HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2985 ` 4 ORDINANCE NO 2985 MICROFILMED T AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 9 OF THE FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO REQUIRE THE EXTERIOR LABELING OF EMERGENCY EXIT DOORS AND TO AMEND THE PENALTY PROVISION IN SAID CHAPTER . ; nr =• -i BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 0rF !HE CITt OF., FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : c - _ C y C� ti T Section 1 . That ette Chapter 9 of the Fa _ a p yiTle Code of'� Ordinance hereby amended by adding SectionR9N2.7 . 1 tcm o read as follows : , ., :s Seca 9 - 27 . 1 . Exterior labeling of emergency w exit or o When a door in a building accessible to the general public is required by the State of Arkansas Fire Prevention Code to be designated and maintained as an emergency exit door , the fire inspector may order the owner and/ or lessee of the building to label the exterior of said door if the fire inspector determines that such labeling is necessary to insure a clear and unobstructed means of egress . Exterior emergency exit door labeling, ordered by the fire inspector shall read as follows : FIRE EXIT NO PARKING IN FRONT OF FIRE EXIT AT ANY TIME Emergency exit door labeling ordered by the fire inspector shall be in plainly legible letters not less than three ( 3 ) inches high with the principal strokes of each letter not less than three - eighths ( 3 / 8 ) inches wide . Lettering and corresponding background shall be of contrasting, colors . It shall be unlawful for any person to refuse or fail to label an emergency exit door in accordance with this section when ordered to do so by the fire inspector ; and it shall be unlawful for any person to park a motor vehicle in front of an emergency exit door labeled in accordance with this section . Section 2 . That Section 9 - 28 of the Fayetteville Code of Or i.naa�is hereby amended to read as follows : Section 9 - 28 . Penalty . Any person convicted of violating any provision of this chapter shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ( $ 500 ) or double that sum for , ' 1103 646 - 2 - each repetition of such offense ; provided , no penalty shall be greater or less than the penalty provided for the same or a similar offense under the laws of the state . If the violation is in its nature continuous in respect to time , the penalty for allowing the continuation thereof shall not exceed two hundred fifty dollars ( $ 250 ) for each day that the same is unlawfully continued . Section 3 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that many emergency exit doors in buildings throughout the City are being blocked by the parking of motor vehicles ; that a clear and unobstructed means of egress from emergency exit doors is essential for the public safety ; and that the immediate passage of this ordinance is necessary to insure a clear and unobstructed means of egress from emergency exit doors . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance be necessary for the public health , safety and welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED this 6th day of March 1984 . tAY � lAPPROVED : F F , 'f '••. ,v h L ,a1 T.yo,r ' c iGLI)6 E Ei : i ) • : ' By i . ,01f. r Mayor ON By : U y Clerk CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS I Washington County SS. 1, Alma L. Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder foil Washington County, do hereby certify goi g instrument W: that the annexed orrfore• - s fi or record in my office on theLiday of 9 duly recorded in 'cloy. a d the samff ,s'/ Witness m cord at page) ML� y hand and seal thi ay of 1 Circuit Clerk and >:• x.Officio R d %s,'.•.7ry!`?,v,2 By ! Deputy Clerk 1103 " � l ` CERTIFICATE OF, RE882fi n �* State of Arkansas j City of Fayetteville Ss I. Suzanne C. Kennelly, City Clerk and E::-Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- "• i :i,^ is of record in my office and the same ay- nea � V T r /s jinn Ordinance f� R^esolution book ----A- at gage 92 witziess my hand and seal this. 4"1701 19 . Clerk and Ex- f cio Rec• er flv _1 9 � r NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES U ' V CLASSIFIED ADVERTfiIN7 LINES TIMES AMOUNT P. O. DRAWER D FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72701 ��/o :C. / �/y5 ,�U 212 NORTH EAST AVENUE '10NE X501 ) 442.6242 rouR CLASSIFIED INVOICE IS NOW DUE. IF NOT PAID WITHIN 10 DAYS AMOUNT DUE WILL BE PHONE CLERK INDEXING TERMS: hrt !D = ii� tt, = vii : =, City of Faye � = AD GIVEN BY CLASSIFICATION P . Drainer F 4402'•. Fa y e t to v i I I eil{: FADE SOLICITED BY OPERATOR 72702 G 'J n0 t START GATE STOP DATE SKIP SCHEDULE I R PLEASE PAY PROMPTLY ^•ORDINANCE NO . 