HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3017 r , .. r ' FILED ORDINANCE NO . 3017 FOR RECORD MCROFILMED 84 AUG Gy 3 OT AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED -1-N • REZONING PETITION R84 - 10 FOR A PARCEL CONTAINING 8 . S'4 ACRES LOCATED SOUTH OF NEST SIX $ HBf ITO W,� AERNT IY TO SOUTH RAZORBACK ROAD . AL �MRA��; ''Kff ''OLLMEYFR BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS UFT ('1�$ RGITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the zone classification of the following descri e property is hereby changed as follows : vs R84 - 10 described as set out in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . From I - 2 , general industrial district , to C - 2 , thoroughfare commercial district . Section 2 . That . the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is hereby amended to reflect ' the zoning change provided in Section 1 above . Al wPASSED AND APPROVED this day of July , 1984 . r �F T•YA , ' r, � +" � APPROVED cou " + Mayor ATTEST : By : lt ,..L 1 • u C y Clerk l E�ar. 1115PF�E617 EXHIBIT "A" The following described property located in Washington County , Arkansas : Tract A : Pt . of the SW 1 /4 , SE 1 / 4 , Sec . 17 , and part of the NW 1 / 4 , NE 1 / 4 , Sec . 20 , T- 16-N , R-30-W , more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point 190 . 82 ft . N and 715 . 57 ft . W of the SE corner of said SW 1 / 4 , SE 1 /4 , Sec . 17 , thence N 85 degrees 54 minutes 30 seconds E 298 . 18 ft . ; thence S 06 degrees 59 minutes 30 seconds E 1 . 80 ft . to a point on the S R-O-W line of U . S . Hwy . 62 ; said point being the True Point of Beginhning of said Tract "A" ; thence continuing along the S R-O-W line of U . S . Hwy . 62 N 85 degrees 54 minutes 30 seconds E 361 . 59 ft . to the W R-O-W of Razorback Rd . ; thence S 29 degrees 24 minutes 13 seconds E along the W R-O-W line 46 . 87 ft . ; thence S 0 degrees 38 minutes W 193 . 17 ft * to the N line of the St . Louis - San Francisco Railway R-O-W, said point being 28 ft . perpindicular from the center line of said railroad ; thence S 83 degrees 01 minutes W along the N line of said railroad R-O-W parallel to the existing railroad center line 353 . 36 ft . ; thence N 06 degrees 59 minutes 30 seconds W 253 . 03 ft . to the True Point of Beginning containing 2 . 05 acres more or less subject to all existing railroad rights of way contained on said property . Tract B : Part of the SE 1 / 4 , SE 1 / 4 , Sec . 17 , and part of the SW 1 /4 , SW 1 / 42 Sec . 16 all in T-16-N , R-30-W, being more particularly described as follows : Beginning at the intersection of the E R-O-W line of Razorback Rd . and the S R-O-W line of U . S . Hwy . 62 , said point being 249 . 3 ft . N and 40 . 8 ft . E of the SW corner of said SE 1 / 4 , SE 1 / 4 , Sec . 17 ; thence continuing N 85 degrees 54 minutes 20 seconds E along the S line of said Hwy . 62 a distance of 279 . 00 ft . ; thence N 85 degrees 51 minutes 50 seconds E 314 . 7 ft . ; thence S 76 degrees 12 minutes E 33 . 4 ft . ; thence N 70 . degrees 11 minutes E 55 . 06 ft . ; thence along a curve to the right with a radius of 5689 . 58 ft . and a long chord distance of 297 . 4 ft . ; thence continuing along said curve with a radius of 5689 . 58 ft . and a long chord of 303 . 6 ft . ; thence S 53 degrees 56 minutes 53 seconds E 54 . 92 ft . ; thence S 78 degrees 26 minutes E 137 . 7 ft . to the west line of Garland Ave . ; thence S 03 degrees 17 minutes E along the west line of Garland Ave . 92 .36 ft . to the north line of the St . Louis -San Francisco Railroad R-O-W , said point being 10 ft . northerly of the center line of said railroad spur ; thence paralleling 10 . 0 ft . to the N of the center line of said railroad along a curve to the left having a radius BOOR 11d5P„6E ftS of 1812 . 13 ft . a distance of 310 ft . ; thence continuing S 83 degrees 05 minutes 30 ' seconds W 788 . 