HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2991 ORDINT *?CE NO . 2991 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO . 2485 , AS AMENDED , TO AUTHORIZE THE FAYETTEVILLE PUBLIC FACILITIES • , , �r BOARD TO ISSUE REVENUE BONDS TO FINANCE THE CO' T ''RUCTION OF HEALTH CARE AND RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES FORLFP�d3 R' LY. �s PERSONS . CG.j�;�i WHEREAS , the Board of Directors of the Cit e � y Y of Faye ���7'11e;, Arkansas , has established a public facilities board pursuat to Act No . 142 of the Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Arkansas for the year 1975 ( the " Act " ) , as amended , for the purpose of providing assistance in the financing of residential and health care facilities ; and WHEREAS , said board was established by Ordinance No . 2485 adopted and approved November 21 , 1978 , as amended by Ordinance No . 2708 , adopted and approved March 3 , 1981 ; and WHEREAS , the Fayetteville Public Facilities Board proposes to issue revenue bonds to assist in the financing of residential , health care , and related facilities for elderly persons ; and WHEREAS , the Fayetteville Board of Directors has determined that there is a need for said facilities as manifested by the vsubstantial number of elderly persons residing within the City ; and WHEREAS , the Fayetteville Board of Directors has determined that Ordinance No . 2485 , as amended , should be amended to expressly authorize the issuance of revenue bonds to assist in financing the construction of residential housing , health care , and related facilities for elderly persons . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Section 1 of Ordinance No . 2485 is hereby amended by adding the following : ( f ) The development of housing , health care , and related facilities for elderly persons serves a substantial public purpose and there is a significant need in the City for such facilities . Section 2 . That Section 3 of Ordinance No . 2435 is hereby amended by deleting the last sentence in said section . Section 3 . That Section 4 of Ordinance No . 2485 is hereby amended by adding the following : The Board is expressly authorized to issue revenue bonds for the purpose of financing residential housing , health care , and related facilities to serve elderly persons , provided said facilities are owned by 1104 86r3 R non-profit corporations or associations . The issuance of such revenue bonds shall be accomplished by resolution duly adopted by the Fayetteville Public Facilities Board and ratified by the Fayetteville Board of Directors . Section 4 . That Section 5 of Ordinance No . 2485 is hereby amended by adding the following : This section shall apply only to bonds issued for the purpose of financing owner-occupied housing . Section 5 . That Section 6 of Ordinance No . 2485 is hereby amended by adding the following : This section shall apply only to the proceeds of bonds issued for the purpose of financing owner- occupied housing . Section 6 , That Section 7 of Ordinance No . 2485 is hereby amended by adding the following : This section shall apply only to the issuance of bonds for the purpose of financing owner-occupied housing . The Board is expressly authorized to issue bonds for the purpose of financing housing , health care , and related facilities to serve elderly persons , provided said facilities are owned by non-profit corporations or associations . Section 7 . As amended hereby , Ordinance No . 2485 as amended by Ordinance No . 2708 , is hereby ratifiied and affirmed . Section 8 . All ordinances , or parts thereof , in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict . Section 9 . If any provision of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid , such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions or applications of this ordinance , which can be given affect without the invalid provision or application , and to this end the provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable . Section 10 . It is hereby found and determined that there is an immediate and urgent need for the providing of decent , safe and sanitary housing , health care and related facilities for elderly persons residing in or near the City of Fayette- ville and that the immediate passage of this ordinance is necessary to provide such facilities . Therefore , an emergency is declared to exist , and this ordinance being necessary for the public health and welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . 