HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2975 ORDINANCE NO . 2975 .MICROFf1.lOff6 AN ORDINANCE WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS OF COMPETITIVE BIDDING FOR THE PURCHASE OF ASPHALT AND ASPHALT MIXES AND AGGREGATES . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the Board of Directors hereby waives the requi--ents of competitive bidding for the purchase of asphalt and asphalt mixes and aggregates for the reason that said requirements are not practical as there is only one area supplier . Section 2 . That the Board of Directors hereby authorizes the purc ase of asphalt and asphalt mixes and aggregates on an as needed basis from APAC -Arkansas , Inc . , McClinton-Anchor Division , in accordance with the price list attached hereto , marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof . Section 3'. The Board of Directors hereby determines that tt ei�Street Department is in immediate need of asphalt and asphalt mixes and aggregates in order to properly • maintain the City ' s streets ; that proper maintenance of the City s streets is essential to the public safety and welfare ; and that the immediate passage of this ordinance is necessary for the proper . maintenance of the City ' s streets . Therefore , -� an emergency is hereby declared to exist and thiscortinance,d being necessary for the public safety and welfare3sta�uld m be full force and effect from and after its passagce o nd T approval . ddddddddd PASSED AND APPROVED this 17tn day of Januar ,f 11 -984 . = 0 0 APPROVED : ^J LQ By : Mayor ATTEST : By : y C erc ' ��. r rd� �� yrs , ,, rF,;a, :w ddd �. MIA ^9. r. .'p:r...dY..a 17 a c APAC-Arkansas, Inc. • McClinton-Anchor Division • 240 North Block Street • P.O. Box 1367 Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 • (501 ) 521-3550 January 5 , 1984 Mr . Sturman Mackey City of Fayetteville Fayetteville , Arkansas 72701 Dear Mr . Mackey : Attached please find the current price list for materials JJJ from McClinton-Anchor Company . Your discount continues to be 100 per ton less than the posted price for crushed limestone aggregates and 250 per ton less than the posted price for asphaltic concrete mixes . The attached prices will remain in effect until the early spring of this year . At the time of the next increase in the posted prices , your increase will not exceed loo of the amounts that you are paying at this time . We appreciate your past patronage , and should additional information be required , please contact me at any time . Sincerely , eAA , Nem James A . Cole Estimating and Sales MCCLINTON-ANCHOR COMPANY A Division of APAC-Arkansas , Inc . .JAC / jc Attachments !0100 340 EXHIBIT .A C , APAC-Arkansas, Inc. • McClinton-Anchor Division • 240 North Block Street • P.O. Box 1367 Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 • ( 501 ) 521-3550 PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1 , 1983 JOHNSON PLANT MATERIAL PRICES 110 HOT MIX SURFACE TYPE II $ 24 . 50 PER TON 111 HOT MIX BINDER 22 . 50 PER TON ,J 113 HOT MIX BLACK BASE 21 . 50 PER TON 458 PREMIX ASPHALT 25 . 50 PER TON 116 TENNIS COURT MIX 27 . 00 A TON J� 118 HOT MIX SURFACE TYPE III 25 . 50 A TON 119 ASPHALT CURBLING 27 . 25 A TON ALL PRICES ABOVE ARE SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY OF MATERIALS . ALL PRICES PER TON , F . O . B . OUR PLANT , JOHNSON , ARKANSAS , PLUS ANY APPLICABLE SALES TAX . THESE PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE . ® 10Q 341 aDapi APAC-Arkansas, Inc. • McClinton-Anchor Division • 240 North Block Street • P.O. Box 1367 Fayetteville. Arkansas 72701 • (501 ) 521-3550 PRICES EFFECTTVE :SEPTEMBER 1 , 1983 WEST FORK PLANT MATERIAL PRICES 001 CONCRETE / FILTER AGGREGATE $ 5 . 25 PER TON p` 002 3 / 4 " CONCRETE AGGREGATE 5 . 60 PER TON- , 005 BLOCK CHAT 5 . 60 PER TON 015 GRIT 2 . 50 PER TON J 007 CLASS 7 5 . 60 PER TON 008 CLASS 8 5 . 60 PER TON 020 CRUSHED BASE / 2 " 4 . 00 PER TON 022 CRUSHED BASE / SB - 2 `"` -3 -17"5' PER TON 024 CRUSHER RUN 3 / 4 " 5 . 50 PER TON 029 SSI BASE / SS2 BASE 3 . 60 PER TON 3 . 00 032 FINE GRIT . 4:-99 PEP. TON 040 AGRI LIME 5 . 00 PER TON + 0 . 20 STATE LIME TAX 093 WASTE MATERIAL 2 . 50 PER TON 095 RIP RAP 4 . 00 PER TON 096 SHOT ROCK 2 . 75 PER TON 098 SHALE . 75 PER TON ALL PRICES ABOVE ARE SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY OF MATERIALS . ALL PRICES PER TON , F . O . B . OUR PLANT , WEST FORK , ARKANSAS , PLUS ANY APPLICABLE SALES TAX . THESE PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE . 1.4 00 rlA2 r . APAC-Arkansas, Inc. • McClinton-Anchor Division • 240 North Block Street • P.O. Box 1367 Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 • (501 ) 521-3550 PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1 , 1983 AVOCA PLANT MATERIAL PRICES 001 CONCRETE / FILTER AGGREGATE $ - 5 . 