75 ft . to a point lying 10 . 0 ft . northerly of the railroad center line ; thence N 6 degrees 54 minutes 30 seconds W 18. 0 ft . along the E line of said existing railroad R-O -W ; thence paralleling the existing railroad S 83 degrees 5 minutes 30 seconds W 387 . 07 ft * along the N railroad R-O-W line to the E R-O-W of Razorback Rd . ; thence N 00 degrees 43 minutes E along R-O-W 123 . 04 ft . ; thence continuing N 00 degrees 30 minutes W 67 . 38 ft . ; thence continuing along said E line N 04 degrees 41 minutes E 24 . 0 ft . ; thence 45 degrees 28 minutes E 19 . 82 ft . to the point of beginning , containing 6 . 49 acres more or less . Subject to all existing railroad rights of way contained on said property . CERTIFICATE OF RECORR State of Arkansas ( SS CERTIFICATE OF RECORD City of Fayetteville ( STATE OF ARKANSAS 1, Suzanne C. Kennedy, City Clerk and Washington county I ss. Ex-Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, I, Alma L. Kollm^-yar, Circuit Cl+rk and Ex-Officio Recorder for do hereby certify that the annex:ed or fore- Washin7ton County, do hereby certify that the annexed or ore• going is of record in my office and the same ap- going i rument was filed for re.ordin my orfice on tho day pears in Ordinance & Resolution book of / / of 1 a o'^!o-&_M' .hosameJs Y�X at page—�P Witness my duyrecord inrn� 1rd atpare /7 hand and seal this V/Cday Of Witness my hand and seal this day of 19..* Circuit Clerk and - - Ex-Officio Recorded ity Clerk and E. - fficio Re rdcr By Deputy Clerk BOON11�5PAGE6�� p HOWELL TRUMBO REZONING ORDINANCE NUMBER 3017 Il`J/ FILED MICROFILMED. ECS ? ECCfip 704 OCT 4 All 11 27 BILL OF ASSURANCE IC .`i JUNTY AR This declaration of a Bill of Assurance made thib' A © +! YRtpy CIRCUIT CLEnK of "� 1984 , by Fort Smith Chair Company , owner of the following described real estate located in the City of Fayetteville , Washington County , Arkansas : TRACT "A" Part of the SW 1 / 4 of the SE 1 / 4 of Section 17 , and part of the NW 1/ 4 of the NE 1 / 4 of Section 20 , all in T16N . R30W of the Fifth Principal Meridian , Washington County , Arkansas , being more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point 190 . 82 feet North and 715 . 57 feet West of the S . E . Corner of said SW 1/ 4 of the SE 1/ 4 of Section 17 , thence N 850 54' 30"E 298 . 18 feet ; thence S 060 59 ' 30"E 1 . 80 feet to a point on the south right of way line of U . S . Highway 62 ; said point being the True Point of Beginning of said Tract "A" ; Thence continuing along the South right of way line of U . S . High- way 62 N 850 54' 30"E 361 . 59 feet to the west right of way of Razorback Road ; Thence S 290 24 ' 13"E along said west right of way line 46 . 87 feet ; Thence S 00 38 'W 193 . 17 feet to the north line of the St . Louis -San Francisco Railway right of way , said point being 28 feet perpendicular from the centerline of said railroad ; Thence S 830 01 'W along the north line of said railroad right of way parallel to the existing railroad centerline 353 . 36 feet ; Thence N 060 59 ' 30"W 253 . 03 feet to the True Point of Beginning , containing 2 . 05 acres , more or less . Subject to all existing railroad rights of way contained on said property . TRACT "B" Part of the SE 1/ 4 of the SE 1 / 4 of Section 17 , and part of ithe SW 1 / 4 of the SW 1/ 4 of Section 16 , all in T16N , R30W of Fifth Principal Meridian , Washington County , Arkansas , being more particularly described as follows : Beginning at the intersection of the east right -of -way line of Razorback Road and the south right -of -way line of U . S . Highway 62 , said point being 249 . 3 feet North and 40 . 8 feet East of the S . W . Corner of said SE 1/ 4 of the SE 1 / 4 of Section 17 ; thence continuing N 850 54 ' 20" E along the south line of said Highway 62 a distance of 279 . 