1104 864 PASSED AND APPROVED this 20th day of March , 1984 . APPROVED : By : Y Mayor ATTEST : / By t Fi �. lerk i Ci : • �r }p a, r t .r. . v' r: CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arkansas ( SS City of Fnyetteviile I. S _rcnne C. Kennedy, City Clerk and recon ler forth. City of Fayctt.: ille, do hacSy certify that the ann:• :.1 or fore- ;ci.:,; is of record in myoffice a.ul the s.tmo ap- nears in Oalinnnee�a �Resolution book k Vt page / ! 3 . Wtness my rad ;via seal tSis- dolt clay of 1104 801' ` - - ORDINANCE NO. ]AI .. ' AN ORDINANCE AMENDIN i - - w ORDINANCE NO. 2483, AS t.l AMENDED, TO AUTHORIZE TMEFAYETTEVILLE PUBLIC FACILITIES- BOARD TO ISSUE REVENUE BONDS STATE of ARKANSAS 1 TO FINANCE THE CON- Jy es. ' STRUCTION OF HEALTH County Of Washington CARE AND RESIDENTIAL g FACILITIES FOR ELDERLY PERSONS. 'WHEREAS, the •'Board 'of. plrvetors of try City of Fayet- I. r 1 A }^ - N I hereby certify that I ti.vtf he,: AhMensse , has am the lis erof HE WOCIT'HWESIOARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper . established- a public facilities haven a second class mailing g g 1 board pursuant to Act No. u] g g privile e, and being not less than four pages of of the Acts of to - General five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) Assembly of the - Elate of intervals continuously In the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas Arkansas for the year 1975 (1M ••Act'•), as amended, for the for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an ry u r p o sr of o rov f d i n g established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes �, asaistanu..In me ,Manclno of. In the Cit and Count f -rasidentlat and health Care to.. Y y or a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per cililles; and ':' annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, - tilitIEhed' b Or noneoaro was based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty estaUlERE by Ordinance as YPercent , 2115 adopted and approved of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper ' November ]t, 1978, asamended or Its agents or through recognized news dealers over aeriod of at least six by Ordinance No. 1701, adoptee P and approved March 3, 1901; months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty and - %3'1 moll WN - � percent news matter. ' WHEREAS, the Fayeii6llis rPublic' Facilities -Board pro- pastels to Issue revenue bonds to I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of zassist, in the financing of resl- denttal; 'Malth Care, and re- 1tlirNiia1 Iated' facilities for :elderly REAI �RBAg,'.THE• Forst- fevlil! BoerifofDirectp/s has - asterminaathatthetalsaneed was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for S'"';aid facilities of Manifested consecutive insertions as follows: Dl the substantial residing of �'aldthe personsialnber in of the city; and ' 3 The first insertion on the :�.9at day of 1d� 19 p WHEREAS, the Fayetteville Board- of Directors has da. (termined trial Ordinance No. the second insertion on the day of 19 749l as amended, should be & Mended to expressly authorize the issuance of reve. the third Insertion on the day of 19 nue bonds to assist in financing ' me construction a residential and the fourth insertion on the day of 19 hWsion,constrhealtuction re and re- lated s TH REies dor -elderly BE IT ; ORDAINED BY THE BOARD ) OF -DIRECTORS OF THE Sworn to and subscribed before me On this day O[ - CITUSection FAYETTEVILLE, ' ARKANSAS: ,' * Ordinance Nollat section 1 y g ordinance No. ding is hereby Ings , by adding 1M follow- Lm.M The developmidt of Mur Ing, health cam. and ' related Nota Publico)/�14, facilities for elderly persons serves a substantial public My Commission Expires: . IPprpose and fere is a slgnifl- , � • , cant tiesIn 1M City for wCh ec