50 PER TON 002 3 / 4 ' CONCRET AGGREGATE 5 . 75 PER TON 015 GRIT 3 . 00 PER TON �} 007 CLASS 7 5 . 75 PER TON 008 CLASS 8 5 . 15 PER TON I 022 CRUSHED BASE / SB - 2 4 . 00 PER TON 024 CRUSHER RUN 4 . 25 PER TON 029 SSI BASE / SS2 BASE 3 . 85 PER TON JJJ ... 3.00 032 FINE GRIT 0 , 88 PER TON 040 AGRI LIME 10 . 00 PER TON 090 RED DIRT / FILL 1 . 25 PER TON 093 WASTE MATERIAL 2 . 50 PER TON 095 RIP RAP / SHOT ROCK 2 . 75 PER TON 110 HOT MIX SURFACE TYPE II 24 . 50 PER TON 111 HOT MIX BINDER 22 . 50 PER TON i 113 HOT MIX BLACK BASE 21 . 50 PER TON 458 PREMIX ASPHALT 25 . 50 PER TON ALL PRICES ABOVE ARE SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY OF MATERIAL . ALL PRICES PER TON , F . O . B . OUR PLANT , AVOCA , ARKANSAS PLUS ANY APPLICABLE SALES TAX . 343 t� THESE PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE . � iQo 343 Ccs TIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS Washington County I SS. I, Alma L. Kollmeye r, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder for, Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed orforo• going i tru lent*waslor.?c r//ddIn m/���-`fice on tha_�-�daN.yYcloc�'Y M, and the saduly recorded irecordQWitness my hand andseal day of J 13 r ircuit C ^rk and -Offi o eoorded By Deputy. Clerk V �ERTIFICAr Sfafe of Arkansas L, OF P.ECOR)� City Of rasetteville SS - I, Suzanne C, Kennedy, C. p rl > l:e:eht, cer')rf r 0 the c; y. r}I j'�Cr goi, ti the ar 7 _- i ec�_ diarnYOf:icc r lt ''d t'lc it, Urditla:lce . -aL �� t [, c,Olutinrt l h F nd .-na seal �--� la'itn ess 111Y Cit Cierk" and r i .•. • WSJ 1\C� .. rdC! ORDINANCE NO. 2975 AN ORDINANCE .WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS OF I ' COMPETITIVE BIDDING FOR THE PURCHASE OF ASPHALT AND ASPHALT MIXES AND AGGREGATES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF . TMECITYOF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS. -. Section 1. That the Board of Directors herehy waives the • requirements of Competitive bidding for the purchase of asphalt STATE of ARKANSAS 1 and asphalt mixes and aggregates for, the reason that said S 89. requirements are hot practical as there is only one area supplier. 1 Section 2. That the Board of Directors hereby authorizes the County Of Washington purchase of asphalt and asphalt mixes and aggregates on an as needed basis from APAC-Arkansas, Inc.. McClinton-Anchor Division, In accordance with the price list attached hereto. marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof. 1{�I ' Section 3. The Board of Directors hereby determines mat the 1• + , hereby certify that I City Street Department Is in Immediate need of asphalt and am the publisher of THE NORTHWES ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper asphalt mixes and aggregates in order to property maintain the having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than foura es of City's streets; that proper maintenance of the City's streets is P li essential to the public safety and welfare; and that the five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) Immediate passage of this ordinance is necessary for the proper intervals Continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas maintenance of the City's dthisstreets. Therefore, an emergency is for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an hereby declared to exist and this ordinance e, an necessary for 'the public safety and welfare should be full force and effect from established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes and after its passage and approval. In the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed rice per PASSED AND APPROVED this 171h day of January, 1984. P APPROVED: annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, ' 1 By: Paul R. Noland based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent ATTEST: Mayor of thesubscribers thereto have aideash for their subscriptions tothe newspaper By: Suzanne C. Kennedy or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six City Clerk months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than fort January 3, 1984 y Mr. Sturman Mackey percent news matter. City of Fayetteville FayettevDear M . MackArkansas 77701 � I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of Dear Mr. Mackay : g Attached please find the current price list for materials from McClint00-AnChor Company. Your discount continues t0 be lot per ton less then the posted price for crushed limestone aggregates and 25C per ton less than the Posted price for /.