HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2995 oRDMICROEFIED • AN ORDINANCE WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS OF 0,pp 1�0# T PANELSBIDDINGFORRTHE TRAFFICRCHASE OF ONE CONTROL PURPOSESNSYT CABINET AND P� 37 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFA F� CI•TY; O• ,F. FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : C/RCUIT-� LF ly1 4 '1 Section 1 . That the Board of Directors hereby waiveEe the requirements of competitive bidding for the purchase of one TRANSYT cabinet and panels for the reason that said requirements are not practical as there is an immediate need for said traffic control device in order to adequately protect the public safety . v Section 2 . The Board of Directors hereby authorizes the purchase of one TRANSYT cabinet and panels from Consolidated U Traffic Controls Inc . for $ 3 , 075 . 00 in accordance with the a bid quotation attached hereto , marked Exhibit "A " , and made ` a part hereof . Section 3 , The Board of Directors hereby determines that the City traffic department is in immediate need of one TRANSYT cabinet and panels in order to adequately regulate traffic ; that adequate traffic regulation is essential to the public safety ; and that the immediate passage of this ordinance is • necessary for adequate traffic regulation . Therefore an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the public safety shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED this 20 day of March , 1984 , APPROVED : By ( LGa i ATTEST : Mayor i lip couglal SAL Boodlffi?AA12 • CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arkansas SS City of Fayetteville I, Suzanne C. Kennedy, City Clerk and Ex-Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, do hereby certify that the annco:e: :1r fore- going is of record in my office and t'.ie same ap- pears in Ordinance Resolution book XVII page6Nitness mi• ,hand and sea his ZL -- lay of 9 . ty Clerk and i t^ _ ^ der s Invoice Consolidated Traffic Controls , Inc. NO . 555 P.O. Box 3461 • Arlington, Texas 7601040 p (817) 265-3421 I+ TO City of Fayetteville SHIPTOCity of Fayetteville P O Drawer " P " Attn : Perry Franklin Fa�Pf"f' PV7 11 P AR 79701 113 West Mountain St . Fayetteville , AR 72701 DATEOFINVOICE CUST. ORDERNO. - F.°.B. TERMS: NET 30 DAYS 02 - 14 - 84 P- O - #B03339 Destination NODISCOUNTS JOBTITLE DATE SHIPPED SHIPPEDVIA 02 -02 - 84 Roadway PARTIAL COMPLETE RECEIVED BY XX ITEM SHIPPED B.O. DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 1 0 TRANSYT Cabinet and Panels for $ 3 , 075 00 $ 3 , 0. 75 ' 00 . replacement of CW - 28429 CER IFIC E OF REC(�I� �ir' STATE F ARKAf SAS S r V Washi gton Cou dy I er {off .r 1 , Alm L Koll-r 2yer, Circ lit Clerk and Ex-Officio Rec J� ih r Washin. ton Cou :y, do he by certify that the annexed orr/f re-f�� r record in my office on thei I dd gomn i trurr,-nt .vas file ;I of _ _ . 9 _ o'clock.- an thesamee I U , UI .• �, , record tpage-(� duly re orded in _ - - 19 • Witnes my hand nd seal is day B00 1'106 PA E6 3 Circuit CCllerk and — ' Cifitio R�Qrded El nt) jt�Clerk We I eq <eMy wwl tn..e /cwt ✓e6w eer..re+ .ne Wab n co PQce .e. ran Iwneet a %w on pest ewe acct a ,w "aary to ewotuw $Mal ecuon to eplpi eble ,eWuwna.4 W tlw fur IwCot SterWelwe M u yrww0e0. erwl all ,epdeewe eAwce col� of tM eaoua Eue u ' thn mace. b V e,ree, to W, el$ tl� ttecwMM1 Costs. " tuft w . leef - i STATE of ARKANSAS ae. County of Washington "O'RDINANCE NO. 2"S^ r AN ORDINANCEWAIVING I -_n- THE - REQUIREMENTS OF hereby certify that I COMPETITIVE BIDDING am th ENO THW ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper FOR THE PURCHASE OF having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four