00 feet ; thence N 850 51 ' 50" E 314 . 7 feet ; thence S 760 12' E 33 . 4 feet ; thence N 700 11 ' E 55 . 06 feet ; thence along a curve to the right with a radius of 5689 . 58 feet and a long chord distance of 297 . 4 feet ; thence continuing along said curve with a radius of 5689 . 58 feet and a long chord distance of 303 . 6 feet ; thence S 530 56' 53" E 54 . 92 feet ; thence S 780 26' E 137 . 7 feet to the west line of Garland Avenue ; thence S 030 17 ' E along the west line of Garland Avenue 92 . 36 feet to the north line of the St . Louis -Sar. Francisco Railroad right -of- way , said point being 10 feet northerly of the centerline of said railroad spur ; thence paralleling 10 . 0 feet to the north of the centerline of said railroad along a curve to the left having a radius of 1812 . 13 feet a distance of 310 feet ; thence continuing S 830 05 ' 30" W 788 . 75 feet to a point lying 10 . 0 feet northerly of the railroad centerline ; thence N 060 54 ' 30" W 18 . 0 feet along the east line of said existing railroad right -of - way ; thence paralleling the existing railroad S 830 05' 30" W 387 . 07 feet along the north railroad right -of -way line to the east right -of -way of Razorback Road ; thence N 000 43 ' E along said road right -of -way 123 . 04 feet ; thence N 000 30' W 67 . 38 feet ; thence continuing along said east line N 040 41 ' *, E 24 . 0 eeo� ll�e�c� 942 i .2- feet ; thence N 450 28 ' E 19 . 82 feet to the Point of Beginning , containing 6 . 49 acres , more or less . Subject to all existing railroad rights -of-way contained on said property . WHEREAS , the aforesaid owner of the real property described above has secured the approval of the Fayetteville Board of Directors to amend the Fayetteville zoning map to rezone the above described property from I-2 , General Industrial , District to C-2 , Thoroughfare Commercial , District ; and WHEREAS , the owner has promised and agreed to subject the development of all the above described real estate to certain covenants and restric - tions pertaining to same ; and WHEREAS , the owner is desirous of making a declaration of the same in the form of this Bill of Assurance with the intention of guaran- teeing the preservation of certain values and amenities in the community and to bind itself , its heirs, successors and assigns and the afore - described real estate and its subsequent owners with the obligations and restrictions • hereinafter set forth for all present and future development and use of said property . J NOW , THEREFORE , the owner declares that the above described real property shall be held , developed , transferred , sold , conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants and restrictions herein set forth : I . Ingress and egress for Tract "A" shall be limited to one access point ( curb cut ) on U . S . Highway No . 62 and one access point ( curb cut ) on Razorback Road . No access point ( curb cut ) shall be located closer than 120 feet to the intersection of U . S . Highway No . 62 and Razorback Road . II . I i Ingress and egress for Tract "B" shall be limited to one access point ( curb cut ) on Razorback Road and 3 access points ( curb cuts ) on U . S . Highway No . 62 . No access point shall be located closer than 120 feet to the intersection of U . S . Highway No . 62 and Razorback Road . I I 1 i WITNESS our hands this ` � day of u q �S I , 1984 . E�� 1120P���9�3 -3— / ? Smi h Chair- C mpany By : President �,.