witness my hand and seat this 4�.day of 195.E Circuit Clerk and ��Op r7rN Of "o Retarded Buy, 11,28 f,,c_ b 13Y��Deputy Clar SSU-ANCE O STR)L�L� ayw a liLTJIF { 4 4& . 'n•. OEYELOFA�iNJ UL- arkp was hold at Ot:'OS;F,OR STM ►URF03•HY pte aq Mace specifledln ' F_'!r,FROVq"OIN,O ,`�HRMA 3 ito nafice r . : lIAl1C1N0 AOR INI US ,R` L^llF .cll*�Ties • ' i(DI Tha,liwatea of ci iedBonds uItNORIZ1110' A" t RUST . for the Wrpose! specified m'. STATE of ARKANSAS 7 NDE 01 RE'> SECURING theleelsaRp!d the* J} IS BO NDi?AUTHORIZINO r i the' long$ the he a by Be. Sof fess' Bond% nerebe County of Washln t6n �LOANt AGREEMENT' BE- • .issued authorized. The Bondsanshall rn. g T-W,- 'y N ?THE V- 1T-Y OR •f ININd (nthelrma antla•shall I sT1 r H F. J\ ^Y E,-,T T ,EV- 1 4L E . IhatfoM, sMItW dated,`ahallt ■_lY.n- f1�- - ARKANSAS AND .ANDREW • till mtmeeftd?•shall matu"i - hereby certify that I ARKANSAS CORPORATION : . low a W not to *=beds I• UTHORIZING THE SALE , merrryry <70) yan1, ansa besr� am the publisher of THE NORTHWE ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper ,0_,FT N E R ONO S 1 " Inteil•st (at ` rant or rat" par • having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of HORIZIto AND • PRE• annum) endintll be wbwto SCRIBING OTHER MATTERS redemption Prior to maturity five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (dally) PERTAINING THERETO; . au upon the Irma and conn- Intervals continuously in the Cit' of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas AND D E C L A R I N G _A N tions recommended by iho EMERGENCY. ' - Company and-to be aha form M for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an - 'WHEREAS, the CHr ;of ' 1 h e T r ifa t'A,n d • n t u r e• established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes .FC1t nwin', authorized (.n t ( hereinafter Isom orf:al) In the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per seSectio the Bonds. ••mpowred ower in. Pro" ` Section g, That `hese Bonds be annum, which price was fixed at what Is considered the value of the publication, 'vistons of Act No.'9 of the,Firs1 Sold p •Fint_Union National based upon the news value and service value it contains. that at least fifty percent , Extrardlnary Session of lite ) Bank , Charlotte,, . North :sixty - second ; General Iearotina line '•:Purcnaaer••), 1 of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper :Assemblyof the State -of Ifor .the purchase - price . of or its agents or through recogr4zed news dealers over a period of at least six Arkansas, �U,QW=• months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than [ort epprovi d Januaryz1, 1960, as anfe,nded (the section a. To prescrlbg.fhe P g y `•Acr•), t0iaage revenue bow% terms and conditions upon percent news matter. and to expand lie proceeds which the Bows aro -to be 4,"Wreol to finance the acquial• `executed, authenticated. .tion, construction and agmP• flssusd, accepted, hold and i [anther certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of � mentof land. auittliapsrfaclb t•ecuried, the Mayor is hrebY 'Nies which can be -used in lauthorized and acdirected til ,auring or developing In- }execute and WKMV aOpe a fdusiry% and {Trust Indenture by dna be- • r WHEREAS, It Is proposed tn the City and First Union .that the City provide Penna- LweeNatlonal Bank, Charlotte, ed inf financltl¢ through the North Norm earollm, as Trustee tine % was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for ]issuance of revenue bonds un- ! ..Trushre Indenture"), and Tho consecutive insertions as follows: [der Me Act, of the Costs of , City Clerk Is hereby authOrlZed *{acquiring, corsiructlno and and directed 10 execute and Q equipping certain Industrial tacknvwfSdpa the Trust .inden- The first Insertion on the day of 19 "tscunies comisling - of lands, t tura and to of is the seal of the Abundings, improvement►• me- ICity thretd; and the Mayr clattery, equipment and facile- o and City Clerk a• .hereby the second insertion on the day of 19 - fes (the "•ProiKr), and that f authorized and directed : to .fho City loan in• proceeds Ofi causethe Trust Imhenturo to be the bonds to Andrew Arkansas • accep-ted, ex•cufed any :Sc_ the third insertion on the day of 19 Corporation, a Delaware cor- r knowledged by the . Trustee. Nporatfon (the ~Company") to : The Trust Indenture ts•hereby ,financema Project; and 1 approved Insubstantially the and the fourth insertion on the day rof 19 r WHEREAS, pursuant fo end : form Submitted to tnis 'meet- "In accordance with the 'Fro' I Ing, •and tM ,Msyor a hereby //�''V��� f1 _ - -`vision of the Act, the City .ls I authorized to Chahar, with the • �m`T now prepared to proceed with t Company, the,Trustee and the financing The Ptvjecf and to ! Purchaser In order to complete Sworn to and subscribed before me on this c-"""`-�L day of ')•sue and sell WOW,000 in the Trust, Indenturetin sub principal amount Of Its Indus- t