HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3006 ORDINANCE NO . 3006 MICROF(LMEO J N ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0 , 29SS TO CORRECT �BIIE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY UPON WHICH SAID ORDINANCE � IMPOSED A LIEN FOR COSTS INCURRED BY THE CITY, -.OF. ,FppfiY TEVILLE IN ABATING UNSIGHTLY CONDITIONS . BEL� TGOk INED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVI+LLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the heading for Ordinance No . 29SS is hereby ­am—e'ndeU to read as follows : AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING A LIEN FOR COSTS INCURRED BY THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE IN ABATING UNSIGHTLY CONDITIONS ON LOTS 7 , 8 AND 9 IN BLOCK 10 OF PARKSDALE ADDITION TO THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , Section 2 . That the first sentence in Section 1 of Ordinance�29S5 is hereby amended to read as follows : That the Board of Directors shall have a lien in the amount of $ 148 . 51 on Lots 7 , 8 and 9 in Block 10 of Parksdale Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , as per plat of said addition on file in the Office of the Circuit Clerk and Ex - Officio Recorder of Washington County . Said lien shall be for the costs incurred by the City in abating unsightly conditions existing on the aforesaid property . PASSED AND APPROVED this 17th day of April , 1984 . > ,c t APPROVED : ( Mayor �� ?ATTEST: ' _ ,�• v 1+ By YlClerk CERTIFICATE OF RECORD CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arkansas ( SS STATE OF ARKANSAS ) SS. Ul,tay of Foye@u'ev�ille ( Washington County ) 1, aSi'1"••:3vaiv 'C. 'Kennedy, Gay Cierk and 4 Alma L. Kollmoyor, Circuit Clerk and Ex-officio Recorder for Es-O;ficio recorder Wr;3te 'City of i ayctieyL lej Washington County, do hereby caRity that the annexed or torn- do hereby cer ify th,. t ik a aemexed or foie- go' trument war.. fi for din .�yOC ice on tha!day going is of record in my o ir2 a ild ii:u s2nae apL Of 9.. O'G':ccl( N , an the so {10Urs in Ortiirnt;cr; f� Reaoiatioa book duly recorded i. ererd_"OUatPeg, Xv III iMness my hand and se i .day o 19 w -at Urge-= . tYitness rate hand and seal ti ii dfiy 01 y='=' o ircUii erk and O %E �3� ' +Scr" C' t ' •Of Record :i G_erk and L�-' "i=i i .zctit t L MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: U.+7"i L.i 039973 INVOICE FOR No . CLASSIFIED ADVSRTISINr w 22054 • NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES 01 osbl TIMES- $65LINT P P.O. DRAWER 'D FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72701 212 NORTH EAST AVENUE PHONE (501 ) 442-6242 YOUR CLASSIFIED INVOICE IS NOW DUE. IF NOT PAID WITHIN 10 DAYS AMOUNT DUE WILL SE PHONE CLERK 501 - - 00 INDEXING TERMS: ORDINANCE City of Fayetteville AD GIVEN BY CLASSIFICATION \ 102 \ Fayetteville s'AR Drawer F CO SOLICITED IT OPEAA+oa Fayetteville 72702 D V 00 STAAT DATE STOP DATE SKIP SCHEWLE 05/04 /8 05/04/ 4 R5 PLEASE PAY PROMPTLY ^'ORDINANCE NO . 3006^' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2955 TO CORRECT THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY UPON WHICH S AID ORDINANCE INPOSEU A LIEN FOR COSTS INCURRED BY THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE IN ABATING UNSIGHTLY CONDITIONS . ^' BE IT ORDAI NED BY THE BOAR MARC I :I STATE of ARKANSAS ' ss. County of Washington l I, �. H �wr►.e % df hereby certify that I ORDINANCE NO. 2006 am the publisher of THE NoR'I`HWES ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper AN ORDINANCE AMEN- having a second class mailing privilege. and being not less than four pages Of DING ORDINANCE NO. 2955 .TO CORRECT THE LEGAL five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily ) ' DESCRIPTION OF THE intervals continuously in the City of Favetteville. County of Washington. Arkansas ' PROPERTY UPON WHICH SAIDNCE for more than a period of twelve months. circulated and distributed from an ORTY IMPOSED : : . A LIEN FOR COSTS fN established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes FURRED VI THE CITY T- in the City and County for a definite rice for each copy, Or a fixed rice per � FAYETTE VILLE IN ABAT- I p p-•• p ZING UNSIGHTLY CONDI - annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, ,' TIONS. based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent BE IT ORDAINED BY THE , BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF Of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper THE CITY OF F A Y E T - - or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six TEVILLE. ARKANSAS:,- months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty Section, I That 'the ,nea_dlnl; for OfdlhahCt Ny. 2955` is percent news matter. ,hereby amended to read as follows: I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of AN ORDINANCE IMPOS- ING A LIEN FOR COSTS INCURREDBYTHECITYOF ^ ,�j�. y-� FAYETTEVILLE IN • ABAT- '�Ll,c. lG. XPt. ✓ !O, joLf r ING UNSIGHTLY CONDI - , TIONS ON LOTS 7, S AND 9 IN / BLOCK 10 OF * PARKSOALE was published in the regulardaily issue of said newspaperlor ADDITION TO THE CITY OF F A Y E T E V I L L E consecutive insertions as follows: ARKANSAS.- Section RKANSAS: ^"' �'�T�J, ��,, � section a That ire nrq too- The first insertion on the , tlay of J fLL_ fence io 2. Th t the Ordinance 19 No. 295S It hereby anv nded to , read asfo110eH: - .4 the second insertion on the day o[ 19 Thal the Board of Directors , Mail have a lien In me amount of s142.51 on Lots 7, t and 9 in the third insertion on the day of 19 Blyck 10 0f Parksdale Addifl= to the City of, Fayetteville, Arkansas, as Per put of tela and the fourth insertion on the day of 19 the Cir on Isle le k Office 01 me I0Rec0 Clerk and Ea- County Recorderof hall W for 4 ' the CoS. Said Ilan snail tae /or the ting incurredy the City in abating unslgnny conditions Sworn to and subscribed before me on this L5 t, day of existing m the aforesaid Pro i Party ASSED AND -APPROVED it is l)th Osy of April, E 198 APPROVED; : By: Paul R. Noland Mayor No r Pu 611c ( ATTEST : '. l.-. .:.)AII. BY : Susanne C. Kednetly' / C I1y.Clerkujwti 4•.'.155 •b-•ri' - My Commission xplres: , - L9 Fees for Printing Cost of Proof _. S TotalS�G . �O