(Tr v / i Attest : Title : — /,i;,,, i/ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF ARKANSAS COUNTY OF WASHINGTON BE IT REMEMBERED , That on this day came before ' the undersigned , Notary Public , my qualified , commissioned and acting a o to me personally well known , who stated that wase theand of of Fort Smith Chair C pany , a corporation , and were by proper resolution of its Board of Directors duly authorized in their respective capacities to execute the foregoing contract for and in the name and behalf of said corporation , and further stated and acknowledged that they had executed said instrument for the consid — eration , uses and purposes therein mentioned and set forth . In Testimony whereof , I have hereunto set my hand and official � � pp 0 ) seal on this �day of 1984 . No Public t y V0 TAa My Commission Expires : i CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS ) 1:', sh:nt;bn County ) SS_ 1, ?,h.:n L. Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder for Wa,hfn ^.ton County, do hereby certify that the annexed or fcre. going instrument ms fijnj fur •=;.c-din c:y/o;Lice on tha—V_dcy and the ^.am i' Clot)' rc c <ts!r in_ ___ recur Wzat paiFe_gZ Witness my hond arn; drr c{_Q�fi- 19_y Circua Cler'; and ' Officio Recorded _ 6y DapuNCt% ' �' ��'S F,,, t J\ 7IV Q7� � N. { � ;C• I E004120PAGE944 I CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arkansas ( SS City of Fayetteville 1, Suzanne C. McWethy, City Clerk and Ex-Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- going is of record in my office and the same ap- pears in Ordinance & Resolution book at page� Witness my h d and seal this :t'ate^��+�.�: day of ity erk and Ex-O icio Recorde MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: .1 .4a809 INVOICE FOR 'JJ `NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES N0 . c4ssS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ` LINES TIMES AMOUNT P. O. DRAWER D FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72701 1491_ O1 % 104 . 3G 212 NORTH EAST AVENUE PHONE (501 ) 442-6242 YOUR CLASSIFIED INVOICE IS NOW DUE. IF NOT PAID WITHIN 10 � ^ ,- DAYS AMOUNT DUE WILL BE � cpcp;: '�'+_ _�t� PHONE CLERIC INDEXING TERMS: ORDINANCE City ar Fayetteville AD GIVEN BY CUSSIFICATION _ Drawer F CODE SOLICITED By Pc_PAT0P Fayetteville VAR 72702 START DATE I STOP DATE SIIV SCHEDULE CB / 07 /8 " 08 / 07 / 4 R2 PLEASE PAY PROMPTLY " 3R. DIN12NCE NO . 3027 AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DE C +. IBED If7 REZO III PETITION R84- 10 FOR A FARrEI CONTAINING i3 . G4 ACRES LOCATED SOJTH OF t4EST SIXTI•! STRELT AD ,J:+CENT TO SOUTH RA7CRBA'I: W, ROAti . I, EE IT CRDAIt.EC' CY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF T1 .E CITY OF FAY ORDINANCE NO.3017 AN ORDINANCE REZON IND THAT PROPERTY DE' s SCRIBED IN REZONING - PETITION RIA 10 FOR AI _ PARCEL CONTAIN][[��G L5• ACRES LOCATED SOUTH OF . WEST SIXTH STREET AD STATE O( ARKANS,15 JACENT TO SOUTH RAIORBACK ROAD. as. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CDun". 0/ WashinglOn BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYET' ' TEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That lee ren• i N classification a the following • 1• ' " ' herebyveruft- that I described Pfemny is hereby - am the publisher Of TFIE SOftTHR'ES dF2KASSAS TIS/ES. adaily newspaper cnaneeaestaudwc having a second class mailing privilege. and being not less than four pages of RI410"A" alfa re sod out m I five alum ns each. Published ata fixed place of business and at a fixed Ida ily) Ew^NII es ed as berateI and maee a parr Merrill. intervals conllnuousiy in the City' Of Fayellm Ille. COUMV Of Wa situation, Arkansas From rre 2. general Industrial ' for more than a eri eNlrict, to e2, thoroughfare p od of tweh'r months. cireulatetl and distributed from an vaveal oistnre cl. established place Of business to subscribers and aders generally Of all classes s«nen 2. That in* official in the City and COUMY far a definity rice for each co p p roving mad a me city a P p}'. Or fixed rice per Fayetteville, ArRan+a+, It annum, which price Ras tixetl at What is Considered the value of the publication, hereby amended to rales the based upon the new svalue and service value it Contains. that at least lifty