stantiaily ;me"forrtl tubmit(ed : VC trial Development Revenue to, Ijtei meeting With such . f - 9Q `} aBonda . IAndreW Arkansas matipea 'as •snNl ,b approved 'Corporation ProieeeS (Me by such Femora,executing the, (,namcing;a �fo provide SuCn fl- dMumenl,..ihaV:ISYKg1ip1 ^tp' y-nanclre: entl mnslltun- canduely evidenew AREAS, cOples OTT f t of Such allpraval Notary ubL'C nailer tlestribed , Trus A, .sKtlon S. That there be, and , indenture •ntl Loan Agreement+ -fie is hereby auMoriieC fns My Commission Expires: nave been presalteE fo end re ' execution ane -delivery-of a 'Defore Mismeetlrg: Loan Agreement by and be- MM�� NOW, THEREFORE, BE ITS haaen thi City slid Ilii 'cam: 1 `iORDA1NED try the Board ofI pan and fha Mayor and City ' - --- "'— Director-�r the City of Faye?- I Ctwk be, and they are hereby. , tevene.Arkansas: ' - authrlied -to •xeeute, ac- Section 1. (a) The CITY I knowledge and deliverthe ;hereby makes the following Loan Agreemall for and on i findings with respect to the I behalf of .the City. The Loan � � ,,11 lir. D khaveme r the Bonds and to t Agreement Is hereby•opproved Fees for Print Ing -- _ -Srte—the Prolect: • In substantially the form Wb- (1) The City has published ' mittedtothis maeting, and the I $notice of a public hearing' m 1 Mayr Is hereby authorized to Cost of Proof —_- -S --.— Other Issuance of the Boles. The + cpntrwith-the'COmPanY, the , ruf icespecifled: . - 71'ust" and;1he Purchaser In 0 . Total (A) The Project to be ii- I order to complete the Loan ` —__ nancro is .the -acquisition Of i Agreement in Substantially IM ' vapproximeMly •I01./Y"acres of form Submitted to this meeting , land on Citvi Lake Road in the , With such-changes as shelf to FayettevilleIndustrialPark at approved by Such persons ' the City and the construction executing the document, their : Land puiPmenl of a steel fabre. execution to constitute con- 't creation fachity Containing ap. cluslve evidence of Such ap- - sproxlmatety'17.000Square fees. i proval. I's ' . ` F ( B ) • The ' maximum all- ( Section a.xThal the Mayor gr"bte lace amount of Bonds and City Chiefs. for and M Lt to be issiled with respect to the I 11.r 1M GIJf1 De„Md they Project is Sa,000,000- ) e" IiereDY. tJauTllorfsed and (C) Thi Initial owner end ; acted-to do &AYi and all operator Of the Project will be j. Ings tecassary'ello affect the Andrew Arkansas Corporation. �� *cutbnta)d Aeliv&V of the a^Delawaro' corporation.all, ( ' pan Agreement, int peHor- procaeds of the Bows will be i� encs bl all obligations of the .IMMd fo lho•ComPanY Io ti p, fly under .the Loan Agree. hence the Project, and the :mint the execution and de- Coq_psny will be required tolivery of the Trust, indenture, •repay the loan,with interest, at, the PS O mSheeQO�;.pn�oblege. tim"Iend lr,pnqur l)_cl tI tions of the dry_%RNr and pursu -ant to the Trust Iwen- :� tuft, the Issuance, execlttion, Ne and deflim" of the Bonds. of whstevW4oatuceisar Ma my • is eflectartd[Carry-!ad :111x• Ify,coatMrad by this Or- ��r66Sthancei That 111fra Mayor and r]ty tMrlc".tias"and tnw am nsreby, rui_tAegwtnorized and , ' dinctad fOr;and. on behalf Of the Cl 7 .to .:eeim allye- and a ' - OocWllenfh cartlticefea; other InaI may to and , ' required for Ramie carrYlrq but of 0h authority or.30 evidence Me exercise thereof. •' Sg&lon 7. That„Me City Is ?hereby InvalYINO with the ac- lquliing.- - [anstructlhil and ,equipping of {itdustrlal facui- ,ilas, and pursuant to applicable mleyn of ffla.State of Arkansas. @Including parifcull rly the Act, competitive bidding Iswaived. Section a. That the City Clerk 45 hereby authorleed and - directed to file.ln the oRlci Of the City Clark. M a part of the .minutes of . the meeting at ' {.which this Ordinance Is .adopted, for inspection by any Interested parson a COPY of the ':Trust Indenture and Loan 'Agreementand . such docu- ments Nall be oo file for In- ' spectlun by any interested Section t. Thal the law firm of Friday. Eldredge a Clerk. ' Little Rock. Arkansas, be ap pointed fOftitn ��! on behalf City conllK tion with to issuance and sale ' of the Bonds. Section to. That the Pro- I visions of this Ordfnetrca are hereby dWsmd t0 be aepars- I.�b1e, and if any section, phrase or provision shall tar any ,..mason be deciered to to Inval' old, such daclantton shell not ,.affect the valid" of the M, meander ,of the sections. r phrases and Provisions. Sechlon 11. That all Ordi- t lances. .reaolutiom and Psrfs ' thereat in conflict herewith are hereby repeated to}he extent of, • suchconfitct. - Section 12. That there Is hereby found and declared to - be an . Immediate need for the securing ' end developing Of Industry In order to Proylde employment and payr011L -81- $*Vista unemployment and Lftealth, ise benefit ; Me . public Safety .and welfare Of y and the Inhabitants ; and the tswanCs Of the authorized 'hereby and tte-of to Other action zed- hereby ars tmme- necessary for