(.L :< Q ".1 : i , / /(/1, •� `� / asphaltic concrete mixes. The attached prices will remain in effect until the early spring " % of this year. At the time of the next Increase in the posted prices, was published In the regular daily issue of said newspaper for your Increase will not exceed 10% of the amounts that you are consecutive insertions as follows: paying at this time. We appreciate your past patronage, and should additional e� information be required, please contact meat anytime. The first insertion on the JC tti, day of 19 t1L_ Sincerely, , James A. Colt ' Estimating and Sales _ the second insertion on the day of 19 MCCLINTON-ANCHOR COMPANY ADivISIOn Of APAC-Arkanses, Inc. PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1, 1947 the third Insertion 0❑ the day of 19 JOHNSON PLANT MATERAL PRICES and the fourth insertion on the � day of 19 110 Hot MIX TyPef2 .50 per ton 111 Mot MIX Binder.................................................22.50 per ton nI� 113 Mot Mix Black Base...........................................21.50 per fon 495 Premix Asphalt ............................................25.50 per ton s IIsi 116 Tennis Court MIX..................................................27.00 a ton 1 � 118 Mot Mix Surface Type lll......................................25.50 a ton Sworn to and subscribed before me on this " 119 Asphalt Curbling..................................................27.25atan � day Of All prices above are subject to availability of materials. All h� /LLQ W 19 (7(l prices per ton; F.O:B. Our Plant, Johnson, Arkansas, plus any applicable sales tax. These prices are subject to change. PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1, 1947 WESTFORK PLANT MATERIAL . - PRICES Nota ubI1C 001 Concrete/Filter Aggregate...............................6.5.25 per ton - J 007 *A-* Concrete Aggregate.....................................5.60 per ton ' 005 Block Chat...................:...................:................3.60 Per fon 11y Commission Expires: 015 Grit..................................................................2.50 per ton ' 007 Class 7..............................................................5.60 Per ton 008 Class 8......:.......6...............................................5.60 per ton Oto Crushed Base/2........................................6........6.00 par ton 022 Crushed Base/SB-2............................................3.75 per ton 026 Crusher Run 14".................................................Sm per ton ; 029 SSI Base/SS2 Base..........................................:..3.60 per ton 032 Fine Grlt.........6.................................................3.00 per ton 04D Agri Lima........................3.00 per ton + 0.20 State Lime Tax 1 093 Waste Material..................................................2.50 per ton Fees for Printing _ S - 09S RIP Rep............................................................4.00 per ton 096 Shot Rock..........................................................2.75 per ton 090 Shale...................................................................75 per ton Cost Of Proof S All prices above are subject to availability of materials. All prices per ton, F.O.B. Our Plant, West Fork, Arkansas, plus any AI, applicable sales tax. These prices are subject to change. Total 1.5 PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1, 1983 AVOCA PLANT MATERIAL PRICES 001 Concrete/Filter Aggregate...................:...........65.50 per to 002 i6" Concrete Aggregate............................:........5.15 per 10 015 Grit........6.........................................................3.00 per an 007- Clan 7..............................................................5.75 per ton OCS Class 8..............................................................5.75 Per ton 022 Crushed Base/SB-2............................................4.00 Per ton 024 Crusher Run......................................................4.25 per ton ON SSI Base/SS2 Base.............................................3.85 per ton 032 FineGrlt..................................6........................3.00 per ton 040 Agri Lime........................................................10.00 per ton 090 Red Dirt/FIII.....................................................1.25 per ton 1093 Waste Material..................................................2.50 per ton 095 Rip Rap/Shot Rock............................................2.75 per ton I 110 Mot MIx Surface Type 11....................................21.50 per ton ' III Mot Mix Binder................................................22.50 Per ton 113 Not Mix Black Bese..........................................21.50 per tont 458 Premix Asphalt...............................................25.50 Per ton All prices above are subject to availability of material. All prices I per ton, F.O.B. Our Plant, Avoca. Arkansas plus any applicable , � 1 STATEMENT ' ADVERTISING 1 . . Arkansas . '.I • . , licased Wire of DRAWER D =Atss=ociated Pre =C=ircudlwai0n Sion ss FAYMEVILLE, ARKANSAS Where It Pays 1 19 / . I Advwtm Month -i M` l L I 42 3 4 ©17810m®®016A dm Inches PA�nt ®m0 i mmm®®® ®mmW t i