facilities.n. i section ]- That is he ] y Ordinance No. 243 is hereby amended by deleting . last sentence Insaid attest. .. section 1 That Section a of ' Ordinance No. 241115 Is hereby amended by adding 1M faltow- Fees for Printing S '1se ' G s Ing: A . . : ..:f. �:;•rv:r «.. . The Board is expressly authorized to Issue revenue Cost of Proof — -S bondsforthopurpossoffinerK- Ing residential housing, health cars, and related facilities to Total serve elderly persons, provided said facilities are owned by non-profit corporations or associations. The issuance of such revenue bonds shall be aCCQMPIished by resclutlon duly adopted by the Payef- Msllle 'PuDlic Facilities Board and ratified by the Fayetteville Boards Directors. Section a. That section 5 of , Orrlinenca No. ]ASS is hereby • � 1 1 - 94 amended by adding the follow, Ing: . r . This section nd% sdftapply ' of financing owner-occupled i,vuu.; i$ PAYNoL. housing. Section S. That Section a at Ordinance NO. 242S Is hereby atnended.by adding the follow. ' Ing: . . This saettnn aan arty,,,.w _ i MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: 038510No . 038510 INVOICE FOR 20595 NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES LINES TIMESO1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AMOUNT P.O. DRAWER D FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72701 177E $ 115. 05 212 NORTH EAST AVENUE PHONE (501 ) 442-6242 YOUR CLASSIFIED INVOICE IS �'- NOW DUE. IF NOT PAID WITHIN 10 DAYS AMOUNT DUE WILL BE - PHONE CLERK rig 501 — — 00 INDEXING TERMS. City of Fayetteville ORDINANCE AD GIVEN CLASSIFICATION Drame-r F \ 102 \ Fayetteville SAR CODE SOLICITED BY OPERAiOF 72702 • . V 00 START DATE STOP DATE SKIP SCHEDULE .,•f .. :0:4/02/8 04/02/ 4 R1 PLEASE PAY PROMPTLY I ^ ORD.INANCE NO. - 2991 ^ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2485 , AS AMENDED, TO AUTHORIZE THE FAYETTEVILLE PUBLIC FACILITIES B OARD TO ISSUE REVENUE BONDS TO FINANCE THE CONSTRUCTION OF HE ALTH CARE AND RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES FOR ELDERLY PERSONS. ^' WH EREAS, the Board i l w ALCOU0JS PAYABLE Section 4. That Section Ordinance NO. 2485 is herr amended by adding the jolt( Ing: e This section shall apply of to bonds issued for the purpt of financing owner-mcup• housing. Section S. That Section e Ordinance No. 249S Is here amended.by adding the follc Ing: This section shall-apply or to'ttia proceeds of bond& issu for the Purpose of iinancl owner-Ocoupied housing. . Section e. That Section 7 Ordinance NO. 2485 IS tier* amended by adding the folio m9: - ' This secti0fl shall :apply On to in* Issuance of bonds for 11 Purpose of financing ' Own* Occupied housing. The Board expressly . authorized to illi bonds for the Purpose w finan Ing housing, health care. w related facilities to.sarve t derly Persons, provided as faallitles are owned by no profit corporations w aswci tions. Section 7. - As amend* hereby, Ordinance NO. 2485 . j amended . by Ordinance' N 2708, Is hereby ratified at a/firmed. Stiction S. All Ordinances, c Parts thereof, in conflict wit finis Ordinance are hereby re pealed 10 the extent Of suc conflict. • . Section 9. It any Provision c this ordinance Or the applice Non thereof to any person c circumstances is held invalic such Invalidity shall not affec the Other provisions o applications 0f this ordinance which Can be given affK without the invalid Provision o apPlicallon, and t0 this end m. Provisions of this ordinance Sri declareo to be severable. Section 10. It Is hereby fount and determined that there Is at Immediate and urgent need fol The, Providing O1 dKMt, safe and Sanitary housing, healtt care and related facilities fol elderly Persons residing in of near the. City of Fayettevilk and that - the Immediate passage of this Ordinance is necessary to provide such /aril flies. Therefore, an emergent) Is declared to exist,. and chit Ordinance being necessary for thepublic health and wellarc shall be in full force and effect from and after its Passage anc approval, PASSED AND APPROVEC this 20th d8Y of March; 198*. APPROVED: . - By: Paul R. Noland . .y. Mayw ATTEST: � . Illy: SuMneC. Kennedy - . CitYClerk Seal