percent fim.my@ge tovidedroSK of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper PASSED AND APPROVED ' Or Its agents Or through IecoRnized news dealers Over a pet lod Of at least six this rim dna July. 1st•. months; and that the said ne4s a g y APPROVED: spatter publishes an average of more than fort By: Paul R. Nolan I percent news matter. may" ; ATTEST: BY; Sus.nm C:Kenn•dY I further Certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of CityClork EKowingd• •,A•, The following 6ngton C Tract A ; M. A Tract c. M. a Ion 011" was published l^ the re NWW Sac. . an. Tenatm P Rs fofoaily issuyofsaitl nmcspaperfor NW W. NEW. $K, TO, T-16-N,, Oli cODSefutls'e IOSerIIOnS a5 /OIIOn's: scriAt blow. Imre follows: gallY net +er]1Nd 61 rough: Ewlmm�g at a point 10.22 n. N one nam The first Insertion on the 7�h day Of 19 ZT ft. W of the SE Corner a said SWW, SEV. SK. 12, insists N U as degrees Sa minutes Id o . the Second Insertion on the _ day o/ Mat E 1911,10 N.: then S 06 1' degrees 9 minvus 0 eKom+ the third Insertion on the _ us% Ol E 1.00 rt. to a print on the S Ig R`O'W lion a U.S. HWY. 02: a .; int thobellfgt^ewrw Point and the fourth Insertion On the V 19 th B•elmm�d a I. neer I 62 A doer continuing along H the S R-OW Ilne q U.S. Hwy. HNv0.03610Lt. to o20 , prat of ]Raz It. rd Ih• W RAw of Razorback Re.: Sworn m and subsyribrtl b•fOlr my on this C tic• day of Ihanv3 ed•pr long minVv+ R- uco^a E along ton W ? RAM/t all Ynu es 113.1 S 0 �., IJ�]!I O� ugev 13 OVOS ,lIp,l] H, I 111 toteNnt arae STLWar San q /I Francisco Railway R OW, /Y/J�� Jr-�-w'�. vid pol^t mlrp center to poo aldol railroad; from Ion enter nm a oaf n' Public sale ] mime s enceW al 3 at 61 If" 0l uia fesnroad ROW Sty Commission Expires: -parallelrline A JUIoxift.; rallhome N , center Ile• I9Y nut Imine N � m degrees 0 minutes SO uc 'Mda W 232.02 l to tb TIW 'Paint r B•amlm containing to a acres mar•p less subject I fight w all exiscontained d AS Ito 144 war Cmta t m said to- Fres liar Prim in J/ eery. sw, s e: Pan a rm c __ Q ( : . Q_ SEW. SE'x, Nc 1), and a SWV, SK. Id alIn .T. 461. R3]I mm0 owe Cost at Prtell ) particularly described to 'anBeginning aew+: Beginng rm lA.ine /O `/ O of Razorb a Ion E R O W ov l'ntul __. ) —_0J. 'a e V U.S.cR vv. 2, 5 i W P W 1 dine a O.S. Nwy. a• uia Tei^r ming n. rabJI E01 m cgno -0SW 01N S said E'4. SIS3/4, .nun cmtim- -'IA9 N 8 5 degrees 31 ures 20 1 _sSXOnd2 E e]en0 the S Ie a .said Hwy. a tC es VIM R,; ]nerm N a$ degrees 31 minute 9 +Kong E 31A . Thom* t. degrees12 minutes RE U.• N.: Thence N ]T degreetheme 11 o a C Ee to IL: lienee alar / CVIY• to Ina am with iradioed SMf.9 /t. am a Iqq c^qa sienna a alta n.: mance conn^m^s diene f . nwine a radius n.:•n. And wo a ecoraa ]bins n.: S 9 degrees." f 9 r ml mef E v.lu mI donneo" 9 eeca n goat.« » micnes 'E Ilan.) N. e. Ion me I03 a Garland 00- gross 17 A minutes theme a 3 0l a4 west 1] Ina»+ E aline Ion eat ] e aGarland AV*. 12.34 is the min line a the St. Louisen Farmisce Raur(old R�O-W, "fit Tilnf mn10 ft. `- -' Of mrmarlY el spur; greed P er Said im1 .railroad t. to ntheme Apal' center line Ir, to ane N il Ion enter one oI said novena center a curve he m• un mom maim Of tutu n, • lvIngdistance 01 de reg I03 mi Utes ulnp 5 n degrees of .tomo d sec anon t. ]SS.n n. Of Trim hind c10 enter it. ndrmenc�e me norma uNn tee 0 secO N d ae3lNf Saminuf•E l swot sol existing - railroad Neneoa EIInw1Bald thence ' - rallellm R -0 W; reanad ' S NJ degrees the awl+ring TO SAC l dt a•eree+ s minutes 20 fee . dont al' 10702 I torlme' N� 0 line R'O'W ! E R Ow of orb cuad.: N o0 a 17minor•; E along R-OW 173A4 IL: ine^ceutes NO NT2 degrees co minutes al etsa a: mance continuing alt um E line 2 N m degrees •1 5 deer E b 0 IL: thence 1 2 degrees 23 minutes E 19 92 on to in* point 011es mored less, sed r Iefl SuolKl to ntnta of rigors of Ali wconumal on said ore.