HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2992 BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION VACATED EASEMENT DILLARD ' S EXPANSION NORTHWEST ARKANSAS PLAZA T-SHAPED PARCEL A part of the South one- half ( S30 of Section Twenty-Three ( 23 ) , Township Seventeen ( 17 ) North , Range Thirty ( 30 ) West in the City of Fayetteville , Washington County , Arkansas , and being more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point that is located South 565 feet + and East 142 feet + of the center of said Section 23 ; said point being further described as being on the North wall of Dillard ' s Store of the Northwest Arkansas Plaza , 32 feet + east of the northwest corner of said Dillard ' s Store ; and running thence S 7017 ' 38" E 120 feet ± ; thence S 79057 ' 55 " W 25 feet ± to a point on the west wall of said Dillard ' s Store ; thence S 14043 ' 50" E along said west wall a distance of 45 feet ± to the southwest corner of said Dillard ' s Store ; thence N 75016 ' 10 " E along the south wall of said Dillard ' s Store a distance of 63 . 82 feet + ; thence N 7017 ' 38 " W 20 . 46 feet ; thence N 79057155 " E 37 . 88 feet ; thence N 10002 ' 05 " W 25 . 0 feet ; thence S 79057 ' 55 " W 36 . 68 feet ; thence N 7017 ' 38" W 115 . 87 feet ± to a point on the north wall of said Dillard ' s Store ; thence S 75016 ' 10 " W along said north wall 26 . 35 feet ± to the Point of Beginning and containing 0 . 15 acres more or less . um 1205 PAGE 779 iI � r BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION VACATED EASEMENT DILLARD ' S EXPANSION NORTHWEST ARKANSAS PLAZA TRIANGULAR-SHAPED PARCEL A part of the south one-half of Section Twenty-Three ( 23 ) , Township Seventeen (17 ) North , Range Thirty ( 30 ) West , in the City of Fayette- ville , Washington County , Arkansas , and being more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point that is located South 570 feet t and East 112 . 48 feet t of the center of said Section 23 ; said point being also described as the northwest corner of Dillard ' s Store of the Northwest Arkansas Plaza ; thence running S 14043 ' 50 " E along the west wall of Dillard ' s Store a distance of 35 feet t ; thence N 35 14 ' 51 " E a distance of 40 feet t to a point on the north wall of Dillard ' s Store ; thence S 75016 ' 10 " W along the north wall of Dillard ' s Store a distance of 20 feet t .to the Point of Beginning and containing 0 . 01 acres more or less . LIM1�Q5 61780 7, Alma Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-officio Rcccrdcr is 14. _.,, .,q-,og County, ArSarsns, do berc b, ;'crllly th ;! is in- ShumOM N'S Iii. for rpco. d in my C:fdo as indlCdt-d II:'i Ln P.r:: i `C i].. 0 li I'J`N duty rcco;cicc �.rh ;,h> act:-„ drrr._nf and ccrPP:, to N. -:Ctrl ):"cord 'Dock and page 7% ir.d :e,cd I;:crcon. I.' J:T' ES1 \. .L. c."cCF, I ha.a hereunto set my f!oj cnd erfircri tha so;l of said Coca I..c ealo indicated hereon. ,} Circuit Clerk andi Ex-officio Recorder bY 0 INANCE Noem 5 AN OR DI NA N CE VACATING A PORTION OF UTILITY EASEMENTS ON THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS MPLL PROP ERT V ADJPCE NT TO ST MALLARD'S DEPART- ATE of ARKANSAS MENT STORE. •5' BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOOF DIREG County Of WashingtonWashingtonTORS OPF T TME CITY OF F AANSAS: ILLE • 11 ARKANSAS: y I r� K , t n herebyly newspaper Y' that I Section 1. That ma ns s, Fayetteville. %. vacate, fon an clawalous 061 vacates rights amine publisher THE ]Ong Prt ESTA ADSAS not les.thanadafour rpagesO am torr with t of Ib Nem• having a second h, published shaping privilege. and being not less than four pages of together c gn em generally