2465^• AN 01 DINIA,'•10E .AMETdC• I '':G t; H n� T�P 4 rF r "- FAYETrEVILt_E COVET O {=R I ^,f:vdr > c FG '.E^t 11 - HSv OF c«kl_�ld' f rli I - "` I '= iE := :: T:_. �. A.3 LI IN SAID [: HHAPTER� . :1 Ai :E:.G THE ,'Ev ;! T <" 5 . ._ . ut _. , - :.,:( DI't _`{8_ c 'Y THc. ::: a CtF _' iri'='.:THE C I TY OF FAY - ��t FAYETTEVILLE CODETOF! ORDINANCES TO REQUIRE +I * THE EXTERIOR LABELING I STATE of ARKANSAS OF 'EMERGENCY EXIT DOORS ANO TO AMEND THE PENALTY PROVISION IN County oT WaSb?hgton i SA I D CHA PTER. E DE IT ORDAIND BV THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF a THE CITY OF FAYET• - I, TEVILLE, ARKANSAS : . : r; : hereby certify that I • "- section I. That Chapter 's of am the publisher of THE N0RTHWI7SJVRKAlqSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper the Fayetteville Code of Oral. having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of • nanc" Is hereby amended by five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) -calms Section 9.- , - to read as follows: , * ., intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas see. 9.47.1 'Hiaolor labeling for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an of emergency exit drips. established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes Wf1M • door in a building accessible 10 the general Public in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per ' is required by Me Stats of annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, #Cod# to Fire greed and based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least tiff Code ro be= d"Ipnated and fifty percent malntalMa as an emer May ardor the owtter and /'or of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper ' 'door. the • fire inspe or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six - May lessee Of the building to label months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty Me exterior of said door If the percent news matter. "fire InsPoetM deforms tea that such labeling Is necessay . to r Insure a clasp and :u"7' 1 further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of 'obstructed insane of`!Moss. Exterior emerge"" exit door 1811411119 ordered by the fire ... Iflspectdrshall reades/allows: . n , ,/ -• PIAEEXIT - - k1OPARKINGINFRONT iOp I ISEXITATANYTIMIS waspublishedintheregulardailyissueofsaidnewspaperfor — Emergency axil a label. IM rDY e fire el. consecutive insertions as follows: Maeed M IDlelettersen slf101f I ll in ht threie (7) Inches nigh with the Orin The first insertion on the day ofv a 2i! 19 clpal strokes 0/ such tetter not less then three eight M (7 / 9) the second insertion on Inches wide. Let}ering and car- the day of 19 .responding backn0 shall be of contrasting colon. •. • the third insertion on the day of - It shall he umawful 16r �my 19 person to refuse or fall to jabot an emergency exit door In ac. and the fourth insertion cordence with this. section days Qfp _ 19. 'when ordered 10 do N by the ('` V -fire Inspector: and it shall be. uAlawrul for any Person ro park a motor vehicle in front of an Sworn to and subscribed emergency exit door labeled in ed before me on thisaday Ot accordance with this section. SWIM 7. That SeetlM 9.49 of CL'IL9 1M Fayetteville Code of Oroi- nancesIs hereby amended to Aperson Saefl9.28. Penalty. nv eew of v1Y- Iating any No ar • Public provision Of ihla finepef snot be a than by a sine Of - notdol more man ,flys My Commission Ex vas: : hundred0#0th rioters asow-M 'dod- Ione vab sum for pipeline M Wen Dail be MOvlaev , nes aet�aIcy Nall W pfeatM M teas no ft"y "n"or/ Ym11pM Le y I under the laws of the stats. If . the violation Is In Its nature', p continuous In rasped to time, Fees for Printing _ S JcJ , '(/ 0 ContiPenalty on far laill nm exceed two hundred .flRyJ Cost of Proof .S dollars (645o) far each day that the same is -unlawfully can '1/ timed. . f Total _ S 7�. T-0 Socti 1• The , scow . 0. 'Dlractora herabIF of Ions that many emarpency exit doors 'In buiiaings Throughout the City are being block by i the Parking o/ motor vehicles: that a cit r aha YMbatrutted means of *gross from emergency exit anon Is essam flet for the public safety; and that the Immediate paI "pe of (this Moll is necM"ry to Insure s clear and un- Obstructed means of ogre" . from emergency exit doom. - , TMrNMt,. an emergency" N 'hereby dectersd to "lot and ' .mu Ordinanea be necessary fon •i the Public 1544111111, solely and welfare-9111111 be In fUS fare*' and effect Item and after its A" . . Passage ansa 'l...v., • . I � I''aYktil_ PASSED AHDaAPPROVHO this 6th tlay of March, 1941.. . ^r sy,Paul R. Noland ATTEST:: 9Y: fuiaMe C. KMlledy .! Ctty n..w