a es of ONE .: TRANSYT CABINET P g AND PANELS FOR TRAFFIC five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) CONTROL PURPOSES. . - intervals Continuously in the City Of Fayetteville, County Of Washington, Arkansas BE IT ORDAINED BYTHE for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY O F F A Y E T- established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes TEVILLE, ARKANSAS : in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per Section t. That the evert of Directors .V That waives the annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, requirements Of competitive based upon thenews value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent bidding for the purchase sone of the subscribers thereto have aid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper TRANSYT cabinet and panels P for the reason that said re. or Its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six qulrements are not Practical as months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than fort there Is an Immediate need for rcent news matter. g y said- traffic Control device in PC Order to adequately protect the pubncsafety. I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of Section. 2. The Board of Directors hereby authorizes the purnet and of el TRANSYT s 1 9 �15 cabinet and ffi Controls}tom Con. /Ul✓/ tL frS3. ed Traffic ordana Int. for iJ,O)S.00 In accordance with the - bid quotation attached was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper hereto,- marked Exhibit "A", for and made a Part herect. consecutive Insertion$ as follows: Sectors 3. .The Bean ofDire //?? (, that thea.City traffic Oeredmines The first insertion on the"? a tom. 19 0 that the City immediate depart-of day of 14 mot Is In lrrttnatllabi new of Oft TRANSYT GblegT and Lely the second Insertion On the da of ranula In older to adequately Y 19 regulate traffic; mat adequate traffic regulation is essential to the third insertion on the da of the public safety; and That the Y 19 Immediate passage of this or. .dinance is necessary for ade- and the fourth Insertion on the day of lg quata- traffic regulation. , Therefore an emergency isd +. hereby Ordinance b to exist .and. this ortllnalic being necessary W ifo public safety trail he in $worn to and subscribed before me on this �V C/t.. tun force-and effect from arl. /l/.0/� da o[ after Its U� Y Passage and approval. / PASSED AND APPROVED 9 ' this 20day of Mer19".a. AP ' APPROVED: BY: Paul R. Noland Mayor f✓,h�—_/ ATTEST: `-. p.P"• " NOtPublic / BY : Suaamw C.Kennedy J . City Clerk• Gxhiblt "A"; hon flte In rhe My Commission F_xpires: ' . City Clerk's office, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Ark_ Fees for Printing _ S C t0 d - Cost of Proof _ S Total _ S i _. :'t pC ,OL.s(S PAYABLE Y L MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: 03S•2S' � INVOICE FOR 21347 NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES NINES TIMES — CLASSIFIED ADVE•RTlclur • AMOUNT P. O. DRAWER D FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72701 212 NORTH EAST AVENUE PHONE (501 ) 442-6242 YDBR CLASSIFIED INVOICE Is NOW DUE. IF NOT PAID WITHIN 10 DAYS AMOUNT DUE WILL BE PHONE CLERK INDEXING TERMS: city of Fayetteville CRDM.X.I2CE AD GIVEN BY ECL"ASSIFICATIONCODE SOLICITED BFagettavillt A:::72701 'vSTART DATE STOP GATE OY /20 /O O : :2!} f 4 R5 PLEASE PAY PROMPTLY O% tOI.tA.P3CE 'dC . ^S ' �'i 17�: L4I?;A,"3_: E ?;AI 'Jli i ' ;E C_: IPE { I I I I c E 1001 .it'> :-- CR 'Ft-,77 P URC : irSF CA y nom• • : _ 1) PAM- LS FQP TNA . IC C ';T :>;:L ^t1R1' c = ft CF OIRErTr;`- 1� T `. iE .' I1 •, r , - , - rtian 1 . T� At th ACCULIATS PAYABLE