In q (Ave columna each, iV inth d ty f Fate place . faunbusiSof aIle at a on, A kansal tH tuella ully@In ,M to ru uNmy haNmenta Intervals cthan 3 peri In the CRY of months. circulated OI distributed ansae dextlbeg m Eanlets "A" for more than a period of ss toluel%e months. circulated and generally Of a from an ana ^B•• ,n,cher f. end maw•wn hereof. I role nubhCity aplaCe nd ontyfor a definite ibersPrue and readers generally old c saes oeIs c emy chit lee er In the City and County for a delwha price for each copy. e a deet plicae per meclir Cl or Heuto w fit annum. which price was fixed at what is considered the valueoltheast publicflityp Men. In M• onlce int r«or«r baseduponthe news valueand Service Value It COnulns. lhatal least (IRypercent On the Minty and regeraeg of thesubecrlbers thereto havepaidcash for their SubSCrtpltO3 tothe newspaper In ?hM a«0 rtcPras Of m• county. or Its agents Or through rccogni2Ld news dealers over a period of at least SIX PASSED AND APPROVmonths: and that the Sold newspaper publishes an average of more than forty ED MIS thim wY PI March. Ifo. percent n0W5 Matter. APPROVED: Br: Paul R. NtoMbMd ( further Certify that the legal native Hereto attached In IIIP matter Of ATTEST. BY: Suranw KNtWY I ` fl ` Q t Clry Clarkl lA / t J� BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION was published In Nl reguldC ddlly l55ue 0f said nlx'SpdpPr fOr,4 VACATED EASEMENT DILLASeon5ecullve insertions as (OIIOwS" NORTHWEST ARKANSAS PLAZA9/ t . • ` TSHAPED PARCEL The (Ir3t IniPrt100 On the J1 day' OI IJ.LL.:� 19 ' A fors a IN South Ow' 79 hall (Sya3 at SectionTwan' da of ty.Thrta t]sl. Township the second Insertion on the Y S•vma•n call Norm, of 19 Ran" ThlOY Poi wall In the third Insertion on the �— day Mt CITY 1 Feratl•vllle. Washngton is Nal na wing nmT. Are par. I9 ncvlarlr described ea ane the fourth InsenlOn on the — day follows: Beginning at a Mint that is Iwae•d Swtn 5n3INt � � � + anr as IQ feet feett o' n� Said Mint being lurtn•r Sworn to and subscribed before me 0 this r!11_ day o[ described es wing M lm / v Harm wall he Dlllard'e Stan Co- LL. R /1 dl Me Northwest Plaid, a] rth I •arc d1 ss wrMweel carver Of told D111aN45bnuend linrunning et II NO15ry Public 1 5]e a 9 7903115S., W.35 fol + to a MIM on the West My Commission Expires: wall of said Dillard's Stora; thence 5 1043.50 • E along Said Wool wall a aHM1ncs of / / a5 1«l +t to the Southwest tamst I �1._ _ _L.—corner -- Stora thence N 7PI6110 ' E along the South Well a Hla Dlnerd's Store a distance oe '63.11] foot +; thence N '3a1rA'• W 20,46 fel; thence Fees for Printing -.-- S N ]ee35'SY E 37.113 1«t; 'Monts N 10a0Y05" W 25.0 fNl: thence 5 31*57'59' W COSI Of Proof �-. J --.•. Mint W nS.a SNl + tee once S Total —... SL—D�—t-� rL`///I1IINSIdI\I{(/— ? the W1 north wall f said 1/VSY�� olnae'a srolon min« S Won w along t cele i nrm Mese 2nin teal d ln• Polm of eaglnnles and cantaining 4B.Is tare mealH. ier I• �i 'BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION t VACATEDEASEMENT DALLAR_D'SEXPANSAON uO HneWE STARKAN5A5 PLPIA THANGULP RSHAPED PARCEL nart of the wmn e n+u of SecHen tWntV Thr« IAL TPwnN1 Hvon Ir niJ13w«L In M gCltY bat Falloltlltl. Was If ton CeunlY, Prkan«$. ave wing I mea parllcvurly dIn 81 a es rn t 61: B«mmng at e Mint tnel laawE t 1St]Y 3101N1 + an $eCllOn 1i nuia pOine ll»1ny abH daunwe n m - In con«. a Dti -51 Stora of ice Nerinwlal Art mg 5 IOtale; En•IOM Icil Or well of DIf$at Is siva o aHtaw•a ss f +: da IS Aala'SI•' E istance a b ANI + toe Mine M the Mreh WSII of `. others'% biwa mama 5 walnorth l Ifo Dotard{Store 8 distance OI " ANI + to Ifo Point 0 Beginning ave can' taming 00t Kres mors for les% i w