tee ec- , sWtng of mese pu�Y r ltanefits '3nc puryoses. .11 is:s therefore, declared that an emergency exists and this Or- dinance being necessary for the Immediate preservation Of rthe 'public peace. -health and Yfety, shall 'be -in force and l effect Immediately upon and after its passage. - I PASSED: Jury 17, 1984. APPROVED: Paul R. Noland IAayor ana E M cSuTenne C. acenretly 'City Clark (SEAL) - ' I EXCERPTS FROM MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS, HELD July 17 1984 The Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , met in regular session at its regular meeting place I in Fayetteville 7 : 30 Arkansas , at p _. m . , on the 17th day of July 19 89 . The following were present : Mayor Paul R . Noland City Clerk Suzanne C . Kennedy ; and Directors Ernest Lancaster , William Martin , Marion Orton , Frank Sharp , Ronald Bumpass , and Marilyn Johnson Absent : None 1 The Mayor stated that consideration should be given to an Ordinance authorizing a Trust Indenture , Loan Agreement and the sale and issuance of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds This was a matter with which the Board was familiar and after a discussion , Director Noland introduced an Ordinance entitled : Ordinance No . 3018 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVID- ING PERMANENT FINANCING FOR INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES ; AUTHORIZING A TRUST INDENTURE SECURING THE BONDS ; AUTHORIZING A LOAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ANKANSAS AND ANDREW ARKANSAS CORPORA- TION ; AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF THE BONDS ; AUTHORIZING AND PRESCRIBING OTHER MATTERS PERTAINING THERETO ; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY , and the City Clerk read the Ordinance in full . i • i i - 2- Director Johnson , seconded by Director Bumpass moved that the rule requiring the reading of an ordinance or resolution in full on three different I days be suspended and that the Ordinance be placed on its second reading . The Mayor put the question on the adoption of the motion and the roll being called , the following voted aye : Paul R . Noland Marion Orton Ernest Lancaster Frank Sharp William Martin Ronald Bumpass i Marilyn Johnson and the following voted nay : None Thereupon the Mayor declared that at least two- thirds of all members of the Board having voted in favor of the motion to suspend the rule , the motion was carried and the rule suspended . The Ordinance was then read by the City Clerk , Director Johnson seconded by Director Bumpass then moved that the rule requiring the reading of an ordinance in full on three different days be further suspended and that the Ordinance be placed on its third reading . The Mayor put the question on the adoption of the motion and the roll being called the following voted aye : I Paul R . Noland Marion Orton 1 Ernest Lancaster Frank Sharp William Martin Ronald Bumpass Marilyn Johnson . 3- and the following voted nay : None The Mayor declared that at least two- thirds of all members elected to the Board having voted in favor of the motion to 'suspend the rule , the motion was carried and the rule suspended . The Ordinance was then read by the City Clerk . Director seconded by Director moved that . the Ordinance be adopted . The question was put by the Mayor on the adoption of the motion and the roll being called , the following voted aye : Paul Noland Marion Orton Ernest Lancaster Frank Sharp William Martin Ronald Bumpass Marilyn Johnson and the following voted nay : None Director seconded by Director then moved that Section 12 the emergency clause , be adopted , and on roll call the following voted aye : Ordinance was adopted unanimously and included the declarine of an emergency and the following voted nay : I - 4 . The Mayor thereupon declared the Ordinance and the emergency clause adopted and signed the Ordinance , which was attested by the i City Clerk and impressed with the seal of the City . The Ordinance was given No . . 3018 1 (Matters not relating to an ordinance authorizing a Trust Indenture , Loan Agreement and the sale and issuance of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds are omitted . ) There being no further business , the Board adjourned . Ma or ATTEST : I L � City Cler ( SEAL ) CERTIFICATE The undersigned , City Clerk of Fayetteville ' I Arkansas , hereby certifies that the foregoing pages numbered 1 to 4 , inclusive , are a true and correct copy of excerpts of the minutes of a meeting of the Board of Directors of . Fayetteville Arkansas at a regular session held at the regular meeting place of the Board in the City at 7 : 30 o ' clock P . m . , on the 17th day of July 1984 , and the time and place of the meeting was furnished to each person who made a request therefor in accordance with the provisions of Act No . 93 of the Acts of Arkansas of 1967 . ( SEAL ) 74 City C r I I I I i